Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Bumpy - I don't know if you would get it for that long as a result of this. If it goes on that long then perhaps it is a deficiency in progesterone. Have you always had it? Even in BFP months? Will ponder further...

I would recommend reading two books. One is by Professor Lesley Regan and I think is called "Recurrent Miscarriage- what every woman should know" and the other is by Professor Alan Beer and it is entitled "Is you body baby friendly". Both were very informative and available cheaply on amazon.

thanks for the advice Lamb really appreciated! i have always had a bit of a problem with spotting but noticed it more the last few months. Im also wondering if its a progesterone deficiency but i had it checked once and it came out really good. I dont know! I get it in BFP and non BFP months. Going to see a private consultant on saturday and will pick his brains and report back to the group.

hope your pregnancy is progessing well
Hey Hopeful... sorry to blast your hopes... but even after loss no 4 I was getting the 'it's just bad luck, keep trying' comment from my RM cons... then i moved and am now under a new Consultant who is blooming amazing! I have lost another 2 since being with her, but I know she is giving me the best care possible.... my advice, get a great consultant who will listen to you and help you instead of giving you crappy comments...

Sorry... just cynical old me gets annoyed by much of the consultant type people.

hi padbrat - are all of your m/cs early ones? what do they have you on when you get pregnant now? were all of your RPL tests pretty normal too? sorry for all of the questions but it's pretty rare (I think) to find people that have only had 3 or more m/c and no kids based on the forums i've been on. probably seen about 50 or so people so far on forums in that scenario? i've seen way more that are so lucky to actually have at least 1 kid and then m/c's which would be horrible too. But when you don't have any kids and keep getting older, it's a horrible trapped feeling that is unexplainable.

my RE really is great to work with and doesn't give me the "bad luck" speech anymore which is nice. so sorry for your losses! i can't imagine going through 6! (but then again I used to not imagine going through 4) i think i have a permanent sad/mad look on my face.

Hi Hopeful, all my losses are around the 11 week mark after seeing fast healthy heart beats. I have a translocated chromosome in one of my Xs which was supposed to be non lethal to males (XX girl, so spare X no problem if has my bad X) (XY for male so problem if has my bad X). However, my last 2 losses were tested and were both boys who inherited my bad X. The theory is that my Hubby only produces boy sperm and my ovaries only produce eggs with the X defect... hence losses and no survivors. For the last 2 I have been on aspirin, high dose folic acid, fragmin and cyclogest. For the next one (here's hoping) I will add steriods as well from OV.

It is good you have a decent consultant. Good luck in your journey:thumbup:
Hey Hopeful... sorry to blast your hopes... but even after loss no 4 I was getting the 'it's just bad luck, keep trying' comment from my RM cons... then i moved and am now under a new Consultant who is blooming amazing! I have lost another 2 since being with her, but I know she is giving me the best care possible.... my advice, get a great consultant who will listen to you and help you instead of giving you crappy comments...

Sorry... just cynical old me gets annoyed by much of the consultant type people.

hi padbrat - are all of your m/cs early ones? what do they have you on when you get pregnant now? were all of your RPL tests pretty normal too? sorry for all of the questions but it's pretty rare (I think) to find people that have only had 3 or more m/c and no kids based on the forums i've been on. probably seen about 50 or so people so far on forums in that scenario? i've seen way more that are so lucky to actually have at least 1 kid and then m/c's which would be horrible too. But when you don't have any kids and keep getting older, it's a horrible trapped feeling that is unexplainable.

my RE really is great to work with and doesn't give me the "bad luck" speech anymore which is nice. so sorry for your losses! i can't imagine going through 6! (but then again I used to not imagine going through 4) i think i have a permanent sad/mad look on my face.

Hi Hopeful, all my losses are around the 11 week mark after seeing fast healthy heart beats. I have a translocated chromosome in one of my Xs which was supposed to be non lethal to males (XX girl, so spare X no problem if has my bad X) (XY for male so problem if has my bad X). However, my last 2 losses were tested and were both boys who inherited my bad X. The theory is that my Hubby only produces boy sperm and my ovaries only produce eggs with the X defect... hence losses and no survivors. For the last 2 I have been on aspirin, high dose folic acid, fragmin and cyclogest. For the next one (here's hoping) I will add steriods as well from OV.

It is good you have a decent consultant. Good luck in your journey:thumbup:

hi padbrat - how did they diagnose the translocated chromosome? through a karyotype?

something strange just happened to me:

i just had a girl come to the door who is a pro choice activist and asked me to sign some sort of pro choice thing. people can do what they want with their bodies i guess but geez! what timing she had. i told her i can't deal with anything like that right now as i have no kids and just had my 4th m/c. her eyes got wide, she said sorry and ran off. i didn't mean to make her uncomfortable but she probably doesn't run across many people if any who have ever told her that.
Hopeful23456 - truly bad timing!! I'm sure she doesn't usually hear things like that as well! I sometimes blurt it out too, when strange situations come up, and get that wide eyed scared look...i find that I tend to tell more strangers than friends, its my deep dark secret, healthy or not! Are you in minnesota? I lived in minneapolis b4 coming to rome.

Afm, going for followup monday to check all's well after mc, then hopefully will get on list for recurrent mc clinic.
For those who've done them - are the tests for killer cells and karyotipe normal blood draws or something more complicated? Thanks in advance!
Hopeful23456 - truly bad timing!! I'm sure she doesn't usually hear things like that as well! I sometimes blurt it out too, when strange situations come up, and get that wide eyed scared look...i find that I tend to tell more strangers than friends, its my deep dark secret, healthy or not! Are you in minnesota? I lived in minneapolis b4 coming to rome.

Afm, going for followup monday to check all's well after mc, then hopefully will get on list for recurrent mc clinic.
For those who've done them - are the tests for killer cells and karyotipe normal blood draws or something more complicated? Thanks in advance!

Hi bella - yes, i live in mnpls. rome sounds like more fun though...what a culture change, MN to Italy? my NK cell test and karyotype were just normal blood tests. i think they can do a uterine NK cell test from an endo biopsy too? but mine were just blood tests. I asked for the NK cell specifically as my clinic didn't do that one with their standard RPL tests.
Hi all,

I am just going through my third miscarriage now. I keep getting to 5/6 weeks (even saw the heartbeat last time) and then the pregnancy turns out to be behind dates and then fails. I have no children and I am getting increasingly panicky that i never will. On the last pregnancy I had clexane twice a day and progesterone but obviously it didn't work. Has anyone got any advice on how to cope or any success stories? I am finding it increasingly difficult to cope. x
Hi all,

I am just going through my third miscarriage now. I keep getting to 5/6 weeks (even saw the heartbeat last time) and then the pregnancy turns out to be behind dates and then fails. I have no children and I am getting increasingly panicky that i never will. On the last pregnancy I had clexane twice a day and progesterone but obviously it didn't work. Has anyone got any advice on how to cope or any success stories? I am finding it increasingly difficult to cope. x

hi filipenko - so sorry for your losses. i had my 4th m/c end of aug - all 5-6 weeks but never a heartbeat and no children yet. i'm panicky too and find it hard to cope! what helps me is hearing other people's stories on the forums, if they are success stories or not as it lets me know that other people are able to get through it too and i'm not the only one (as i don't personally know anybody to suffer more than just 1 m/c). i also just hope the next time works for me and i don't want to take a break as i turn 36 next week. i don't do facebook anymore as it's waaay to much talk on there about everyone's kids, the IF forums are my new facebook. they can't find any concrete causes for my m/c so i'm taking lovenox and prednisone next time just in case, and also take progeterone. daily i take baby asp, vit d, 4 mg folic acid, vit b complex, prenatal and fish oil
Hi Hopeful, thanks for replying. I can't do facebook anymore either!! I can't even meet my friends at the moment as they all have children or are pregnant. After I had 2 miscarriages I got loads of tests done and they couldn't find anything wrong either, I even got that NK cells one done. I keep thinking it's my fault that this has happened because I smoked for 6 years 4 years ago but the doctors say this is ridiculous - still guilty thoughts pop into my head and i'm pretty hard on myself - haven't touched cigarettes for years now btw. Did you ever smoke? The thing that really helps me is the same as you,hearing success stories and talking with people who are in the same situation. I find that noone really understands either. I know 2 friends who had 2 miscarriages and then went on to have children. I also know of 2 people who had 4 miscarriages and then went on to have children. I know there is hope but my self-blame ( "I shouldn't have had that cigarette back in 2008") is terrible and my husband constantly reassures me it's not my fault! So sorry for your losses too, I do know what you're going through! x
yes, i did used to smoke, not many 5 cigs or so a week a year ago and prior and had 1 after i had last m/c but that's it. it doesn't matter, as long as you aren't smoking now.

can i just say that it's the worst feeling in the world to not have any and maybe not have a chance at having any children? - i put it as #5 on my list of the worst things to ever happen to a person, just below being terminally ill (no chance of recovery), paralyzed, blind, and being in a vegetative state.
Yes I completely agree with you but I think we will have children it's just a very bumpy road. You know the model Brooke Shields? You should read her book Down came the Rain as she went through repeated ivf failures and miscarriages and post natal depression (i'd take the post natal depression any day!) but she was 37 when she started the whole process and she now has 2 children. I think miscarriages alone are better than IVF+miscarriages. I have found that reading lots ofbooks on the topic really helps me. x :flower:
can I join in this morning....i feel the exact same as hopeful and fili. I am taking a couple months off because I just need to be on my antidepressants and couldn't handle a 5th mc right now. I too had all the tests done but dh and I passed on the karaotyping because it doesn't catch all genetic problems and secondly, bc of my endo I would be able to do the pre genetic screeening and do ivf. But going forward I will be starting the prog 3 days after ovulation. I think waiting for a BFP is too late for me to start it. Wishing that we all get our forever babies one day. ps, can't stand facebook anymore either!
Yes I completely agree with you but I think we will have children it's just a very bumpy road. You know the model Brooke Shields? You should read her book Down came the Rain as she went through repeated ivf failures and miscarriages and post natal depression (i'd take the post natal depression any day!) but she was 37 when she started the whole process and she now has 2 children. I think miscarriages alone are better than IVF+miscarriages. I have found that reading lots ofbooks on the topic really helps me. x :flower:

yeah, thank god i didn't have to pay for ivf and then m/c, or ivf 4 times for 4 mc's. i am going to find that book, thanks! her post natal depression is nothing ;) i didn't realize she was that old when ttc
can I join in this morning....i feel the exact same as hopeful and fili. I am taking a couple months off because I just need to be on my antidepressants and couldn't handle a 5th mc right now. I too had all the tests done but dh and I passed on the karaotyping because it doesn't catch all genetic problems and secondly, bc of my endo I would be able to do the pre genetic screeening and do ivf. But going forward I will be starting the prog 3 days after ovulation. I think waiting for a BFP is too late for me to start it. Wishing that we all get our forever babies one day. ps, can't stand facebook anymore either!

hi mpepe, i had karyotyping but dh didn't yet, i want him to go though just to get it over with so RE can rule that one out. that sucks about the endo, one of my friends has it and was told it would be hard for her to have kids, she had 3 by the time she was 29, lucky dog, but now she has been trying for 2 years and can't get preg for whatever reason.
i do prog 2 days after ovuation (per RE) which has worked out great, the number is high if i'm bfp or not (it's been 45-55) with it
Hi Hopeful. I have had full genetic mapping as my translocation is rare and I was told about it when I was young...

BTW with next one I am on progesterone and steriod from ovulation... hopefully that will work with the PGD.
Thanks for the input Gill. I had a full recurrent loss blood workup after my second loss (which is when we found the blood clotting disorders. In addition ti MTHFR I have PAI-1) but I don't know what, if any, chromosomal tests were included, I'll ask my RE (I have an appointment on Monday). I'll also ask about the autoimmune issues. And thanks so much for mentioning IMSI - another question to add to my list!

I agree is is a big step and I feel like we might be jumping the gun a bit but, that said, if we ended up here in a year or two after more losses I would kick myself that we wasted time. And I want to do whatever will give me the best chance of having a healthy pregnancy ASAP, which I think is why my RE suggested this option. It's just really hard to know what to do. Our insurance covers most of the IVF costs so we only pay for the PGD so that makes it a more appealing option.


I just noticed that your miscarriage history is the same as mine. I had a miscarriage where the heartbeat was heard and the yolk sac was very large and also currently the gestational sac is too small so the doctor believes i'm waiting to miscarry although we haven't heard the heartbeat yet because it's too early. I too have considered pgd but i often think that so many women have babies after miscarriages that is it really worth doing that. Does it take you a long time to get pregnant? And also how old are you if you don't mind me asking, i'm 32. I find it really interesting that our miscarriage history is pretty much the same so maybe I'm thinking we have the same problem! They haven't really found anything wrong with me but I went on blood thinning injections ad progesterone just in case this time and it obviously didn't work. Have they found anything wrong with you?
hi girls - just wondering how everyone is doing - it's been quiet lately. i'm still waiting for AF to come, hopefully soon! it's been 2 months since i've been in any sort of TTC cycle after the last m/c end of Aug. i actually kind of miss the appointments - luckily my RE is only 5 mins from where i work. i feel like i work at REs office I'm there so much when in cycles - i have to pay for parking too, $2-3 usually but with blood draws, i can make it in and out for $0.

i'm wondering why our signatures don't show on here? i have the "show your signature" box checked
hi girls - just wondering how everyone is doing - it's been quiet lately. i'm still waiting for AF to come, hopefully soon! it's been 2 months since i've been in any sort of TTC cycle after the last m/c end of Aug. i actually kind of miss the appointments - luckily my RE is only 5 mins from where i work. i feel like i work at REs office I'm there so much when in cycles - i have to pay for parking too, $2-3 usually but with blood draws, i can make it in and out for $0.

i'm wondering why our signatures don't show on here? i have the "show your signature" box checked

I think our siggys don't show up bc not to upset anyone if members are preg and have it in their signatures

btw hope ur doing ok. AFM - not so good really shaky and depressed. Can't handle seeing any pregnant women. Just too hard right now.:sad1:

okay just noticed all boards dont show signatures...
Speaking about finding it difficult to see pregnant women now, yesterday I went for my mc follow up, to a new gyne, and she's 7 months pregnant...almost walked right back out the door! I told her on the phone I was coming in post mc and she didn't say anything, which was prob better as I would've obsessed about it. She turned out to be super sweet and good and I handled it ok but still....
Anyway, have my referral to recurrent mc clinic and have to call friday to get an appt, hopefully in 2011! Am O'ing right about now, and finding it really strange not to ttc! First time in 3 years, even tho I know it's better to wait and do the workup, I hate thinking it could've been my month, and at 43, hate missing a month! Please let them get me in quickly...
Hopeful, know what you mean, it's boring without all the doc appts!!
Hugs to all...
hi mpepe - i hate seeing pregnant women! (no offense to anyone) but geez, we have just been through the most horrible sh.t you can imagine. also, i like to watch tv and about every commercial and show is about families and kids. i need a RPL channel - no kids mentioned on it. actually i need a RPL life until I get sticky bfp - a life with only people in it that don't have kids for a little while - just pets i guess.

bella - my dermatologist i went to in july turned around and then i saw her bfp, she hadn't told me about it the last time i saw her probably because she knows what i've been going through. she said she was preg last oct and had m/c around 8 weeks so it didn't make me feel as bad. i hope you can get in soon. they tried to push one of my appointments out and it told them i've had 4 m/cs and really need help and they got me in sooner but there aren't many people around here that have had that much trauma.

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