Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Thanks for the reassurance. What I've come to realize is that in terms of fertility, the medical field is still in the dark ages. Most of it is guess work. The FS we talked to told us that if we were getting pregnant then my hubbies sperm must be fine! Not sure I believe that philosophy. He did have a sperm analysis, but I can't remember the exact results. They were all in the "excellent" range though.

I'm all over the map with getting pregnant on my own. 2 of them took me many months and 2 of them happened on the second try. But now with only one tube, I think it is going to take longer which is why we're moving to IUI.
yes I agree with you there, they really don't know and a lot of it is guess work. I suppose you have had all of the tests done for recurrent mc's, do you ever try heparin, aspirin & progesterone just for the sake of it? That's my next plan!
Yes, I've had every test under the sun. I've asked to be tested for NK cells, but my clinic won't do it and I can't find any clinic near me who will. I've done aspirin and progesterone and have still had mc's. Once I was diagnosed with adenomyosis from and MRI, my FS thought this was the cause of the losses. I sought a 2nd opinion and the new doctor won't rule it out, but also isn't convinced that it is the sole reason. There are no other tests to do on me and frankly, I'm glad. I'm sick of being poked and prodded!

I'm glad to hear you have a new protocol. Trying something new can lead to hope.
Yes, and I am just trying to cling onto the fact that most women are successful eventually!! It's actually aspirin + heparin that's supposed to be the winning combination as I understand it as either one on its own is not as effective. I feel poked and prodded too, it's terrible isn't it! Have you and your husband had the karyotyping tests done? I'm not sure what adenomyosis is.
I have had three miscarriages this year. One at 5 weeks, one at 7 weeks and one at 9 weeks. I have also had a chemical pregnancy. I have been reffered to the hospital to get checked out. What would they look at? x
Yes, and I am just trying to cling onto the fact that most women are successful eventually!! It's actually aspirin + heparin that's supposed to be the winning combination as I understand it as either one on its own is not as effective. I feel poked and prodded too, it's terrible isn't it! Have you and your husband had the karyotyping tests done? I'm not sure what adenomyosis is.

FILIPENKO32 - I was just looking through some posts here and noticed you're from London and that you've had 3 miscarriages. I'm so sorry for your losses, I know what you're going through and my heart breaks for you. I just wanted to check in on you and make sure you have been seen by Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic (RMC) at St Mary's Paddington? Have you?

My good friend had several miscarraiges before her GP finally referred her (their criteria is you have to have had 3 m/c or a stillbirth to be taken as a patient). After a few tests at RMC they diagnosed her problem and her next pregnancy resulted in a very happy, healthy and beautiful little girl....
I have had three miscarriages this year. One at 5 weeks, one at 7 weeks and one at 9 weeks. I have also had a chemical pregnancy. I have been reffered to the hospital to get checked out. What would they look at? x

I think they will take blood and test you for progesterone, blood clotting disorder and genetics.

I have my appt on 15.12.11 at recurrent miscarriage clinic :happydance:

Get your doc to test your thyroid, i have just had this done and found out it is underactive. Thyroid problems can cause miscarriages apparently

Amazing what i didn't know, lol

Hi, thanks, I have just been referred on the NHS to st Mary's so fingers crossed! Did your friendget diagnosed with a blood clotting problem?
Fili, yup, we've had karyotyping. Seriously, we've had everything and then some! The only thing they never did was test the tissue from my losses. That might have given us more information. Adenomyosis is like endometriosis except it gets stuck in the wall of the uterus rather than outside of the uterus. In my case, it is causing the shape of my uterus to be abnormal and unfortunately, it is apparently located where embryos like to implant (who knew there was a preferred spot?). There is no treatment for adenomyosis. Many women don't know they have it until they are in so much pain they end up having a hysterectomy! Luckily, mine doesn't cause pain, but it is suspect in causing the losses. If they had tested the tissue from the pregnancies they could have determined if they were chromosomally normal or not. If they were normal, we could have concluded that it was my uterus and adenomyosis causing the losses.

Sarah, I'm so sorry to hear about your losses. I'm glad you have been referred for more tests. They will do a lot of blood tests to check all sorts of things like your thyroid and your blood type (some women have a clotting disorder that they didn't know about). They may also do an HSG where they insert dye into your tubes to make sure they are clear. I also had a hysteroscopy where they put a tiny camera into my uterus through my cervix to get a clear picture of the inside of my uterus. I'm in the US so it may be a little different here. I hope you get some answers. xoxo
I have had three miscarriages this year. One at 5 weeks, one at 7 weeks and one at 9 weeks. I have also had a chemical pregnancy. I have been reffered to the hospital to get checked out. What would they look at? x

Hi. sorry you have to join us here but I hope I can help you. Tests include: MTHFR gene homezygous mutation, Factor V L:eiden, other thromophilia tests, anticardiolipins, lupus anticoagulant (these are all related to bloods and treatment is usually aspirin + heparin). Also you might have a karyotype for chromosomes for you and your OH to check you're not carrying a gene or 'translocation' which could be causing the mc's. I will let you know of other tests i've had as they come back to me! All mine have really been clear so... I am having the tissue from my d&c analysed and so this will tell me if my last pregnancy was a normal child and my body miscarried it or vice-versa. Hope that's helpful! The ladies are really kind on here and will fill in any tests i have missed out. :hugs:
Fili, yup, we've had karyotyping. Seriously, we've had everything and then some! The only thing they never did was test the tissue from my losses. That might have given us more information. Adenomyosis is like endometriosis except it gets stuck in the wall of the uterus rather than outside of the uterus. In my case, it is causing the shape of my uterus to be abnormal and unfortunately, it is apparently located where embryos like to implant (who knew there was a preferred spot?). There is no treatment for adenomyosis. Many women don't know they have it until they are in so much pain they end up having a hysterectomy! Luckily, mine doesn't cause pain, but it is suspect in causing the losses. If they had tested the tissue from the pregnancies they could have determined if they were chromosomally normal or not. If they were normal, we could have concluded that it was my uterus and adenomyosis causing the losses.

Sarah, I'm so sorry to hear about your losses. I'm glad you have been referred for more tests. They will do a lot of blood tests to check all sorts of things like your thyroid and your blood type (some women have a clotting disorder that they didn't know about). They may also do an HSG where they insert dye into your tubes to make sure they are clear. I also had a hysteroscopy where they put a tiny camera into my uterus through my cervix to get a clear picture of the inside of my uterus. I'm in the US so it may be a little different here. I hope you get some answers. xoxo

So the embryo can implant right? But it's just that it needs to move elsewhere and that's not as common? So you need a bit of luck then next time if that really is the cause. :flower:I have reached the conclusion that 2 out my 3 were most likely abnormal because they were behind dates, had heartbeats which stopped and had some odd features like a too large yolk sac or a too small gestational sac, also the hcg levels stopped doubling pretty soon. What about you, did you notice any patterns in the non-chemicals? I will be letting this thread know if mine turns out abnormal or normal.
Hi, thanks, I have just been referred on the NHS to st Mary's so fingers crossed! Did your friendget diagnosed with a blood clotting problem?

Yes, she had to take Heparin, me too, i will have to take Heparin also amongst other things.

She saw Mr Raj Rai, apparently he is amasing. Mr Etienne Horner is also brilliant and a fabulous communicator. Do you know who you will be seeing?
Hi, thanks, I have just been referred on the NHS to st Mary's so fingers crossed! Did your friendget diagnosed with a blood clotting problem?

Yes, she had to take Heparin, me too, i will have to take Heparin also amongst other things.

She saw Mr Raj Rai, apparently he is amasing. Mr Etienne Horner is also brilliant and a fabulous communicator. Do you know who you will be seeing?

I'm not sure exactly who I will be seeing now come ot think about it as I thought it would be Lesley Regan but perhaps not. Let us know how you get on with heparin - are you pregnant now? :flower: Thanks for letting me know about your friend, I love hearing success stories they keep me going. Sorry to read you had losses too. x
No I'm not pregnant yet, still trying.

They’re ALL considered the best of the best, so whoever you get you will be fine.

Quick tips – you will have bloods taken at your first appointment and be asked to come back for other bloods in 4-6 weeks on a Tuesday or Wednesday (RMC open days) so take your diary with you and be sure to know what availability you have on future Tues/Weds and don’t leave the clinic without having scheduled your next appointment because you will never ever be able to get them on the phone. Also, they are very busy so we usually wait at least an hour or more to be seen, so take magazines and snacks. And if you don’t want to wait too long try get the earliest available appointment because later morning appointments are the most delayed – I waited 3 hours when I went in couple weeks ago!

A x
Welcome back, Hearty. :hugs::kiss::hugs: If your counselor isn't helping, I'd say look for another - the relationship between the two of you makes a big difference in the quality and efficacy of care. But stick with an infertility/rpl specialist if you can - before finding my current counselor (who has made all the difference in my mental health) I tried two others who weren't specialists, and both were absolutely horrible... one told me that it would happen if we just stopped trying so hard, and the other said I should just get over it already and didn't understand why I was so upset about the approach of Mother's Day. :growlmad:

Glad the earthquakes were small. Is it weird that I've always wanted to know what one feels like? Yesterday's probably would have been perfect for me - big enough to feel but small enough that there was minimal damage and no loss of life.... It's never happened in all the times we've visited CA, and last winter when a pretty big one hit here, we were out of town and I missed it! :haha:
Fili, the theory is that I just need some luck for it to implant in the right spot. I never had a chemical (that I know of). All of mine implanted, unfortunately the last one decided to implant in my tube. One had a heartbeat. There were no similarities between any of them.

HA, I've only seen the counselor twice. I think part of my issue is that I'm a trained therapist. I know the tricks of the trade. Also, I've been processing this for so long with women on this site, my family and friends that she hasn't told me anything I haven't already heard. I think she is good at what she does, I'm just not sure I'm going to get my money's worth. I also know it takes some time to establish a relationship which is why I'm giving it some time with her. I like her enough to keep at it.

By the way, you are a weirdo for wanting to feel an earthquake! :rofl: I've lived in the Bay Area for 13 years and I'll never get used to them. They are exhilarating once they are over, but they are scary as they are happening. You never know if it going to get bigger as you are experiencing it. And you aren't sure where to position yourself in case it is a big one. I was in a highrise in SF for the first one. That was scary. The second one happened when I was at home. The fault line is very close to my house and my whole house shook. It was terrifying. My heart was racing and my knees were weak. Believe me, they are no fun!
I've always wondered what happens when a therapist needs therapy.... Mine hasn't really told me anything I hadn't already heard, either, but she does help me sort and process all my junk better than anyone/anything else and she's really helped us in the decision-making process when it comes to treatments. About once a month we go to her together, and that's been a huge help for DH since he really has no one to talk to about all this. And for me, there's certainly something to be said for talking to a live human being about it that, as much as I love BnB, I can't get on here.

I guess you're right about the earthquakes... I hadn't thought about the not-knowing-how-strong-they'll-get thing. Damn. Maybe what I need is a ride in a really good earthquake simulator just to get it out of my system! :rofl:
Yes do the simulator!

I agree with the notion of talking to a live person. That's why I want to keep at it. I'm going every week right now. I knew I needed to make a change as I was feeling very low. Next step is antidepressants if this doesn't work. I exercise a lot and that helps, but not enough.

HA, I read about your follies on the 35+ thread. I hope this is a good sign!
Hi Heart Tree.
Was just reading your post. My counsellor has just retired and Ive had an appt card through for someone new and am feeling really nervous about it.
I've been seeing my old counsellor for so long, infect he was the one that first prescribed me progesterone to try for pmdd and to help TTC, my gp then just followed suit.
I feel like now I am starting all over again.

I suppose we are sort of in the same boat with regards to this and I'm hoping you stick with it and find that you can develop that good relationship.

With regards to TTC heart. Where are you upto at the moment? Sorry if you've been through this I'm on here on my phone.

This was posted on another thread

It's an interesting read about new science around recurrent mcs and infertility. Sadly the research is so new, I doubt any of us will benefit from any treatments they create from their findings.

Lee, I'm so sorry to hear your counselor retired. The relationship between a person and their counselor can be very special. I imagine you will experience some grief around losing him. You are right, starting with someone new is in many ways starting all over again. But sometimes it can be really beneficial to work with someone new. They might add a new perspective. I hope this is the case for you.

In regards to my TTC journey, I'm waiting to get AF so I can start my first round of IUI. Last month they put me on birth control pills for 3 weeks to thin my uterine lining so they could do a hysteroscopy and remove a polyp. The pill totally messed up my cycle. I think I just ovulated on day 34! I decided not to try naturally this cycle for fear that such a late ovulation would release an old egg. I don't want to chance anything. I'm hoping AF will show in less than 2 weeks. Thanks for asking honey.

I have to say, I enjoyed taking a break from this site, but I feel really happy to be here again. Thanks ladies!

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