Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Hi ladies Im new over here x I'm so sorry we all have to meet like this xx

I had a mmc in July at 12wks baby stopped growing at 6wks
I had a chemical on 23rd sept
And looks like I'm having another one

I've just called early pregnancy unit and they have given me an app for this afternoon I'm so confused angry frustrated upset I'm sure you all know how I'm feeling x after 3 kids with no complications I don't understand whats going on x I'm 35 now so maybe my age?

I am so sorry that you are going through this. I pray the early pregnancy unit will help the best way they can...:hugs:
I know a lot of ladies feel pregnant with the progesterone suppositories but I definitely didn't last cycle and this cycle I did rightly feel pregnant. So you just have to realise that there is a possibility of false hope/booby feelings, but not necessarily so.

Are you sure you are to take the suppositories today? Don't you need to confirm ovulation first?
Sorry, I don't mean to worry you. I don't know much about iui and am just curious!

i would ovulate tomorrow. today (before the IUI) my lines were dark but the day before you bearling saw a line. I should ov tomorrow. but yes he wanted me to start inserting them in (down below) you got me thinking...should i wonder if i should start tomorrow instead then...:shrug:

Please call your Dr. and confirm the instructions they gave you. I can't imagine a fertility specialist would suggest taking progesterone before confirming ovulation, you can't ovulate if your progesterone is at luteal phase levels. :dohh:

The earliest I have ever read that has been recommended has been 3 DPO. That is what my RE puts IVF and IUI patients on. I hate to second guess your Dr. but I am on progesterone and have done lots of reading on it so I am not a newbie.:flower:

Thanks for the update...I've read this too late. I am so upset today...
Davies, you can complain as much as you want here. We understand! I know what you mean about people not understanding. I feel like no one really understands. At the same time, I try to talk about it with my friends as much as possible. I want to educate them and make them understand. Recurrent losses is something that is kept too quiet. I want people to understand the full impact this has on our lives. You are allowed not to be the strong one all the time honey. If you feel like you have to remain strong around your friends, you are allowed to let down your guard with us. Oh and by the way, if you are going to the nuthouse, I'll go with you! We can have a party.

Hopeful, if you make the shirts, I'll buy one! Actually I'll buy 7 (one for each day of the week!) I often feel like people with kids walk around like they should get special treatment. I often think to myself that I'm the one who should be getting the special treatment. I've been through so much heartache. I was taking a flight recently and they didn't give families priority to board the plane. I secretly cheered inside. It felt like some weird vindication.

Mrskg, welcome, though I wish you weren't here. I agree that since you already have 3 kids is promising. I hope they get to the bottom of it. At 35, you are still pretty young fertility wise. That's what all of the specialists keep telling me anyway and I just turned 37!

Thanks for the welcome back Bella. Where are you going in the States for Xmas? How long are you waiting until ttc again?
35_Smiling, I posted before I read your post. GRRRRR! I feel so frustrated for you! Doctors should make this process easier, not more confusing. I don't think the progesterone had anything to do with a darker OPK today. I would guess that it is your LH surge at it's peak (which means you are about to OV) or it is the surge on its way down meaning you might have already OV'd or are about to. Why did it say that it would prevent the sperm from reaching the egg? Does it kill them? I can't imagine that would happen, but I don't know. I still think you have a good chance this cycle. I think it is smart of you to wait until Tuesday to start them again and BD like crazy until then. You aren't stupid honey. Your doctor made things more confusing then they needed to be.
CD 15 - ovulation day
IUI done yesterday

The fs said take the progestrone that lat night did it around 11:00pm and i had the IUI done around 2:30pm yesterday. I am pissed becasue last night before goin to bed i did it. I couldn't sleep so i started searching through the net on my blackberry. everything i read said NOT to take it before ovulation:growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: because it will make my body think i am pregnant and will STOP the ovulation process. Now i am soo upset and pissed.:growlmad::growlmad:
I am supose to ovulate today!!! Yes TODAY is my usuall ovulation day and since he said take it last night now i am not going to ovulate this month or even if i did the new spermys will not reach the eggie because it said it also will prevent this to happen.:cry: now all my changes are gone...$540 is down the drain!:cry::cry:i am so upset and angry and feeling sorry for myself for not going with my gut feeling:cry: How could i be so stupid.

I am still hoping I have a change....i am not going to take any more progestrone until Tuesday Oct.25. we are going to try :sex: today and monday in hope hubbies :spermy: can still reach my eggie. I took the opk this afternoon and it is darker then yesterday but now I am not sure if its because of the progestrone or not:shrug: i am so upset.:cry: I feel soo stupid...
35_Smiling, I posted before I read your post. GRRRRR! I feel so frustrated for you! Doctors should make this process easier, not more confusing. I don't think the progesterone had anything to do with a darker OPK today. I would guess that it is your LH surge at it's peak (which means you are about to OV) or it is the surge on its way down meaning you might have already OV'd or are about to. Why did it say that it would prevent the sperm from reaching the egg? Does it kill them? I can't imagine that would happen, but I don't know. I still think you have a good chance this cycle. I think it is smart of you to wait until Tuesday to start them again and BD like crazy until then. You aren't stupid honey. Your doctor made things more confusing then they needed to be.

hi thank you so much for reassuring me. i don't know the site but it said it makes them difficult to pass through to reach the egg. i had to insert it down south :blush: so i was thinking its no way the sperm could swim pass all the TMI white stuff it would cloud up i was thinking.

If the LH surge on the stick today it correct then gosh its going to be a mad house tonight and tomorrow. my temp started to rise as well...thanks i do have a habit of telling myself i am stupid when i don't follow my gut and make mistakes like this really pisses me off. I only have one tube and it seems like i only ovulate on the good side ever other month...and only seem to release one little eggie unlike other women so jealous...i have my fingers cross on this cycle...i will start picking myself up because i need good vibes in my body now not negative ones to make this work...thanks hun
Ok, if your temp started to rise it could be from the progesterone or it could be that you already ov'd. Also, don't worry about the sperm having to get through the white stuff. You did IUI which squirts the sperm directly into your uterus. Those sperm are hanging out waiting for the egg to release. That's part of the beauty of IUI, it bypasses the cervix and vagina which can be a hostile environment to sperm. You definitely don't have to worry about that. I really, truly believe you still have an excellent chance.

I only have one tube too. Is that why you are doing IUI?

Also don't beat yourself up about releasing only one egg. Naturally, that's what mist women release. With meds we can release more, but one is all you need! You are perfectly normal. xoxo
Ok, if your temp started to rise it could be from the progesterone or it could be that you already ov'd. Also, don't worry about the sperm having to get through the white stuff. You did IUI which squirts the sperm directly into your uterus. Those sperm are hanging out waiting for the egg to release. That's part of the beauty of IUI, it bypasses the cervix and vagina which can be a hostile environment to sperm. You definitely don't have to worry about that. I really, truly believe you still have an excellent chance.

I only have one tube too. Is that why you are doing IUI?

Also don't beat yourself up about releasing only one egg. Naturally, that's what mist women release. With meds we can release more, but one is all you need! You are perfectly normal. xoxo

Okay then I will do my best to not to sweat the small stuff. Tuesday I will contine the progesterone and fingers cross from there. Yes I only have one tube just the right one is good to go. Got pregnant twice with it thus far (ended in mc). Now wishing on a third one and a keeper :happydance: I do ovulate on my own but my fs feels been I was doing the IUI to go back on clomids. My last two mc's was natural. Personally I don't like being on clomids more then three months...i would take a break and that's when I seem to get pregnant odd...
Hi all, I'm new here. Just had my second mc, but I am lucky enough to have a beautiful daughter who will be 2 next month. Desperately want a little brother or sister for her.
Thank you. The second one only happened on Wednesday, and I had a d&c on Thursday. The first one seemed to hit me harder so not sure if it's sunk in yet.
I hope everybody is ok, I really should post more on here xx
I finally had my appointment at birminghams women's hospital last Thursday, I had about 10 lots of blood taken so they should be back in a month.
The thing is I always spot/bleed at 3dpo but why don't the take me serious and test my progesterone levels. All I get is it won't cause no problems but why am I spotting and keep losing before 5 weeks.
As anybody demanded to have there progesterone levels checked xx
Cla, I would have thought that the spotting was an obvious warning sign... I think progesterone is one of the cd 21 (7dpo) tests but it is worth double checking that.

They could just give you progesterone pessaries as a precaution. That's what my obstetrician did with me.

MrsMiggins, sorry to welcome you here due to your losses. For what it's worth, I hope you were just very 'unlucky' and graduate right out of here with your next pregnancy.
Please don't worry about whether what you are feeling is right. I have grieved differently for each one of my five losses, sometimes longer, sometimes shorter, sometimes right away and sometimes later. Just try and make your life as simple as possible in the near future so when/if it does hit you you will have the space to deal with it. Big big :hug: hun xxx

35, don't beat yourself up about the progesterone, it was only one dose :hugs: I hope you get a chance to clear things up with your specialist so you can continue to trust each other.
Heart tree, am going to South Dakota to see my family, haven't been for 2 years so it's time! I moved to Rome 6 years ago and met my significant other here, so here I still am! I'm "waiting to try" status now, I guess! Finally saw a specialist after 3 mc's and now am waiting to make an appointment for a uterine vein/artery doppler so he can decide about heparin. We also did the karyotyping which we hadn't done yet, so no ttc til we see him again after these results come back, I imagine December we'll be back at it! Then we're trying with all possible meds with next bfp!
What's your current ttc plan?
A warm "welcome" to the new ladies, tho I wish you didn't need this thread! Mrs miggins, have you had any testing done?
Cla, I would have thought that the spotting was an obvious warning sign... I think progesterone is one of the cd 21 (7dpo) tests but it is worth double checking that.

They could just give you progesterone pessaries as a precaution. That's what my obstetrician did with me.

MrsMiggins, sorry to welcome you here due to your losses. For what it's worth, I hope you were just very 'unlucky' and graduate right out of here with your next pregnancy.
Please don't worry about whether what you are feeling is right. I have grieved differently for each one of my five losses, sometimes longer, sometimes shorter, sometimes right away and sometimes later. Just try and make your life as simple as possible in the near future so when/if it does hit you you will have the space to deal with it. Big big :hug: hun xx
35, don't beat yourself up about the progesterone, it was only one dose :hugs: I hope you get a chance to clear things up with your specialist so you can continue to trust each other.

Thanks for replying did you ask them to check it or was it just a routine test.
I had my 21 day bloods and all they said was I ovulated. I'm just getting so frustrating
You know what? Just ask your doctor for progesterone as a precaution. You can point them to the PROMISE trial for more information. It's a cheap way for them to give you more reassurance and you don't have to worry about blood tests and such :D
hi everyone,

i dont post on here much but i do read everything and i hope everyone is ok.
i have my follow up apptmt on sat to get my results from all my tests. i really hope i get some answers! (3 losses within 6 months)

Cla, i spot after ovulation also. do you just do it 3dpo or from 3dpo until your next AF? I spot a couple of days after i ovulate, very lightly, every day, until i either get my AF or a BFP!!

I also worry about progesterone being low. I did have it checked though and it came out ok, but i think i will still get prescribed it next time to see if it does any good. Cla, do you also spot when you are pregnant? 2 of my losses have been at 8 weeks and i have spotted from weeks 6-8 before i finally miscarry.
hi everyone,

i dont post on here much but i do read everything and i hope everyone is ok.
i have my follow up apptmt on sat to get my results from all my tests. i really hope i get some answers! (3 losses within 6 months)

Cla, i spot after ovulation also. do you just do it 3dpo or from 3dpo until your next AF? I spot a couple of days after i ovulate, very lightly, every day, until i either get my AF or a BFP!!

I also worry about progesterone being low. I did have it checked though and it came out ok, but i think i will still get prescribed it next time to see if it does any good. Cla, do you also spot when you are pregnant? 2 of my losses have been at 8 weeks and i have spotted from weeks 6-8 before i finally miscarry.[/QUOTE

sorry a out your losses Hun xx
Yeah I always spot from 3dpo until af but I still get bfps while spotting. Nobody seems to take me serious
You know what? Just ask your doctor for progesterone as a precaution. You can point them to the PROMISE trial for more information. It's a cheap way for them to give you more reassurance and you don't have to worry about blood tests and such :D

What's the promise trial xxx

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