Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Hi Ladies :flower:

I am so sorry for all your losses :hugs:
Just wanted to tell you my story:

12 week miscarriage 1997 (they said baby died few weeks earlier though)
2 children - 2000 and 2002
8.5 week miscarriage 2010 (they said baby looked 6 weeks when died)
12.5 week miscarirage sept 2011 (they said baby died 11.5 weeks)

Since my 2 wonderful children i am with a new partner (aged 45) and i am 37, we just want a last child 'together'.
I asked my docs for a referral to a miscarriage specialist and luckily i have an appointment at my local hospital on 10th November.

I am currently on my first AF since the ERPC (that was 6.3 weeks ago) and i worked out i will be 'fertile' around the time of my appointment or just after.

Question is: Do we risk TTC before seeing the specialist or wait until we get some advise first???

I just want to be pregnant again already!

Thanks ladies xx
Hi Dee. I think it is such a personal decision. I know some women who have decided not to wait and ended up with a healthy pregnancy. I decided to wait and still ended up having another loss. I know that for many of us, the weeks following a loss are the hardest and all we want is to be pregnant again. It sounds like that deep yearning is creating conflict with the practical option of waiting to see the specialist. I think only you and your partner can weigh the pros and cons of each option. Personally if it was me, I would wait, but I have my own reasons. Do you have any leanings one way or the other?
welcome dee! no clue on advice for you, wait if you can maybe? my tests didn't show anything really wrong with me.

11 dpiui yesterday, had very faint +, went in for beta because want to get on pred and lovenox asap if preg, just got results. hcg is 2 and progesterone is 4.5 (even on suppositories)
totally depressing, my life sucks. going to test again mon. what is really wierd is i've had 99 to 99.3 temp for past 5 days and bbs hurt bad - i've been preg 4 times now so i know what it feels like, even with progesteron supp and none of them have ever worked out. I even have all the pregnancy tiny cramps and twinges on each side (and still do).

so f'n sick of this. i really thought i was preg this time. i even took my first generic lovenox and prednisone yesterday as i was so certain.

i think DH will agree to another iui. he feels bad because he knows that if i don't get to have kids, i will never be happy and he doesn't have his hopes up.

with my last preg and m/c, it didn't show up until 17 dpiui but my prog was much higher. 12 dpiui last time was neg poas.

crazy that on other boards, the girls who can't get preg, and just hope for a bfp (on the opposite end) - then there's those of us who can get preg and our stupid bodies just kill it every time.

this cannot keep happening. next time is going to work out, right?
welcome dee! no clue on advice for you, wait if you can maybe? my tests didn't show anything really wrong with me.

11 dpiui yesterday, had very faint +, went in for beta because want to get on pred and lovenox asap if preg, just got results. hcg is 2 and progesterone is 4.5 (even on suppositories)
totally depressing, my life sucks. going to test again mon. what is really wierd is i've had 99 to 99.3 temp for past 5 days and bbs hurt bad - i've been preg 4 times now so i know what it feels like, even with progesteron supp and none of them have ever worked out. I even have all the pregnancy tiny cramps and twinges on each side (and still do).

so f'n sick of this. i really thought i was preg this time. i even took my first generic lovenox and prednisone yesterday as i was so certain.

i think DH will agree to another iui. he feels bad because he knows that if i don't get to have kids, i will never be happy and he doesn't have his hopes up.

with my last preg and m/c, it didn't show up until 17 dpiui but my prog was much higher. 12 dpiui last time was neg poas.

crazy that on other boards, the girls who can't get preg, and just hope for a bfp (on the opposite end) - then there's those of us who can get preg and our stupid bodies just kill it every time.

this cannot keep happening. next time is going to work out, right?

:hugs: Oh honey that just sucks! Did you do a trigger shot? Is that possibly why you are getting a faint line and a 2 instead of 0? Every time I've done progesterone I was convinced I was pregnant. It definitely can raise your temps and make your boobs hurt. If your progesterone is so low even on suppositories, maybe you need to switch to injections? I'm not an expert on this, but I have read other women who have had to do that.

I really resonate with your comment that there are those who can't get pregnant and just hope for for a bfp and then there is the club we're in. I hate this damn club!

This was posted on another thread

It's an interesting read about new science around recurrent mcs and infertility. Sadly the research is so new, I doubt any of us will benefit from any treatments they create from their findings.

Lee, I'm so sorry to hear your counselor retired. The relationship between a person and their counselor can be very special. I imagine you will experience some grief around losing him. You are right, starting with someone new is in many ways starting all over again. But sometimes it can be really beneficial to work with someone new. They might add a new perspective. I hope this is the case for you.

In regards to my TTC journey, I'm waiting to get AF so I can start my first round of IUI. Last month they put me on birth control pills for 3 weeks to thin my uterine lining so they could do a hysteroscopy and remove a polyp. The pill totally messed up my cycle. I think I just ovulated on day 34! I decided not to try naturally this cycle for fear that such a late ovulation would release an old egg. I don't want to chance anything. I'm hoping AF will show in less than 2 weeks. Thanks for asking honey.

I have to say, I enjoyed taking a break from this site, but I feel really happy to be here again. Thanks ladies!

That is interesting reading, the professor that has lead the research Jan Brosens, works with Prof Quenby and i will be seeing either one of them in the next 4 weeks or so (as soon as i 'O')
welcome dee! no clue on advice for you, wait if you can maybe? my tests didn't show anything really wrong with me.

11 dpiui yesterday, had very faint +, went in for beta because want to get on pred and lovenox asap if preg, just got results. hcg is 2 and progesterone is 4.5 (even on suppositories)
totally depressing, my life sucks. going to test again mon. what is really wierd is i've had 99 to 99.3 temp for past 5 days and bbs hurt bad - i've been preg 4 times now so i know what it feels like, even with progesteron supp and none of them have ever worked out. I even have all the pregnancy tiny cramps and twinges on each side (and still do).

so f'n sick of this. i really thought i was preg this time. i even took my first generic lovenox and prednisone yesterday as i was so certain.

i think DH will agree to another iui. he feels bad because he knows that if i don't get to have kids, i will never be happy and he doesn't have his hopes up.

with my last preg and m/c, it didn't show up until 17 dpiui but my prog was much higher. 12 dpiui last time was neg poas.

crazy that on other boards, the girls who can't get preg, and just hope for a bfp (on the opposite end) - then there's those of us who can get preg and our stupid bodies just kill it every time.

this cannot keep happening. next time is going to work out, right?

hopefull I am sorry you are going through this. I wish I can pop in and give you a big hug! It much be hard and I wish you don’t have to go through this month in/out. :hugs:

I myself had an IUI done today. I am cd 14 today. My ovulation day is usually cd 15-16. I did not do the trigger shot but I was on clomid this cycle. My fs want me to continue the baby 81mg aspirins, prenatal and start the progesterone (suppositories) tonight.

I have to take all three the progesterone for the next 15 days, 81mg aspirins (for the remaining of trying to ttc), and the prenatal... so when you said you feel pregnant does that mean for the next 15 days while I am on the progesterone I am going to go through all the motions too/or perhaps? This is confusing…when should I test if the progesterone is going to be taken right on to my next :af:?

I asked him if I can get an hcg done but he said no because its going to give me a false positive…this sucks…should I get it done anyway? I have lots of forms for the hcg blood work..i can always just change the dates…I wonder if I would be wrong.. :shrug::blush:
I know a lot of ladies feel pregnant with the progesterone suppositories but I definitely didn't last cycle and this cycle I did rightly feel pregnant. So you just have to realise that there is a possibility of false hope/booby feelings, but not necessarily so.

Are you sure you are to take the suppositories today? Don't you need to confirm ovulation first?
Sorry, I don't mean to worry you. I don't know much about iui and am just curious!
Hi Ladies :flower:

I am so sorry for all your losses :hugs:
Just wanted to tell you my story:

12 week miscarriage 1997 (they said baby died few weeks earlier though)
2 children - 2000 and 2002
8.5 week miscarriage 2010 (they said baby looked 6 weeks when died)
12.5 week miscarirage sept 2011 (they said baby died 11.5 weeks)

Since my 2 wonderful children i am with a new partner (aged 45) and i am 37, we just want a last child 'together'.
I asked my docs for a referral to a miscarriage specialist and luckily i have an appointment at my local hospital on 10th November.

I am currently on my first AF since the ERPC (that was 6.3 weeks ago) and i worked out i will be 'fertile' around the time of my appointment or just after.

Question is: Do we risk TTC before seeing the specialist or wait until we get some advise first???

I just want to be pregnant again already!

Thanks ladies xx

Hi welcome but sorry you have to be on this thread too and for your losses. It is a personal decision and it should be weighed against what you already know about what might be causing the mc's.. for example if they're chromosomal then you should just keep trying in my opinion but i'm no expert and don't have a success story yet but I will!! PMA
I know a lot of ladies feel pregnant with the progesterone suppositories but I definitely didn't last cycle and this cycle I did rightly feel pregnant. So you just have to realise that there is a possibility of false hope/booby feelings, but not necessarily so.

Are you sure you are to take the suppositories today? Don't you need to confirm ovulation first?
Sorry, I don't mean to worry you. I don't know much about iui and am just curious!

i would ovulate tomorrow. today (before the IUI) my lines were dark but the day before you bearling saw a line. I should ov tomorrow. but yes he wanted me to start inserting them in (down below) you got me thinking...should i wonder if i should start tomorrow instead then...:shrug:
I don't want to go against your doctor, but I might wait to take them until tomorrow. I really can't imagine one day will matter and wouldn't it be awful if you delayed OV by taking them too soon? Sorry I hate to complicate things for you!
Hi ladies 35 fxd for successful iui my cons always told me to start prog 2dpo to make sure i def ov!! Soz to throw my spanner in!! I would prob wait till tom night if it was me but google hun coz it maybe normal to do that after iui?

Afm i had a shit shit day!! had a row with my best friend as shes 10 weeks pg an bloody hormonal i was going to be 5 mins late an she stropped off home an now wont reply to me!! I no shes hormonal but its killing me her being pg!! my baby cousin is preg 20 weeks!! A girl i worked with gave birth to a little girl today an my appointment at st marys was basically shite!!!! I feel like everything is against me and to top it all im supposed to be up for work at 415am!! I think im going to call in sick i just dont feel able to snap out of how depressed i feel! I feel like theres no way out for me! I just want to get pg!! I want a baby soooo badly i would do anything!!
I felt guilty today coz my friend told me i have to understand her hormones an when she moans she has morning sickness!! Why should i? I would bloody give me right arm for a successful scan an morning sickness!! I would stand on my own all night in the cold if i had to not 5 bloody mins!!

Sorry for the moan ladies its just noone else gets it like u girls do xx
Davies what a crap day!!! Argh! Too much to handle as far as I'm concerned. You're friend might be hormonal, but it's no excuse to take it out on you. She needs a lesson in empathy. I can't hang out with my pregnant friends because they always end up saying something that sounds selfish or thoughtless to me. Maybe you need to spend less time with her for a while. And definitely take the day off tomorrow. You deserve it!
Thanks hearttree, i do feel like taking time apart from her but theres 4 of us that are best friends am we have been friends since 5!! I cant deal with it but i dont want to upset her intentionally either!! I hate my situation i cried all afternoon! One of my other best friends was with me an reallly understanding an she said she didnt realise what i had been trying to deal with or how it affects me!! I said it does every day! The weather girl is preg the preg lady in the shop sum1 talking about having babies or moaning about there kids!! Its bloody everywhere.
My problem is im the strong one that helps every1 else with there problems an i get embarressed sharing my feelings!! I no i should just tell people but they wont understand!
coz lets face it its hardly rational to hate people for being preg or to be uncontrolably jealous of ur best friend for being pg!! An i do just want to say `oh shut up` when she moans about anything coz as far as i am concerned she is the luckiest girl on the planet right now so theres nothing to bloody moan about!! Sod it i am calling in sick!! Got af cramps an its only cd26!! never normally get it till 29-32 an im not pg coz i dont ov without clomid! An it was a non clomid cycle! x
I know a lot of ladies feel pregnant with the progesterone suppositories but I definitely didn't last cycle and this cycle I did rightly feel pregnant. So you just have to realise that there is a possibility of false hope/booby feelings, but not necessarily so.

Are you sure you are to take the suppositories today? Don't you need to confirm ovulation first?
Sorry, I don't mean to worry you. I don't know much about iui and am just curious!

i would ovulate tomorrow. today (before the IUI) my lines were dark but the day before you bearling saw a line. I should ov tomorrow. but yes he wanted me to start inserting them in (down below) you got me thinking...should i wonder if i should start tomorrow instead then...:shrug:

Please call your Dr. and confirm the instructions they gave you. I can't imagine a fertility specialist would suggest taking progesterone before confirming ovulation, you can't ovulate if your progesterone is at luteal phase levels. :dohh:

The earliest I have ever read that has been recommended has been 3 DPO. That is what my RE puts IVF and IUI patients on. I hate to second guess your Dr. but I am on progesterone and have done lots of reading on it so I am not a newbie.:flower:
welcome dee! no clue on advice for you, wait if you can maybe? my tests didn't show anything really wrong with me.

11 dpiui yesterday, had very faint +, went in for beta because want to get on pred and lovenox asap if preg, just got results. hcg is 2 and progesterone is 4.5 (even on suppositories)
totally depressing, my life sucks. going to test again mon. what is really wierd is i've had 99 to 99.3 temp for past 5 days and bbs hurt bad - i've been preg 4 times now so i know what it feels like, even with progesteron supp and none of them have ever worked out. I even have all the pregnancy tiny cramps and twinges on each side (and still do).

so f'n sick of this. i really thought i was preg this time. i even took my first generic lovenox and prednisone yesterday as i was so certain.

i think DH will agree to another iui. he feels bad because he knows that if i don't get to have kids, i will never be happy and he doesn't have his hopes up.

with my last preg and m/c, it didn't show up until 17 dpiui but my prog was much higher. 12 dpiui last time was neg poas.

crazy that on other boards, the girls who can't get preg, and just hope for a bfp (on the opposite end) - then there's those of us who can get preg and our stupid bodies just kill it every time.

this cannot keep happening. next time is going to work out, right?

:hugs: Oh honey that just sucks! Did you do a trigger shot? Is that possibly why you are getting a faint line and a 2 instead of 0? Every time I've done progesterone I was convinced I was pregnant. It definitely can raise your temps and make your boobs hurt. If your progesterone is so low even on suppositories, maybe you need to switch to injections? I'm not an expert on this, but I have read other women who have had to do that.

I really resonate with your comment that there are those who can't get pregnant and just hope for for a bfp and then there is the club we're in. I hate this damn club!


hi heart- yes, i had an ovidrel trigger (6500 iu I think) but tested it out - went neg test at 9 dpiui. i've been on prog suppositories for 4 cycles and it's always been 45-55 except for this cycle. but with the other cycles i was on clomid, this cycle was on follistim. i've read that clomid can give you high prog levels.

i will be on follistim, ganirelix and menopur next cycle - what fun, some days will be 3 shots. then, if i get bfp, will be on lovenox shots. good thing i can pretend that shots are fun to do now. will do as many as needed to have it work out.

i almost wish i could wear a shirt that says i've had 4 mcs and have no children so people would keep their kids away when i'm out shopping, it's so sickening, people that have kids think that just because they have them, we need to look out for them and their stupid kids. even special parking places for sickening. DH always wants to park in them, he says "we're a family" but i get too embarrased - don't want to get evil looks from those people. sorry for the negativity but i just went shopping and kids everywhere - and those stupid stickers on vans - they look like stick people so people can show off how many kids they have. wish i never had to leave the house again but in my neighborhood, strollers go by the house constantly which sucks so i still can't get away from it.
Hopeful23456, the only thing that has stopped me from hurling myself into the freezer in the frozen food department is online grocery shopping. :wacko: Order on line and it comes to through your door with the delivery man. No baby food to look at, no children to see, no new babies to make you want to down a bottle of bleach, no new mommies showing off their new additions. :growlmad:

I haven't been in a big grocery shop in at least 6 mths or more. Well worth the few bob delivery for my sanity. :thumbup:We know how you feel babe. There are some days/weeks/months when it just all seems too much. Battle on we go. :grr:What else can we do? :hugs::hugs:
Hopeful2345 thank yu for feeling the same as me I really panic sumtimes an feel like I belong in a nut house! Lol! Xx
Hi ladies Im new over here x I'm so sorry we all have to meet like this xx

I had a mmc in July at 12wks baby stopped growing at 6wks
I had a chemical on 23rd sept
And looks like I'm having another one

I've just called early pregnancy unit and they have given me an app for this afternoon I'm so confused angry frustrated upset I'm sure you all know how I'm feeling x after 3 kids with no complications I don't understand whats going on x I'm 35 now so maybe my age?
Big hugs, Mrs :hugs: and sadly welcome to this thread. With all our heartache I do think it is a lovely thread with a lot if help and support.
Good luck this afternoon! I hope they refer you to the recurrent miscarriage clinic right away although you may have to wait six weeks or so until you can have the testing done (your body needs to recover from this pregnancy). It isn't a fast process to go through the tests but maybe the clinic won't want to do all of them right away.

The fact that you have had three children is very promising! Wishing you all the best, hon :hugs:
Welcome back heart tree, I've seen you around the boards, so sorry that you are still waiting for your forever baby too!
Hopeful23456, ah hun, so so sorry!! It does suck, you are abs right! What does yr doc say about that progesterone level? Might be time to move up to injections? Big hug!
Hi to Dee, hope you find some answers at the rpl specialist,
Afm, still on hold....boring!! Didn't realize how much ttc'ing gave me to do/think about! Side note, going back to the states for Xmas!! Yeah!

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