Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Beth Iam so sorry, you are in the right place now xxxx
I would be cautious about taking too many vitamins without professional guidance. They can interact, counteract or even be harmful to the baby in certain doses. Not all vitamins are good vitamins.

As for Mr S, he's the one who told me specifically to take pregnacare plus omega 3 (comes as two pills/day) as well as the vitamin D.

Thanks for that pip

I mentioned i was on about 10 tablets a day well that included my iron that i have to take 3 times a day and my levothyroxine

The vitamins that i take at the minute are:

Evening Primrose (always taken them on and off, they seem to lift my mood)
Omega 3 Fish Oil
Vitamin B6
Folic Acid
Vitamin D3

I have ordered some others from Holland & Barrett but they were more for the OH, i think i order Vitamin B+B Complex for myself as i am getting low on B6

I best check out whether i can take all of them together

Its so flipping confusing making sure you take enough of something and not too much of something else :shrug:

I wish i just could stay pregnant for full term, be a whole lot easier
Yep, hope, I'm totally with you. Still fiddling with my magic recipe to make that elusive baby...

Beth, sorry to hear your story. How frustrating that they aren't listening to you!
I wonder whether rather than focusing purely on the miscarriages you could get the doctor to look at your fertility in general. You have clearly been trying for some time and are failing to have a baby implant properly (going by the early positives then negatives).
If you haven't had the tests already I would expect your doctor to start by checking your hormone levels on day 3 and day 21 (preferably 7dpo if you know when you ovulate). There are other more specific miscarriage/infertility tests that can be run but maybe it is best to meet the doctor and see what they say first. The most important thing is to stress the fact that you have been trying for some time unsuccessfully to have a baby and not to take 'you're still young' for an answer :hugs:
Good luck with your appointment! I really hope that this is the doctor who can help you out!
Hi Beth. So sorry you are here but welcome :hugs:
I hope your new doctor actually listens and can help you get your healthy bean :)
Thanks pip. Do you know Pregnacare plus is 3 for 2 at boots at the mo. Save yourself £15!!
Girls, the Holland & Barrett sale is pretty good at the minute

Buy one item full price, get your next item for a penny

You don't have to buy two of the same item, you can mix and match as long as they are in the offer

Are you ladies familiar with Yahoo's immunologysupport group? After you have joined you can download loads of info from the 'files' section. There are files about diets, vitamins and research.

Lee, I think you can take evening primrose oil instead of fish oil but better check this with S.

Before my last pregnancy I took Fish oil, Nettle leaf, Turmeric and Ginger supplements (& Pregnacare) for several months. They all should have immune calming effects. Then I had a very nasty stomach virus (I never get these), which made me wonder if I suppressed my immune system too much. BUT got pregnant as well!! Turmeric is the most effective they say but it is not advised to take during pregnancy because it is a progesterone blocker. I think it might also prevent pregnancy to happen so I would use it only when waiting to try.
And in the files section there're also 57 immune treatment baby success stories, worth reading when having a bad day! :) x
I need everyone's expertise:

strangeness happening - had CD3 u/s - pretty normal, 2 small cysts on right that are no big deal - said I can start follistim tonight and they GAVE me 300 iu! as they had a sample.

just got b/w results back and very strange: FSH 5.8 (great) E2 < 32 (great) hcg is 5 (wtf). so, it went from 2.5 on Friday to 5 today. sounds like it was a chemical and i guess this would be my first chemical maybe? i'm not counting it though as not sure. I have my period - why would hcg go from 2.5 to 5 now? the NP that left me the voicemail sounded like she thought it was strange too. I am going to call her back.

they did say I can still start the follistim - anyone see anything wrong with starting follistim at this point?

me: 36 mthfr (A1298C hetero)
uterine septum removed Nov, 2010
DH: 34 fine

4 m/c, first in march, 2000, 3 in past 15 months, all unexplained and in weeks 5-6, 1 bfp was with clomid/ovidrel/iui
3 rounds clomid w/ovidrel total , no children yet , all RPL tests are in normal range
Hi this thread is moving fast! I'm trying to catch up from my time away, but I am thinking that is nearly impossible!
Just got back from my day 3 bloods and ultrasound- good to see that I had some follies there, but then I saw the report that said Irregular shape contour of uterus due to suspected adenomyosis in the myometrium. I am trying to read up on that now, but Amanda if you have any idea, I would love to know. Another thing, found something in one breast so now I have to wait to have a mammogram done before we can proceed with the Follistim and Ovidrel. I really think the baby gods are just telling me to move the hell on and give up.
Hi this thread is moving fast! I'm trying to catch up from my time away, but I am thinking that is nearly impossible!
Just got back from my day 3 bloods and ultrasound- good to see that I had some follies there, but then I saw the report that said Irregular shape contour of uterus due to suspected adenomyosis in the myometrium. I am trying to read up on that now, but Amanda if you have any idea, I would love to know. Another thing, found something in one breast so now I have to wait to have a mammogram done before we can proceed with the Follistim and Ovidrel. I really think the baby gods are just telling me to move the hell on and give up.

I'm at work now and can't respond like I want to. I'll PM you later and give you as much info as I have about this. Has the doctor talked to you about adenomyosis? There is diffuse and focal. Did he say what kind it is? Did he say where it was located. You need more info, especially because they detected it via ultrasound which is a nearly impossible way to diagnose adenomyosis. An MRI would be a better way to diagnose it and to make sure it wasn't something else causing the abnormal shape.

Sorry you are dealing with this on top of the breast issue. Damn it!

More later...xoxo
Hi this thread is moving fast! I'm trying to catch up from my time away, but I am thinking that is nearly impossible!
Just got back from my day 3 bloods and ultrasound- good to see that I had some follies there, but then I saw the report that said Irregular shape contour of uterus due to suspected adenomyosis in the myometrium. I am trying to read up on that now, but Amanda if you have any idea, I would love to know. Another thing, found something in one breast so now I have to wait to have a mammogram done before we can proceed with the Follistim and Ovidrel. I really think the baby gods are just telling me to move the hell on and give up.

I'm at work now and can't respond like I want to. I'll PM you later and give you as much info as I have about this. Has the doctor talked to you about adenomyosis? There is diffuse and focal. Did he say what kind it is? Did he say where it was located. You need more info, especially because they detected it via ultrasound which is a nearly impossible way to diagnose adenomyosis. An MRI would be a better way to diagnose it and to make sure it wasn't something else causing the abnormal shape.

Sorry you are dealing with this on top of the breast issue. Damn it!

More later...xoxo

I'm at work too, so I know how it is! I haven't talked to my doctor in months...the last ultrasound report said it was suspected and that was it. This one just said it was suspected in the myometrium, which doesn't tell me anything really. On my next appointment he is supposed to be there for once so I am going to make him explain what he sees or doesn't see.
I know last time we talked you weren't sure what you would be doing, so I am glad to see you are still giving it all you have. What else can we do right? And you are SO right...we have so much in common, and while it makes me feel better, I HATE it because I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
That goes for all you wonderful ladies.
I need everyone's expertise:

strangeness happening - had CD3 u/s - pretty normal, 2 small cysts on right that are no big deal - said I can start follistim tonight and they GAVE me 300 iu! as they had a sample.

just got b/w results back and very strange: FSH 5.8 (great) E2 < 32 (great) hcg is 5 (wtf). so, it went from 2.5 on Friday to 5 today. sounds like it was a chemical and i guess this would be my first chemical maybe? i'm not counting it though as not sure. I have my period - why would hcg go from 2.5 to 5 now? the NP that left me the voicemail sounded like she thought it was strange too. I am going to call her back.

they did say I can still start the follistim - anyone see anything wrong with starting follistim at this point?

me: 36 mthfr (A1298C hetero)
uterine septum removed Nov, 2010
DH: 34 fine

4 m/c, first in march, 2000, 3 in past 15 months, all unexplained and in weeks 5-6, 1 bfp was with clomid/ovidrel/iui
3 rounds clomid w/ovidrel total , no children yet , all RPL tests are in normal range

Boy, I really should be working!

Honey, is it possibly an ectopic? I didn't know I was pregnant with my ectopic. I got what I thought was my period on time though it was lighter than normal. I was testing negative on my HPTs so I didn’t think I was pregnant. I started doing OPK’s to get ready for my next cycle and I got a positive OPK on what I thought was CD6. This is way too early for me to get a positive OPK, so I did another HPT and it was negative. Then I started having some weird bleeding a week after my "period" and thought it was my actual period because it was heavier. I mentioned it to my doctor and she suggested I have a blood test done. Low and behold, it was positive, but barely. I think it was 32 and I realized I was 5 weeks into the pregnancy. I was still getting negative HPTs until my levels rose to 55. I don’t want to scare you, but I hope they are monitoring you. You should ask them to do another blood test in 48 hours. If it continues to rise, it might be a suspected ectopic. I hope I’m wrong about all this though. Maybe it was just some weird fluke of the test. The numbers are very low. Xoxo
heart - I know, I should be working too - but they should be fine with us on here given all we've been through (almost all of the 60 people i work with have kids). I think 5 of them don't? as 2 are gay and 2 are single and 1 person never had them/didn't want any. I just dread coming here every day because I see every single cubicle w/their kids pic in them. and when I leave work, I cry as I think of everyone going to their cars to drive home to be with their famillies. BUT, I love my coworkers, they are like family and they understand.

I don't think it's ectopic, you would think the beta would have been higher. I get scared of ectopics - don't want to ever to through one - so sorry you had to! how did you know you had one and how early did you know it was ectopic? I don't have the pregnancy signs that I did last week (bbs don't hurt, I think the temp is gone, etc).

one of my coworkers had one years ago, she lost her tube but had a girl after that and that girl is 12 now. My next beta is on Saturday, when they check my E2 and follies. Wonder what the follistim would do to it if it was ectopic?
Hi all, I didn't realise this thread was here. I've been around a long time but rarely go exploring...just stick to my subscribed threads (mainly journals ath this stage!!):dohh:

I have a checkered history and it's very long and boring. Initial problems was PCOS and very irregular cycles. Have been through various ovulation inductions/IVF. I've gotten pregnant 3 times but still no babs.

June 2010: Pregnant from FSH injections and timed intercourse...m/c at 6+2
April 2011: Chemical pregnancy from IVF cycle..m/c at 5 weeks
July 2011: Natural pregnancy while on break....all going well at weekly scans from 5-8 weeks. At 9 week scan baby was measuring bang on but heart had stopped beating. Testing on the tissue from D&C showed that there were no abnormalities.

I've had a lot of testing and all clear so far:

*Thyroid panel with antithyroid abs
*Thrombophilia panel (they didn't test for MTHFR but all else clear
*Lupus/Arthritis abs
*Insulin, Liver Function/HbA1C/Homocysteine

*Anti nuclear abs
*Anti-cardiolipin abs
*Cervical swab/chylamidia swab
*Teg (sticky blood) was tested when both pregnant and not preg as sometimes it can change..negative both times.

So, I'm now 53 days since D&C - still no sign of AF although have a feeling she could be close.

Terrified at being back in limbo again. I've to arrange for an appt. to see my FS whenever the witch shows. I'm also seeing a chinese acupuncturist and credit him with my natural BFP.

Next mission: Deliver a baby to term.

So, I'm sorry to have to meet so many other lovely ladies in the same position as myself but looking forward to getting to know you all. My front page of journal has my story in slightly less rambling feel free to have a read.

Thanks a mill,
Fitzy aka Jo x
Hi Amos!! Sorry to be meeting you onthis thread but it's nice to see an old bnb friend! Weren't we on the 2ww thread ages ago? Big hugs dear..

Fitzy and Beth30, hope you find comfort, understanding and useful info on this thread as I have..

Lee, was it you that asked abt veggie fish oil type pills? Borage oil is good as well, also flax seeds/oil. But would research if they're ok in pregnancy, I've heard flax is but not in large doses.

Just wanna double what Pip said about being careful with too many supplements, more probs can be caused by taking too much of a good thing. Be careful esp with the fat soluble vits (A, D) as you can reach a toxic level and too much vit A can cause damage to you and baby (in fish oils, oils, and multivits), another one to be careful of is vit E. They can also be hard on your liver and kidneys...check the daily recommended doses and check with your docs, I'm a nurse so just wanted to give a general heads up.

2 days til I can call for my appt! Should be only 1 more month sans ttc then, thank the gods!
Ladies, thank you all for your warm welcome and good wishes. BellaMamma, I haven't had any testing done. At the EPAU after I had both my miscarriages they told me they don't do any testig until you have had 3 mc's. When I spoke to the midwife to book in for my last pregnancy she said I was unlikely to miscarry again as I had had one previously healthy pregnancy. So I shall be trying again straight away, but expecting the worst, probably. It is a frustrating time, as all you want is answers but there are none. I even had to push for the D&C this time, as I didn't have one the first time and I didn't want to put myself through that pain again.
Bella- I can't remember when, but we have crossed paths before! Sorry you have found your way to this group though :(

And Pip- I just now am sorta catching up with the thread and I just wanted to whipser a congratulations to you. I SO hope this is the one!
Hi Ladies. Firstly let me say I am so so very sorry for your losses. There is NOTHING worse in life for someone to have to deal with than losing a baby. No matter what stage of gestation!

Iv got PCOS and have been TTC for 5 years. I have had two losses within the last two years. (@ 10 weeks and 6 weeks ) Would love to ask a question if I may?

Am on prenat vits and clomid runs..usually use provera to kick start AF. Now iv read that PCOS can create low progesterone,leading to pregnancy losses. Now both times I was PG the gyni said oh no ur body will do what it needs to. NOW my question is how many ladies have taken progesterone and it has helped with holding onto a baby and they have gone full term? As much as I'm so excited to test next week I'm petrified as I'm already thinking I'm gonna run straight to Lancet labs and have HCG done as well as progesterone levels and if they r low, force my gyni to put me on progesterone. What is everyone or anyones experiences?

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