Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

thanks ladies for all the support i hope i have a fast recovery too but i have an abdominal incision which my dr told me it was like a c section bc she had to go in and repair my plumbing from the last surgery i had. something about my indomitrium and some of my organs had lazarations on them and they were sticking to abdominal wall she said she fixed as much as possibke to give me a good chance tio have a baby my DH said i was in surgery for about 4 hours it was supposed to be 30 minutes the most. but she gave me some hope that i should be able to conceive i'll let you know how my check up goes and get better info then my DH doesn't really understand the lingo so i need some more info but he has been a trooper
sorry tmi, he has even helped me to use the bath room and helps me change the pads since am bleeding some. i am so lucky that he's here for me. he's even working for me all i do is sit there and greet people i hate this but i know that if i have a baby this is going to happen again but it would be worth it i think well night girls sweet dreams and baby dust thanks for all u guys who thought of me the last few days
Wow Lucy, sounds like your doctor may have sorted out some endometriosis while she was in there - if yes, you got some extra surgery for free :thumbup:
To be honest, it always took me a couple of weeks to recover from my laparoscopies although, heart tree, you will be pleased to know that two years after my last one my scars are practically invisible! I was looking at (for) them just yesterday.
Hi Lucy.
Don't think we have chatted on here yet, so first of all welcome and sorry you are joint us here.
I was very sore after my laparascopy and there was some heavy bleeding a couple of days after, not trying to alarm you but it took me by quite surprise as the leaflet I was sent home with said I should be ok within 4/5 days.
Yeah right!!!
I'm glad dh is spoiling you. I sort of milked it for a while (I had an ectopic and lost my right tube).
And Pip, yeah I only have a scar where my lil' belly button is now the others have completely disappeared, now bring on the stretchmarks!
Big hug Lucy xxx

Hi and happy Friday to everyone :)
Quick (yucky) question Ladies.
I've been taking aspirin, folic acid, flax oil and Pregnacare for 1.5 weeks now and I am very constipated, not been in a week despite try a strong laxative. Zilch!!!
Sorry if tmi, has anyone else had this problem on Shehatas protocol.
Friday night and I'll be on the prune juice at this rate :(
Sorry, no. I've only just started getting a bit constipated in the past week or two.

I just got back from an early morning appointment with Mr S. He reckons we have passed the critical time and this is pretty much a normal pregnancy from now on :shock: I'm to wean off the steroids starting next week Sunday.
So wow! I hope he's right!
And I'm thinking I should start making my way out of here...
First of...can I just say sorry to you all for having to go through so many losses, congrats to the ladies that are currently pregnant :dust: for the ladies in TWW and :hugs: to everyone.

I know this thread has been here since I had my first loss back in February and I thought it's hard enough having one loss how on earth do those ladies cope? Well I guess you do because here I am after having three losses myself this year :shrug:

I don't really know what to say to be honest...I have read the statistcs...mine don't look that great and we are putting TTC on the back burner for the next few months as OH is having a knee operation and we will be going down the testing route.

I have seen many of you around the site in my earlier days, on people's journals that I follow and I guess that I just want to be where people will truly understand the journey of three or more losses.

Sorry if it appears to be a selfish post...wasn't my intention but I hope I get to know about you all more :flower:


ETA:- I forgot it doesn't show my siggy in here so a little background. Me 35, OH 40 first loss at 11+5 in February '11 gestation sac 9 weeks and large yolk sac no baby. Second loss 10+6 August '11 baby grew wings at 8+5 third loss...still waiting should have been 4 weeks on Tuesday but had a bleed, test were positive from last Wednesday through to this Tuesday (even had a 2-3 on the digi) but are now almost negative.
Neversaynever - So sorry to hear of your losses, I was the same when starting to TTC i wondered how women coped with loss after loss. Now here i am 3 angels and once again back on the rollercoster. I think we find the strengh because the alternative is to just give up, i can endure a lot to forfill my dream.

Good luck with the testing and i hope they can find out whats going on and help you for the next time xx
Thanks Raz :hugs: good luck for this time :dust:

I think I can keep going until I am told medically it's not going to happen, my OH is struggling as I am obviously changing with every loss that occurs and he is worried for me. He wants the old me back :dohh: ain't going to happen like that :shrug:

Lee and Pip, thanks for the reassurance about the scars. I've always had a nice stomach and now I hate looking at it. It constantly reminds me of my losses seeing those scars. I'm excited to know they will continue to fade.

Lee, I wonder what's causing the constipation. I've taken all of those things at the same time and it never affected me. The only time I've ever experienced constipation was after my ectopic surgery. The pain meds caused horrible constipation. It is an awful feeling. Recently I was taking red raspberry leaf in the tincture form to thicken my uterine lining. One of the side effects is that it is a laxative. Boy, is it ever! You are only supposed to take it from AF to Ov in case you get pregnant. Apparently it can cause mcs if you aren't careful.

Pip, well done on the appointment. It must be a little scary being put into the "normal pregnancy" category and wean off the steroids. I have lots of faith in the magical Mr. S. He knows what he's doing.

And I'm thinking I should start making my way out of here...

For your sake I think you would be better off making your way out of here. But selfishly, I'll be sad. I was just starting to get to know you! But I'll be sure to stalk your journal.

Never, ah, what can I say. I wish with all my heart you weren't joining us. I read the TTC #1 35+ pretty regularly. I was one of the founding members of that thread and helped to get it created. But that was when I only had two losses under my belt. As I've had more, I've felt less and less like I belonged there. I followed your news and wondered if you'd join us here. If you haven't been through RPL, it is really hard to understand it. I'm so very sorry for all that you've been through. You didn't deserve any of these losses. None of us did. Statistically, you are still young in the fertility world and you can get pregnant. My FS says the same to me and I'm 37! There is still hope, but it might not feel that way at the moment. Time will help get you there. It might be good that you are taking a few months off. You can build yourself up emotionally and physically and maybe get some much needed answers through testing.

By the way, your post wasn't selfish at all. It's how we get to know each other. :hugs:

Razzers, how are you doing? When is your scan?

As for me, my trigger still hasn't completely left my system. The test today was so faint, a camera might not pick it up, but it is definitely still there. And no, it's not the start of my BFP. I'll be 7dpiui at 1:30 this afternoon.

How's everyone else?
man i am so sleepy and tired i think that i might have over done it yesterday today am going to take it easy no matter what anyone tells me. not only am i sleepy but am in pain man i had forgotten what these surgeries do to you. sorry i need to vent and to sleep some more. hope today is a slow day so thst i can sneek in a nap sometime. you guys are right am getting spoiled left and right with DH i feel guilty that am milking the situation but then i think if i end up pregnant am going to have to go through all this again so i need to milk it at least a little.
Heart...I read that thread from the start whilst 'recovering' from my first MC it was all very supportive and I loved how knowledgable everyone was considering I had gone in to TTC so blindly. It is very true, unless you have walked in those shoes, you can be offended by the people you really like and it is my time to quietly leave the thread and stalk from a distance.

I am glad you never gave up hope too..hoping beyond hope that the lines becomes darker over the next few days too :hugs:

I'm still a bit all over the place right now and emotionally raw but I will try and get to know you ladies.

Thank you

No news of the scan yet, i am guessing they havent even got the letter from the GP yet. Why in this day and age do they insist on sending letters???

ETA - Fingers crossed for you the lines goes to a blank now and a BFP later x

Pip - Great news for you and yes i think it might be time to venture out, though its hard to be in among all the bright and shiney people who dont know what its like to go through losses.

Never - I know what you mean about changing, i used to be a glass half full kind of person and was never jealous of anyone. Now i am a right cynic and can see the more pessimistic side of things. I am harder in a way i wasnt before all this.
Hi Never :flower: Sorry you have to join us, but welcome to the "club". It's perfectly normal to put TTC on the back burner. I did it for almost 10 months and it was the best thing I could have ever done. I got myself together mentally, emotionally and physically, so now that I am back on the TTC train again, I don't feel like I am plunging head first into a cavern. And this comes from an old lady that doesn't have time on her side! :haha:

Amanda- I know all too well about those defense mechanisms. You just keep telling yourself you don't want to be pregnant and I will just keep praying it happens :hugs: And bless your DH----"too creamy down there"!!

Pip- what wonderful news. I am so happy and proud for you to be considered a "normal" pregnancy. I still think your "special" :hugs: And like Heart- the selfish side of me wants you to keep posting here!! You are a success story, and goodness knows, we all need to hear those stories.

Lee- so far I haven't been plagued by constipation- usually I am the other way around!

Lucy- definitely take it easy on yourself. Even if you feel better, since you have a wonderful DH to take care of you- let him!

All this talk about lap scars made me just check mine. They are definitely fading! Guess I have not paid that much attention to them. And my ectopic surgery was in February 2010. The old witch showed her face today and she is not being very nice! I hope this is the last time I have to see her for NINE FREAKIN MONTHS!!!!!
Yeah, I used to be such an upbeat person. I loved to go out with my friends. I was always smiling. Not so much anymore. I much prefer staying at home and watching TV or a movie. It's just safer. It's interesting, because I've also had to cut myself off from threads on this site too. Like you mentioned, Never, it is possible to get hurt by things people say who don't understand recurrent pregnancy loss. I never thought I would have to isolate myself within this site as well, but I have.

Never, I started going to therapy last month because I was tired of who I was becoming. I am also terrified that my DH will catch on and decide to leave me because I'm not the same woman he married. He keeps telling me he adores me more than ever, but sometimes I have a hard time believing how he could. I made him promise to tell me if his feelings started to change towards me so we could have a fighting chance to fix it. I've found therapy to be extremely helpful.

Amy, damn that witch bitch. We women really deal with a lot. AF is such insult to injury. Isn't it enough to find out you aren't pregnant. Then you have to be in horrible pain just to seal the deal. Bitch. I hate her. But at least this will be the last time you see her for a very long time.
Thank you ladies for all your kind words :hugs:

I remain positive and very hopeful that this is nothing. Although, my fs want another scan on Saturday, Nov.19 I called them back and said that I will not get it done. I am tired of being too careful each time I get pregnant. It’s very stressful and I hate feeling this way. I told my fs that I will get another beta done on Wednesday, Dec.7. That is if nothing happens before then. Also, I should be about 8 weeks by then and if I need to get a scan done something should show up.

Then, my fs called me back again yesterday evening from his home and ask me to meet him at his office so he can perform an ultrasound. He wanted to make sure and ease his mind (as he said). He didn't see anything...nothing in my tubes either. By the machine (which was very tiny) it showed I was 5 weeks flat. He said his machine excluded the two weeks that you are not really pregnant – I like this machine lol

We had a long debate and we both agreed on the Dec.7 Beta (which is why he wanted to do a quick scan yesterday evening). He still advise me to be careful and don’t’ do anything too strenuous.

If anything does go wrong before Dec.7 I will walk that bridge when we get the mean time: I AM MOVING on and I WILL NOT worry from here on.:nope::happydance::thumbup::winkwink: :hugs:
Kennesha, you are an absolute inspiration. I'm amazed at your dedication to this pregnancy and your courage to go until 12/7 for a Beta without any scans. You go girl!
My iPad won't let me respond with a quote so petipas, I am going to take an longs break as my doctors want me to take an 3-6 month break to do more testing and for y body to heal. Ad I agree. Your post to me on page 511 was not offensive at all. Agree with you. Y doctos don't know what is wrong ,and have tried many things aspirin, progesterone, etc. So now just taking an big break from ttc. Your honesty didn't offend me at all. :hugs:
I'm glad I didn't offend you - Phew!
A break to help your body and mind heal sounds like a good first step. You have been through so much in a short space of time :hugs:
I hope your doctors find the way to help you, I really do!
Thanks petipas and I wish you the most best happy and helthy 9 months I don't know how imissed that in this thread. If you mke an journal I will stalk it. I will miss you but I understand the reason to leave. The rest from ttc for me will be a relief for me.
Hi Girls,

I really hope you dont mind me posting here but I wanted to let you know that I had my baby on Monday. After 4 heartbreaking miscarriages I never in a million years thought I would get here and it has been a very frustrating and long journey, but here I am. I have been on this forum and this thread for nearly 2 years and it really helped me when I see someone come back and give me hope. So sorry if I upset anyone by being here.

I really wish everyone all the best and I pop on here now and then to check on you and see whats happening. really pleased to see the new bfps and sending you lots of positive vibes. anyone going through another loss, stay strong and try not to give up. I know only too well how that can be impossible though.


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