Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Hi, this is my first post. I found out Ive had another missed miscarriage this week, the third one(all missed). I have already had the tests which came back normal. I just dont know how to sort my thoughts out. Cant think whether to give up now as have had the three d and c's and feel physically and emotionally drained from all the bad experiences. Anybody got any positive thoughts to send my way?
Oh honey, it's not surprising you are feeling drained. I am so sorry for your losses. I can't help with positive stories unfortunately as I can't even get to 6 weeks but I can send you :hugs: Hopefully they will work out what is happening and be able to stop it happening again. You are in my thoughts.

As for me, I had faint +ve HPTs earlier in the week then started bleeding, guess it's another chemical, not even bothered speaking to my GP. Phoned to chase RMC clinc appt but haven't heard back. No-one seems to care that we lose every baby we conceive.
Have you been for the blood tests yet?They cant find anything wrong with me but can it be just bad luck 3 times and all of them missed?The dr said he would put me on heparin next time but I dont feel strong enough for a 'next time' just yet.
Poisonwood :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I think it may be too early for you to be thinking of a "next time" chick :hugs: I felt like you do now after my second loss and it took me 9 months until I could face TTC again. I've just suffered my third pregnancy loss and all of mine were also missed miscarriages :hugs:. Can I ask? Have they done karyotyping on any of your babies/you and your OH? My last baby has gone for karyotyping so at least we can see if there was/is a genetic problem.

I believe you need time to grieve and heal. You can't put a time limit on those :hugs: Just take every day as it comes and goes. As you do this, the future becomes a little brighter and one day you may just realise that you are ready to try again....or you may realise that you don't want to :hugs: - but that is your decision and yours alone :hugs:

Time is the only thing that makes things easier.
Have you been for the blood tests yet?They cant find anything wrong with me but can it be just bad luck 3 times and all of them missed?The dr said he would put me on heparin next time but I dont feel strong enough for a 'next time' just yet.

I had recurrent miscarriage bloods taken in April but not seen m/c specialist yet to go over the results/formulate a plan. The nurse who did my smear checked the results but not all were in and she had to google the one that was raised.
You need time to grieve for your losses. I found the third one was really hard but I'd not taken a break between the previous ones. It takes time to recover both physically and emotionally. Be kind to yourself. x
Thanks so much fifi-folle and Hollybush75. You are right I need a good time to rest and heal. It is great to have the support from this forum. I have told a few people about my third mc this week and just felt worse. My parents had no sympathy saying 'its just one of those things' and 'at least you can get pregnant' (!!!). Its so comforting to talk to people who totally understand.
I got referred for blood tests after 2 mc, I think just because Im in Cumbria, there isnt a long waiting list. All the bloods and smears came back normal and I had loads - including the chromosome/gentic testing one on me and OH, that came back normal too. I had a D and C this week, they are sending the 'products' off for genetic testing and Ive got an appointment in a few weeks to go through the results of that. Have you been for the tests?Is the dr putting you on any drugs next time? xx
Because mine are so early they don't seem to worry much. We're great at getting pregnant but cannot stay pregnant. I should probably see my GP but they'll just say to wait for RMC appt. I put myself on baby aspirin after finding out I have raised Fibrinogen levels (seems to be a clotting protein) but have since had another chemical pregnancy/early mc this week. It's good that your hospital are being proactive. I hope they find something that can be solved.
Poisonwood - I haven't gone for any recurrent m/c tests as I had a load of tests done on hormones etc before I even got pregnant. I had these tests done because my periods/cycles had gone erratic since we started TTC again in May 09. I even got sent for a scan on my womb/ovaries and everything was structurally sound. It is probable that my miscarriages are due to an "undiagnosed" underactive thyroid. I have been referred to an endocrinologist and been told in no uncertain terms not to TTC until my thyroid levels are sorted. I won't go into the whole story as it's looooooong :)

My consultant is keeping me on his list instead of referring me to another consultant as he wants continuity of care for me. He tested me after my second loss for APS(Hughes) which came back normal. At that time he advised baby aspirin on the next pg from time of BFP which I did and then he prescribed me progesterone suppositories as a "just in case". Next time around he has told me he will prescribe the following for me.........prednisolone (steroid) tablets, Clexane injection (blood thinner), hcg injection (to stimulate corpeus luteum and therefore make more progesterone), baby aspirin and the progesterone suppositories again. But those are my consultant's views and what he feels will maybe help me the next time.

I think my situation is a little different to other recurrent miscarriage testing but only because I was lucky enough to see a consultant after my second loss then see the same one again on the 3rd pregnancy who now he wants me to have the best care he can give to try and fulfill my dream of having a baby
Thanks. I am going to see my consultant in a few weeks. I was on a low dose of clexane but he says he will give me a stronger dose next time. He is not keen to give other drugs though, even though Ive heard of some success stories with progesterone and prednisolone, I dont know whether to push it with him?
Im having a bad couple of days with all this, think will see if can get referred to a counsellor, anyone done that?
Hi ladies am poking my head in here, I've had two Mc's one at 6wks (December) the other at 9wks (April) and what I think is a chemical mc this cycle - had pg symptoms, faint positives on tests for a few days then a negative and I started spotting today. Am feeling like I will never ever have a baby, that there is something wrong with me or me and my dh just aren't compatible. am going to the Dr on Saturday to see if they can speed up my RCM referral but just feeling hopeless right now.
Hi Rabbitchild - just wanted to say how sorry I am for your losses and I hope the dr can offer some advice or answers.
Hi Rabbittchild. Sorry for your losses, I just a missed mc (3rd) last week and like you this time it hit me harder than ever. I feel the same as you in terms of wondering if this will ever happen. I made the decision I need to get myself physically but moreover mentally stronger before trying again. I have been referred to consultant and went to my gp yesterday in quite a state. She signed me off work for 3 weeks and ordered me to rest. Have also been referred to counsellor. I felt like she thought I was going mad, but she explained that mc something not understood and very easily swept under the carpet, to have 1 mc is hard but recurrent is devastating and need to give myself time to rest and recover.
It was so good to hear this as everything else in my life seems to have moved on already except me I dont feel ready at all!
I hope you get similar support at the dr and you should be referred this time.:hugs: x
Rabbitchild - I am so sorry for your losses. It is really the most frustrating feeling. I feel I'm pregnant almost every cycle (ttc for 14 months) and always end up with my AF. The frustration is nothing anyone will really understand.

I hope your doctor can shed some light on what's going on. Something is and it is not your fault. Have positive thoughts and energy (that's what my friends tell me . . .) and it will happen right when it's suppose to.
This would have to be one of the only threads that you dont want to see new posters in iykwim!:nope: Big hugs to all the new ladies who are here with us and to all the ones who are repeat returners!:hugs: As for myself, not sure if Ive popped back since, lost the last one, found out at the 7 week mark even after the hcg was really good numbers and I was on the progesterone. Had to have a D&C a week after because my stupid body wouldnt natrually mc this time. The doc has put me on heparin shots and this will be the last of anything he can perscribe me and has basically told me if I mc while on this to think about giving up! Blah dont like those words!:haha: I picked up my perscription and was talking to the chemist about it, shes my age and has just had a perfect little boy in Jan this year. Turns out she had been trying for 5 years with multiple mc's and ivf and they told her to give up all was lost. Someone had told her of a natrapath clinic in our state about 4 months before she got this news and she had thought nothing of it and tossed the name in a draw. Desperate times and all she gave them a whirl and took their revolting tasting herbal tonic for a few months and lo and behold look what happened! Needless to say I rushed home and signed up for treatment!:haha: Its all done via the internet and they ship worldwide, cheaper than what I have spent so far so as far as Im concerned I have nothing to loose at this point, they wont even consider us for ivf as we can get pregnant and there really is no use doing it. Will let you know if it worth the worry, hopefully it is!:hugs:
Wannabe - sorry for your recent loss. Just writing as Im horrified the doctor says if you mc on heparin to give up.:growlmad: Ive just had third mmc last week and the last time I was on heparin. Consultant says because over 50% of mc occur because basically the baby isn't forming properly, and I have had tests to say my and OH blood's are fine, the 3 mc are probably due to different reasons/plain bad luck.

So as heparin helps blood flow to uterus etc it can only help sustain a baby which is healthy in the first place, if the genes hadnt swapped over properly from fertilisation and there were problems with development it wouldnt make a difference really what drugs you were on. My consultant is more than encouraging for me to try again when I am ready, and he is going to put me on heparin again. I have another appointment with him in a few weeks so Ill keep you updated:hugs:
Thanks so much for all the kind words ladies, whilst I appreciate the support I really wish that none of us had to go through any of this as i wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy.

Wannabe - that tonic sounds like it's worth a try, you'll have to let us know how it goes (and how nasty it tastes!) I would be willing to ship all the way to the UK if it works! I really hope that it does the trick for you

Poisonwood - I hope my GP is as understanding as yours, and I hope that the rest and recuperation helps. I struggle with the fact that the world still turns and everyone else goes back to normal whereas I'm still stuck thinking about the first baby I lost - I would be going on Mat Leave now :( so hard to come to terms with the losses, esp when they happen repeatedly.

Lamburai and Stilldoingit - thank you! I hope the GP helps me out tomorrow too, I will be so cross if she just dismisses me, but then again my plan is just to go privately to get my answers.

Its been really interesting to see all the help/tests some of you are getting from your Dr/consultant. I had my 3rd m/c 4 weeks ago and waiting for results from... well I don't know what the right word would be, but basically to see if there was anything wrong with my baby. I know I was only 7 weeks pregnant at the time, but it was my baby. At the m/c I had in February my hubby and I had bloods taken to check out our chromosones (can't spell), that came back with the no issues.

My problem now is that they are saying there is nothing else, test wise they can do for us. No treatment has been offered. My previous 2 m/c's were at 8 and 7 weeks as well. I already have 2 boys from my first marriage. I don't know what I should be asking for or even if I'm entitiled to, I'm 40 now.

I really don't know who else to ask for advice, Dr saying nothing else can be done as well. Going to make an appointment with consultant when results come through, but what do I say to sound knowledgable??

Sorry its so long,

Thanks, Jane x
hi there Jane, if you have only had tests for chromasome problems that's a bit strange? haven't they run basic blood tests for thyroid conditions and clotting? (antiphospholipid syndrome) You should get a whole battery of tests on the NHS...You will find that there are other tests available privately - NK Cells (immunology issues - this is controversial and not all experts believe in the theory. it is also v. expensive to get the tests) and more detailed tests such as Factor V Leiden and something called MTHR (or something like that) which may not be offered routinely by the NHS. sorry if i'm repeating what others have said on this board -am at work so haven't had time to read through all the threads. Obviously as you are 40 age is quite likely to be a factor as i expect doctors have told you. in a way that's a good thing because it means it's less likely there's something fundamentally wrong with you and more to do with egg quality. means if you can bear to keep trying you prob have a good chance of it working eventually. If you live in London you could push to be referred to Lesley REgan's Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic at St Mary's Paddington but there is quite a wait. i'm not sure if they have guidelines about patient age. (not that 40 is that old!, but as i say, makes it less likely you have a problem than say i do, as my miscarriages began in my earlier 30s.)
hope that's helpful. i have had four miscarriages and been through the private system and St Mary's so let me know if you need more info.
sorry, doh, just seen that you live in Paisley. so not exactly within easy reach of London! pretty sure there will be a recurrent miscarriage clinic in Glasgow though?
Jane you sound like your in pretty much the same boat as me. Two chldren from previous marriage, will be 42 in a few months, Ive had 4 mcs over the last 7 months, get the pathology back on the fetal tissue of the last one hopefully Monday. They have run all the tests on me and everything has come back normal, my last story is above. Just tested + again after a D&C 33 days ago, will have to have bloods done on Monday to see if this is new or leftover, test was darker today though so dont know what to think! Not much you can say to sound like you are in the know, they tend to look at us like we are a bit crackers if we start speaking their talk, well mine does anyway!:haha: Just have as much info as you can about your cycle and what you've done etc, family history I have found out is handy too, funny once you start talking to your family what comes out, history of thyriod problems etc. Keep us updated hun and know your not alone!:hugs:

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