Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Thanks so much for replying.

Just made me remember that my mum takes medication for an underactive thyroid, although I don't think its a high dose pill. Excuse a really daft question but what impact does that have on a pregnancy?

I don't think there is a recurrent miscarriage clinic in Glasgow, as googled it and nothing came up.

Totally agree that Dr's seem to make me feel as if i'm a stupid! Still not had results back after 4 weeks, going away for a few days so will call on Friday as that will be 5 weeks, surely enough time for a 2 week test to come back!

Periods not come back yet, last times came after 3 weeks. I know it can take up to 6 weeks, but now convinced myself there is something wrong!!!

Thanks again for both taking the time to reply.

Jane x
Jane - I am currently waiting to see an endocrinologist due to being subclinically hypothyroid (diagnosed Jan 10) which now seems to be getting worse (from blood taken at 7 weeks pregnant in April 10) and to me looks like I'm heading towards overt hypothyroidism as my symptoms are increasing fast.

I have read that an undiagnosed/untreated underactive thyroid increases the chance of miscarriage by 4 times. I have had 3 losses, my last one just over 2 weeks ago. As my body is not producing enough of the hormone to keep me going it cannot make enough to keep a baby going too.

I've been told not to TTC again until my levels are brought back to normal and that will probably happen with the thyroid medication. There should then be no problem with conceiving (took me 11 months to catch the 3rd time around) and hopefully I will continue to carry a baby to term.
Thanks so much for taking time to let me know about this. There should be some kind of handbook issued:wacko:

I'm so sorry for you loses, fingers crossed for next time, for both of us. :hugs:
Hi everyone. I have been lurking around this post, but never had the courage to say anything. Well- I am now :)
My husband and I are trying for our first baby. I am 37 and he is 43 so we don't have all the time in the world.
I have had 5 mc in the past 12 months. My first was a mmc at 12 weeks- the baby died at 9 weeks. Had a D&C since my body didn't want to cooperate. Got pregnant again and had a terribly long complete mc with bleeding for almost 2 months. That one made it to 7 weeks but ended up needing another D&C. My third pregnancy was an ectopic where I had emergency surgery and lost part of my left tube. The next 2 pregnancies were at just over 5 weeks.
I have had all the blood tests and originally they told me everything was normal, but then 2 weeks later said I had high homocysteine levels and low folate levels. So they put me on something called "neevo" to balance out those levels. While they couldn't tell me if that was definitely my cause for problems, it is a possibility.
I am now waiting one cycle before trying again. Do those of you ladies who are still trying for your first child ever feel like it just might not happen? I am positive most days but there are times that I am so scared something is genetically wrong with me and I will never be able to have a little one of my own. I am adopted so I already have no "genetic connection" to anyone around me, so the thought I will never have that petrifies me.
Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to stick my head in finally :flower:
Hi to the new girls, sorry you have found yourselves here, but there are lots of really supportive girls on here.
Amos I am also ttc 1st child and know exactly what you mean about sometimes feeling like I'll never have my own child, it's difficult but I try not to focus on those feelings, I like to think that the baby that is meant for us will come at the right time (of course the right time for me would be right now, please!).
Jane there will probably be a monthly recurrent miscarriage clinic at one of the Glasgow hospitals, I'm in Edinburgh and although I couldn't find any info online, there is a RMC clinic at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Ask your GP to refer you to them, hopefully they will be able to help you.
I think I had another chemical pregnancy last cycle and am totally lacking enthusiasm this month for ttc, we've only bd'd like three times this cycle and it's now CD13. Finding it difficult to get an answer from the hospital as to when my appt will be, they said the 11th June but not had this confirmed, going slightly mad about this as we are moving to a different health board area in July, argh!

Im in Glasgow and i had all the tests done early last year at the Queen Mum's. Thats obviously been closed down, and although they didn't have a recurrent mc clinic per se, they did have a pre-conception clinic with a dedicated specialty nurse that dealt with people like us. They will have been moved now, but its still going strong ( i know because my nurse, an MBE no less, was retiring and one of the head midwifes would take over her job).

I just turned 40 and although i don't qualify for ivf (as someone else pointed out, what's the point) as the cut off here is 38 and and we do get pg on own, i did get a referral through my GP to the fertility services in Glasgow on the NHS.

They are currently going through the same protocol they do for ivf couples. Ive had a 21 day test for ovulation - normal. Hubby has a SA due on wednesday, and i have bloodtests for std's (charming, lol) on 22nd. We ruled out having my tubes checked as obviously got pregnant and even seen a heartbeat once.

Admittedly, there are limitations to what they can do, but while im ttc its nice to know that at least there might be some options as they will do all the investigations, medications etc for free.

I wish you all the best and im so sorry to find you here... :hugs:

Omi xxx
I don't feel like it will never happen for me........the way I'm looking at things right now is that once my thyroid levels are under control we can start TTC again and if I miscarry again then I will keep trying and trying and trying until either I get my baby OR I get to the age where Mother Nature says STOP you're out of eggs.

I refuse to be on my deathbed in years to come regretting not trying everything in my power to have a child of my own.

I don't feel like it will never happen for me........the way I'm looking at things right now is that once my thyroid levels are under control we can start TTC again and if I miscarry again then I will keep trying and trying and trying until either I get my baby OR I get to the age where Mother Nature says STOP you're out of eggs.

I refuse to be on my deathbed in years to come regretting not trying everything in my power to have a child of my own.


I guess I would feel a little more confident had I been able to pinpoint something that was the cause of my losses. I am not going to stop trying by any means, but some days I just wonder if I am meant to be childless :cry:
Hi girl my view may be political but I firmly believe sometimes we have to endure this pain and heartache to actually get to our final goal.

Had I not had 5 miscarriages, I would never have know I had APS and simple daily injections could cure it. I would never have know how late or early I ovulate etc

Sometimes we dont hear the news that we want to hear i.e something is wrong but when we do it can help.

Im now cooking number 7 in 2 years (5 miscarriages and ectopic) and hopefully after an early misdiagnosis of an ectopic on Friday where I was nearly operated on to remove it. I firmly believe miracles can happen xxx
Thanks always amaze me with your positivity. I had not heard about your misdiagnosis. What happened?
Okay well here to report a +hpt after my D&C only 34 days ago, had my bloods drawn yesterday and will have the second lot done Wednesday, so here we go again number 5 in 8 months, lets hope we get a sticker this time with the added help of the heparin! If not its up to the miracle herbal cure from Sharkeys Clinic!
Thanks always amaze me with your positivity. I had not heard about your misdiagnosis. What happened?

Its in the Pregnancy after loss section.

I went in for a scan on Friday to confirm PG and my specialist couldnt find it only a mass on my right ovary/tube.

I was booked in for an op but they re did HCG and it doubled in 2 days so they postponed the op and rescanned me for Saturday and hey presto there was bubs well a gestational sac and yolk sac measuring right on cue for 5w 4d

So have to go back in a week for a rescan !
Wow Fluffy.....So glad everything was ok. Fx for your next scan!
I just wanted to pop in to say what a great idea this thread is! I had 8 early miscarriages, pretty much in a row when I was TTC in 2008/early2009 and a thread like this would have been so comforting at the time!

I hope I dont upset anyone by saying this, its more just for a bit of hope! I gave up TTC in early 2009 purely because of the emotional strain of having mc after mc, and I'd convinced myself that I'd never have another baby! I wasn't entitled to any tests as I already had healthy children, so I gave up hope completely! Then me and OH got a bit carried away one night, and *forgot* the condom, I didn't think any thing of it til a few weeks later when my boobs had tripled in size and i could't stay awake in the day, and got anotehr bfp... I wqas devaststed thinking i was gunna go through it all over again, but I'm 10wks tomorrow, which is further than I ever got with my mc's... I'm still nervous as hell, but hopeful... so basically I'm just trying to say NEVER give up hope!
I hope everyone gets their sticky beans asap :dust: :hug:
WannaB that's great news!
Ju_bubbs thanks for sharing your positive outcome!
Fluffyblue - hope the bleeding is just bubs snuggling in deeper, thinking of you. x

AFM I have got an appointment with the recurrent miscarriage clinic! 11th June. Hoping they can explain the raised Fibrinogen and whether there's anything they can do.
Ju-Jubs- I always like to hear positive stories so thanks and congrats :)
Fluffy- you are in my thoughts
Fifi- I don't know anything about Fibrinogen but I hope it's something easily treatable :)
Wannab - woop woop!

Ju-bubs - wishing you every success and thanks for the positive story.

Fluffy - fingers crossed. You're in my thoughts.

I have a shed load of blood tests on Monday with OH and a scan 2 weeks later. Is it wrong to DEMAND something like heparin? Aspirin got me to 8+5 this time which is further than ever before. We want to TTC again straight away but have to worry about malaria tablets etc too as am going to Kenya soon. Any advice?
Looks like RMC are gonna listen to me if this one doesnt work out. im gonna get the Natural Killer Cell biopsy and also the Caeliac testing (I have a problem swallowing bread/wheat products and it "sits" in my system causing pain) apparently lactose/gluten levels can be a cause in RMC.

To be honest I might just give it up, I had two kids without any invasive testing etc ! I still am not convinced its the blood clotting thing.

My scan has been moved to Friday 3pm ! xxx

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