Farie - I'm sorry Nim isn't doing so good just now
She'll get there hun, just remember she won't have it forever! Macy is doing fantastic thanks, she did have a sickness and diarrhoea bug for a whole week but reflux-wise she is doing brilliant. We've had no symptoms or flare-ups for ages now and still gradually weaning off the omeprazole - down to 12.5mg now, going to go down by 1mg every 3-4weeks. She's doing impressively with solids too, finish over half a jar of stage 2 at most meals now! And enjoying and coping really well with finger food.
She's also really enjoying her milk at the minute - around 5ounce bottles every 4hours, she's stopped sleeping through the night though so we are dreamfeeding at 11pm and then she's waking around 4.30-5.30 for a feed and being a nightmare to get back to sleep.
My OH is away for a week from today so I'm hoping we have a good week! xx
Kelly - I'm sorry the cranial osteopathy didn't work but I'm glad that you've got sorted with new meds, hope they make a big difference to both of you
We have always given Macy's her omeprazole on an empty stomach about half an hour before her bedtime bottle as she always used to be most uncomfortable over night. I'm going to have to change it though as we're about to start giving her porridge as supper before bed so her tummy won't be empty anymore. Will probably give it about 10.30am as she'll not have had anything to eat since breakfast and gets the next bottle at 11.00 xx
Nessicle - Have you been referred to a paed? Our GP had no idea what silent reflux was and all he would give us was Gaviscon. He wouldn't do a referral as Macy was still gaining weight so I took her to A&E and refused to leave until we saw a paediatrician. I had an A4 sheet of paper of everything I had written down, I wrote everything- back arching and screaming a few minutes into feed, refusing to finish feed although hungry, constant hiccups, distressed and unsettled after feeds, poor sleep with frequent wakings, occasional projectile vomit, blood in nappies (in Macys case this was down to the damage the reflux was doing to her insides, not an allergy), poor feeding only taking half as much as she should, poor weight gain, colic like crying for no reason, constant drooling and need to suck, wheezing sound in chest, gagging and choking in sleep, hoarseness, red sore throat (noticed by our GP), persistent thrush. I wrote every single one of these down and also wrote down all the things that we had already tried from the simple things like propping, teats and bottles, all the milks and the Gaviscon. That way they couldn't fob me off. The paed suggested Ranitidine and I just said that there were a few babies in the family with reflux and they had done really well on LOSEC so they did the prescription for me.
Did you know you can get Omeprazole on prescription - it's not the LOSEC brand but you can buy generic stuff 10mg stuff OTC. PM if you want help with this.