Silaslove, what meds is he in? Ranitadene and Losec can make them more susceptible to thrush as it lowers acid so makes it less hostile to candida. Try probiotics to address the imbalance once the thrush is treated.
Fluffyblue, I'd stop the food, it sounds like he's just not ready, Nim was the same and is only now tolerates small amounts of puree, and that's rare and only on 'good' days. More than a couple of tiny baby spoonfuls and she chucks. Not that she is usually interested anyway
Nim and I are well, she sleeping really badly at the moment but I think that's a teething issue compounded by her awful feeing habits ....
But ....
We have got a script for EleCare
it should arrive on Wednesday
I'm really hoping that it will improve her eating, even if the vomiting doesn't get better.
She still chucking daily and going through at least 4 outfits but she's 90% pain free as li as her Losec dose stays at 20mg daily. She's off the erythromycin and to be honest the vomitings not changed at all. Well, slightly worse but not enough to make giver her anti-b's regularly worth it iykwim?
We are back at the paed in a couple of weeks so if shes still chucking I'll ask about domperidone. The tiny bits of solids she takes don't do anything to keep the milk down, if anything she chucks more after them
Ohh shes tooting, better dash, poor lamb just cannot sleep well