Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

God sparkle you poor thing :hugs: we will all be praying everything is alright and I'm sure it will be :hugs:
Rest up and make sure you get lots of support.

So glad they have you monitored and found out about this now :hugs:

X x x
sbb - my heart started pumping faster when i thought u might be in labor :haha: im fully freaking out for you :dohh:

sparkle - :hugs: hunni, so glad you told your midwife your symptoms :thumbup: glad you are being monitored and they will look after you, be brave special girl :hugs: i hope it all works out for you

AFM still no signs or symptoms of being pg :dohh: expecting AF from today through to sunday, will definately be doing the soy again, it rocks!!
KEL, yes i do have a southern draw hehe :)

SBB/LINNY, DH hasn't left yet he was just kissing me goodbye before he had to leave for class :blush: he doesn't officially leave until next tuesday (HOPEFULLY) and i will see him next mid february (AGAIN, HOPEFULLY!)

SBB, ooo early labor signs! i can't wait!! hehe, but i'm sure you are nervous but itching to meet baby jesus.

SPARKLE, oh my gosh honey. i'm sure everything will be alright and it looks as though your doctors are keeping a very close eye on everything. i hope everything turns out okay and until then.. get some rest!

DANDY, still have my fingers crossed for you honey. hoping we can both pull one out this year!

TTC, yes we used soft cups a few times this cycle. about CD17-CD20 EVERY time we :sex:ed. we also used conceive plus a few times as well, but not as much.

AFM, been very bored at work this week but greatful DH has been ere. it's nice to have someone to cook dinner with and be lazy with. it gets very lonely! been bloated and had gas. some nausea today and i've had dull stabbing like pains on my right side pretty much all day. hoping these are all good signs, but not optimistic as i know that many things can cause all of this. we will see!

SPARKLE.....:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Oh I'm sooooo pleased they have caught this for you! My friend had the same condition with both her babies. In fact she'd been complaining for ages about itching to her midwife before she took any blood for them to diagnose it first time around. It was so serious by then the midwife was struck off!

Both her babies were just fine, healthy and happy so try not to worry too much. Ooooh baby spark in no more than three weeks, I can't wait ti see pics of her & SBB's boy :D

Never...oh wow so happy DH is still there, how lovely for you!! And february is only round the corner for you to see him again after this time!!!

:hi: ttc, Kel & dandy

I'm a right emotional wreck today. Its my last week at work and anything that can go wrong is! Had a customer shouting at me and finished late so its been a loooong day, now Ive come home to OH in a bad mood, just wanna get a bath and have a good cry :cry: :cry:
Aw linny :hugs: it's normal to be emotional with everything, and leaving work :hugs: have a nice bath and a good cry if you need it! :hugs:

Yay never I'm so glad he's still there! Sorry I thought he'd had to go :blush: but it's great you've got a few more days! I hope you get your Xmas day miracle your symptoms sound good!

Dandy lol I think you're more scared about me giving birth than I am!! :haha: don't worry it'll be fine - hopefully I can have a nice birth story to reassure you it's not that bad!

X x x
:hi: everyone

Sparkle - so great to hear from you and to know that they're keeping a close eye on things. Really good that you said to the midwife you were feeling itchy, I think sometimes our bodies have an amazing way of telling us things!

TTC - my cycle is normally the same every month so hopefully it's a good sign that you got your high reading on the same day as the other month. Strangely, this month which is the first month I used the CBFM I O'd 4 days late!!

TNT - I've heard you can be extra fertile following a miscarriage so if you're feeling ready again it's probably good to do some more inseminations in the next few days

Linny - that sounds like a really horrible day of work, just remember that today's behind you now, the week is almost over and soon you won't have to think about work at all and you'll have way more important things to be thinking about!

SBB I'm definitely expecting lots of cute baby pics to inspire the rest of us so don't worry about feeling like you're posting too many when the time comes!!

Kel - I loved your little video, your accents are adorable - and you seem to have some great banter going on with Jeff

Never - yes, Xmas testing buddies - how fab!! I've been using softcups this cycle too and pre-seed so fingers crossed for those Xmas BFPs!

Can't remember who said it, sorry - but I really relate to that feeling for about 3-4 days during the 2WW of feeling pregnant - it normally happens around 7-10dpo for me pretty much each month. I was wondering if sometimes it might be that an egg has been fertilised but it hasn't implanted. I've read somewhere that an estimated 50-75% of fertilised eggs don't implant - so it could easily be that a lot of months this is what's happening.

AFM - sorry to let the side down (and ruin my reputation) but we didn't manage to BD last night. We had a bit of a row because my OH was on the computer all night and he said I should have told him I wanted to spend some quality, romantic time with him. I said I shouldn't have to tell him!! We sorted it out later, I think both just really tired after work stress and lots of BD-ing. Because I O'd late we'd been BDing every other day for about 10 days in the end and it was really hard work! I need a few days off now! :haha: Hopefully we caught that eggy this month, I don't think we could have done much more really!! xx

Hi to everyone else
Sparkle- I am so glad you have a good midwife listening to what your bodies telling you! Im glad you found this now so they can look after you! I can't believe only 3 weeks. I dont think I would have my head wrapped around it either! Rest up sweetie and let us know how things are going! :hugs::hugs:

Leeze- My dr is not allowing us to inseminate this month because we found out I have high insulin (which prob is the cause of the MC). So I am on metformin 2000mg to get that under control along with eating like a rabbit...:haha: I so wish we could have done the IUI but glad I had that test cause I couldn't go through another MC. I insisted on the test just to cover my basis...Was reading too much into the causes of MC... and low and behold high insulin. So hopefully we can do it in Jan when my cycle returns! I think you and OH prob covered all basis...:haha::blush: You guys were machines this cycle! :haha:

Never- OMG so glad to read OH will be back in Feb hopefully! Thats awesome! I sure hope you guys caught that eggy... I really do!!! Eeeckk Come on Christmas!!!!

Dandy- If you didn't catch the eggy this month...that soy is DEF doing your cycle some good. I remember when you went to vegas and had a 80 some odd day cycle! And now look at it! :happydance:

Linny- Aww im sorry hun. Go take that bath and cry on OH's shoulders! This is why I try not to go off on anyone in customer service. You never know who's on the other end and what kind of day they are having. Hope some nice :sleep: and a bath does the trick!:hugs:

TTC- Sounds like your body is finally working the way it should without all those fibroids! I hope this is the path that BFP! I know nothing about those monitors so can't tell ya much!

Kel- Did you get the implant thingy? I hope it doesn't hurt too bad! Give me the goosebumps thinking about it!

SBB- I can't wait to see some pix of baby jesus! I agree with Leeze...I will not be upset AT ALL seeing your lil guy! Flood the thread!! :happydance::baby::baby:

Where is Welsh, Char, and Yazzy and Celtic and AJ??? Hope they are doing okay!

AFM- My temps are confusing the heck outta me. I know were not trying this cycle but still wondering what the heck my body is doing. Had more EWCM today...not alot though...usually dont produce alot anyways!

Maken some chili right now... MMMmmmm and probably going to scrapbook with Amy and watch a movie and Criminal Minds. Its a new one tonight! :happydance:
SBB - ok you made me laugh at are right why am I doubting the is kinda funny isnt it...we are so used to our bodies not working right!

Sparkle - Oh hunny I am so happy to hear from you! I can only imagine how overwhelmed you are right now. I will continue to send my prayers a couple extra angels to watch over you and baby sparkle!

Never - You just sound so relaxed I cant get over it! So nice to hear some happiness from you!

Linny - So sorry hun, I think a good cry and a nice bath might just be in order to release some of that tension! On the plus side...yeah for the last week of work!

Dandy - I hope you get no would be so lovely!

Leeze - Well I certainly think you got enough bding in! now the wonderful waiting game!

TnT- Your night sounds like exactly what I would like to have...Unfort...we have a christmas play for Brads nephew and a bday party after that....Oh how I just want to relax with my hubby!
SBB - ok you made me laugh at are right why am I doubting the is kinda funny isnt it...we are so used to our bodies not working right!

Sparkle - Oh hunny I am so happy to hear from you! I can only imagine how overwhelmed you are right now. I will continue to send my prayers a couple extra angels to watch over you and baby sparkle!

Never - You just sound so relaxed I cant get over it! So nice to hear some happiness from you!

Linny - So sorry hun, I think a good cry and a nice bath might just be in order to release some of that tension! On the plus side...yeah for the last week of work!

Dandy - I hope you get no would be so lovely!

Leeze - Well I certainly think you got enough bding in! now the wonderful waiting game!

TnT- Your night sounds like exactly what I would like to have...Unfort...we have a christmas play for Brads nephew and a bday party after that....Oh how I just want to relax with my hubby!

Ya we do alot of chilling at home bc we live in a small country town with like 5-10 thousand ppl. So there isn't much to do around here. But a 55inch tv and movie nights do help!!
wow I thought I lived in a small community! We have about 35,000 on our island!
5-10 thousand people?! Theres about 400 people I'm my village!! :rofl: there really is nothing to do!!

TNT keep an eye on those temps, perhaps you have ov'd. Would be good as it's so early :D

Leeze v disappointed you didn't :sex: !!

Ttc I don't blame you for doubting your body first - I don't think anyone on this thread has a 'normal' cycle!!

X x x
:hi: ladies!

sparkle - so glad there sorting it out for you :hugs: less then 3 weeks til we get to see baby sparkle :) yay :)

Sbb - every day I see your ticker & just cant believe how close you are :haha:

I tried catching up ladies but my brain aint working :( forgive me?

AFM - ill be back to work fri :( Fxd I can claim emergency holiday pay for the 3 days ive had off - otherwise its gna be another rubbish month of pay?!! Have to have a back to work interview 2mra - Ooh fun lol.

sbb :rofl: i prob am more nervous than you :haha: yes give me a good story :thumbup: :O omg only 400 pple thats crazy tiny!!

never i really hope this is it for you hun, you and your OH are so cute :blush:

well im expecting AF any day now, i caved took a test :bfn: :cry: i knew it though, plus my CP feel high and soft, as it normally does before AF so :shrug: im out, should be Oving around xmas next, so hope OH is up for that challenge :thumbup:

and you guys are right these cycle lengths are way better than my 80+ days ones, at least i will have more chances for a BFP instead of the few chances i was having :dohh: I really hope it happens soon though, we have nearly been officially ttc for 1 whole year :dohh:
Linny aww hun what a CRAPPIE day you had :hugs:

TnT I read on FB you had chilli going.. I was gonna pop in my car and head on over

Char- how are you feeling- how is the back?

Leeze- OH NO noooooooo :sex: and here we all were thinking--- hmm :lol:

Suz- anymore symptons?

Never- I Just KNEW you talked like that.. LOL

TTC- so Brad would act the same way with his finger up his nose??Jeff is just a classy guy :rofl:

Dandy- well since you are not temping we can't tell but do FEEL any different?

AFM-my tooth is gone-- I now have the flapper in and it is just like a retanner.. so I have the lisp.. I feel like I am back in junior high.... and talk like it too and it hurts.... pressure is more like it... I took it out already jeff is gonna LOVE to see me toothless.. LOL

ok I gotta eat----- I haven't eating a thing today and it's 5:45pm....

check back in a bit
kel so sorry about this whole tooth thing :( :hugs:

no kel i dont feel any different, have a slight headache, think maybe im coming down with a cold, been sneezing a bit :shrug: but my nips stopped hurting about 2 days ago, they normally stop then AF shows up couple of days later, everything is pointing to AF far as im concerned

look at my awesome cycle length :smug:
look at my awesome cycle length

I know AWESOME.. and look at mine CD36 and STILL no O.............. flucking fantasic... :rofl:

I cannot WAIT for 2010 to be OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! totally over
kel :hugs: you have some pos Opks though, maybe Ov soon :shrug: :( so sorry this is hard for you

i have had a great year, just bumbed that i didnt end it preg :dohh: maybe next year :shrug: i really hope so
i really dont want a december bub though, too close to christmas for my liking, we'll have to stop trying in march/april/may :haha: we'll have to see if i can hold off for that long :dohh: if its meant to be a december bub, it will happen no matter what i do about it :dohh:
Lol dandy I couldn't have gotten any closer to an Xmas baby if I tried!! :rofl: who cares when their birthday is, just go for it! Great you've had such a good cycle length though, just getting it down increases your chances so much :D

Kell I don't even know what a flapper is but I don't like the sound of it!!! I am hoping for a much better year for you next year, with nice regular cycle and a big fat bfp!!! :hugs:

Nope no more symptoms... Period pains gone so you're all gonna have to wait a bit longer! Baby sparkle might well beat baby Jesus to it... As long as all our babies are healthy I don't care when they're born!

:wave: char!

X x x
QUOTE=xcharx;8158554]Wheres welshie, aj, linny, sparkle, celtic been hiding? Xx[/QUOTE]

Im here, I missed you girls so much, took me ages to catch up :hugs:

never what a roller coaster so glad you go to see Dh and testing on Christmas day FX for you pet.

Kel hugs for angel and hugs about your tooth :hugs: ouch you poor thing! what is up wit those test are ya sure they are evaps! Oooh Im so hoping they become something else

Yazzy OMG so happy for you and I hope you have a happy, healthy 9 months :hugs:

TNT so glad you put that girl in her place, sadly it had to be said and Im sure she felt bad and all is ok now, I hope Amy is ok and I know what I would like to do to that guy:growlmad: its not pretty!

SBB wow so close now, Ive been thinking of you lots and your house move as well, I know exactly what you mean about stress and being tired and unpacking almost worse than packing in the first place. we only moved this week and it was hard work and Ive loads of unpacking to do, but all the boxes are to heavy for me to lift so have to wait for DH to help. I like your honesty by the way :hugs:

Linny hey hun :hugs:

Sparkle I was just going to say when I seen your post it was intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, my very good friend had this twice she was closer to her due date so they induced her early and all was ok. also another girl I know got it as early as you and they kept a very close eye on her she was kept in and induced later on be prepared for that as I am sure you are :hugs: it will be ok though they are watching and taking care of you now.

OK feel I have missed loads had more to say! so sorry if I missed any one :hugs:

Im doing good, had a very stressful few weeks glad its behind me now and can plan Christmas then baby in newyear.

I missed my appointment in the hospital and Im raging as I was due to see the baby doctor and have a mini scan, I just want to know all is good in side, I am worrying constantly about baby and movements, he is moving lots now thankfully very quite baby compared to my others. on more insulin now 6 injections a day! its hard work but doing ok I guess.

take care every one, to those of the lovely ladies waiting for that BFP all I can say is '' our day will come'' keep believing this as its just around the corner ok! :hugs: much love to you all xxx

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