Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

Well ladies the snow is really bad. Im not going out, none of my carers are!! Ill take a pic & paste it. Weve had a good 4 inches, prob more,

Erin - I hope your in for a chance hun :) im pretty sure you are! Fxd hun.
Linny - Oh no :( im sure Oh will be ok :)

im soo tempted to take my car out for a spin. I love driving in the snow :) xx
Hello ladies :hugs::hugs::hugs:

TTC, Enjoy your early Christmas :hugs::hugs:

NEVER, So glad you have an extra night with your DH :thumbup:

DANDY, Oh my word what a nightmare for you. Hope you manage to get the car sorted :hugs::hugs:

LINNY, Feet up girl and let the maternity leave begin. Love the bump picture :thumbup: Thank you very much for the offer of a text buddy, that would be fantastic. I will PM you my number. I can then keep you updated on everything as it happens :hugs::hugs: I am so nervous. I do wake up with sore fingers some mornings. I put it down to the fact that some times i sleep with my hand up under the pillow and lie my head on it :dohh:. If they are swollen or your at all worried then i would mention it to your midwife :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Well ladies i have had a day cleaning. I have scrubbed cupboards and sorted out my hospital bags. I am just about ready to go to bed :dohh: I have had lots of braxton hicks contractions today and some backache so my body is having a good old practice at getting ready :happydance::happydance:

Enjoy the rest of the day ladies :hugs::hugs::hugs:
linny my car makes a rattling noise too, its the exhaust collapsing on itself inside :dohh: so im gonna get all new tyres this week and prob get the exhaust replaced too :thumbup:
thanx girls

regarding our weather, its supposed to be the wettest summer we have had for a long time, plus its storm season :dohh: well so far its right, its been raining lots and is now too :dohh: and we had 2 really bad storms during the week, glad they both hit after i got home from work :thumbup: one had golf ball size hail :argh: i thought it was gonna break a window :dohh: the next day we had very very strong winds, our hedges were almost ruined, the rain was coming in sideways :argh: and its still raining :dohh:

linny - yay for maternity leave :happydance: enjoy it girl, you wont get much rest when little one arrives :haha:

christmas must be a lucky time for this thread :thumbup: we have so many xmas bubs due :happydance:
:wave: Hi girlies!!!

Just checking in real quick to see how everyone is! I will read/catch up better later! I am super tired from a super busy day at the salon and then bowling tonight! :haha::winkwink:

SBB- How ya doing girl? Hows baby jesus?

Sparkle- Glad you have some reasurrance now. How are feeling lately? Meaning with the itchiness?

Never- I hope you had a lovely time with OH! :hugs:

Kel- How was shoppen? It was super crazy busy in our little small town...I could only imagine a big city! :dohh:

Char- Glad you stayed in hun! :thumbup: Better safe than sorry! When I first moved to midwest I never drove in snow/ice and totaled my truck in an ice storm cause I "thought" my truck could handle it!:dohh::dohh: Silly 18 yr old me.... Now I NEVER drive in snow! :haha: Amy always does.

Yazzy- Howd your weekend go (so far)? I thought I read you had alot of family time this weekend? Whens your first scan? I can't wait to see pix.:happydance:

Linny- I love your new pic! You look great! Its funny how all pregnant women look different. My friend was HUGE and it just looked painful. :haha:

Dandy- Im so glad you guys are safe! I never like to pull over either unless I have to. When Amy and I were truck drivers we always pulled over to sleep and it always scared me! LOL:haha:

TTC- Have a lovely time hun! Sounds warm!!

Wheres miss Delia and Welsh and AJ?? I hope they are ok!

AFM- A bit TMI but I have had SOO MUCH EWCM! And for multiple days! Ive NEVER had this. When we inseminated I had to use the whole tube of preseed. Still haven't Ovd but thinking I might soon. But nothing else goen was my Friday so going to relax and clean the next few days.

Alright off to :sleep::sleep: now!! Have a great weekend!

PSS- Im super HAPPY for the repeal of DADT!!! :happydance: I know its not the worlds biggest problem right now...but I pretty much got booted from the military for being who I am and that broke my heart cause the military was my dream. So its a big step forward...although I do think there are more important issues as well!
:hi: TNT, I am ok thanks :hugs::hugs:

The itching is awful but i have some lovely cream with menthol in it that i can apply. It makes the area go all cold and i cant feel the itch for a little while. No one can sit by me though as it makes their eyes water :rofl:
I am also on tablets to help the itch and they make my drowsy so i take them at night so i can get some sleep :happydance::happydance:
Baby sparkle seems happy enough so that's all i can ask for. I tell itch to do it's worse because i only have 3 weeks and as long as she is happy i will just keep scratching :rofl:

Hope you enjoyed your night out :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Sparkle...I think you might be right about the sore fingers and sleeping on them. Woke up with them under my pillow :dohh: I also had a VERY random dream which must have been after I'd read your post.....I dreamt they were trying to induce me in three weeks cos my baby was already weighing 9lbs 9oz :rofl: :rofl: I kept wondering around saying to people 'i passed the GTT though and my belly isn't big enough' :rofl: :rofl: Glad you have something for the itching, it must be awful when it just drives you to distraction :hugs: :hugs:

Tnt...:hi: sounds like a busy day at the salon, you take a long sleep :D

Dandy...those storms sound awful and very scary!!

Char...hows the snow now?

Well i have my scan tomorrow to check the placenta has moved. i hope it has otherwise I might not be looking at a natural birth :(
Hi everyone!

SBB - how is baby Jesus? Hope he's still comfortable.

Sparkle - pleased everything is under control but feel sorry for you being all itchy.

Char - hope you are well?

TTC - hows everything with you, any more highs?

TNT - get your feet up and rest girl :) The snow here is stopping alot going on, couldn't get to my brothers yesterday to see my nephew but today we managed to park down the bottom of the hill and got to see Maxwell (nephew) and give him his birthday present...he's soooo cute! Also its his mums birthday today and we got her some professional pics done of Max so she was really happy. Think its going to be a while before I have my my first booking in appointment on Jan 11th when i'm 9 weeks and then a scan a few weeks after that I think.

Oops i'm writing an essay here lol! I'm off to put my Christmas Tree up now :)
Hey ladies, so sorry for the selfish post, just letting you know Jesus is still in. No signs of anything yet.
Absolutely manic weekend doing his room, will try and post some pics tomorrow x x x
:wave: morning girls

ill jump on later to post, im off to work now, last night was day 1 of soy :thumbup: hope it does the trick again
:hi: Gals! Here is my weekly check in :flower:

I hope you've all been well!

Linny- gorgeous bump! Down to the wire girls!! your little angels will be here soon!!!

Spark- glad all is ok ( at least what I can remember of what i've read back to- please forgive me ) I see you've started "nesting" of my girlfriends I went to high school with is also due in just a few weeks- she said she can't keep still right now...

SBB- I'm thinking ba-jesus ( you like that? my baby-jesus shortcut..) will make his debut on the 26th...just that itchy feeling....

Never- I'm holding out for you this month girlie! with all that rockin' in the sheets- you JUST HAVE TO GET THAT BFP THIS MONTH! BTW- i'm testing on the 25th too :winkwink: we weren't really "trying" this cycle...but what a lovely surprise that would be :headspin:

TnT- Hi Sweetheart! Yep...kick those feet up and reeeeelaxation time! I haven't looked yet, but are you temping this cycle?

TTC- Have a wonderful holiday!!

Kel- are you all shopped out? I was at Lowe's yesterday and the lady in front of me turned around- I could have sworn - she could have been your twin. I really wanted jump on her and hug her but she might have thought I was trying to mug her :haha:

Char- you're probably safer at home :hugs:. It's COLD down here in the south but NO SNOW, Thank God!

Yazzy- Have fun putting up your tree =) DH thinks im weird because I always pull the ottoman up next to the tree and just sit there. I like the smell!:shrug: Finally gonna get some stuff wrapped.

Hi Dandy, Erin, AJ, Celtic & Welshie and everyone else I missed :dohh:- I hope you're all doing well!!
Hello ladies :hugs::hugs:

Providing i don't go into early labour baby sparkle is being induced on January 6th. I am so glad i had this appointment today. The consultant has really put me at ease, she has gone through everything with me today and I'm feeling a lot happier now. I have a prescription as long as my arm :dohh: I'm going to look like a drug addict when i go to the chemist later :dohh:
Well it's sleeves up for us and we will be getting everything washed and ready for sparkle and Christmas.

Thanks again ladies for your continued support it's much appreciated :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thats great news and your so close now:hugs: so glad they are keeping a close eye on you and baby sparkle is happy:happydance: take it easy as well ok!

PS Just wanted to ask SBB, Sparkle or any of you get stiff and sore fingers in the morning? I don't know whether I'm sleeping with them clenched hard but when I wake up they always feel sore :(
No, sore hips yes though and killer heart burn and Im still getting round ligament pain :haha:
keep an eye on it, whoa think it did happen me once on one hand only though and I think it was the way I was sleeping.

Never that mad about the bleeding I hope it eases off soon, but why hey on the extra night with DH :hugs:

Kel supper cold here and snow forecasted as well, hope you had/ Have a fun night out:happydance:

SBB cant wait to see pictures :hugs: put your feet up thats an order!

Delilah Hello :flower: I love the smell of a real tree as well, we decorated ours this evening and I need more decorations another thing to add to my list :dohh:

Linny good luck tomorrow I hope it has:hugs: I have my appointment on Tuesday Im not looking forward to the journey but deffo to the scan and seeing baby again.

Dandy I see on FB that there has been really bad weather hope the rain clears soon or gives you a wee break! I do miss the thunder storms though.

Char we are looking to get snow tuesday, hey post a picture :happydance:
:wave: linny

hows your bump going? when are you due?

i do love a good storm, long as im home safe and its not a destructive one
:hi: - it's late but I couldn't resist a quick check in to see how everyone is and to say hi!!

I've missed all the TTC and bump chat over the weekend so it's great to be back!

Never - how long has the bleeding been going for? I bled for 1.5 days before I got my BFP in June - and I've heard IB can go on for up to 3 days. Fingers crossed for you

Dandy - that's scary about your tyres. Glad you eventually got some help with that

SBB - I predict a later birth for you, 2nd Jan is my prediction! If so this means you get to buy presents for jesus every year in the sales and so can buy him more for less!!

TNT - sounds like a nightmare for you about your brother. I hope it's just a phase he's going through and he manages to sort himself out. Must be difficult for you, and I guess you want to help him but sometimes there's not much you can do

Kel - I hope you get your tooth sorted and it doesn't end up being too much of a nightmare. Also, that you get it done soon so you can get back on the TTC train

Linny - I love your bump! It looks so neat as well! I bet you're really proud!

I was out with a pregnant friend on Monday and the owner of the restaurant (man) kept touching her bump - she was so good and patient about it. I kept wanting to tell him to get his hands off. I think people sometimes feel like they're patting the baby's head or something and forget it's actually a woman's stomach!!

AFM - tired after weekend with family. feeling like I'm getting a cold. lots of sneezing and a sore throat. A few little twinges on my lower right side but I've had these every month for about the last 4 months around this time so I'm trying not to read too much into it!!

Hi to everyone else - hope you're getting excited about Xmas

Now let's definitely get some Xmas BFPs - Never, Delilah (and some good Xmas BD-ing for those who are O-ing around then!!! - Dandy) xx
gosh leeze if i was your friend i woulda told the guy off too :dohh:

yes im getting 4 new tyres on today

i think i'll be Oving around new year, wouldnt that make for a nice new year present :thumbup: im soo soo hopeful that it will happen for us soon
Hey girls :wave: v quiet here today!

I have been for a walk and been bouncing on my ball in an attempt to shift baby Jesus (or BaJesus!) - but nothing so far!

So here are the nursery pics..

Oh and this was it on Tuesday last week:

Still got to get some bits. A better rug, and obviously just bits and pieces but I'm sure they'll all come later with presents etc. Also might paint his name letters bright colours and put it on the wall above the bookshelves. I have papered inside the wall cupboard and just doing inside the drawers (mainly cos they're filthy! :sick:)
Oh and I want to take the silver bits off the birdboxes and re-paint them so they're just like little houses! And I'm getting a blind made from the horses fabric that's in the cot, and probably a bumper too.


Hope everyone is ok :hugs:

x x x
SBB I love the nursery! You are so creative! Its so cute! Just love it! Thank you about your comment. Those were our engagement pix from last year! A bit warmer then as well! :haha:

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