Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

Char- Thank you for your opnion! I am definitely going to try again naturally first. I don't have any problems with IVF.. besides the cost here, haha.. but I just would like to conceive naturally ya know? I am back on Maca for the past month so my body is ready! My first cycle of Maca got me my bfp.. so let's hope it does it again and puts the bean in the right spot! :)
That is very exciting about the maternity leave and moving into the house! Can't wait to see pictures!

Yazzy- Thank you! That's exactly what I was thinking.. 3 or 4 cycles and then I will consider IVF. They say I'm more fertile for 3 months after this HSG so i'm very hopeful!
Good for you to just relax this cycle before getting back into it! It's good for your body to be completely ready as well! Or ya never know.. Maybe you taking the relaxing approach may work for your bfp! When is the wedding? I LOVE weddings!! :)

SBB- He is just SO adorable!! I love the first pic of him with his little tongue sticking out! Silly little guy! :)
Char he must be about 15.5lbs now... Maybe more! He's in the 98th percentile, I reckon my milk must be 50% lucozade :rofl:

Kiki I hope the hsg is going to mean a speedy bfp for you!!

X x x
Kiki - where do u live again?? Major fxd for u :) are u taking anything along with maca??

Sbb - haha Nah its jus strawberry milkshake ;)

SBB- AWWWW :cloud9: he is just adorable! I ADORE his eyes!!! What a little cutie!!

Yazzy- I think you have a PERFECT plan set up! Good for you hun! I think its good to let your body naturally get back into rhythm after things like that. Only thing I took after my MC was the maca and metformin. So I think you are on track for a sticky bean this time!! As much as I hated how that old dr treated us....I think it was a blessing in disguise because my body was able to clear out and heal....then first month trying we get twins! :dohh: I can't wait to see what the next month has in store for you!

Kikki- So glad your HSG went well my dear!! Im glad your tube was nice and clear! I think to try naturally for a few cycles wouldn't hurt one single bit. Maybe the HSG is what you really needed anyways. I know I couldn't afford 10,000 for IVF so I dont blame you for giving a go for a few cycles!! :thumbup:

Char- Yeay for early leave!:happydance: I bet your ready to just put your feet up and get pampered! :thumbup: Um, as far as the twins thing setting in yet....well Im not sure it has yet...fully at least! Im still preocupied with getting to 2nd trimester.:dohh: But I think we can handle least I hope so! :haha:

AFM- Went to 2nd appt this am and the dr seems to think everything is ok. She tried to find the HB's with a doppler but she couldn't because of my tilted uterus. So she brought in a mini ultrasound machine and there they were! :cloud9: Baby A was jumping around and we saw Baby B's HB and it was nice a strong. The dr answered EVERY single question we had and talked to us for over an hour! Which im sure she didn't have to but it was nice to be reassured! I have to use a glucose monitor for 2 weeks now to see how my numbers are. Sense im considered high risk she is being VERY proactive which I like! So everything else is okay I suppose.

Hows everyone else!?
so glad everything is ok tnt! It's very early to find HBs on a doppler, esp with the tilted uterus... Over here they refuse to do a doppler until 16 weeks.. We bought our own :haha:
Did they look bigger? Has it sunk in much yet? (Eta just read your answer to same question :dohh:)

x x x
so glad everything is ok tnt! It's very early to find HBs on a doppler, esp with the tilted uterus... Over here they refuse to do a doppler until 16 weeks.. We bought our own :haha:
Did they look bigger? Has it sunk in much yet? (Eta just read your answer to same question :dohh:)

x x x

A friend of ours let us barrow their doppler and we haven't used it yet because I was too afraid I'd go nuts if I didn't hear the HBs right away. So we are just staying away from it until were a little further...dr thinks week 12 prob. When did you start to use yours?

They actually did look bigger. Last time they were sorta side by side like my pic and this time 'A' was on the bottom in its sac and 'B' was above in its sac. They did look a little bigger than last time though. Everyone keeps telling us were insane and how can we handle twins in things like that...but really we dont have kids so we have no clue what its like. They all think were never gonna sleep and never have time. But im stubborn to do it "all" so i may just prove them wrong. :haha: Obviously at first it wont be easy but routine helps I think. We mentioned to people about cloth diapering for all the reasons...mostly cost wise and they went nuts like we were crazy to even try! But again I like to prove people wrong... I dont like being told I can't do something cause more than likely I will! Sorry slight funny vent there! :rofl:
Tnt - great news the lil twins are doing well :thumbup: I'm glad you have a luvly doctor!!! As for ppl saying about sleep deprivation & stuff - you'll cope :hugs: x
thanx tnt, i dont think she would put me on it that late :shrug: but im gonna go au naturale this cycle and just relax

I was talking to my dog trainer about an issue im having with my dog, and she has basically told me that he is stressed, and i need to destress him. The issue started about a year ago, and thinking back about a year ago, we stopped seeing his bff (a kelpie named charlie) we started ttc and we started agility. so im gonna stop all agillity training, try to destress myself (he's prob picking up my stress) and organise a play date with his old bff, and see if we can start to solve his problem :thumbup: i love my dog more than life and i'll do anything for him...sorry for talking about off topic stuff guys

but my dog is the reason i am taking this cycle easy :thumbup:
p.s. sbb gorgeous little man :cloud9: he is looking bigger already!! gosh they grow up quick :)
Hope your dog feels better soon Dandy! Hate it when our fur babies are sad :(

Tnt you'll cope! Hey, you have no choice right, you get what you're given and your blessed with twins. And yes it's hard, I can't begin to warn you how hard those first few weeks are, with just one, because it wouldn't help. It's a shock, but it's lovely and it does get SOOOOOO much easier! I found the first 3 weeks super tough - but I had other issues, traumatic birth that I didn't cope well with, loads of stitches, Sammuels tongue tie making BF so hard, 2 bouts of mastitis and major anaemia!!

Now, only 10 weeks in and it's natural, we go out all the time, I'm used to less sleep etc. And it's been like that for several weeks now.

You will cope and get inundated with unhelpful advice, from people who think they're right! Routine is probably key with twins. We don't have a routine at all and it would be easier if we did, but I don't have the willpower to impliment one :haha:

Re the nappies, as long as you go for a simple system, I promise it's no harder than disposables! You've got loads of time, but if you want advice down the line just ask. I won't force it on you! :flower:

I used the doppler at 9 weeks, but don't have a tilted uterus. And it took FOREVER to find it each time... got so much easier later on...

x x x
do u have furbabies sbb? just wondering how they are going (if you have them) with baby sam? and if you are still giving them as much time as before he was around?
We have 2 cats, and although they don't need walking like dogs they are extremely demanding! They like to be with us 24/7... OH has tried to give them enough attention. They wouldn't talk to 'me or come near 'me at first, but they're ok now. They don't pay any attention to sammuel at all really!

It was hard at the start and I felt bad... But they're fine now...

X x x
SBB ooooh he is sooo cute and has grown so much:thumbup:

TNT what a great appointment so great you got to see the heart beats :happydance:

I had Paul at the health nurse today just wanted to make sure he was doing well esp with the yellow jaundice and my history with it, but I was delighted he has gained weight, he was 7,3 Sunday and he is 7,12 today :happydance: boob pain is settling as well thankfully!!! think I need to take it easier feel weak and so tired after the birth, I made a big mistake of carring my DD today and when we got back home, my bleeding got very heavy scared the crap out of me I rang the hospital and they reassured me a bit, DH was great he is doing every thing for me.
any way here is a picture of my little man :cloud9:


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Paul is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing your pics and congrats again!! :hugs:
Celtic he's gorgeous!!! You take it easy please :hugs:

So so cute :happydance:

X x x
Celtic he's gorgeous!!! You take it easy please :hugs:

So so cute :happydance:

X x x

Thanks, I think so too :flower: Im trying my lovely DH is making it easy he is doing every thing and I got two naps in today. just have to remind my self to leave the house as it is it can wait.

note to every one else NO heavy lifting after giving birth:dohh:
Celtic- Awwwww he is just precious! I love all your pics of FB. Hes so stinking cute! Please take it easy hun and try to rest! How are your numbers in stuff sense he's been born? Or does that GD just go away after baby is here?

SBB- We really wanna use nappies and more than likely will be a stay at home mom so I could probably handle washing them as well! I just love everything about them....the benefits and how cute they are. I would love any advice...specially for a momma with two babies using them. We are thinking of going into the city this weekend and going to this cloth diaper place that only sells those and maybe getting some advice as well.
SBB - Sammuel is such a gorgeous little boy. He looks really happy and healthy...well done you!

And Celtic lovely to see pics of your gorgeous little man!!

Thanks everyone for the lovely comments. Well we are getting married next April so I have 12 months to plan. I am currently contacting 2 churches that I like to see what dates they have available in April. Everyone has been great, my mum is going to organise the catering, my brother and his girlfriend are paying for a brilliant band and my sister is coming up with great ideas, I feel so lucky to have a great family :) and of course to be marrying my lovely OH :)

TNT - I am sooo excited for you and really pleased you saw your babies again. I am totally with you on the idea of letting your body relax and get back to normal. I only got normal cycles in October and November, pregnant December, mmc end of Jan and now 6 weeks recovery...I think it needs a rest lol! Look what it got you...twins!!

AFM - must go to bed and read my book, been training dogs all evening but had a great puppy class who have worked hard :)
Celtic I'm glad DH is looking after you well.. Yep the house can totally wait! Just take care of yourself and bubba :D

Yazzy your job sounds cool, puppy school! :D

TNT my main advice is don't go buying a whole stash of nappies all the same. I'd use disposables for the first couple of weeks at least as especially with twins they'll be tiny weeny :cloud9: so most of the cloths won't fit. Then if possible, do a trial. You may find that shop offers trials or somewhere online. That way you can try loads and make your mind up by actually using them. Rather than relying on someone elses opinion/sales pitch. Also I know a lot of places in the US do a wash service for diapers! So you leave them on your doorstep and get them back clean - may be useful for the first few weeks.
Be warned they are so addictive!! I am always looking for cute new ones :haha:

X x x

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