~S.T.L<3~*Lots of babies, Adoption and Waiting for Beth's BFP! <3

I am definitely looking forward to having another little one even though I am totally nowhere near ready for his/her arrival yet. They need to grow and plump up some more.
My youngest had bad reflux until he was about 6 months old...they gave him some liquid zantac (or something like that, I don't really remember) It seemed to help a little bit. She's so adorable! And it looks like Matty loves his little sister.
Thats awesome that Matty is closer ;) an hes doing so well in school :) I agree she is a doll :) an so is he!! Well I think its bedtime soon for this momma I'm utterly exhausted and tomorrow is gonna be a long day ;)
Yes I got it cut but we arent styling it until my daughter goes to bed in 10 minutes. After we style it I will take and post pictures.
Wow, it's been soooo quiet in here lately....updates from anyone?

Not a lot here. CD10 and just waiting to see what's going to happen this cycle:coffee:

Have a good weekend everyone:flower:
Nothing much here just busy as all get out with 4 kids. Its nice and calm during the day for the most part but cooking dinner, then bath time is crazy!!! Gets a bit busy here....I'm CD 26 and no sign of AF...last two cycles were 24/25 days long...so who knows what'll happen. I took two cheapies and there are lines but I want to just say its evaps...I've never been so scared in my life. Pray to God we aren't I could not do another child, especially a baby right now.

I have my appt. for consultation with the doctor on March 11th for my tubal....my Daddy's birthday :( I miss him so much...its been 5 years now since he's been gone :( not a day gets any easier :(

Since I wrote this I've began cramping :) YAY!
Well, I've got some interesting news.

I just got a slip in the mail saying that they found my Jeep on the week of Febraury 11th. It is cureently impounded as evidence in the theft and I will be notified when it can be released! This is a very surprising development since DH and I just yesterday agreed on another car yesterday and he emailed the dealer for more details. Now, to wait and see how badly damaged it is when they release it. If its repairable we will of course pay our $500 deductible to get it repaired. The insurance compay still has to inspect it to verfiy that it is repairable though so we will see. Either way the ball is rolling!
Andi, yay, for cramps I guess...lol:haha:I would imagine everything is so busy for you. I've got 3 kids and I know how hectic that many is! Good luck on Monday...I'm also supposed to have an appt. then to check on my Metformin, cycles, etc. I'm not even sure if my regular doctor will be in, though. She's been out a lot over the last 4 months for medical leave with her hysterctomy.

I know it's so hard not having a parent around, so I'm sorry.:hugs:My dad died when I was only a year old and my mom passed away about 5 months before my middle child was born. It's really a bad feeling to know that I have no parents left...it really puts that much more importance into the family that I'm building. Maybe that's why I want another baby so much. LOL, guess I'm playing therapist now:dohh:

Congrats on the jeep, Nicole. I hope it all works out:thumbup: Hey, did you ever take any pics of your new haircut?

Steph, miss hearing from you, too. Hope you're doing okay:hugs:
Thanks...I'm so sorry I'm not here often. I've been so stupid busy :( its just a nightmare right now. Everynight it takes about 3 hours or so to get Haley through her homework....that should take around 15 minutes at the most to complete. We have a meeting with her teacher on Wednesday evening and I can't wait to see what I/WE can do here at home to help her more. Shes got a VERY bad speech impetiment that you sometimes can't even understand what shes' saying. Its easier to understand her sister who just turned 3 than her. Its really scary I know we can get through these trials....we just are really worried about her schooling and going to talk to her teacher about her maybe needing to be in special ed classes until she can be caught up. She doesn't understand a lot its really super hard to try and get her to do anything she just cries and cries and we tell her its okay....she will get it...and its just really hard. Trying to get her caught up is gonna be a bump in the road but so worth it in the long run :)
Is she picky about her handwriting Andi? I was all through elementary school and it'd take me 5 hours to do my homework because I'd keep redoing it if one number or letter looked wrong.
No its really sloppy and she just doesn't care....its a lot of things we have a meeting with the teacher Wednesday she called us tonight b/c shes worried about her too! Jason told her that if she isn't ready we don't want to go to 1st grade we want to hold her back until shes ready. I know it sounds bad...but she really isn't near ready. I think she needs a lot more testing done to see if she should be in special classes.

Not to change subject I'm having an awful night :( just lots going on....need some prayer. I'm happy don't get me wrong...its just others trying to bring down my happiness and its really bothering me and I know it shouldn't. Its probably just my hormones right now, but definitely gonna talk to the doctor about how I feel right now. I'm sure its normal.....but there again I just want/need someone to talk to about things and right now I don't have anyone here :(.....Jason just asked me why I was crying and I half lied and said I miss my dad....I do miss him but thats not the only reason I'm upset and crying....just a long day. Praying tomorrow is much brighter!
I understand wanting to hold her back. It is for her own good. I hope her testing helps figure out why she takes so long.

Are you feeling bad just emotionally or physically too? I'm about to call it a night. I'm dizzy with a stabbing headache (just took Tylenol about 10 minutes ago). And my lower back is really hurting. Hoping that Tylenol will at least help me fall asleep faster tongiht. Supposed to get a good 4-5 inches of snow tomorow.
Aww, I'm sorry, Andi. I hope things get easier for her. I understand not wanting to hold her back, but you want to do what's better for her in the long run, too.

And I hope today is an easier/better day for you. You've had so much going here lately that I think it will just take a little time for everything to settle down and get everything in place. It's all got to take a toll on the nerves, I would imagine. Try not to let anyone get to you or bring down your happiness...and try to take just a little bit of time to yourself. (I know...that's not easy) But even if it's just relaxing in a bath or something for a few minutes. Every little bit helps:hugs:
I cried in the bath last night, I guess it needed to come out some way or another ;)....I felt a little better about it not 100%....just the people getting to me I gotta just ignore them which I did the problem ones last night I deleted about 25-30 people off fb account. I just couldn't take the whining about everything I say anymore. It was getting on my last nerves! Then they would write me and say that all I do is gripe or complain about something. I told them YES that was the old me, the new non-depressed me hardly EVER complains. They were like you just want attention...so I deleted them, shows them how much attention I wanted LMAO!

Anyways Nicole I sure hope you feel better my back hurt with Trysten the whole time I was pregnant to the point of me crying every single day. They never figured out what was wrong but it was in my shoulder on the left for the most part :( It was agonizing. You might ask the doctor about it :( I think part of it also is the weight your carrying around. When I got pregnant with Trysten I was 120, now bahaha I can't lose ANY of his baby weight no matter how busy I stay or what not. I could clean all day long burn sweats off an not lose any weight. Talked to the docs on base about it but they said "oh its just your matabalism" I was like okay left it at that. I've got weight loss tabs from walmart I just duno if its the right time to start them yet ;)

Thanks Beth and Nicole....I know the right thing is to hold her back, shes gonna get even more behind if I let her go up a grade :( Will update tomorrow afternoon about the teacher conference ;)
I have daily back pain too but mine is in my lower back. I told myself if it gets to the point of me crying over it, I will call the OB. I did sleep pretty well last night other than getting up to pee 3x which I do every night since I was 11 weeks along.

Andi, does she see a speech therapist? If she doesnt maybe seeing a speech therapist once a week would help her speech improve and help her confidence too.
She has been in speech therapy since she was 3...shes now just turned 6 in January....we are going tomorrow to her teacher to discuss some things, and then she has a lady from the adoptions place coming out soon (hoping within next two weeks) to evaluate her and see where she needs to go from here :) We are getting things worked out thank God :) She did really good on her homework tonight just took a LOT of coaching and correcting but she got most of it done :)

She has a bald spot on her head now since at school today she decided she needed a hair cut lol!

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