Mum2 Kaileigh
Yeah, that was a different company, they went bust. My Auntie's done Park for years and as not had a single problem with them.Iv always thought they were good idea never done it before but iv always said when i have a child/children i proberley would try it as it seems a really good idea but then when that thing was on news years ago cant remember which one it was for but they it like lost people loads of money and everything thats ym only worry that something like that happens id be devastated x
Hey, I just saw this thread... although I'm 20 now and no longer single I thought I would just add a little something lol
I had Grace when I was 19 and after 6 months her father left me (for a man ) anyway, I just want to say that it is bloody HARD and emotionally and physically draining more than if you had a partner. You have no-one to share anything with like night feeds etc there's no beating about the bush...
I liked to think of it as you get all those cuddles for yourself, the smiles when they wake up and the last kisses before they go to bed. And the best thing... the firsts! You will be there for them all. First tooth, first word, first step, first day of school... any man that walks out on his child, born or unborn, is a coward but at the end of the day they are missing out on one of the most precious and amazing things anyone can do in their whole life!
Although I have a partner now he lives in London at the minute so I still class myself as a single mum so if anyone ever needs to talk I'm only a PM away
Good luck to all of you and screw men, we don't need them anyway!