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S T M ( Single Teen Mummy & Mummy-to-be's )

lol an upside down mickey mouse!! Lol

& aww ellie... he sounds amazing!!!

Aimee!! :)
Look at it upside down thoughh.
The handle is the tail!
It works. :blush: x
i have three freckles on my arm that look like mickey :D
my claim to fame :haha:
I'm doing real good;
Got the beatles on, Jude's (sorta) settled and i'ma talking to Jarrod :D
how about yourself? x
ooo when i was younger i really used to like the beatles lol!
i had there album & everyone thought i was mad! lol

n awww :) ....

n bless Jude .. he such a cutie :D

& im ok.. jus eatin salt n vinegar mcoys (my fav) wel at the min lol!

oh man my nanna loves mcoys! :lol: (sorry a bit random, but thats what they remind me of :haha:)
Aww! I adore the beatles (probably a little too much hense Jude's name :haha:)
Everyone thought i was mental as a child cos i enjoyed my nannas music lol x
lol.. awww :)
i love them too :)
we would get on me & ur nanna :D hehe!!

& aww... i used to like them at school too hehe!!
everyone thought i was strange... & i love the name Jude :D

thankyou :)
Ive been asked if its after John's son. But his son was called Julian, shortened to Jules and originally hey jude was hey jules, and just a tribute Paul made for Julian when John and Ulrika Lennon broke up. Then they decided to release it but changed it to Jude :)
Not many people seem to know that and think that ive named him after John's son. I haven't. Just the song and John :)

Rant over!

Oh you would im sure as long as you like church and frank sinatra :rofl: x
oooo :)
very good piece of information lol!
but least u can tell everyone that when they ask why u called Jude Jude... :)

& jus saw ur piks on that thread bout pre & post preg!!
omg how fast has that belly gone :O
verrryyyy good :)

& lol... hmm i dont really like church wel i havent been and i dont like frank sinatra lol!!
so think it stops at the mcoys lol!!

I'm really peeved. My mama seems to think that its my fault Jude wont settle tonight cos i co sleep :( I dont mean to co sleep, and tbh i never planned to. It started in hospital when he really would not get off my chest, i needed to get a little sleep seen as i'd gone four days (two of which in labour!) without, so i just held onto him and had little naps (glad the mw's didnt notice, our hosp has this real strict no co sleeping rule cos 2 babies died this year from it there) Then when i got home he was in his moses at the side of me. But then i realised that when i'm getting up at 4am to feed him, its easier to just grab the bottle and give him it while hes laying beside me, so often enough i fall asleep with him there. This morning was bad though, i didnt even realise id dropped off after he'd done with his bottle, and i had both the big pillows on the bed (i usually take them off so he doesnt smother himself) and his head was right near them...
But yeah. So now i feel shitty. I dont think its anything to do with that, he's just having a fussy night!
Well i love Sinatra but i also dont like church. My similarites with my nanna stop at her music taste. She's obsessed with religion, ok so shes not psycho and doesnt try pressuring people into it, but shes always buying shit thats been blessed for Jude, like this little angel plaque thing. Its sweet but its really not me lol.

Thankyou :flower: I'm really impressed by it! Ok so its not perfect, but i had a 10 lber 4 weeks ago, cant expect it to be washboard like some of the others lol.

ellie you fob sounds like mine - a proper nut job!
as for co sleeping i slept with alice for first month pretty much everytime and then stopped and she was fine. she still has fussy nights now and comes into my bed so i can sleep. there too little to know they can get there own way yet so i wouldnt worry about it. you know whats best for u n jude so carry on doing what u want. alice has slept thru from 8 weeks so it obviously didnt make a difference. x
:flower: thankyou, thats really helped me. My mum HATES co sleeping, she seems to think that A) he'll die. and B) he wont go to sleep in his own cot when i want him to.
I think she's talking toss ;) haha.
How you doing sugar? x

and :happydance: for psycho FOB's ;)
btw girlies,
does anybody have any idea what happened to Ashley? She pops into my mind every day, she hasn't been around for the past 2 months, i hope her and the girls are ok.
im good hun :D alice been in bed since half 7 :p
hows you??
is your fob seeing jude atall, dont really no your story though lol!
and i was thinking bout her the oher day lol i no it sounds wierd haha x
it sounds weird that she pops into my mind so much! but she does, i just wonder what happened to her! :shrug:

Nah, he left when i was 7 months gone, and then i had the decency to let him know Jude was born (my mum said he didnt deserve to know, but i thought i better!) He came to see him but he made me realise that he just cant look after himself let alone Jude, so i've told him to stay out. He's into drugs, has no job, lives in the bedroom of a scabby house with his coke head friends, he's a complete bum and he's really simple up there, he doesnt know one day from the other lol.
How about you? x
oh dear :( whata dick.
i left when i found out i was preg. i realised that i didnt wana be with him with a baby cus he was so controlling n treated me like shit and had to have everything his way.
he constantly threatened me throughout my pregnancy sayin he was takin me to court i wouldnt be a fit mum bla bla u no all that shit lol. had hardly any contact and then i let him no a week after i had alice. and his attitude changed to just wanting to see her and being involved but still pissed me about with times and stuff.
i saw a solicitor and iv agreed to half hour sessions a week for him to see her (which is too much for my liking lol) hes such a dick i was lettin him come twice a week for an hour and he said it wasnt enough so i told him to see a solicitor and now hes gona get less lol! iv not heard back yet to whether hes going to agree to this or take me to court though. he doesnt pay for her hes not on the bc so he dont have a leg to stand on.
he saw her 3 times before she was a month old and hasnt since. i really wish he would leave us both alone but whatever way i look at it hes stil her dad n always will be :( unfortunetly!!
Yeah i feel scabby that he's Jude's dad, but to me a dad is so much more than blood, i want Jude to have a dad thats as good as mine, so if that means him having a stepdad or me as both his mum and dad then whatever, i just know that that cockface isnt and never will be a true dad.
Im sorry you have to put up with all that, and still have to have him digging around :hugs: But because hes not on BC could you not refuse visiting if its dragging you down and hes still treating you like crap?
:shrug: I just wish there were more nice men out there
Btw i love the name Alice! It was always gonna be Jude or Alice at first for me :) its such a classy name!
And just to rant because i can;
I was originally going to festival with my mate Rob. But then Jarrod came into my life so i thought i'd invite him along too. Was still staying at Rob's house night before (cos coach leaves from manchester and rob lives there) and still sharing Rob's tent, but i wanted Jarrod to come along cos he loves the bands too and he was gonna go on his own anyway. So i told Rob i'd invited him and he's got really pissy at me and told me to shove it, hes just gonna go by himself because he'l have more fun on his own, he doesnt wanna be around 2 love birds and that i should "focus on being a mum"

He can be such a dick at times, and reaaaally immature (baring in mind he is 24 years old!) He's only being that way out cos he doesnt like other people being around, he can be a little controllling and i think he still has a bit of a thing for me (he protested his love for me a year ago but i rejected cos hes not my type :nope:) But there's no need for him to be so nasty and add his little jibes in! I've been focused on being a mum for nearly a year, and this is the first break im gonna have, its 2 days away from Jude, and hes staying with my mum so i know hes gonna be safe. God it just really annoys me :nope:

Sorry, i know thats a completely unnessecary rant, im just peeved! :lol: x

EDIT- i also cant believe that he reckons hes gonna have more fun drinking on his own than with two perfectly nice people. It just doesnt make sense!

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