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S T M ( Single Teen Mummy & Mummy-to-be's )

babe we all think that... but we jus have to do our best!! :)
u wil be a brilliant mom to your baby!
it will all come too u... :)

em i cant afford a baby either really... unless we are rich i dont think we would be able to!
they are expensive... .. u ok?

thank you so much aiimee! glad to know I'm not the only one! I am doing okay just going to see my in-laws today haha so hopefully they can talk some sense into their son! I am just so worried as it will be the last thing to hold us together and I don't have a problem concieving like the other women but it's still just I love this baby so much! Happy Easter girls!
yh i no hun.. :)
& ooo hope they talk sense into him too... maybe his jus worried?
most men/boys get like that at first...& happy easter :)
does a chinses open on easter?

& em hope ur ok!!
aww ellie i hated nights like that and then you like i soo should have gone to bed earlier i wil 2moz but it never happens:p alice has started wakin in he night again i tihnk shes having a growth spurt but shes quite good just has a bottle and is back down within half hour.

i was worried about miscarryin especially all the stress i was going through. but the firs scan was amzing and i allowed myself to relax :)

i didnt tihnk i could afford a baby i was so worried thinkin im never going to be able to support her but i get by. sometimes its hard but it can be done and it is done by millions of us teens out there. loads of people go to college and look after a baby its hard but its worth it and it deffienetly is possible. we all get these thoughts now and again but when the time comes everything fits together. xxx
and lilbaby you should never stay together just for the sake of a baby. it doesnt always make people sronger it can drive you apart with the stress your under. dont think this is the last chance for you to be together because it might not work out like that. would you rather you were seperated and gave the baby the best possible life with 2 loving parents or would you rather the baby grew up knowing that you were only together because of it and seeing/hearing arguments. i hope everything works out for you though :) x
i should really writed everything i wana write without startin a new post lol. but i was also gona say to em even older people cant afford a baby but have them just because your young doesnt mean your not going to be able to afford to buy everything it needs because you will one way or another whatever it takes! xxx
yeah I know it's just he has wanted a baby for so long and now he's being weird about it with me now that is is happening! :( soo confusing!
they are weird tho... they get worried more then us & stuff!!

we are more grown up lol!

they are weird tho... they get worried more then us & stuff!!

we are more grown up lol!


thanks aiimee :) I'm happy but tired today have an appointment this week so I am so happy! will they take my bloods because I'm scared to miscarry still lol
aww.. at my first MW appointment she weighed me & did my blood pressure & gave me leaflets & stuff... she didnt do my blood i had to go to hospital & have it done at my first scan.. & al the other times iv had to have it done at the hospital... but ur MW might do yours or someone at your doctors.. i dunno if they do different things in different places

i still worry NOW! I go over and check hes breathing, i do it in public as well, i peer in at him, and if he doesn't move when i touch his arm, i put my hand on his chest to check for breathing :haha: My friends think im a loon, i just say "well i have to check hes alive!" :lol:
Dont worry sugar, im sure everything will be just fine :hugs:
And age doesnt make a mother, just remember that!

Jarrod last night, omg, i know its really mean but i can be quite a meanie. He said- "I'd die without you" And i just burst into tears.... WITH LAUGHTER! Shh dont tell him though ;) :haha: x
yeah I know once I hit like 10 weeks though I will stop the worrying :) haha I know it. I mean I may wonder how the baby is doing but still. OH AND WHAT IS UP WITH THESE MYTHS OF WHAT GENDER YOUR BABY WILL BE! lol. Apparently because all I crave is very sweet stuff and my face was broken out before my bfp soo bad I felt like a 14 year old haha and still is! that I am carrying a girl? lol what?! oh and if you feel ugly it's a girl too it's a bunch of mumble jumble but all the girls I know that have boys all said they had gorgeous hair and no acne and all the girls I know with girls said they felt fat and ugly had terrible acne and their hair never cooperated lol whatt?!
hahaha too funny trashit xD yeah I think I will be okay and I will not miscarry fx for me xD ha my husband is so moody sometimes I wonder if HE is pregnant but I know his job has alot of hold on him so its difficult for him to focus on my needs

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