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S T M ( Single Teen Mummy & Mummy-to-be's )

i dont think i had joined when ashley came on?
or maybe i had... but dont remember lol!

& lol ellie!! my nans a bit of a church person... she doesnt go that much but she reads like the testament or something like that!

& im very impressed too!!
doubt mine wil be lookin like that 4weeks after... whatever size she is lol!!

aww ellie :(
what is it with immature boys!!!

u deserve a break!!
ur a single mom!!
u need a break sometimes... we all do!!!
u do focus on being a mom!!
its not like ur leaving him forever!
i think he sounds a bit jealous!

thankyou :flower: Im sure you'll be one of the lucky ones with the washboards :)
Aww nans are so sweet. I love my nanna, nanna's are ace! :lol:

Idk what it is with them?! Like you say im a single mum, i dont get any breaks, i deal with the finances, look after a 4 week old baby, do all the housework and try loooking after myself AT 17 YEARS OLD and alone! I think im doing blooming marvelous if i must say so myself :lol:
I think he meant i should focus on being a mum rather than men;
I didnt ask to meet someone so sooon but im really glad i did, he makes me so happy! Happier than any man has before, honestly! x
its because he expects to have everything his way and hes not gettin it. he wanted to come 2 evenings a week to be 'involved' in alice's bedtime routine (bathing bottle and putting to bed) and he wanted me to go to his on weekends with alice but not be in the same room so he can 'bond' hes a proper douche really really is! so my letter back said you can come twice a week for half hour and your not goin on the bc and im not coming to yours he can ake it or leave it cus im not budging. its not all or nothing its take what your given or nothing.
god knows how he would react if i met someone else not that it has anything to do with him but he sure would try to make things difficult!

ellie you deserve a break being a single mum is hard and nobody could imagine what its like untill ur put in that situation so why shouldnt you be aloud 2 days out to yourself. if you were with fob you would be able to so whats the difference! its not like your leaving jude to look after himself!!! im not going to miss going out on my 18th just because im a single mum doesnt mean im not aloud to go out. he will prob realise hes being a muppet though. just have a good time!!! x
Its like just because you become a mother it doesnt automatically mean you're life stops. We are still, in the end, young girls and we deserve a break from time to time. Its not like i'm always pushing him on my mum, and yeah like you say if i was with FOB i'd be able to go out (probably more often really! lol)

Aw im sorry he's such a cock to you, but i think you've been really strong giving him that chance. I think it takes courage after what hes put you through to be able to let him see her. I take my hat off to you:howdy:

EDIT- i hope he disappears though, you deserve a life without that douche being anywhere near :)
i hope i do get my stomach back lol! :)
but i wont be bothered if i dont straight away... least we have excuses :D

& i love my nan too :) jus a bit annoyin sometimes!! Lol

& exactly.. i think ur doing an amazing job too!! :)
u have to do everythin for u ur lil man & do the house too!!
i wouldnt be able too lol!
im glad i stil live with my mom lol!!

u deserve some time out!

thankyou :flower:
I wont be made to feel bad about having a slight break away. I havent slept properly since i went into labour, i dont even get chance to wipe my arse anymore :rofl: so i think i deserve just a tiny break away.
Im sure you'll pop straight back and be back in your old clothes in no time, i can tell! :lol:

and jesus nannas are annoying at times lol. My nannas always on a rant and she always has to be right. Like when she found out FOB had been to visit she thought that meant i wanted him back and no matter how much i said HE MAKES ME FEEL SICK, HE MAKES ME CRINGE, IVE REALISED NOW MORE THAN EVER THAT HE ISNT CAPABLE OF LOOKING AFTER JUDE, I DONT WANT HIM NEAR ME EVER AGAIN. she kept saying stuff like "eurgghhh do you really want to kiss that? hes simple" and shit lol. x
id just wish he either fucked of or stopped pissing about and dragging it out more than it needs to. im sick of going to see a solicitor and wondering what his next move will be. i was never gona stop him from seeing her only because i no i cant lol it might sound bad but i truly believe alice is better off without him but i need to give him to chance first. ohyea and he needs proof that hes signed up to parenting classes lol.!! x
lol :)
i think u do too!!
i no i wil want to go out when iv had her... not that i want to leave her everyday!
but a break wil do me good from time to time :D
its not like we leave them on there on & anywhere lol!

lol bless a :)
my nan keeps askin if im going to get back together with FOB my nan likes him.. but u should see my moms face when she asks ! my mom hates him lol

haha your nan!! but nan is great i thought it was kwl she let me smoke wen i was like 14 lol she was like i no u will quit one day u all do so whats the harm lol!! me n all family used to stay in a side flat she has on the house (she used to do b&b) we used to stay n get drunk lol and she would come in and be like so what u got to drink 2nyt then and we would be like oh just some coke n squash n think she didnt no lol!!
Awh, Ellie, you're amazing.
I don't know how I'm going to do this on my own.
But when I read your posts and I know you can do it, it gives me some hope. :blush:
:hugs: x
and ellie the sleeping does get better. for first 8 weeks i was like im never going to sleep again. i was constantly tired and really down because alice has never been a good feeder and then all of a sudden she dropped her night feed and i went to bed at night and actually woke up in the morning i couldnt believe it lol!

i gave alice her 'asleep' feed at half 10 and she didnt even open an eye and drank 4.5oz lol and went straight back down!!
im off girlysss best get some sleep! nightt x
bloody hell your nanas awesome! :haha:
:hugs: about FOB, i wish he wasnt such a dick and that hed make his chuffing mind up! I hope one day he just decides he doesnt want in for both of your sakes cos he sounds like a real dick!

Wow about the sleeping!!!!!!!! I slept through from being 6 weeks old and im hoping Jude follows! Hes just so greedy. Hes in a slight routine of 5-6oz every 2-3 hours. Its getting him to take it that annoys me, i can sometimes be sat for like an hour on one bottle, and sometimes he'll only take 3 and then wake up an hour later for the rest :dohh: Glad im not bfing anymore tho cos i found that to be an absolute nightmare!

and thankyou Em, you'll be just fine :hugs: its not easy but i actually PREFER doing it alone :) x
I just don't know how I'm going to afford a baby.
I still have to go back to school and find someone to sit for me.
And then how will I have time to do work and study AND look after a baby?
This is just ridiculous! x
he takes 5 or 6 oz!!! alice has never had more than 5 its usually 3 or 4 lol. shes gettin chubby now tho there was no fat on her when she was born. didnt have a single roll on her arms or legs bless her!! shes giggling all the time now when i tickle her its soo cute!!

and ellie i wish he would too but i no he wont just go :(!
awww shes absolutely adorable :cloud9: i love little chubbers!! so cuuute :)

Last night was a NIGHTMARE. didn't get to bed til 2AM (talking to mr lover man ;) ) But when i got up to bed i started feeling REALLY SICK so couldnt sleep til 4, by which time Jude was up for next feed. Took an hour to get him down. Woke up at 7am and took 3oz, went to sleep. Woke again half an hour later missing his bottle :dohh: so i gave him the rest. He must have slept an hour before he wanted ANOTHER bottle..... Then he just would not settle back down. So i've basically had like 2 and a half hours sleep. Im knackered :shock:
Not only that but he spewed all over the bed so i had to get up and change all the covers, so no lie in for me! :dohh:
I hope everyones doing ok today :)

And Em, is there not a creche in your school? Or could you not be a part of "care to learn" (they pay for your childcare) :shrug: i guess school is different to college.. I'd ask a connexions advisor or a mentor in school?
Money wise, are you over 16? x
My husband is leaving me. :( I am 19 will be 20 in a few days and am petrified of miscarrying now because he is leaving me and I know that the baby will keep us together. Has anyone else been SO SCARED of miscarrying? We're young and I read that the chances are dramatically lower for younger women so have any of you ladies experienced this fear? I mean the other women here that are I am assuming much older in the other threads talk about their IVF treatments and their miscarriages it scares me because I had no problem getting pregnant! :(
I'm 17, but no there isn't a creche.
I haven't even told the school yet!
Care to learn!?
I don't actually think I can do this! x
hi lilbabylove!
hope ur ok!! :)
i think everyone worries about that wel i did!
jus try not to worry too much!
hope ur ok!


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