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S T M ( Single Teen Mummy & Mummy-to-be's )

Wow lots to catch up on lol.

First off Ellie I'm soo glad you found someone, you deserve it.

Also Sophie when you give Alice a bottle in her sleep (lol) do you burp her after cos Noah literally won't settle or sleep ever unless he's been burped.. I've fed him while he sleeps before but within 5 minutes he was squirming and moaning again needing to be burped.
How do you do it?!

Also on co-sleeping, I do it too and everyone disapproves but fuck them, it's us who are dealing with the sleepless nights so anything that'll make it a bit easier for us is our decision not theirs!
Wow lots to catch up on lol.

First off Ellie I'm soo glad you found someone, you deserve it.

Also Sophie when you give Alice a bottle in her sleep (lol) do you burp her after cos Noah literally won't settle or sleep ever unless he's been burped.. I've fed him while he sleeps before but within 5 minutes he was squirming and moaning again needing to be burped.
How do you do it?!

Also on co-sleeping, I do it too and everyone disapproves but fuck them, it's us who are dealing with the sleepless nights so anything that'll make it a bit easier for us is our decision not theirs!

wow, cant be bothered to read through all these post! lol but congrats ellie!

I co-sleep cause I can't sleep without him :wacko:
aww! :cloud9:
yeah I love sleeping with him. I love knowing he's ok without even having to move or open my eyes. And I love waking up to his little face next to me! :cloud9:
me too anna, at night sometimes i go an get him from his crib when I cant sleep and bring him to my bed
awww rome thats cute :) i have alice in my bed in the mornings because m to lazy to get up ahaha!!

anna alice is exactly the same as noah she would never settle unless she was burped she used to projectile vomit all the time when she was little and i used to have to burp after every ounce. she went through a stage of not drinking and i changed her to comfort milk which is so much better she will dirnk a whole bottle (5oz) in one go without having to stop. anyway back to the question i feed her and sometimes she burp straight away and other times she doesnt but it doesnt bother her. other times she will wake up half an hour later crying and il pick her up and she will burp then go back to sleep. its so annoying when there younger and cant burp and wont settle i rememeber it took me up to an hour to burp alice. mayb you should try comfort milk. people say they grow out of it but alice didnt its the milk that helped. xx
Lol i do that in a morning cause mason decides to wake up after his bottle at half 5 when my dad feeds him before he goes to work and im not getting up at like 6/7 cause he always goes back to sleep in my bed but he wont in his cot lol .. best way really yhen he dont wake up till 10 for his next feed xD!!

Congrats ellie too :)
Omgg i cant find where i last posted from!! lmao!!

i had some depression thing today at the hospital. they dont think i have biopolar.. but i gotta go back in 6 weeks time!!

everythink with FOB has messed up BIG time...
+ things with this new lad =\
i cant win...

obviously kieran is my babys dad + id love to be a family, but hes found out about this new chap + ive hurt him bad!!!

but if i stop seein the new one..
something bad will happen to kieran for me fuckin chris off for kie!!!
so i cant win :(
+ cus i would of hurt chris tooo thats why somethink will happen to him...
awe emma, I'm not sure what is best,
maybe it was too soon to start something with someone new?
hope ur ok em :)
lads are confusing!!
thats y im tryin not to find one lol!
i hate them

& lilbabylove
i felt crappy like spotty only like sweet stuff & im having a girl :S
so dunno lol

i didnt want anything new =[
i wanted to be alown, i came to that point!
everythinks so messed up girls =[
lol anna :)
my mate had a girl & she looked better being pregnant like not spotty or anything!
em it wil be ok :)
jus think ur lil girl will be here soon!!! :D

ahhh you'll be fine Em :hugs:

I'm still a single mum even though i'm no longer single, right? Cos im still doing it 100% on my todd, so i must still really be classed as one...
Sorry it was phasing me earlier! lol x
Aww bless him..

yeah ellie id say yu was.. kie keeps saying he wants too see me :(
u gonna meet him babe?
why does he wanna see u tho... jus too annoy this other lad? xx

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