S T M ( Single Teen Mummy & Mummy-to-be's )

:hi: girlies!!i keep meaning to keep up on ere but its so goddam hard!! Did any1 check out the sales?? I went yest with my cousins, had a reli nice day and got some beaut stuff. Couldnt resist buying a bit for Dex, got him a snoopy raincoat, thumper shoes and a top and hat so once again mr man is spoilt!! im goin shoppin for labour bag tomorro, scared to be saying that.... ive been playing him music and he loves it, particarly anything quick :)
he likes the monkees nd motorhead :haha: hes so strong now i think hes gonna bust a rib... I have some kinda insinct hes coming earlier than march i dunno why im probs wrong, hes probs gonna be wayy overdue :haha: his daddy left today :cry: hes been here longer cos of the ice.... It was quite sad, sadder than i thought it wud be, i thought id done all my crying, darn hormones!
awwww bless him, noah doesnt really react to music :( boring lol.
aww i used to love snoopy haha, where was it from?
and in answer to your question no i havent checked the sales out yet :( gonna need to soon else itll all be gone!
i know what you mean about thinking he'll come early, i have that weird feeling too! im sure its just me convinced myself its gonna happen but idk, hmmmm. we'll have to see!
sorry FOB left today, musta been hard like it becoming real but keep your chin up, things will get better :D you and dexter will do great on your own
first off my little man is kicking so much now and i love it and now i can feel his kicks with my hand. i love it so much. and i have decided i am done with my lo's dad and im done with his drama and im gonna do whats best for me and my little one.

and i have been talking to someone new and he is amazing and i just did not think i would ever find anybody knew and i am so happy and i feel so good about everything in life :) thank u all for the support
first off my little man is kicking so much now and i love it and now i can feel his kicks with my hand. i love it so much. and i have decided i am done with my lo's dad and im done with his drama and im gonna do whats best for me and my little one.

and i have been talking to someone new and he is amazing and i just did not think i would ever find anybody knew and i am so happy and i feel so good about everything in life :) thank u all for the support

:hugs: I felt kicks with my hand before I felt them on my insides..
Weird how pregnancy's are so different :haha:
I'm glad you're thinking about whats best for you and your L/O and I hope it all works out well :)
snoopy coat was from next :) i got me some lovely after birth clothes too for whenever i get my size 12 arse back lol. Yeah im sure we will it just seems so weird suddenly being alone....thanks hun tho :) Aww have you tried putting headphones or your phone speaker up to him? Ive been putting my phone speaker up to where his head is and he loves it, he also loves shining lights! Xxxxx
snoopy coat was from next :) i got me some lovely after birth clothes too for whenever i get my size 12 arse back lol. Yeah im sure we will it just seems so weird suddenly being alone....thanks hun tho :) Aww have you tried putting headphones or your phone speaker up to him? Ive been putting my phone speaker up to where his head is and he loves it, he also loves shining lights! Xxxxx

oooh no,but i will do!
aww its so special :cloud9:

Ok so this really has nothing to do with FOB's but it is men and it IS a rant..
My day was SOOO horrible yesterday I cried so many times!
First my dad brings up this bookshelf from my old room which I said MULTIPLE times I didn't want up there! He stupidly decides to stick it behind my desk where all my wires are.. Ofcorse right when he was almost done he knocked the power to my computer out.. So as I was rebooting it he went into his room and messed with something and the power surged.. knocking my poor computer out again.. it took three times to get it back on after that and then he went back downstairs and when I finally get my computer back on the internet doesn't work so I went into my dads room where the router is for the internet and it wasn't getting power to it so I messed with it for like 3 minutes and finally got it working..
I was soo pissed off because I didn't want the shelf in the first place and it caused me to have to deal with all that sh*t! And I know it's just the hormones making the situation 10x worse and thanks to them I was ready to burst into tears at any moment..
Then one of my stupid guy friends decides to piss me off not only one time.. but three times.. (One of the times being because he said his "back spazzums" are worse then any pregnancy pains and that the hormones just make our pain feel worse and we're just pussies..:growlmad:)
After b*tching to him about that forever finally we change the subject and move on and he pisses me off again.. we fight again and get over it and change the subject.. leading to another fight :dohh:
Finally I couldn't handle it anymore and he was just making the situation 50x worse and I just ended up bursting into tears..
I laid down on my bed for afew hours listening to music and woke up feeling like everything was better..
I was looking around for this little foot rub ball I got for xmas to use and I asked my mom and she didn't know and said dad would and he was downstairs and I had NO energy at that point and I asked her to yell down at him for me because I didn't have the energy to.. Well sadly she's drunk and can't process the simplest information and is like I don't know where it is and if you can't get his attention I doubt I could and I'm just ready to scream at her I didn't yell at him I can't because I have no energy that's why I'm asking YOU!! :evil:
After trying to explain it to her several times she just repeats herself so I go upstairs and lay back down and broke out in tears..again
Sadly I only had a chance to lay down for like 5 minutes before my dad comes upstairs b*tching at me for not knowing where it was and so I just got a big bowl of spaghetti and tried to keep my mind off things that would make me cry again because I still wasn't relaxed and could bust out in tears at any moment..
I hate hormones so much that day wouldn't of been so bad if it wasn't for them
I hate drunks and men :cry:

I still feel like the slightest argument with someone could have me in tears again :nope:

i know what you mean im one of them people anyway that is emotional i seem to cry at silly things and i dont know why just how my body reacts lol.. but now im pregnant its worse anyone who disagrees with me like my sister/mum/dad any1 like that i end up bursting into tears and there like why you crying.. and im like grrrr just leave me alone.. they just dont understand that its hormones everywhere. I said before at my mums wedding i cried there .. feelt an idiot tbh but i was sat on a table with my sister her bf and fob and i didnt like any of the starters they were offering they were all weird tbh so i said i didnt want one and then my sister went and had a go at me sayin why dont i want one iv got to :wacko: i ended up bursting into tears because she was forcing me to have a starter that i just didnt want :shrug: lol how silly is that lol

Soon as pregnancy is over youll be back to your self again :winkwink: when its over for me im just going to ignore people like my family :haha: consentrate on my little boy and if they annoy me ill just go out for a walk with pushchair :haha:
OMG! So my mom just burst into my room and randomly, out of nowhere asked if I was pregnant! I didn't answer her, and just sort of kept staring at the book I was reading, and she was like "Well if you are, your butt is on the first plane to Oklahoma(where a lot of my family is) because I'm not letting him (FOB) anywhere near MY grandchild, and I will get his parental rights revoked" And she stormed out of my room and left for work. I was the wtf where did that come from?!?! Now I really can't tell her. I know she's serious, and my dad and my step-mom will back her 100%, and I'm 17 so she could easily sign over custody to my family down there. Ugh! I really don't know what to do. FOB and I really aren't on speaking terms but if she sends me down there, he'll never see his child.
Wow.. harsh that is :( sending you somewhere else bless you.. your going to have to tell her sooner or later just dont leave it really late cause itl totally just lose trust with you and your mum or family but you need your mums support or someone family wise its horrible being on your own.. as for FOB i dont know how it works in america but FOB has every right to see there child i think if you move away then somehow something would have to be sorted through court or something.. but the only reason a guy cant have access is if hes got past violence or anything towards you and hes a threat towards you and the child.. :shrug: but if he doesnt want contact then it wouldnt matter.. but if he does then itll be really hard to sort it all :( .. maybe your mum wasnt being serious? but you know best and as youve said she means it and everything :( but surly she wouldnt send you away id just make out like you need her and everything to support you and that your worried and say something like you didnt want to keep it from her but you didnt know how she would react ... im sorry im not much help but its not fair when a parent or parents do this just leaves you stuck what to do xx
I really do want to tell her, I know she'll support me and be there for me but only if I don't let FOB anywhere near the baby, her and my dad hate him so much and think I'm crazy for not hating him too. He does have a past history of umm being quite prone to anger so I understand my parents wanting to protect me and the baby, but I wouldn't let him alone with my L/O for quite some time and until I was sure he had gotten some counseling and learned how to better deal with his anger, and even then I don't think I'd let him alone with our child until he/she was older. With his history I don't think it would take much to terminate his rights, but I don't think that's what needs to be done. My mom basically said that I was too close to the situation to see how dangerous it could be, and maybe she's right but I know if I give in to what they want then our child will never know their father.
Tbh if your not together he should only be able to see the baby when you say and that will be with you there wherever it is.. FOB and me arent together obviously but we still get on and i do with his family and stuff but hes not having baby on his own till hes a least 1years old.. so if he wants to see him then hell have to ask me to come over or ill go up to him.. but tbh if theres not a good atmosphere then its best he keeps his distance for abit.. but then again spose its not fair keeping both of your child away from him :shrug: its hard :( but all you can do is if you want him to be there for your child then somehow youd have to stand up to your mum later on and just say to her its only fair.. but its all down to you what you want to actually do about FOB bit you still have some time to sort it all i just hope you can come to something. Basically if you still talk to FOB just make sure you say to him he needs to change if he wants anything to do with a new baby and if he wants to be a 'dad' xx
Before FOB and I broke up and we thought there was a possibility of me being pregnant, he used to say how much he wanted to be there for his child, and be the dad that his dad never was etc. But that all seemed to disapeer when we broke up. And I really think he would be a great 'dad', just as long as he learned how to deal with his anger better. But I know if I tell my mom and her and my dad get involved he'll never have a chance. But there is no way I could do it on my own, I couldn't afford to live on my own, and pay for college and the baby with what I make as a nanny. So Idk any other way around it. Ugh! :cry:
FOB has every right unless there was abuse towards the mother or child, then they have no chance, a court would be on the mothers side every time. Anyway im going off on one, basically fobs got every right unless he abused you? I know its hard to tell your mum but she already knows, she is after all ur mum. Surely she cant just send you away?? Cant you just sit and have a civilised talk??
I was saying it in the other thread about where to live and stuff i cant afford to move out or anything i still live with my dad.. but the only way i could afford to live in my own place is if i could get a council house but im too scared to live on my own with a newborn if im honest.. or if something happens and im on my own .. i dont know what to say but i just think your parents should support what you want to happen even if there not good past with them and FOB .. they wouldnt really have to see him or talk to him .. i know this is a thread about ranting about FOB's and stuff but not all peoples ex's are bad things just dont work out and stuff sometimes but all that can happen is the FOB will have to change if he wants to be a dad.. i dont think your parents could do anything keeping him away only could if you agreed with them about it all as its your child :shrug: i understand they want to protect you aswell most peoples parents do its just natural itll be like what all of us are like with our kids xx
sorry for moan but thats what this threads here for right? :haha: jus reli pissed off at fob. We agreed he'd still be the birth partner as hes been reli great all the way through pg and i feel it wouldnt be right for him not to see his son comin into the world. This was on the provision that his phone was on and charged with credit at all times incase i rang to say he was coming. Now its 2 days since he left and ive not heard aa wink out of him so i thought i would try phoning him and what do you knoww? its off! So what if, heaven forbid, Dexter comes now?? He'd have no idea! He cant use the excuse of losing his charger,, he couldve easily got a new one by now, and his friends got ny no. Anyway so its bullshit. Wwhy are men so useless?? Im just si ppissy at him right now i dont know how he dares..
If his phone is off on the day it all happens whatever the time then least you tried i wouldnt worry about it too much as long as you can get hold of someone to take you to hospital or have family that can come to you then everything will be okay.. if you really want him there just tell someone whos going to be with you at hospital to keep ringing him :thumbup: i told FOB if he dont answer his phone when i ring then its not my fault and he said hes going to keep it on all the time and at night keep it on loud so whatever time it is he can get to me but if he means that its another story lol!

And moan all you want :haha: its what this threads about :)!
Just realised how much of a growth spurt madam has had! :haha:

Blue top = 29 weeks
Bench top = 32 weeks

What you guys think? Lol. :haha:



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