MH that looks positive to me! I used the Preseed as much as possible the cycle I fell pregnant, not because we needed it but because I was desperate to get a

(before I had a change of heart... whoops lol). Who knows if that helped

You seem to have a good rhythm going. I'm excited for you! Hopefully your partner can hold his stamina a few more days
I was feeling a bit overwhelmed this morning. We got some snow last night and I was rushing to get the kids to school and myself to work on time. The house is a bit of a mess and I just thought 'Oh my gawd. HOW am I going to balance everything with a newborn?!' I nearly had a mini anxiety attack but didn't have time for that. I also plan to try my hardest to stick with breastfeeding and I know that's very demanding, along with everything else. I'm nervous about telling my boss and coworkers, how I will be perceived as an employee once they know and if it could affect my job (I sure hope not). There's nothing in our handbook about maternity leave but I'm hoping I get 6 weeks off and can use my two weeks with that. I don't want to lose my job

And how am I going to balance breastfeeding and going back to work?

Perhaps I'm over thinking it all. I've decided a good start right now would be to get my kids and myself on an early bedtime/morning schedule
My bf has been much better, I feel. We haven't been arguing really at all and my stress level has greatly diminished since he re-homed the dog, however, I still worry about financial stability. He is planning on buying rims for his truck and also us traveling to a car and truck show in April for the weekend in Tennessee. We went last year and it's not an expense I feel we can afford this year whatsoever. I am just going to have to really put my foot down I think...