Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi. I am currently expecting again after having an SCH loss of our baby girl at 21 weeks 4 months ago, and I know that I had undiagnosed SCH's in the previous two pregnancies. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to natural supplements that will aid in strengthening my uterine lining. I've heard about vitamin c, red raspberry tea...any others? Thanks ahead of time!
Lockzie and Goodluckbear are you ladies still on here? Hope you are doing well and everything is good with the girls :)
my ultrasound on Monday went really well. Bubs is looking great. I still have the SCH, but I think it measured roughly the same size - so I'm happy it hasn't gotten bigger. I also haven't had any more spotting.

My next ultrasound is my 12 week one, which is about 3 weeks away.

Feeling a bit better about everything and have my fingers crossed it will be smaller next time.
Thats awesome Ginny! I hope the good news keeps up for you!! I go for my 12 wk scan nxt tuesday and am worried. I am not quite sure why I am so scared though. I haven't had any bleeding for 4 wks now and have really bad morning sickness which the dr told me is a good sign. I guess we will never feel comfortable until the Drs say our SCHs are gone!
Well, we did the 20 week ultrasound. Baby is fine which is a huge relief. But clot is still there although it was really stretched out and thin. They didn't even measure the size this time because according to their description, it's 'insignificant'... But to me... It's still there!!! They said that if it wasnt known that I had an sch, it won't even show up in the scan or report. I have another scan scheduled later this month, hopefully the clot will not be visible then.

MommyofTwo84 - my dr told me the same thing. Strong morning sickness shows a strong pregnancy. Try to eat when you can and listen to your body. I later realized that the foods that made me sick were the ones I shouldn't take. It's weird but it works!
Thats awesome news Goodluckbear!! Congrats! and my fingers are crossed fro yuor next scan!
Glad to hear the good news Goodluckbear. I know how you feel though, I think we all will relax when we are holding our babies in our hands.
Ginny - thats great news that it hasn't got bigger, hopefully they'll say its smaller at your next scan :)

mommyoftwo - good luck on your scan on tuesday hope the SCH has gone or shrunk lots :hugs:

Goodluckbear - Can't wait for your next scan/update I hope this is the end of SCH for you so you can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy without all this worry, best of luck :flower:

I have a scan on the 16th april :happydance: i'll be 18 weeks so kinda hoping they will let me have a peek between bubas legs :thumbup: Its so horrible being too nervouse to enjoy getting a scan they use to be such a joyfull exciting time seeing the baby but now i just worry about what they might find, BUT i am excited this time as i can't wait to findout if baby is a boy or girl :happydance: so just trying to think of that more than thinkin about the SCH :wacko:
I had the tiniest bit of blood in the past 3 weeks and at my last scan after i lost my twin 3 weeks ago which caused the SCH they said the SCH had shrunk by 3cm so i am hoping that its still shrinking :thumbup:

Wishing you all the best :hugs:
Hello All: I am writing my story because I have spent every day for 6 months looking for hope from other people's experiences. So, now that I am blessed with a healthy baby boy, it is my turn to be thankful and keep the thread of hope alive for all of you.
After an early miscarriage, I was pregnant again and felt relieved after the first trimester passed without any event and finally felt happy enough to share the news with the world. But, right around 13 weeks, I started bleeding profusely one night and at the ER everyone, everyone except an elderly nurse, thought a miscarriage was imminent. The ultrasound showed, to everyone's surprise, the baby was moving fine, but I continued to bleed heavily - enough that they had to change my clothes and bed sheets despite I was wearing an over-night pad. We were asked to spend the entire night at the ER as they were still sure that I was about to have a miscarriage and late miscarriage would imply blood loss. By next morning the bleeding slowed, but was still there and the next ultrasound also showed that the baby was ok. That elderly nurse (I still believe she was my angel) told me that many years ago she had the same thing, everyone thought she didn't have the baby anymore. and 9 months later she had a healthy baby boy who now has his own kids. Her story gave me the ray of hope I desperately needed. Our doctor said this was SCH, explained that nothing we could do, just go about with our lives. Next day bleeding stopped after becoming brown, but came back the very next day. I and my husband were devastated.

At that point we tried to get an appointment with a specialist and I just managed to get a one-time appointment as he was full. After they did my ultrasound, he and his group found my case to be so serious, rare and academically interesting, that they took me in. Apparently I had one of the largest clots they had seen, and its shape was also unusual. I kept bleeding everyday, somedays bright red overflowing my clothes, other days dark brown. Worst were those days when I would not bleed at all for a day or two, and then the blood will come back.

Subdequesnt weekly visits, weeks 14-20 showed no improvements of the clot. This doctor had put me in strict bed rest - I was even scared to sneeze or laugh. He explained that scientifically there is no proof that bed rest makes a difference, but this was his opinion. It gave me some control over the situation, I could make sure that I don't move unless I was going to the bathroom.

The doctor explained that we were reaching a point where the baby was growing enough such that if the clot didn't dissolve, the clot would break the sack and the baby would not survive even if he was growing perfectly. In the mean time we have been visiting ER on days when I would bleed too much. And then came the 22nd week, and first sign that the clot was much smaller from 2 weeks ago. And by 24th week, it disappeared!

Despite all the other concerns about placenta privia, premature delivery, etc over the next 3 months, I went full term and delivered our first child.

So, whoever is reading my post out there, hang on to hope. Just be hopeful and optimistic - the body does wonders sometimes. I wish you the very best.
Hi all

Yes I am still popping in on the group. I hope everyone is well and their hematomas are reducing in size.

I went for my 20 week scan on Tueday this week...... she was being a little monkey and have to go back next Friday as the couldnt get to see the heart clearly enough to do all the checks. Other than that the measurements were fine. There was no evidence of the hematoma :happydance:
I did learn in a copy letter from my consultant to my gp that a significant proportion of my placenta had been lifted from the base due to the hematoma, I wasnt aware that so much had been lifted. I guess at that time the "amnio saga" was at the forefront. The 20 scan showed that the placenta was fine too.
I saw my consultant yesterday who was please with my progress and I dont need to see him until I have a growth scan at 28 weeks and another at 33 weeks. He wants to do growth scans due to all the complications. I will have a c-section between 38 and 39 weeks

I am sending lots of hematoma reducing magic to you all xx :hugs:

There may be letters missing - keyboard is playing up - need some new batteries I think :-/
Hi Lockzie, It is good to hear good news from you. We had our anatomy scan yesterday and our little girl was perfect, all the measurements were on track and she was all over the place. The only concern the Doctor had was that they noticed some blood in her bowels. She thought maybe the baby swallowed some blood from the SCH. She did mention this could be a soft marker for DS or CF. Since we did our NT scan and it was perfect and all the bone measurements are great, she was not worried about DS. We did a blood test yesterday to rule out CF or any infections the baby might have. So we are hopping and praying it is just blood from the SCH or worst a minor infection that can be cured with antibiotics.
These little ones of ours are sure sent to try us!!

NewDad39 - I hope everything is is clear with the blood results, how long do you have to wait for the results? I wonder what it is like to have a straight forward precnancy!!! Will keep checking for an update from you xx :hugs:

Goodluckbear - So pleased to hear your scan was good and that your hematoma is insignificant........ that is fab news. I am sure there will be no sign of it by your next scan xx :thumbup:

mommyoftwo84 - Thank you for your good wishes, I hope your hematona has gone by your next scan xx :flower:
Lockzie - That is wonderful news! Hope you have a healthy, happy and uneventful pregnancy from now on.

Newdad - it's probably echogenic bowels. Apparently it is common with sch and not at all harmful to baby. Fx the tests results are ok!
Hi, I have a large SCH, at 8 weeks I started bleeding, it was so heavy I had to stay in hospital the docotors said I was having a mc but a heartbeat was still there the following day, I am 10w 6 days now the hematoma keeps changing in size but the doctor has said that due to blood movement and uterine shape changes it will seem to change in size.
Hi I have a large sch the bleeding was awful at 8 weeks, big clots etc.. I am 10 weeks now and still have the sch and brown discharge, how is your condition I am so worried everyday!
Hi Lockzie and Goodluckbear.. We are hopping the blood is from the SCH for sure. We are still waiting on the blood tests to come back. We might not know till Monday or Tuesday since it is almost the weekend.
The thing is the DR who told us the news was the same DR who said my wife might miscarry because of the SCH earlier. The minutes she walked into the door, I knew she is gonna say something is not right. I call her DR Doom :haha:.
So the wait is on for now until the blood work comes back. I am hopeful it is something minor and it will go like the SCH went bah bye :haha: . I will keep you all updated for sure
lockzie - I am sooo happy for you :) Hope you have a wonderful pregnancy from now on x x x
veev, sorry you had to deal with this. I know it is nerve wrecking for sure. If you read my posts, loczie and Goodluckbear, you should have a good idea of what we went/going through. I would start reading with post 189 or so. Most important thing, is to listen to your DR, take it easy, do not lift anything heavey, stay away from vaginal sex, tampans, and drink lots and lots and lots of water and rest as much as you can. Good luck
Veev - it is very worrying as you have no control over it at all and a mother wants to protect her baby no matter what so you will find it hard not to worry as long as the SCH is there.
Best thing to do would be write down a list of things you want to know and ask your Dr as many questions as you can and get as much advice from him/her as possible :)

I've read this thread from the beginning and all of the posts are really interesting i have definitely learnt alot from them, some women bleed for months and months bright red and go on to have healthy full term babies but some dont bleed much at all and lose the baby and vise versa, It just seems like its a waiting game to see what happens.

I know lots of women on here have gone on to have healthy babies and lots of those women went on a pretty strict bed rest whilst the SCH was still around.
I think bed rest has definitely helped with my bleeding and i notice if i am very active one day im likely to bleed the next so just try keep off your feet and relax if you can.

I hope things get better for you, keep us updated x x x

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