Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

More bleeding :( It's been 16 days that I've started bleeding. Now it's gooey brown with bits in it (TMI) and my tummy hurts, like I got punched or something. I'm going to see my nurse next wednesday, seems an eternity away :( Did anyone else bleed for so long? I keep bleeding red and brown everyday.
More bleeding :( It's been 16 days that I've started bleeding. Now it's gooey brown with bits in it (TMI) and my tummy hurts, like I got punched or something. I'm going to see my nurse next wednesday, seems an eternity away :( Did anyone else bleed for so long? I keep bleeding red and brown everyday.

I haven't bled 16 days straight before but i've read on here about some women who bleed for months, i have been getting bad stomach pains like i've been punched aswell and i started to bleed again this morning.

Good luck at your appointment :hugs:
More bleeding :( It's been 16 days that I've started bleeding. Now it's gooey brown with bits in it (TMI) and my tummy hurts, like I got punched or something. I'm going to see my nurse next wednesday, seems an eternity away :( Did anyone else bleed for so long? I keep bleeding red and brown everyday.

I haven't bled 16 days straight before but i've read on here about some women who bleed for months, i have been getting bad stomach pains like i've been punched aswell and i started to bleed again this morning.

Good luck at your appointment :hugs:

Aww I'm sorry you're bleeding again :( Is it a lot? Nowadays I get about a spoonful of red blood, then just brown blood. But yesturday night and today it was horrible, all brown blood just kept coming. *shudders*
More bleeding :( It's been 16 days that I've started bleeding. Now it's gooey brown with bits in it (TMI) and my tummy hurts, like I got punched or something. I'm going to see my nurse next wednesday, seems an eternity away :( Did anyone else bleed for so long? I keep bleeding red and brown everyday.

I bled every day from 7 weeks until 16+ weeks. Sometimes I had really heavy bleeding, sometimes huge gushes of red blood with clots but mostly this brown blood with change to many different shades of brown.
I guess, its something that you will need to get used to if you have a SCH xx :hugs:
More bleeding :( It's been 16 days that I've started bleeding. Now it's gooey brown with bits in it (TMI) and my tummy hurts, like I got punched or something. I'm going to see my nurse next wednesday, seems an eternity away :( Did anyone else bleed for so long? I keep bleeding red and brown everyday.

I haven't bled 16 days straight before but i've read on here about some women who bleed for months, i have been getting bad stomach pains like i've been punched aswell and i started to bleed again this morning.

Good luck at your appointment :hugs:

Aww I'm sorry you're bleeding again :( Is it a lot? Nowadays I get about a spoonful of red blood, then just brown blood. But yesturday night and today
it was horrible, all brown blood just kept coming. *shudders*

My bleeding sounds same as yours spoonful of red blood, then just brown blood for about 4-7 days usually.

Sorry to hear about all the brown blood you've been getting i was just as scared when i had my 1st bleed as it was the worst i've had, I remember the horrible feeling every time i went to the toilet and saw all the blood i couldn't shake the feeling that i was losing the baby.

Brown blood is usually a goodish sign as its your body getting rid of the old blood.
I hope Lockiez's reply brings you comfort that even though some people bleed lots baby is still perfect and healthy :)
But im pretty sure the worry never goes away :( bleeding while pregnant will always be scary
x x x
Hello Ladies,

I'm relieved I ran onto your group. Like a lot of you, after getting home from the ER I Google'd SCH and got 'some' info, but I don't know what to expect and if I'm going to miscarry, deliver early, or have a healthy baby.

A couple of days ago I was talking with a friend when I felt a warm gush and I went to the bathroom and it was blood and some clots... OMG'sh! It was a weekend in our little town so I had my husband take me to the ER. I was prepared for the worst and couldn't even look at the ultrasound until the tech said the baby looked good. I was relieved and started to have some hope that this was all a big nightmare. When I talked with the doc she said my dx was SCH and that most women have good outcomes, etc, etc,... bedrest, etc. Then as I was getting discharged, I started to feel warm leaking again and I expected to see a bunch of blood but it was more watery just tinged with blood.... I just knew my membranes had ruptured.... they did the test and it came out positive for amniotic fluid and knowing that I was only 13 weeks that this was the end. The doc said that there could be a false positive on the fluid test and to do another u/s to measure fluid. During the 45 min wait unit I had the u/s I prepared myself for a d&c and that I would loose the baby....I knew it was over. :cry: Then, when I had the ultrasound everything looked the same... the water was the same, etc... so I had some hope return... the tech told me it could have been some water that was in the sac of the clot (or something like that) and that the membranes were still intact and not leaking. So the doc pretty much told me that they wanted to give this baby a chance and they didn't want to terminate because of the small chance that my membranes weren't leaking. They told me that I'd have to go home and either wait for cramping/bleeding/miscarriage... or the possibility that things would get better, etc. So it was either go home and wait for your baby to die or continue bedrest for the duration of your pregnancy and hope for the best. So, I know that there are many good endings even with this diagnosis... my only wild card is if my sac is leaking. I don't have any more fluid coming out and I just have brown blood... just a little, like the last day of your period.

Thanks for reading this long post... I just have a couple questions... I'm going to ask my ob in two days, but I thought I'd ask you too. 1. I'm on complete bedrest.... only supposed to leave the bed to go to the bathroom and for doc visits. Can I sit up in bed? There's so much stuff I could work on the computer but laying down trying to work isn't going to work. 2. Has anybody else experienced leaking fluid this early and made it to a healthy delivery?

Thanks everybody! Have a good easter!
Hi StaceeG.. I am sorry to hear you have to go through this issue. It is not fun for sure and scary. My wife dealt with SCH and we were able to recover from it. We did not have the issue you are having with the amnio fluid leaking. The advice we got from our OB and was to rest, rest, rest, and more rest. Also, to drink lots and lots and lots of water as water would help keep you hydrated and will prevent your uterus from cramping. My wife was on pelvic rest and not bed rest. I found this link for you that might help you with total bed rest:
Also, make sure you stay away from sex or inserting anything down there like tampons. As soon as you can, call your OB and visit them as they will want to keep a close eye on your SCH until it is resolved. Please let me know if you have any questions. I hope all goes well for you and good luck
lockzie & Goodluckbear- wonderful to hear that your SCH's are improving/non-existant! I hope things stay that way for you both!!

NewDad39 - I hope your test results come back ok! My sis-in-law was in the same situation as you but were told their baby had best case T21 worst case would die from 'echo syndrome' but then she was a perfectly healthy little girl now two years old! So I'm hoping for the same for you guys!

Dana_Scully & Babybluesky - hang in there, it's horrible to see the blood every day and I felt so down and worried and depressed but I kept trying to tell myself 'out is better than in' because it's my body getting rid of the blood and making more room for my growing baby! Still horrible and scary... just take one day at a time and try to find some relaxing things to occupy your mind or practise your breathing!

StaceeG- Sorry to hear you're now in the club! I'm not on bedrest but like newdad39's wife, pelvic rest. And I've even had to move house while on pelvic rest! Nightmare! I have had a SCH since week 13 and now am at wk19. No change in SCH but had bleeding for around 3 weeks. It's stopped now but last scan showed low fluid. I didn't notice any leaks or anything so they aren't sure why it's low. I'm just drinking LOTS trying to take it easy and eating watermelon and hoping my fluid levels come back up. I think lockzie has had some problems with low fluid/leak after amnio so maybe go back and find her posts... she is doing really well now. You most definitely can make it to a healthy delivery!

Veev- I hope everything goes ok for you - it is scary but take heart that a lot of us are having positive outcomes and almost all women with SCH have a beautifully healthy baby at the end!

I'll check back in on Friday after my 20wk scan and first OB appointment (yes, in AUS and we only get midwives/nurses until we get past 'early pregnancy' even with such bad complications as there's 'nothing they can do'!! grrrr!!) anyway, no whinging... just be glad I've made it to halfway... only a few more weeks and my precious little girl could survive in the big wide world!!!
Katie_Anne Im so glad you've made it to 20 weeks :) you're in the safe zone hehe I can't wait to get there too!
I hope your scan shows a healthy baby with little or no SCH, are you finding out the sex? good luck cant wait for the update x x x
Hello Ladies,

I'm relieved I ran onto your group. Like a lot of you, after getting home from the ER I Google'd SCH and got 'some' info, but I don't know what to expect and if I'm going to miscarry, deliver early, or have a healthy baby.

A couple of days ago I was talking with a friend when I felt a warm gush and I went to the bathroom and it was blood and some clots... OMG'sh! It was a weekend in our little town so I had my husband take me to the ER. I was prepared for the worst and couldn't even look at the ultrasound until the tech said the baby looked good. I was relieved and started to have some hope that this was all a big nightmare. When I talked with the doc she said my dx was SCH and that most women have good outcomes, etc, etc,... bedrest, etc. Then as I was getting discharged, I started to feel warm leaking again and I expected to see a bunch of blood but it was more watery just tinged with blood.... I just knew my membranes had ruptured.... they did the test and it came out positive for amniotic fluid and knowing that I was only 13 weeks that this was the end. The doc said that there could be a false positive on the fluid test and to do another u/s to measure fluid. During the 45 min wait unit I had the u/s I prepared myself for a d&c and that I would loose the baby....I knew it was over. :cry: Then, when I had the ultrasound everything looked the same... the water was the same, etc... so I had some hope return... the tech told me it could have been some water that was in the sac of the clot (or something like that) and that the membranes were still intact and not leaking. So the doc pretty much told me that they wanted to give this baby a chance and they didn't want to terminate because of the small chance that my membranes weren't leaking. They told me that I'd have to go home and either wait for cramping/bleeding/miscarriage... or the possibility that things would get better, etc. So it was either go home and wait for your baby to die or continue bedrest for the duration of your pregnancy and hope for the best. So, I know that there are many good endings even with this diagnosis... my only wild card is if my sac is leaking. I don't have any more fluid coming out and I just have brown blood... just a little, like the last day of your period.

Thanks for reading this long post... I just have a couple questions... I'm going to ask my ob in two days, but I thought I'd ask you too. 1. I'm on complete bedrest.... only supposed to leave the bed to go to the bathroom and for doc visits. Can I sit up in bed? There's so much stuff I could work on the computer but laying down trying to work isn't going to work. 2. Has anybody else experienced leaking fluid this early and made it to a healthy delivery?

Thanks everybody! Have a good easter!

Hello :)

I'll explain my story as it sounds very similar to yours.

I found out i had a vanishing twin/2 sac's 1 with healthy baby and 1 that was empty at an emergancy ultrasound @ 8 weeks and the other (empty) sack was there at the 10 week scan also then it couldn't be seen at my 12 week scan and i was super happy (If you only had a 12 week scan then they may not have seen yours too??)

Then @ 13 weeks I started bleeding and losing lots of amniotic fluid, a scan the next day showed a health baby and a SCH also babies fluid levels were great so that reasured me it was the vanishing twin that had came out.

Losing blood along with fluid is so scary i felt the same as you at the time I was sure it was the end of my pregnancy, was the worst feeling ever.

I am now 17 weeks :) and i have had the odd little bleed but it doesn't last longer than 4 or 5 days.

Im on couch rest as i have a 2 yr old to look after but we sit and watch movies/draw/paint/sing songs or i go sit in the garden with her so she can play on her slide :) I just don't pick her up at all or do much walking or house work.

Hope you get lots of rest and keep us updated, wishing you all the best
x x x
Just checking in to see if NewDad39 has heard news of results yet, been thinking of you xx :hugs:
Hi Lockzie, thank you very much for your message, I really appreciate it. I have not heard back yet. I am hopping I will today. I will call the doctor office and find out. I will keep you updated :)
Hi Lockzie.. I called the doctor office and got the not so good news :cry:. While the news was not good, it was not bad either I guess. We are still waiting on the CF test results. The other test results (CMV, Taxoblasmosis (sp)) came back old positive :cry: . This means my wife was exposed to the CMV virus and Taxo before getting pregnant which is better than to have gotten those after getting pregnant. The nurse sounded positive but she stressed that we have to wait till the doctor revies the result tomorrow when she come back from vacation. Depending on what she decided, we might have to do further testing and I am guessing we might have to do an amnio to make sure the infections did not get to the baby.
Of course I made the mistake of googling CMV which is more dangerous than taxo since it it is a viral infection and not bacterial like taxo which can be treated with antibiotics. The statistics are on our side for sure but still it is nerve wrecking for sure having to deal with this knowing all the complications which can result from this.
I just have to be hopeful and pray that our baby girl would be fine. I know God works miracles for sure :hugs:.
I will keep you updated for sure.

I am so sorry to hear that you didnt receive the news you were hoping for. I guess you will have to see what your doctor says tomorrow, hopefully he/she will be able to alleviate some of your worries and stresses. Google is the worst thing to do, especially when looking to find out medical information, it just scares the life out of you!! (being polite)
I think I said in a previous post, pregnancy seem to be about always waiting for something, for some of us it is one thing after another!
I know I had a tough time with my amnio, if I was asked would I ever have another, I would do, for piece of mind and preparation. The actual procedure doesnt hurt what so ever and is over in less than a minute. Just make sure of total rest afterwards....... I'm sure you know the drill by now!!

You both have been so strong with this pregnancy, keep going and keep positive. I am sure all will turn out just fine

Hope all goes well with the doctors tomorrow xx :hugs:
Thank you Lockzie very much for your positove words and thoughts. I agree, it is all about the waiting game now and trying to avoid any curve balls thrown at us. We just have to wait and put our faith in God as he will for sure take care of us regardless of the outcome. I will keep you all updated for sure
NewDad- I wish you luck and my fingers are crossed for you to recieve the results you want! I agree we have to put our faith and our babies in God's hands.

I had my ultrasound today. While i was waiting i read over the papers and noticed while they said the hematoma had been upgraded to severe last time, there were no measurements. So i am curious to how they will know whether or not it grew or shrank when they have nothing but the original measurements to compare to! But I seen my beautiful little baby, Heart rate 161. So if you believe the old wives tales then its a girl lol Oh my that would mean 4 girls in one house! The baby was measuring perfect to the dates which makes me feel better since my ms is starting to fade. Not something I enjoyed but at least it was a sign of pregnancy. So now I have to wait until next wed to find out the results. Thankfully I am in the middle of moving so I have lots to keep me occupied until then.

On another note. Someone touched my belly today, didn't ask or anything just grabbed away. I am wondering how many hate the belly touch and how do you handle it, and how many dont mind it? I have always been a don't touch person and usually keep my purse or arms infront so they can't grab lol
Thank you very much mommyoftwo84, I appreciate it. I hope all goes well for you as well. I agree, we should the whatever we can do and put the rest in God's hands and he will take care of the rest for all of us to the best of our interests for sure.
Good luck with the move and please do not tire yourself and take it easy.
Newdad39- Hope your appointment goes well today. Keep the faith and stay strong for your wife and baby.

Mommyoftwo84- I am not a fan of tummy touches too. On the other hand, a growing belly is another very good sign of pregnancy :) Do take care while moving and let the guys do the heavy lifting!
Hi Goodluckbear ..Thank you very much :). We actually did not have an appointment, still waiting for the CF test results to be back. But I talked with the nurse who is handling our case and she was very assuring we are in good shape based on the ultrasound we had and that all the infections my wife have are previous infections where she already developed antibodies for the virus and should not cause any issues. We just have to be monitored more often till she gives birth. It is a wait and see approach now till the baby is here.
How are you doing?
Hello everyone,

I am new here and have been reading over the posts and wanted to share what is going on with me.

I am 14 + 3 today and go for another scan this afternoon. I was diagnosed with SCH around 11 weeks but have had spotting and bleeding since around week 5.

In the beginning there was pink on the tissue during bathroom visits every few days. As time went by more bleeding of red blood would show. Then I had a significant bleed at 10 weeks.

For a few weeks beeding was every other day then became 5 or 6 days a week. Always bright red blood and sometimes with clots.

Last Wednesday on April 4th while at school I felt different and ran to the bathroom to find blood in my pants, running down my legs and pouring into toilet. I thought for sure it was a miscarriage.
My friend brought me home and midwife came and there was still a strong heartbeat. I was lying flat on back for a while then in bathroom passed a fist-sized clot.

From that incident until now I have been on complete bed rest except to go to bathroom and except on Monday to go for acupuncture. I passed two more fist-sized clots, one on Friday the 6th and one on Sunday the 8th. I have only passed small clots since then but have had bright red bleeding constantly.

It is a bit discouraging to me that I've been completely flat for 9 days and still am bleeding. I can't sit up as the 2 times I tried the gushing began - maybe that compresses my uterus?

I will post more after my scan this afternoon. They didn't give me much info on my last visit except to say it was a "small uterine tear" and did not have the ultrasound scanned in so the doc could even look at it! So I don't even know the size it was. Her response was that it wouldn't matter anyway until today's scan to find out the change in the size. I just pray I can get some info today and that they haven't lost the first ultrasound!

My clinic requested my medical records 3 weeks ago and still have not received them. At least if I could get copies of the records I could have someone competent look at them.

Any advice or encouragement is greatly welcomed. Thank you for reading! It feels good to get this out and written down.

Blessings everyone!


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