Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi everyone!

Soooo glad I have found this forum. I have been reading all your posts... I'm so happy to read all the success stories. You ladies have been through a lot.

Here is my story so far... Im currently 10 weeks (today)
At 6w 4d I found out we were expecting our 3rd bundle of joy. Saw my ob she did an internal ultra sound and we saw it and hb was 114. That was it. 2 weeks later I went back at 8w 2d prior to my app I had brown discharge (enough to scare the hell out of me because I've had a previous m/c) I also had some cramping/pain. So she did an ultra sound bub measured exactly 8w 2d with Hb of 171. BUT she also found a blood clot near the baby she didn't say much about it at all.. She said not to worry and these things get absorbed. I was freaking out but I didn't know what to ask so I asked her for the proper name she said it was referred to threatened miscarriage or sub chorionic hematoma. So that day I started researching all about it and read some distressing info! So I'm glad I found this forum.
I have my next app tomorrow morning so I'm really anxious/nervous
It's so good to read all your stories and see that I'm not alone.
Hi ladies - wondering if I can join?

I had my dating scan today, which went really well. I measured 7w2d (I thought I was 7w0d), baby was 11mm and had a heart rate of 144bpm :)

The ultrasound guy noticed I had a chorionic hemorrhage? Does anyone know if this is the same as a subchorionic?

He asked me if I had experienced any bleeding - which I haven't except for one tiny dot of brown blood at 6DPO. He also said not to be alarmed if I do experience some brown spotting. Besides that he didn't seem concerned and my GP also didn't seem concerned.

Was feeling fine after the ultersound - but then came home and decided to google it and now feel horrible :(
Welcome ginny83!
I'm new here too I'm 10 weeks along and was diagnosed with a very small hematoma at 8w 2d I have my next app/scan tomorrow so fingers crossed!
How are you feeling? Do you have any pains/cramping?
Goodluck bubs3 for tomorrow!

I've had no pain or cramping besides some mild af type cramps around when af was due. I wont have another scan until 12 weeks
Hi ginny and bubs3.. welcome to the board. I am sorry you have to go through this issue but as you read on here it will go away with time and rest. Please take care of yourself, take it easy, do not do anything that will get you tired especially long walks, working out, lifting anything heaving and for sure stay away from sex or using tampons as well. Pretty much nothing in the vagina. Also, drink lots and lots of water. Good luck and hope all goes well :)
Thank you ginny83 no pain is a positive sign... I occasionally do have some pain/cramping

Thank you NewDad39 I will continue to rest and take it easy I know it's so important.

I just got back from my app and bubs is doing well h/she was wiggling around i saw it's arms/legs it was so cute : ) it's measuring to date and stron hb 171 (touch wood) so so far so good. About the clot... It's still there but has shrunk :happydance:that was very exciting... It's measuring at 1cm that's all my ob told me she didn't really go into much more she said there is nothing to worry about and I'm goin back to her in 4 weeks. But my next big scan is my 12 week one in 2 weeks so I'm praying and crossing my fingers it will all be good.

How is everyone else doing?
:hugs: to you all
Only just posted yesterday and again I see people saying that 'no pain is a good sign' and things like this. PLEASE do not tell people that!!! I have had severe pain so much so that I couldn't even talk or move yet everything was fine as it was the hematoma rupturing. I have had this severe pain more than once and it is followed by a tender sore feeling for a week or more afterwards and occasional cramping. Please do not be alarmed even if you have both pain and bleeding if you have been told you have a SCH as this does happen to some people. ANY blood in the uterus is an irritant and cramping alongside it is normal - I have been so annoyed by medical professionals telling me its the worse because I had the two combined when it wasn't. What isn't normal is if you have thin gushing blood gets worse and worse and pain get worse and worse with no reprieve after a couple of hours... but even then you can have absolutely no symptoms and still lose your baby... everyone's bodies react SO differently. The best thing we can do in all situations is to remain as calm as possible to protect the baby and call our OB or Midwife or an ambulance if we are really concerned. But please don't leap to the conclusion that all is lost just because you feel some pain!!
I just want everyone to know I'm thinking of you. I had a sch with my 3rd baby and I remember the terror and confusion of not knowing whether the pregnancy would miscarry or if my baby would be premature. I was on this thread quite a bit. I don't even now like thinking back on it because it was mentally an awful time for me. I did go on complete bedrest until I completely stopped bleeding and spotting. Which stopped at 15 weeks. Never had a problem after that. She was born healthy and full term at 38 weeks. She is now almost 7 months old and crawling all over the place!
I feel for all of you. Please listen to your bodies, take it easy, especially while actively bleeding. Good Luck and prayers for all of you.
I just want everyone to know I'm thinking of you. I had a sch with my 3rd baby and I remember the terror and confusion of not knowing whether the pregnancy would miscarry or if my baby would be premature. I was on this thread quite a bit. I don't even now like thinking back on it because it was mentally an awful time for me. I did go on complete bedrest until I completely stopped bleeding and spotting. Which stopped at 15 weeks. Never had a problem after that. She was born healthy and full term at 38 weeks. She is now almost 7 months old and crawling all over the place!
I feel for all of you. Please listen to your bodies, take it easy, especially while actively bleeding. Good Luck and prayers for all of you.

your daughter is gorgeous! and thank you!
Hi everyone.
I found out I was pregnant last week. Took a test on Monday that was negative, and Tuesday positive. Took another on Thursday (clearblue digital) that was positive as well. Friday, I started bleeding. Went to the ER, and they didn't seem worried. They did a pelvic exam, and took hcg levels, and just determined first trimester bleeding in early pregnancy. Levels then were at an 81. Monday, I had hcg taken again, which was more than doubling (833) but cramping and bleeding has been consistant when going to the bathroom. It comes and goes from brown to red blood, and sometimes is barely there at all. I called my ob, and she had another hcg ordered today, but refuses to see me since according to her if I'm bleeding, it's likely a miscarriage. No one has even offered up an ultrasound, but what most of you are experiencing sounds just like what I'm going through, including issues with clots. How on earth do you get the doctors to take you seriously when so early in pregnancy and dealing with this? I'm feeling really down, and was put on bedrest from the ER doctor on Monday to try and slow the bleeding. The emotions of feeling like my baby could be ok, then feeling like I could also lose it are killing me.
Hi there - came across this forum after spending endless hours Googling SCH - probably something I shouldn't ever do again.

I am a 8w2d pregnant - this is my 4th pregnancy though only one has resulted in a successful birth (I have a 20 month old). I started bleeding at 5 weeks. Convinced it was another miscarriage, I was happy when they found a heartbeat that early on but concerned when I was diagnosed with a SCH. I also had a small one with my son (never got bigger than 2 cm) that caused me to bleed on and off from 7-13 weeks. I've been in and out with u/s for the past 3 weeks - at one point I had two SCHs and they've now combined into one large one that seems to be growing. Two days ago it was 4 cm and today (I went in after a large bleed last night) it had grown to 6cm. Doc put me on strict bed rest for the next week until my next u/s to see if it helps any and though the baby seems to be hanging strong, I'm still on a "wait and see" approach. If the bleed continues to grow, it could interfere with the baby.

With each major bleed, I get intense cramping (similar to what I experienced in the early stages of my last m/c). I'll admit it's very disheartening. Just looking to vent and learn from others' experiences. Best of luck to everyone.
I am now 7 weeks and 3 days according to the OB. I have been bleeding off and on since week 5. I was diagnosed with a large SCH week 6 (after believing for 3 days that we had lost the baby) and have had 2 large red bleeds since. The SCH is measuring around 5.2 x 3.3 x 3.2 (very large according to the ultrasound tech and the OB) I am on bed rest and doing VERY little. I am also a type 1 diabetic (A1c around 7). I had my 3rd ultrasound yesterday and the heartbeat was at 150 (up from 105 the prior week), they said the fetal pole is growing well and aside from the gestational sac being misshapen due to the SCH, the baby seems to be developing fine. What concerns me is that the OB told me yesterday that there seems to be some material in my yolk sac which could indicate some genetic defects but that we really won't be able to tell anything until the scans we can do at 11 weeks. She really didn't tell me any more information than that and I can't find ANYTHING (aside from it being an "ominous sign for a pregnancy") anywhere online. My OB has not been the most reassuring person in the world and seems to be acting as though if I lose the baby, I lose the baby. She doesn't seem real interested in doing everything that we are able to do to save the pregnancy. I have read that some of you on here have also had this experience. As if the bleeding wasn't scary enough, plus the concerns from being diabetic, now I have this to contend with and cannot find any information anywhere. I have read some on the baby's bowels having echogenic material from swallowing blood from the SCH, but can't find anything about it being in the yolk sac. This is my first pregnancy and this baby couldn't be more wanted. My husband and I are so excited but I am also just terrified at this point. Has anyone else ever heard of this?

How does everyone get past (or even just deal with day to day) the fear of losing your child? It was scary in the first tri but now with a SCH and increased risk I'm just convinced all the time that my baby is no longer alive even though I don't really have a reason to think that because all my scans so far have been great and the bleeding is slowing down (finally after almost 4 weeks!)


How does everyone get past (or even just deal with day to day) the fear of losing your child? It was scary in the first tri but now with a SCH and increased risk I'm just convinced all the time that my baby is no longer alive even though I don't really have a reason to think that because all my scans so far have been great and the bleeding is slowing down (finally after almost 4 weeks!)


No idea tbh I think about it all the time, i guess you wont really get past it untill its gone :( then you'll probably still worry that it could come back.
Although i have a 2 yr old to look after and she keeps me busy i think that helps a bit so try keep yourself busy by inviting friends round or do things where you dont have to walk move around too much x x x
Hi Katie Anne
At first its all i could think of, but with two little ones I couldnt keep focusing on it. Now I find I am not as attached to this baby as i was my girls at the same point along. dont get me wrong, i love this baby and would be devestatedif something happened, but i find i am not thinking about the baby much. I refuse to by anything yet until i hear some positive news. Not saying this is healthy, just the way i deal.
Yes, I think it would be easier to deal if I had other children to look after... as it is I'm home all day on my own (with the dog). We have just moved house so I have unpacking to do but can only do a little bit at a time obviously so it's a slow process and not enough to keep me occupied. I'm going to try today to get stuck into reading a book and doing the cross stitch I started for the baby's room... I guess there's not much I can do but take each moment as it comes and hope and pray! It's such a scary situation to be in! Not a great first pregnancy (not how I imagined it would be anyway!) :(
Hey ladies,

Has anyone stopped bleeding, but told their SCH is still there? Anyone this far along with such a large SCH still?

I am 22 wks 4 days today and haven't bled for 3 weeks. Previously I had two big bleeds, and spotted on and off up until 3 weeks ago when the bleeding stopped. I for sure thought my SCH was going away, but I had a scan yesterday and the doctor said my SCH was still there and still at 9cm. It hasn't even shrunk despite the bleeding has stopped! So frustrating. I for sure thought no bleeding meant the hemorrhage was healing!
Hey ladies,

Has anyone stopped bleeding, but told their SCH is still there? Anyone this far along with such a large SCH still?

I am 22 wks 4 days today and haven't bled for 3 weeks. Previously I had two big bleeds, and spotted on and off up until 3 weeks ago when the bleeding stopped. I for sure thought my SCH was going away, but I had a scan yesterday and the doctor said my SCH was still there and still at 9cm. It hasn't even shrunk despite the bleeding has stopped! So frustrating. I for sure thought no bleeding meant the hemorrhage was healing!

Hello Heather,
My SCH Is also around 9cm and i've only had it since 13 weeks I only bled for 1 week, I am now 15 week and haven't bled for a week :) I have a scan tomorrow to see whats going on so will let you know :s
maybe they are just seeing old blood from your SCH and hopefully that is helping it heal?? kind of like a scab maybe??

So nervous about my scan tomorrow because it seems these SCH's are hard to get rid of and i have also got my hopes up that it is healing since there has been no more blood, reading back on these posts it seems that SCH last alot longer than expected so maybe i should try get use to the idea that it may be around for a while longer :dohh: just can't wait to be at a safe place in this pregnancy :)
Thanks for responding. Good luck tomorrow!

The doctor did say my hemorrhage looks a lot more contained even though it is still "huge" (they keep referring to it as that! wouldn't be my choice of words to use with a patient!). He told me he thought I was going to miscarry when he saw me 6 weeks ago due to the size of my hemorrhage, but that I haven't and that my baby is still progressing on track this is a good sign.

I hate that I feel fine, but just can't do anything. The waiting is killing me!

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