Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi Ourbean, I am sorry to hear you are going through this. It is not fun for sure. I hope you will be able to get some good news from your scan today. I think the best advice is to rest for sure and drink as much water as possible. Since your baby is getting bigger, it might be that it is pussing the clots out of your body. Before my wife's SCH was gone, she had a big bleed with some clotting and it was cured after that.
I hope all goes well for you :)
Hi Ourbean,
I'm sorry you had to join the sch club but I have found this board so incredibly helpful and has given me lots of hope. I wish you all the luck with your ultrasound. Try not to stress to much, i know that sounds impossible but stressing doesn't help. I would stick to the bedrest and stay well hydrated. Good luck and keep us updated!
Ourbean - sorry that you have to join us here. Hang in there and take it one day at a time. I passed the initial weeks with a stack of novels. Each time I feel that fear creeping up, I would (and still do) keep a mental picture of a happy healthy baby. Hope the bleeding stops soon. Are you on any meds?
Hi everyone,

Hi Goodluckbear, no, I'm not on any medications.

At my scan Friday the tech could find not find any hematoma and no reason for the bleeding. She did both an abdominal and vaginal scan. The baby looked good with a strong heartbeat, thankfully!

I insisted on seeing the doc as there has been so much bleeding. The amount of bleeding had picked up a bit before I left for my appt. (perhaps from moving a bit more?) and there was bleeding during the transvaginal ultrasound.

When the doc first came in she said that they don't usually see this much bleeding with a subchorionic hematoma. She decided to do a speculum exam.

As soon as she inserted the speculum I started hemorrhaging. Blood running onto table and onto the floor. She kept inserting gauze to try and get it to stop but from what my husband told me it only seemed to be worse.

She took out spec finally (all of that was very uncomfortable and frightening) and as I sat up I could feel even more pouring out. During this time the fire alarm went off! and we were told to evacuate the building (this went back and forth from "yes evacuate" to "no it's ok to stay" several times).

She called the attending OB at the hospital and was told to transfer me to the ER. They don't see folks at 14 weeks on the labor and delivery floor but she would fax all my records over and someone from L&D would come down and see me in the ER.

They could not find my faxed records at first, actually for several hours, and so I had to go for another abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound with the same outcome. They could not determine where the bleeding was coming from either. I asked if they can see a tear in the uterine wall if there is no hematoma there and was told no. Does that sound right?

Finally the resident came down to see me and didn't have much to offer and said there isn't anything that can be done until the baby reaches viability in 10 weeks. I am to follow up Monday for an out of hospital visit.

They wanted to check my blood levels and if they were ok I could go home. If they weren't I would be admitted. I asked what would they do if I was admitted and he said they would do a d&c! Because if I lost too much blood I wouldn't survive and neither would our baby. That was scary to hear!

Luckily my hemoglobin came back 13, which is good, and hematocrit was 37 which is ok but I asked and 36 is considered low so it seems borderline.
I am resting and trying to build my blood.

We got back home after midnight after more than 9 hours at the doc and hospital. Saturday the bleeding was very heavy again and I passed a large clot about 3pm and then the bleeding seemed to slow down.

I am really scared about losing too much blood because if I do or get a fever I have to go back to the ER and I do not like that idea as they could admit me and... You know.

Since there is nothing they can do (according to the docs) to stop the bleeding without taking my baby first I am looking for ways to make it stop outside of western medicine. Please let me know if you have any ideas??

I have been getting acupuncture to "clear heat" and they have given me herbs to stop the bleeding. Maybe it has helped slow the bleeding but I would really like it to stop all together. I have been bleeding 19 out of the last 21 days to one degree or another. This is day 11 of complete bed rest (self-imposed) as the docs say there is NO Evidence that bed rest helps, but I feel better as continuing my regular routine was also not helpful and I was more stressed, but alas, still bleeding.

I asked the OB at the clinic and the resident at the hospital if it could be related to progesterone levels but they shunned that idea saying they don't test for that and they don't really know what the levels should be in pregnancy.

So I am at a loss here. I feel like I am getting the run-around. If you have any ideas of what this might be, what to do, or who to see I am grateful for suggestions and insights.

Also, it seems from what I can tell, subchorionic hematoma and subchorionic hemorrhage are referred to as one and the same. Am I mistaken about that?

Thanks for reading and blessings to all of you :)
Ourbean ~ really sorry to hear that you're going through this sounds like you're having a really rough time, Its good that they can't see a SCH or blood in the uterus but still worrying as to where the blood is actually coming from.
If i was you i would go on total bedrest 24/7 only get up to use bathroom and get someone to bring you food and drink as this helped me alot when i was bleeding and maybe give your body time to heal? also drink lots of water and take you vitamins, this has all been said before by other ppl on this forum but im sure it does make a big difference.

I think subchorionic hematoma and subchorionic hemorrhage are the same.

maybe try talking to a Homeopath about what you can take to reduce bleeding?

Sorry I can't be more help, really hope the bleeding stops for you soon x x x
BabyBlueSky - Thanks for your message! I had my 20 week scan and found out we definitely have a beautiful baby girl in there! She was sucking her thumb and using my bladder as a pillow and refusing to be helpful to the sono tech and move up so she could measure easily haha little cheeky monkey!
My SCH has reduced in size and looks 'dried' with lots of echos and no fresh blood.
My fluid levels are back up to normal so yey!!
Still on couch rest for 4 more weeks and seeing an OB and having a 24 wk scan and then the OB will then decide if I drop down off the high risk status and just see midwives or if I stay put and take it easy a little longer! I think I'll take it easy the whole time anyway!

Mommyoftwo84- I don't mind the tummy touch... I quite like it actually! Just home no-one feels a kick before daddy!!

newdad39- I hope your results come back with good news... I HATE the waiting game!

ourbean - Goodness me, I thought I had it scary and tough... you poor thing! Just hold on to the sound of your baby's heartbeat and pray. Try to stay as calm as possible even though it's hard because you have to for baby's sake - panic will only make it worse. I hope the bleeding stops soon! There is still hope and lots of it... some of us are just bleeders! Perhaps you have a blood clotting problem? I will be thinking of you lots and hoping things improve for you!
congratulations Katie_anne on being team pink! Little girls are amazing :D

I just found out yesterday that im expecting another little girl too and i am SOOOO excited to be buying all the little cute girly things again, but best of all my SCH is also getting smaller :happydance:

Next scan is 1st may :)
Thank you Katie-Anne .. I am glad to hear your good news and welcome to team pink as well, it is the best team :). We are still waiting for one more test results which is for CF which takes about 2 weeks or so. We have another scan on May 3rd, so hopefully we are still on track for a healthy baby :)
Katie_Anne, Babyblueskye - So happy for your good results! Welcome to team pink!

Ourbean - hang in there. I have a Chinese friend who told me that they have an old practice of drinking lotus root soup to specifically to stem the hemorrhage. But best to check with a professional on this.
Babyblueskye and Katie_Anne Congratulations and welcome to Team Pink :happydance::happydance:
I wonder if SCH's are more related to girls than boys? :wacko: All that I chat to on here have been Pinks...... just a thought!

NewDad39 - Sorry you are having such a long wait, hopefully you will get some positive news very soon

Goodluckbear - I hope you are well and fx your hematoma has gone by now. Do you have any more scans planned?

Ourbean - Sorry to hear you are having a tough time of things. Keep strong and positive, bedrest and lots of fluid. In my experience, the doctors with paint the doom and gloom picture, they did with me after losing my amniotic fluid, they wanted me to end the pregnancy, however I wanted to wait and see what happened. Thankfully, my little one is kicking away and letting me know that she is there :happydance: Positives do come out of the darkest times, so hang in there and listen to your gut feelings.
I also had a huge ammount of blood loss, 3 huge losses (felt like pints) I bled from 7 to 16 weeks. I did read somewhere, if there has been a big blood loss, it is often difficult to detect a hematoma as all the blood has gone. The blood can refill, then is identifiable by a scan, so bare that in mind too

I went back for my 2nd 20 week scan at 22 weeks as the sonographer couldnt see her heart on properly on the 1st. All is fine thank goodness

Keep being strong mummies and daddies xx
I hate the wait to Lockzie but I think no news is good news you know :). So ladies on team pink, have you picked up names for the litte one yet?
It is horrible waiting, there always seems to be something to wait for in pregnancy, results, scans, appts or edd

I haven't thought of any names. I have asked my friends and family to help, nothing takes my fancy at the minute :wacko:
Daddy suggested a name which is awful and it is a BIG :nope::nope::nope::nope::nope: lol
I know it is hard to decide on a name for sure. I have been living in the US for over 21 years now but I am originally from Palestine and my wife just moved here from Jordan. We thought we could do an Arabic name for a first name and an English one for middle name. After toying with that idea, we just picked all Arabic names. Our baby will be named Zainah Mariam Khairiya but will go by Zainah. I have always loved the name Zainah which means beautiful or Bella in Arabic. The first middle name is Arabic for Mary and it is both of our great grandmother's name. The second one is my aunt's name which means the most giving. We both agreed on these names and we did not even have to argue about them :)
I went today for the results from my last ultrasound. I was on pins and needles and barely slept last night. Of course my Dr was running almost 2 hrs behind as well. but I got GREAT news! he said the sch is almost gone!!!! its a 1/4 of the size it was when it first happened and is no longer considered severe or in anyway a problem! I m allowed to go back to work next wk and he down graded my pregnancy to a normal one so i don't have to go back for a month!!! I literally teared up and my mom said you could see the relief wash over me. I don't know if this helps anyone else but he also said he has personally delivered completely healthy babies where there was a sch the entire pregnancy with sizes up to and above 10 cm. So its never over until its over! Thank you so much for all the support. I will still be creeping and wishing you all the best!!!!
I went today for the results from my last ultrasound. I was on pins and needles and barely slept last night. Of course my Dr was running almost 2 hrs behind as well. but I got GREAT news! he said the sch is almost gone!!!! its a 1/4 of the size it was when it first happened and is no longer considered severe or in anyway a problem! I m allowed to go back to work next wk and he down graded my pregnancy to a normal one so i don't have to go back for a month!!! I literally teared up and my mom said you could see the relief wash over me. I don't know if this helps anyone else but he also said he has personally delivered completely healthy babies where there was a sch the entire pregnancy with sizes up to and above 10 cm. So its never over until its over! Thank you so much for all the support. I will still be creeping and wishing you all the best!!!!

Thats such great news :thumbup: really happy for you :hugs:
Hope you enjoy the rest of your pregnancy now :) wishing you all the best :flower:
mommyoftwo84 - Brillaint news :happydance::happydance:
You can start to enjoy your pregnancy now xx
Just started getting braxton hicks today :wacko: I know they are harmless and they didn't bother me at all during my last pregnancy but since i have a SCH they are freaking me out a bit.
Anyone else feel like this???? :shrug:
Hi, im new to this site. 2 days ago I stood up after sleeping all night and a period like gush of blood flowed out. Thought for sure I was miscarrying but it made no sense cause I have had 2 u\s for sequetial screening and both were perfect. I called my ob and they had me come into the office, they did a sonagram and the heartbeat was a strong 152 bpm. He said my cervix was closed and to be on bedrest. The next morning I woke up and this time it was just a large drop of blood. I didnt even bother to call my doc I went right to the er they did an u/s and the baby was fine. I have a 4x2.5cm sch. Im 15 wks 4 days and was just wondering if these things keep coming back or do they just go away and your fine. Also shouldnt they have ordered another u/s to check if its getting bigger or going away? Im now only having brown spotting which they told me is expected.

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