Hi everyone,
Hi Goodluckbear, no, I'm not on any medications.
At my scan Friday the tech could find not find any hematoma and no reason for the bleeding. She did both an abdominal and vaginal scan. The baby looked good with a strong heartbeat, thankfully!
I insisted on seeing the doc as there has been so much bleeding. The amount of bleeding had picked up a bit before I left for my appt. (perhaps from moving a bit more?) and there was bleeding during the transvaginal ultrasound.
When the doc first came in she said that they don't usually see this much bleeding with a subchorionic hematoma. She decided to do a speculum exam.
As soon as she inserted the speculum I started hemorrhaging. Blood running onto table and onto the floor. She kept inserting gauze to try and get it to stop but from what my husband told me it only seemed to be worse.
She took out spec finally (all of that was very uncomfortable and frightening) and as I sat up I could feel even more pouring out. During this time the fire alarm went off! and we were told to evacuate the building (this went back and forth from "yes evacuate" to "no it's ok to stay" several times).
She called the attending OB at the hospital and was told to transfer me to the ER. They don't see folks at 14 weeks on the labor and delivery floor but she would fax all my records over and someone from L&D would come down and see me in the ER.
They could not find my faxed records at first, actually for several hours, and so I had to go for another abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound with the same outcome. They could not determine where the bleeding was coming from either. I asked if they can see a tear in the uterine wall if there is no hematoma there and was told no. Does that sound right?
Finally the resident came down to see me and didn't have much to offer and said there isn't anything that can be done until the baby reaches viability in 10 weeks. I am to follow up Monday for an out of hospital visit.
They wanted to check my blood levels and if they were ok I could go home. If they weren't I would be admitted. I asked what would they do if I was admitted and he said they would do a d&c! Because if I lost too much blood I wouldn't survive and neither would our baby. That was scary to hear!
Luckily my hemoglobin came back 13, which is good, and hematocrit was 37 which is ok but I asked and 36 is considered low so it seems borderline.
I am resting and trying to build my blood.
We got back home after midnight after more than 9 hours at the doc and hospital. Saturday the bleeding was very heavy again and I passed a large clot about 3pm and then the bleeding seemed to slow down.
I am really scared about losing too much blood because if I do or get a fever I have to go back to the ER and I do not like that idea as they could admit me and... You know.
Since there is nothing they can do (according to the docs) to stop the bleeding without taking my baby first I am looking for ways to make it stop outside of western medicine. Please let me know if you have any ideas??
I have been getting acupuncture to "clear heat" and they have given me herbs to stop the bleeding. Maybe it has helped slow the bleeding but I would really like it to stop all together. I have been bleeding 19 out of the last 21 days to one degree or another. This is day 11 of complete bed rest (self-imposed) as the docs say there is NO Evidence that bed rest helps, but I feel better as continuing my regular routine was also not helpful and I was more stressed, but alas, still bleeding.
I asked the OB at the clinic and the resident at the hospital if it could be related to progesterone levels but they shunned that idea saying they don't test for that and they don't really know what the levels should be in pregnancy.
So I am at a loss here. I feel like I am getting the run-around. If you have any ideas of what this might be, what to do, or who to see I am grateful for suggestions and insights.
Also, it seems from what I can tell, subchorionic hematoma and subchorionic hemorrhage are referred to as one and the same. Am I mistaken about that?
Thanks for reading and blessings to all of you