Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi KittyKat, welcome to the board and sorry you have to join us. I know dealing with SCH is not fur for sure. If you have read some of the previous posts, you can get a good idea of how SCH happens and when it gone. It is different for everyone. The most important thig when you dealing with SCH to rest and drink lots and lots of water. Once you are diagnosed with SCH, they usually do not do ultrasounds very often as they like to space them out and give it time to resolve. My wife was diagnosed with one around Feb 22. Then we had an ultra sound on March 5th which showed it got bigger, then on March 15 we had another one which showed it was gone. Before the March 15th date, my wife had a bleed with some clots and that was the SCH going away. So it varies from one pregnancy to another. Usually as the baby gets bigger, it will push the SCH out and resolve it. Just listen to your OB instructions, rest as much as you can, and drink lots of water. That is what helped my wife for sure. Good luck
Thanks for the welcome :) My other issue is that I work overnights at a convienience store and its only me and one other person, so if theres an emergency im not allowed to leave work. Im going to talk to my boss and see if I can cut back my hours and do a different schedile but I need to know the limitations so I can tell him what im allowed to do. Im really surprised there isnt more on this topic since it seems so common. I had never heard of this until 2 days ago. Thank goodness for this thread.
You are welcome. Yeah we did not know what SCH was until we were told we had it. As for your work situation, you might want to discuss that with your OB and see what your options are. My wife continued working while dealing with SCH. She commuted on the train with no issues. She was on pelvic rest which meant, just taking it easy, no heavy lifting, and no sex .
I'm 12 weeks today and tomorrow I'll have my 12 week scan :) I haven't had any spotting since 8+4/5 - so i'm really hoping I'll get some good news about the SCH so I can forget about it!
Hi everyone, I am 21 weeks pregnant and this is my third pregnancy. We had two healthy, great pregnancies before but this one has just been awful. I found out at 11 weeks I had a subchorionic hematoma (bleed). I bled red blood, brown blood almost every day now since. Most recently we went to the hospital because I had a really large blood clot. They did an ultrasound at my doctors office a few days prior to our first hospital episode and it showed possible low level of amniotic fluids. They didnt do much our first hospital episode but put me on an iv and monitor me but we went back to the hospital a few days later for severe bleeding. My doctor then did another ultrasound and it showed no amniotic fluid. We have our appointment with our specialist this coming tuesday. I really feel my doctors office hasnt done very much for us. We have so many questions. I know that until I'm 24 weeks it doesnt seem like they do a whole lot for baby but still. I've read a lot of awful stories about no fluid and a few miracles. This is so awful. I dont want to lose our baby. It has been such a challenge as it is with all the bleeding I have had. How did I have fluid 3 days before my last ultrasound and now none. I'm doing my best to drink a ton of fluids now. Is there any hope?
Hello kristah23

Sorry to hear that you are having problems with a sch and low amniotic fluid.
I really cant understand that you have had no instructions to follow.
All I can tell you is what I had to do after I lost all my amniotic fluid after an amnio.
I had TOTAL bedrest other that to go to the toilet. I could not lift anything heavier than a full glass of water. I had to drink a large amount of water to keep hydrated. I was also put on anti-biotics to stop infection, but that was because my membrane had ruptured.
Have you felt any leaking of amniotic fluid? When I lost my fluid, it was not a clear / yellow colour, it was full of blood due to the sch, so maybe your last bleed was your amniotic fluid....... just a thought

I was also told that if I started contracting, bleeding or got a fever to go straight to the hospital

I know there are some really awful stories on the internet, like there are for many different medical conditions. There are some really positive stories too. I am one of those, but you must get yourself to bed, on total bedrest and drink as much water as you can

Here is a website for PPROM - Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes:
There is some really positive advice on here.

Here is another site I read:

Please keep positive and keep us updated, I will help you where I can xx:hugs:
Hi lockzie. Thank you for the encouragement and advice. It has been really frustrating not knowing what to do. I have been pumping myself with fluids and either sitting or laying on my left side constantly. We have a 16 1/2 month old little girl so my husband took a week off to help until we see the specialist on Tuesday. I'm pretty sure I lost fluid while bleeding as well but I had such a bad bleed for so long it was hard to tell. I didn't really think i would leak so I can't say I was watching close. Really was more concerned with the bleeding because they didn't sound concerned about fluid. Now it seems the doctors think the worst and since I'm not 24 weeks they aren't much help. I hope for a miracle but ultimately its in the lords hands. Are you still on bed rest? It's super difficult for me to sit around with two other children but so far my bleeding is much less. Thanks again for response. Wish you the very best in your pregnancy.
Had my scan today - bad news :( They couldn't find a heartbeat and baby measured 11+5 (I'm supposed to be 12+1 today), so probably means baby stopped growing only recently. Haven't had any cramping or bleeding, besides the very light spotting at 8 weeks, and was still throwing up even last night - so it was a huge shock for us. My GP wants me to have my hcg levels tested again just to see what they're doing, but really I know the outcome :(

I'm so sorry to hear your news. It is such an awful time going through this and I do empathise, I have been through a few too.
It is best to get the hcg level checks done to know for sure

Keep strong, sending you love and hugs xx :hugs::hugs:

Good luck with your appointment tomorrow. I'm not sure where you are in the world, but I would ask for anti-biotics to reduce infection and ask for an action plan of your care for the next few weeks or until you see your consultant for the next appointment. This should include regular scans too

I guess I knew how my loss of fluids was caused and ended up in hospital. The on call doctors that saw me after my scan were doom and gloom and talked about ending the pregnancy (I was about 16 weeks) Then my consultant came in, he said all was not lost but didnt look good. He put me on the anit-biotics (Erythromycin) and said total bedrest. He was going to keep me in hospital, but I wanted to go home to my own surrounding and bed. He allowed me to do that, but I had about 5 scans in 2 weeks to check the fluid levels. Between the one on Friday and the one on Monday, I had lost the little fluid I had. I got the talk about what is best, I wanted to wait and see, but I thought it was all over by this point, but by Thursday, I had small pockets of fluid, which was more encouraging. Each further scan has showed more fluid until I got back to normal levels.

The only advice I can give is total bedrest, plenty of fluids and dont just accept what the doctors are saying, follow your gut instincts xx :hugs:
Hi all,
Just wanted to give you an update as I haven't posted in a while. My bleeding started at 11 weeks and lasted till 16 weeks & at one point we were told that our baby was probably a 'missed misscarage'. However I am happy to say scans revealed that the docters had been wrong! After plenty of rest, fluids and help from my mum & fiance with our 18mnth old daughter the bleeding eventualy stopped :)
I am now 20 weeks & we recently found out that we are expecting a boy this time!

After doing a lot of research on SCH I found out that it can sometimes be connected to Lupus, which my mother suffers from. I recently decided to get checked and i also tested positive for lupus (SLE). The doctor believes that this probably had something to do with me developing SCH, and has recommended that if I plan on having more children I should take a low dose of asprin for a whole before ttc. Aparently lupus can sometimes cause your blood to become sticky & clot more easily, causing SCH, or your body may produce antibodies to the pregnancy resulting in early & multiple MC's. I would highly recommend anyone that has had multiple MC's or SCH's to have an 'ANA blood test' for lupus & other auto-immune diseases, as there are medications that are safe for baby that can be taken to improve your chances of having a healthy baby & safer pregnancy.

Good luck to you all! xxx
Found this board while looking for positive stories about SCH. And it's really help me understand it!!!

Im 8w2d today. My bleeding started off as brown spotting at around 6 weeks. I went To my doc and the transvaginal u/s showed I was measuring a week behind which scared me. She was not concerned and told me to not worry about brown spotting just red. Well exactly one week later it turned red and I went back in. She could find no reason for the bleed. we saw Rue's heart beating and measuring yet again one week behind my dates. and doc said it was more than likely a SCH blood clot. Tho she couldn't see it on the machine she admitted her machine was not good and scheduled me one for an u/s at the hospital. Well that was The beginning of the week. Now the bleeding has picked up and I've stared cramping. I soaked a pad in just under 30 minutes. I called the on call doc and he wouldn't listen to me told me sounds like a miscarriage, so do what you want come in or not! :nope:
We decided to wait it out and it's calmed down a lot now, thank God! We were also able to hear Rue's heart beat on our home Doppler which helped ease me a lot!!! It was around 130!!! :thumbup: so now I'm just waiting till Monday for the ultrasound!!

Thanks for letting me share my story with you!
21 weeks, both hematomas have absorbed and I'm expecting a boy! Good luck to you all. Never thought mine would go tbh but seems it is possible, just keep resting and hope for the best :)
Congrats Mumtotwins!!!!! That is amazing news! And go team blue! I can't wait to find out what i'm having lol
Just an update, I have another u/s on thursday to check if my hematoma is gone. 17 weeks tomorrow so im hoping they can tell if its a boy or girl. No more bleeding and I havent had any spotting in two days :)
Good Luck tomorrow Kittykat. Fingers crossed its all gone! are you hoping for a boy or girl?
Congratulations MumToTwinnies hope you enjoy the rest of your pregnancy :flower:

Good luck kittykat hope you get good news tomorrow and hopefully you get to see what team you're on :thumbup:

I had my 20 week scan 2day and baby is definitely a perfect healthy baby girl :happydance:
The SCH is still there but is has gotten smaller which is great, they aren't going to be monitoring my SCH anymore but i feel alot more relaxed about it now that im 20 weeks.

I also found out that i have a low-lying placenta/placenta praevia so i'll have another scan at 36 weeks to make sure it has moved up a bit :) which it usually does.

Hope things are going well for everyone :hugs:
hey there ladies just wondering, if im nott having any bleeding if this is a good thing. i was diagnosed with a subchorionic hemorhage one week ago, todays ultrasound showed it was bigger along side he gestational sack, covering about 50% around.
i had bleeding for 2 days, now i just have a constant pain there, sometimes it feels like its cold or on fire inside, like a streching burning feeling across my low belly. i do hope it goes away by 20 weeks and doesnt cause me any complications.

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