Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Im hoping for a boy I already have a 7 year old daughter, but honestly as long as I make through this pregnancy with a healthy baby I dont care which it is lol. congrats to both of you on your wonderful news :)
Hi ladies. Just wanted to share my story.

I had a sch at 14 weeks. I went to the ER, sat there for 7 hours before I was finally seen. The baby had a HB was doing fine. I was referred to a perinatologist who diagnosed my sch and monitored me bi-weekly until 30 weeks. My clot resolved itself after 20 weeks and my DD was born at 39 weeks H&H.

So try not to stress too much. Happy endings happen!
I should mention that (lucky me) I have another sch. I have been having weekly scans because we are still trying to determine a date. I will ask the size of my sch at my scan tomorrow. Hopefully it has gotten smaller since last week.
They couldnt tell the sex of the baby cause he/she was in a complete fetal position lol. But the u/s tech said that she no sign of the hematoma! Seems like the week of bedrest was worth it :) I go back for another scan around 20 weeks so hopefully the babys legs will be wide open lol. Thanks everyone for the help this thread is amazing :)
It's been a few weeks since I've posted so I've popped in to see how everyone is going!! I'm 23+3 weeks... baby is SO active and I'm really popping out the front (but everyone keeps saying I'm tiny as there's no weight anywhere else!). I love feeling her and it gives me reassurance each day. I have some problems with my lips cracking at the corners so I might have low iron or zinc levels, have to get that checked but no bleeding now for a month and no cramps (other than normal back pain and stretching/growing pains oh and baby kicking pains). I have a OB appointment thursday and a scan sat so I'm hoping they say the SCH is all gone and I'm dropped down to normal pregnancy again...

Lockzie - I have read that SCH is more common with girls for some reason might have something to do with the time of implantation relative to ovulation or something because girl sperm swim slower than male sperm so you are more likely to have a girl if you ovulate at the time of or after having sex as the girl sperm have had time to catch up to the boys and it is thought that SCH might actually have something to do with an implantation bleed/incorrect implantation.... but there really isn't enough research to know for sure!! It was one reason I thought I had a better chance of a girl (hubby REALLY wanted a girl!)

NewDad39- Stunningly beautiful name choice!!!
We are tossing up between Eloise Anne Millicent and Grace Anne Millicent (Anne is my maternal grandmothers middle name as well as my mothers and mine, Millicent is my paternal grandmothers middle name). But we are going to get our Dad to make the final choice with us when she is born because he is terminal with prostate cancer and we thought it would be lovely for him to be involved!

Mommyoftwo84, Mumtotwinnies - WONDERFUL news! I'm hoping for the same in the next two weeks!

Curioser5 - great to hear your bleeding has stopped and you've made it to halfway congratulations!

Kittykat1228 - Sorry I wasn't here when you first posted but it looks like you got a lot of pep talking from everyone else!! I'm glad to hear you are doing much better now!

Ginny83- Oh dear, that's so terrible. I feel for you so much. Worst nightmare. I'm so very very sorry <3 <3 <3 Have you got your blood test results back? It's possible the person doing the scan was hopeless... babies measure a few days off here and there all the time. I pray it's still ok :o(

SWmaniac- sorry you have had to join us but I hope everything improves!!

Kristah23 - I was diagnosed with low amniotic fluid and had two SCHs and it all turned out ok for far. Lots of rest and lots of fluids. Don't do any lifting, stretching, squatting, reaching, sex, exercise etc etc. I hope for the best outcome for you!! I know it's hard but there really isn't much they can do before 24weeks which is why you don't get much help! It's so hard but there's just too many women in early pregnancy who lose babies/have bleeding etc and not enough resources to give us all a lot of time!

Babyblueskye- glad to hear you are doing well too - all the best for the placenta praevia! Hope it moves up!

Paigeypoo- doesn't sound great but I had a lot of pain and no bleeding at times and all was fine (it was bruising and swelling/inflammation from the original bleed)... I was told if the pain is so bad you can't breathe properly then you should go to the ER. Baths and heat packs and lots of rest and fluids helped me when I was in pain.

Mightymom- great to hear a positive story! Thanks!
Hello everyone,

I am happy to report that after 3 1/2 weeks on strict bed rest that the bleeding stopped and I felt like I could finally get up, sit up, and move around the house some. The bleeding slowed to spotting every other day while I was bed resting and then the last week and a half I was just regaining my strength. I was blessed to have my mother and then my mother-in-law come and stay with me about a week each, which I feel was essential to really being able to let go and just relax.

For the last week and a half I have been able to get up and get around pretty well. If I don't feel well, I lay down. I am taking it easy and not rushing back into anything. I haven't been back to work yet (nor to school). I want to slowly ease back into some things and others I just won't do anymore.

I wanted to share some of the things that I feel like helped me in my recovery besides prayer, strict bed rest, and surrendering.

Yarrow tincture - 1-2 single drops 1-2x/day - contraindicated in pregnancy, but I feel this was key for me to stop the bleeding when it continued to linger on.

Floradix Iron & Herbs - This helped me regain my strength after the blood loss.

Collagen - I took this to help strengthen my tissues and ligaments (I only took 1 a day, but the bottle recommendation is 3 tabs, 3x/day.)

Vitamin C - 500mg 1x/day.

Yunnan Baiyao - also "contraindicated in pregnancy" but I felt was instrumental in getting the hemorrhaging to stop and my blood to clot when it appeared I may not stop bleeding on the heaviest days when blood was just pouring out.

Chlorophyll - 1-2 caps/day to help build my blood.

Prenatal Vitamin - 1/day

Raspberry Leaf tea - 1-2 cups/day sporadically

The constipation I suffered (yes, suffered!) was significant a few days and I feel there were a few things that helped with that.
One was eating lots of watermelon and the other was sauerkraut.

It got better when I wasn't on strict bed anymore but not completely normal again and I have found that Yellowdock syrup has helped significantly change that.
My friend made a formula with Yellowdock root, Dandelion Root, Burdock Root, Orange Peel and Honey and Molasses. I took one tablespoon and the next day was the first time in weeks and weeks that I did not struggle to go!

As of now, I am only taking the prenatal vitamin and occasionally drinking the raspberry tea and the yellowdock syrup (which helps with iron levels and bowel movements, yay!).

If I think of anything else I will post it. I just wanted to share my journey so far in case it might help someone else. I will be glad to answer questions if something is not clear.

Blessings & Be Well!

Hi ladies,

Unfortunately I am going to have to join you all. Thank you to the op for starting this wonderful thread, as it does give much needed hope while also shedding some light onto this condition.

We had our first dating scan last Friday. I was 8w4d, but the baby measured 2 days ahead at 8w6d, with a strong heartbeat of 172bpm. We were over the moon with these results as we experienced an early mc in February, and felt like we had been holding our breaths since I got my bfp in early April.

Sadly after we picked up the scan results last night, we discovered the bad news after reading the examination notes. The sonographer found a small subchorionic hematoma adjacent to the sac, and now here I am, waiting for a followup scan in 2-3 weeks' time, which should put me at just under 12 weeks then. I haven't had any bleeding, apart from one dark brown spot at 7/8dpo, so as you can imagine, this diagnosis came as a complete surprise.

Good luck to us all, and keep please posting those updates.
I'm so glad I found this group! I woke up this morning to my undies covered in blood. I rushed to the ER where they performed an ultrasound and said I have a 3.8-4.2 cm sch. Then the doctor preceded to tell me that this means that even at 14 weeks I now have a 50% chance of miscarriage. Is this true?? I am so devastated right now! Baby was so active and they even told me it's a boy, I can't wrap my head around possibly losing him!!! They also told me no bed rest cause it wont help bit I am bed resting anyways. How long do you think I should remain on bedrest? Thank you for any answers, I'm going crazy over here!
Just read on my discharge papers and this what they say: 2 components of sch with the more superior measuring up to 3.8cm and the more inferior measuring up to 4.3cm. By endovaginal sonography there is a thin communication between these 2 areas.

How does that sound? Does it sound severe or not that bad? They didn't really tell me much about it.
Corgankidd welcome, though I'm sorry we're both here :(

I don't have the answers to your questions as I'm still madly googling and reading forums and articles myself since I found out, but the prognosis you were given for a 50% chance of miscarriage doesn't sound accurate.

The doctor on call at the hospital probably only has a general knowledge of sch and s/he probably lumped your case in with the general consensus that 50% of pregnancies that involve vaginal bleeding results in miscarriage. While this is true, it doesn't accurately reflect the success rates of sch in itself.

Hope this helps.
It's been awhile since I've posted. Just had my scan. It showed the sch still there at 3cm but at this stage the dr isn't concerned about it any more. Well, we'll see how it goes a month from now. Though I'm quite prepared to have it all the way through to delivery.

Corgankidd - I did full bedrest while actively bleeding. And when the bleeding stopped, my activity level slowly increased. I think it helped. My dr said that an active baby is a healthy baby. The odds are 50% because they don't know what will happen and only time can tell. But if you read through the really old posts here and in other boards, you will find that the odds are in your favour.

Bay - from what I have read, a small sch usually resolve and don't cause any problems. Fx it's gone by the next scan!
Hi ladies!!

I would normally say I'm glad to be on this thread but under the circumstances, it's kinda hard to be happy about it.

My name is Peggy and I'm 7w and 3 days pregnant. Like Bay, I just had my ultrasound yesterday and we saw the baby with a fluttering 141 bpm! I was so excited and my husband was estatic! We went home and reported to my family of a healthy baby.

And then today,. Just a few hours ago, the docs called me to go to the office to discuss my u/s. on the drive to the dr, I was worried sick.

When I got to the docs, the first thing I was asked was if I was bleeding and I wasnt. But I was convinced I had some complications and that I lost or will lose the baby.

The doc proceeded to tell me I have a sch and asked to hold while he pages the obgyn for a second opinion (he doc isn't experienced in obs). He left the room for 5 min and omg it was the most nerve racking experience (at that point I had no idea what sch was).

After he came back,and talked to obgyn, he briefly explained that I have a very small sch and it would most likely heal itself. But sometime it wouldn't and cause a miscarriage.

At that point I started bawlIng. I was so worried I did something wrong. The doc told me to go back to another u/s in 4 weeks, but I'm so scared that LO might not be around by then :(

I might be overreacting but it's our first time. And I just pray for a smooth pregnancy. Sigh
Hi pegs - since i found out about the sch i have read a few studies from pubmed (only the free abstracts as i don't have a subscription there). From what i've read, while the prognosis can vary from study to study, most seem to conclude that pregnancy viability remains high. For now, i am seeking comfort in that. Good luck.
Thanks bay for your reply! I've spent the past few hours reading on it. I'm just hoping the body reabsorbs and I don't have to deal with the bleeding. I can pretend all is well as long as I don't have the bleeding because that ought to be scary....
GoodLuckBear, nice to hear your good news. I am glad all is going well for you. I am sorry I have not been on here for awhile.
For the new ladies who just joined, sorry you had to deal with this issue and welcome to the board. I know how nerve wrecking dealing with SCH but from what you have been reading on the board here, most of us have positive results. If any advice I can give you is to relax and take it easy until the SCH goes away. Also, drink lots and lots of fluids as this will help you stay dehydrated and will prevent your uterus from contracting. Another important advice, is to stay away from sex until the SCH is gone since having sex will cause your uterus to contract and this could aggravate the SCH. Good luck to all and hope all goes well
I'm freaking out I had a bleed at 8 weeks then went away that night. I only have spotting n a little bit after having sex or having a o. My doctor is no help n says oh it happens well he never seen the sonogram of it.... so now at 17 weeks I had a sonogram n they showed me the hemmorage it looked huge nut it looked dried up. But still there can you still have problems with a hemmirage that is huge but kinda dried up????? I seen post's of people losing their baby in the 2nd tri I can't stop crying now
Hello ladies. I had my first scan yesterday. I measured at 7 weeks 3 days with a heartbeat of 158. Dr said everything looks great but he had to mention that I have a SCH that is less than half an inch. Is that considered big?? He didnt really seem worried and said usually they just dissolve. I have not had any bleeding or spotting whatsoever. I have another scan in 4 weeks to see how its progressing. I am terrified since I had a MMC back in November and was finally able to get preg again.
Katze, congrats on your pregnancy and sorry you have to visit here. Less than half an inch is small and it should dissolve as the baby gets bigger. As I have mentioned in earlier posts, please follow your OB instructions, take it easy and do not do anything that will stress your uterus and cause it to get bigger. Keeps drinking your fluids, no sex, stay on pelvic rest and relax. My wife had about a 3 inch one and we followed these instructions and it was gone by the 13th week. Good luck
Hello ladies. I had my first scan yesterday. I measured at 7 weeks 3 days with a heartbeat of 158. Dr said everything looks great but he had to mention that I have a SCH that is less than half an inch. Is that considered big?? He didnt really seem worried and said usually they just dissolve. I have not had any bleeding or spotting whatsoever. I have another scan in 4 weeks to see how its progressing. I am terrified since I had a MMC back in November and was finally able to get preg again.
Katze, it sounds like your sch is small. And as newdad39 said, it should be reabsorbed. When they found my sch not my doctor or sonographer seemed concerned and they all reassured me that sch (esp. Small ones) usually just get reabsorbed, and are very common. It's something that happens at implantation and there isn't anything that you could have done to pevent it.

Afm, i had a followup scan yesterday at 11+5. The sch is still there but has shrunk, and bubs was doing well with a hb of 176 bpm and didn't seem bothered by it (sonographer's words). So i'm feeling positive. And hopefully by the 18-20 week scan, it will be resolved.
One thing I would like to add to those who are experiencing SCH early during pregnancy. When you get to your anatomy scan around 17-20 weeks or so, they might find the baby is having an echogenic bowel which means the baby might have blood in the bowels. As a result of the SCH bleeding, the baby might swallow some of that blood. In our case, the blood was the result of the SCH but the specialist gave us a good scare for about a month doing blood test after blood test to rule out other problems as echogenic bowel is a soft marker for Down Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis and other infections. So if you get diagnosed with that, do not panic as it could be the result of the SCH

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