Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

so here is my story.....First off, this is my first pregnancy and was so happy. Untill i started bleeding that is at 6 weeks. Turns out i had a hematoma right from the start. no idea how it came to be. saw it even before the heartbeat. I bleed for 2 weeks and havent had any since then. im now 15 w 2 d. I thank god every day im still pregnant. But now, the hematoma has lifted a small edge of placenta. Like 15 percent. i just dont get it. I did everything i was suppoed to. I still work but only 3 days a week and i literally am so careful and when i get home i do NOTHING. This whole process is so scary and i find myself wondering daily if i will be with a real live bay in febuary. Some days i think yes, some days i think so mad that this hematoma is ruining my experience of being pregnant. I havent enjoyed not one day of it. I want this baby so much...its a girl btw! I have named her Ava Jade. I have barely told anyone about the pregnancy except family because i keep thinking i will lose her. I want a normal pregnancy. Im just sort of angry right now. Also i want to add that im a obgyn ultrasound tech for a maternal fetal medicine doctor which most people think would be great but its so hard seeing all these great pregnancies daily and wishing it could be me. Also i have way to much access. checking the clot every couple days is simply maddening because its never gone! Just wanted to get this off my chest and share with you ladies. Hoping for some support

dear hopefullmom i wish you all the best and its so sad knowing that we always will have that worry.but before i found out about this I was worried anyways. also with the job you have i can see how this would make it worse but also at least you are able to keep checking your progress. I am 5 weeks and they said they wont check me again until 20weeks! its definitely a hard thing but the odds are in our favour. I think you should tell your friends about the pregnancy because it is still a positive blessing and they will support you . I feel regardless of the complication it is still a happy time and we need to stay positive . even without sch there is still chance for miscarriage in every pregnancy so just make sure to take it easy but you should enjoy it like any other person without it would. take care :hugs:

thank you for your response-and sorry for your sch. So you said they were not going to check you till 20 weeks?? That seems way to far off. You should have a scan at 12 weeks to check on the clot and also to have a nuchal translucency test. so, as far as the clot goes, if they didnt give you a size its probably not huge. Next time you get a scan make sure you ask for size and location. As far as bed rest-my doctor always told me its not needed unless im bleeding heavy which i never was. It was always brown and spotting. Its sounds like you are just spotting. But take it day by day. If you start beelding heavier go straight to doctors and make sure they SCAN you. Goodluck and keep us updated:flower:
So this is something i wanna bring up to everyone here. I was wondering if anyones doctors reccomend clotting disorder bloodwork. Mine never mentioned it but i have a doctors appt tomorrow and im going to ask for it-cant hurt i guess. I was on another sch board and a lot of people were mentioning thats what caused there sch. That there docs did the test and it was abnormal and they ended up having to take blood thinners. Most doctors dont test for it unless you have had several misscarriages. I dont know-maybe im thinking to much into the WHY of the sch. But it cant hurt to just ask about it. Its a simple blood test. Let me know what you guys think! Hope everyone is doing great and as always this group is in my nightly prayers:flower:
Well I get to join you ladies! Was told I have 2 SCH's at my scan today.... one or both may or may not be from an arteriovenous fistula I have in my uterus and honestly the tech and radiologist who did my scan today were horrible, didn't really tell me anything. I don't even know if these two possible SCH's are affecting the placenta. Good news is I have another scan in a week and I've had no bleeding, some dots of pink when I wiped last night but pretty sure it's from the progesterone applicators I've been using. It's gone now anyway.

So how much should I worry? I'm trying not to but obviously when something isn't perfect you worry. Ugh, I don't need the extra stress.

You can see the spots they're talking about in this pic but nothing is labeled. They don't even look the same as images I've seen online....


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Ariel- brown blood means its old, red blood is new. I was told that brown is ok. at 5 weeks it could be implatation bleeding also. When my hematoma burst it was bright red blood and it was everywhere. Ive recommended it before and I will continue to, fetal dopplers are amazing and not incredibly expensive. At 5 weeks you wont be able to hear anything yet but for the future it brings piece of mind when youre driving yourseld crazy about things going wrong. Good luck and keep us posted.
I have a Doppler and am very happy for it. I listen to my baby's HB every night before bed. It really helps reassure me.
Hi..I am new to this site and looking for a little info. I am 11 wks and have been diag osed with a Subchorionic Hemorhage(think I spelled that wrong). My guestion is this..what is the difference between Hemorhage and Hematoma?? I was told this by an ER doctor that it was a tear of the placenta from the uterus. Mine is approx 4
6 cm. I am scared to death!! What does this mean for my baby? I'm so confused. I go see my Ob next week. I am currently on bedrest from the ER doctors orders. I bleed here and there also. Can anyone give me any info/ advice?? :(:cry:
Lockzie - She was born 7.5 lbs. Having gone through the SCH, it just makes her all the more precious. I think she's going to grow up being spoilt rotten :)

tgajowiak - My SCH started at 10 weeks and measured 10 cm on the scan right after the big bleed and was considered large. 4-6cm is probably a medium sized clot. Now that the pregnancy is over, my ob admitted that it was the biggest SCH she had ever seen in her career. It was a harrowing experience, and I was also on bed rest for the entire duration of the bleed (from 10-20 weeks). I bled brown gunk for that period. The SCH did not disappear from the scan till 30 weeks. It was a very very slow process. A load of books from the library helped to keep my mind off things. Watch out for bright red bleeds as those require immediate medical attention. Brown stuff is just old blood that is making its way out. My understanding is that the hemorrhage describes the bleeding and the hematoma the resulting clot. They are both part of the same process but not all hemorrhages result in a hematoma as some bleed out completely without forming a clot. Take it a day at a time, lie down as much as you can (to avoid putting additional pressure on the uterus) and drink plenty of fluids. This support group is fantastic and really helped me through the darkest moments.
I was diagnosed with sch yesterday. I am currently 6 weeks 5days. They said in the er that it is about 1cm and the baby has a strong heartbeat. I have had light brown spotting for the past 2 weeks, no red blood. The doctor told me no sex, no lifting and drink lots of water. I have an appt in 2 weeks. From reading other posts I am worried about getting a heavy bleed and just praying this goes away asap. I don't think I can mentally handle this for my entire pregnancy. I have a 4year old who I need to drive to prek and my husband works all day. I have nobody who can help me so I am scared of of getting bigger and having to be on full he'd rest. I'm sorry to vent but I am just worried and frustrated.
oh krissyd please don't say you can't handle it 'cause you CAN!
please keep positive and we all can get through this!!

my update!
I posted at 19weeks my hematoma was gone but seems like it's back lol
well, not the same hematoma but it's a new one.
every time I have an episode of bleeding I freaked out and go back to the hospital but until 24weeks all they can do is to
"just wait and see" and that's what they keep telling me anyways so I stopped worrying.
my baby is a tough little one and I know it, we can and WILL get through this.

I was diagnosed with sch at 9weeks and I'm 22weeks now.
so what if I have to go for another 18weeks? I know we can do it and I am confident.

I will have a scan done at 24weeks so will post another update then.
keep strong and positive ladies, we all can beat sch's butts!
My two sch's are almost gone! They were measuring 1 cm at the largest point just 1 week after they were originally discovered. Am praying they're gone at my 12 week scan in 8 days. Would be nice not to worry anymore. I never have had bleeding either. I didn't realize new ones could from I guess I figured they were discovered in first tri usually and happened with the development of the placenta. But even still knowing more could appear it will be nice to be sch free!
I hit 35 weeks this thursday, still on complete bed rest and procardia to keep the contrations away. I have nothing ready and am completely stressing out, she has no room, and I havent had a baby shower so I have nothing , cant go shoppong for anything cause im not allowed out of the house. Shes determined to break out early. They said its safe to deliever at 35 weeks so I just have to make it couple more days, hoping shell hang in there till 37 weeks. Congrats on your schs being gone kelly, its a relief I know, dont worru about them coming back, just take it easy and keep faith that everything will be ok. The ladies on this thread are great :)
They not 100% gone yet but they were pretty small. I just hope they don't decide to start getting bigger again! Scan is 1 week away. Then maybe i can relax and enjoy telling our friends and family. Keeping such a secret is so hard.

Good luck keeping little miss in for a bit longer.
My story is back on August 5th, I started hemoraging while on a trip out of state. I was 10 weeks and 1 day along. In order to get pregnant, after haveing a 37 and 1 day loss last September, we had to go through IVF. I started bleeding out when I went to the restroom. They almost lost me in the ambulance because I lost over a liter of blood. They transferred me to a larger Womens hospital. My husband and I had no idea I could bleed that much and out baby was still alive. They did the ultrasound, and sure enough, there she was-just hanging out. But I had a massive SCH the size of her sac. Docs gave our baby less than a 50% survival rate.

We made it back home (about a 9 hour drive) and saw our regular perinatologist. They told us the placenta was pulling away from the wall, that the placenta was covering my cervix and that the SCH was 4 CM. OH and said baby probably has Downs Syndrome. So we did the DS testing-which was negative.

A week later we had another scan-was told everything was fine-no SCH existed.

Two days later, I started having blood run out of me. Went to ER, and they said we had another SCH. Back on bedrest.

Then this past week saw our normal perinatologist and they once again found a large SCB. He put me on total bedrest until further notice. Now the SCB is down above my bladder and they are worried about an infection rupturing my bag of waters. As of today-I am 14 weeks and 2 days along...

I am scared to death. I got a dopplar and check on her everyday. What else can I do? There is no safe time being pregnant. Our 37 week daughter died from a knot in her cord. We thought we were going to the hospital to have a healthy baby girl (afterall thats what the doctors kept telling us) and her heartbeat was gone.

I am doing my best to stay positive, but its not easy. Is is normal to get multiple SCB? And at different locations? When is the point where they just go away? Do they ever go away?
^ I'm sorry to hear this and about your little girl. We lost at little girl at 5 months and it was heart wrenching. I didn't even know it was possible to keep having different sch's so I'm not help there, is the placenta still pulling away? Are they scanning you regularly? A doppler is a great idea to help keep you calm, I've had one for all my pregnancies and it's the only thing keeping me sane now. I pray that everything resolves and you get to hold this lo healthy in your arms at 37+ weeks.
Hi everyone. I wanted to update since my last post. So last the perinatalogist saw I had a partial abruption due to the clot. I am a ultrasound tech and accepted this diagnosis bc that is what it looked like to me too. Well as I was looking again today I had second thoughts and called the doctor in the room to scan me again. As he was scanning he said.. so your still not having any bleeding ?? I said no. He said that in fact he doesn't think I have an abruption but rather a circumvallate placenta. In my career as a tech I have never seen this. Its so rare In fact I had to Google the image just to see what is was. Low and behold....that is what I was seeing on the screen. Im in shock. Now I have risks of ptl low birth weight and total abruption. He said he has only seen like 2 in his 25 year career and was shocked I was experiencing this. He said we just have to watch the weight of the baby and signs of ptl or abruption. I am so sick to my stomach with worry. I wish I knew why thus was happening. Or why my body decided to make a deformed placenta. Im only 18 weeks and have a long way to go. I don't know how im going to handle all this worry. My support system is less then great. Im scared... but hanging on. It just goes to show you...mothers intuition is really strong. I just knew that something was wrong with the placenta. Sure enough ....
Well I'm sorry to say that I am joining this thread. I was diagnosed last Friday with SCH at 7+5 weeks. I had been having cramping, spotting and pea sized blood clots. Had OB ultrasound which showed baby measuring at 8+1 and strong heartbeat of 173 (thanking God for that) and confirmed SCH under part of my placenta. The SCH measured (from memory) 3x5x.5, wide and flat across the top of my uterus.

History -
I have had two MC prior to healthy baby girl. Then MC at 11 weeks in Jan. 2011, It took us over one year to get pregnant with this bubs. I have Factor V Liden blood clotting disorder and my OB has me on progesterone twice a day and baby aspirin. Also taking prenatals with omegas, iron, and folic acid.

I have had two US thus far. One at 6+4 which confirmed fetal pole and HB of 150 and this last US that measured ahead at 8+1 and HB of 173. During this time I developed the SCH.

I spent the labor day weekend on rest and felt pretty lousy over the last 4 days. I had bright red spotting in the mornings both Friday and Saturday and then it stopped by Sunday morning. Monday and Tuesday home from work in bed. I haven't had heavy pregnancy symptoms other that being exhausted, crampy, nauseated and really sore breasts.

While resting I read this ENTIRE thread to gain perspective of what I might be facing. I am touched by the strength and courage of the ladies that have shared their experiences and have been given hope by those who have had positive outcomes.

Today I am feeling a lot of pressure and been having some spotting (red not brown and small clots I'd say barley-sized) and a tender stomach. Not really cramping.

I am mostly concerned about the pressure. It feels as if a fist is pushing against my cervix. Is this what it feels like before losing a larger-sized clot?

After my first MC I had a DNC. Afterward a large clot formied post surgery and it seems like that was what it felt like, but it has been a few years.

Any of you gals experienced the pressure thing I am referring to?
So far the placenta appears to be attached again, but each time we go in, we hear something different, so it has been extremely stressful and aggrevating... We did get a dopplar so we listen to her everyday.
Well I'm sorry to say that I am joining this thread. I was diagnosed last Friday with SCH at 7+5 weeks. I had been having cramping, spotting and pea sized blood clots. Had OB ultrasound which showed baby measuring at 8+1 and strong heartbeat of 173 (thanking God for that) and confirmed SCH under part of my placenta. The SCH measured (from memory) 3x5x.5, wide and flat across the top of my uterus.

History -
I have had two MC prior to healthy baby girl. Then MC at 11 weeks in Jan. 2011, It took us over one year to get pregnant with this bubs. I have Factor V Liden blood clotting disorder and my OB has me on progesterone twice a day and baby aspirin. Also taking prenatals with omegas, iron, and folic acid.

I have had two US thus far. One at 6+4 which confirmed fetal pole and HB of 150 and this last US that measured ahead at 8+1 and HB of 173. During this time I developed the SCH.

I spent the labor day weekend on rest and felt pretty lousy over the last 4 days. I had bright red spotting in the mornings both Friday and Saturday and then it stopped by Sunday morning. Monday and Tuesday home from work in bed. I haven't had heavy pregnancy symptoms other that being exhausted, crampy, nauseated and really sore breasts.

While resting I read this ENTIRE thread to gain perspective of what I might be facing. I am touched by the strength and courage of the ladies that have shared their experiences and have been given hope by those who have had positive outcomes.

Today I am feeling a lot of pressure and been having some spotting (red not brown and small clots I'd say barley-sized) and a tender stomach. Not really cramping.

I am mostly concerned about the pressure. It feels as if a fist is pushing against my cervix. Is this what it feels like before losing a larger-sized clot?

After my first MC I had a DNC. Afterward a large clot formied post surgery and it seems like that was what it felt like, but it has been a few years.

Any of you gals experienced the pressure thing I am referring to?

I had that pressure feeling down below, and that is when we found out I had a new SCH right above my bladder. I would call your doc and see if they can get you in for a new scan to see if you have a low SCH... Hang in there and try to stay in bed. I've been on bedrest now for a month, that's really the only available treatment...
I've been lurking on this thread for a few weeks, but wanted to come out and say hi!

My background... pregnant with 2nd child after nearly 2 years of ttc and 2 MCs (most recently in April at 10w after good scan/heartbeat). At 8.5 weeks in this pregnancy I started spotting and a scan at 9w showed a small SCH - 1cm across. A few days later I had a huge bleed... bright red blood that just kept on coming. I was totally sure I was losing our baby... it's hard to imagine a baby surviving when you see so much blood, isn't it? But somehow, baby hung on... but a scan at 10w showed the SCH was now 5x4x2cm - big growth in just a week. Since then I've had brown bleeding and spotting but haven't had any more very heavy bleeds. I've been resting as much as possible.

The early pregnancy unit gave us very little information, despite be asking the right questions. They wouldn't tell us where the SCH was in relation to the placenta, which I wanted to know especially.

Yesterday we had our 12 week scan, and things are looking reasonably positive. Baby is wonderful and very, very active, and the SCH is very slightly smaller in total volume (now about 4.5x3x2.5) and is apparently all old blood now. And the good news is that it's on the opposite side of baby to the placenta! We are so relieved as I know that reduces the risks a fair bit. Having had 3 miscarriages in the past I am very relieved to have positive news this time.

The sonographer wasn't concerned about it, and said it will probably have been reabsorbed by our next scan at 20 weeks. Fingers crossed! The sonographer was brilliant and explained/showed everything so clearly, even showing me exactly where in my tummy the SCH was (right hand side). It was a little scary to see the huge black blob that was the SCH, not much smaller than baby (baby's 6.5cm) but she was very positive about our chances of things ending up ok.

Looking forward to getting to know you all and hoping for positive outcomes for those of you who are currently going through scary times. The last month has been one of the scariest of my life so I very much identify. :hugs:

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