Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

I am 10 wks 3 days and baby is measuring 10 wks 6 days. i have not had red blood just brown and went to the er for pain and the ultrasound caught it. what do i need to avoid?? I am really scared...
Welcome Vidal. Mine is about that size too. How far along are you?

I put myself on bedrest, but my RE doesn't seem to think it's necessary.
Hi Vidal. My SCH was 5.1cm when I was 10+0 - I had had spotting and bright red, heavy bleeding. You just have to get through one day at a time, and remind yourself that the odds of everything being OK are actually really quite high... just read back on this thread! So many success stories.

I remember at the time 5cm felt like it must be massive, but I've read of plenty of people with ones much bigger than that. 3cm sounds scary but baby is already a fair bit bigger than that which is a great thing. :)

Did you sonographer give you any indication of the position of the SCH relative to the placenta?
Not really I was just told it was under my placenta
by a PA. But the sonographer would give me NO answers.

Hi Vidal. My SCH was 5.1cm when I was 10+0 - I had had spotting and bright red, heavy bleeding. You just have to get through one day at a time, and remind yourself that the odds of everything being OK are actually really quite high... just read back on this thread! So many success stories.

I remember at the time 5cm felt like it must be massive, but I've read of plenty of people with ones much bigger than that. 3cm sounds scary but baby is already a fair bit bigger than that which is a great thing. :)

Did you sonographer give you any indication of the position of the SCH relative to the placenta?
I don't know much about the location. I would take it easy, off your feet, bedrest if you can. No lifting, pulling, pushing, no exercise, no sex. Do you have a follow up appointment with your Ob?
Im calling on monday to see if they will see me earlier than 4 weeks from now.

I don't know much about the location. I would take it easy, off your feet, bedrest if you can. No lifting, pulling, pushing, no exercise, no sex. Do you have a follow up appointment with your Ob?
Hi all im 15 weeks pregnant and on Monday will be 16, I was just diagnosed with a sch. It all started Monday am started gushing blood, called ob had an u/s babies(im having twins) are both doing great nice strong hbs. Tuesday it slows and then weds back to ob found to have a small sch, weds night about 5 pm i started gushing blood went over 5 pads in 1 hour. Called on call ob sent to labor and delviery and ended up staying overnight. Borh babies r good. Still spotting red blood and passing a few clots, right b4 went to er on weds night we passed a huge clot the sie of a quarter. Im trying to stay positive but am very scared any thoughts would be great.....…
Hello :) :hugs:

Were you told how big your SCH is? If the OB said it's small, that sounds positive. I had a very heavy bleed even when mine had been just 1cm a few days before... it's amazing how much blood can come out even when something doesn't sound that big. Hopefully what's going to come away has come away, so things may settle down for you now.

Having an SCH is SO scary... when you're bleeding it's hard to believe things can possibly be OK. I've had three miscarriages so when I started bleeding this time it felt like history repeating itself. My 2 bigger bleeds have to be 2 of the worst times of my life... I never want to go through that again and I really feel for anyone else in the same boat. It's horrible. :( My last big bleed was several weeks ago now, but I've been spotting and having smaller brown bleeds since then, so you might find you lightly bleed/spot for a fair bit of time... if you do, that's very normal.

Keep us updated?
Hey guys.

I need your help to rebalance and keep sane :(

I feel like i've been put through the wringer a bit :( been diagnosed with an sch since 10 weeks. It got to the point at the end of august (16 weeks) that I was signed off work to 'rest' no lifting, hoovering, leaving the house etc. At my 20 week and the sonographer said that she couldnt see anything at all! I should have been rejoicing but I thought that I had seen it. Kind of got used to seeing it now with all the scans. Ended up paying for a private scan two days later as I just couldn't let it go. Felt so paranoid and pathetic but I was right. It was there (now measuring 8.5 cms). Feel so upset that a trained professional let me down on something so important and its not like its small! Its really obvious. Just keep thinking - what if I had told my gp everything was fine and reabsored. Would she be sending me straight back to work and what if, after all the hard work 'resting' and trying not to 'stress' some idiot completely undid all that hard work :(

I guess I am just so emotional at the moment. Feel like I am being completely irrational! I mean everybody makes mistakes right? Just not with my babys life :( xx
That's worrying that the sonographer didn't spot it! Glad you trusted your instincts. :) Many doctors don't even prescribe 'rest' after a SCH is diagnosed (I guess because what's inside the womb is so well protected)... I haven't been told to rest at all, although from by big bleed at 10 weeks to 12.5 weeks I chose to as much as possible, and am still taking things as easy as I can now (whilst looking after a 2.5 year old).

So take reassurance from that that if there was clear data showing rest reduced the risks, everyone would be prescribed rest... so try not to let that 'what if' get to you. Although it's still concerning that a sonographer would miss a SCH when specifically asked to look! Could you write a letter to the hospital to let them know about it?

I've heard that although some SCHs go by 20 weeks, many take a bit longer... sometimes doesn't happen until baby is really 'cramped' into the womb, so the pressure on the SCH encourages it to reabsorb.

The good thing is, your baby is WAY bigger than your SCH now, and has made it this far unscathed... the risks of anything going wrong from this stage are low, even with an SCH. Have you stopped bleeding?

Hope you're feeling happier soon. :hugs:
254. My ob and mfm said it was very small wed while I was in the office like sie of a quarter which is the clot I passed. I just keep telling myself thr babies were great when I was bleeding really heavy so they must still be ok. Appt on tuesdsy at 930 am. I hope its gone. Im still spotting but darker orangish red now and passed another clot yesterday am with no increased bleeding....

How is everyone else doing?

Jelly I would be so pissed at the sonographer that is their job! We have high risk obs in the office I go to that do. All the u/s for all the patients. Oh and we are having boy/ girl twins and the sch is on baby a my girl.
That's great news that your SCH is really small... means any risks are very small too, especially as most of it has already come away and your babies are fine. :) Hope your appointment is positive!

My SCH was 4.5cm at 12 weeks but my next scan isn't until 20 weeks so no idea what size it is now. :D
Well thay was weds am before my major bleed. Do u think there culd be another one there or I passed the one I had, im only spotting now and it Is not bright red.
So on top of the sch i also have complete placenta previa. :( I am praying and hoping for a healthy delivery. Also i am 11 weeks based on last ultrasound.
Placenta previa this early has plenty of time to correct its
Self so don't let that bug you it's more common in earlier pregnancy because the uterus is smaller.
Has anyone seen this??

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I lost my baby almost 6 weeks ago at 18 weeks and 4 days and I did have recurring SCH since 6 would bleed out only for another to form and bleed out again. I had nothing but negative feelings through the entire time. When i gave birth to the baby, the baby was not developed properly and i am wondering if these blood clots could have caused the restricition of oxygen and nutrients to the baby. Has anyone heard of this ever happening. I am waiting on the results of the test on the baby and i have a doc appointment in a few days. I will be checked for clotting i am curious to know if anyone has ever had this type of thing happen or heard of it happening.
I'm so sorry for your loss. :-(. I have never heard that SCH cam cause problems with development, only that it increases risk for premature rupture if membranes and preterm labor. Please let us know what you find out, and again, so terribly sorry for your loss.
I have read on the march of dimes website that blood clots in the uterus can cause ******** growth and birth defects if the blood clot is in or behind the placenta tissue. Is a SCH pretty much a blood clot? Sorry for my ignorance of the subject but i feel like im just trying to make sense of the late miscarriage. Its been 6 weeks tomorrow and I still have no answers. I will however post more if i find out anything for my doctor. If i find out that a simple baby asprine would have helped clots not to form i swear im going to drop kick my OB in the face!
I was taking baby aspirin but stopped because of the sch - don't want to bleed MORE, you know? Some women with sch are prescribed blood thinners, while others are taken off of them. :shrug: I hope you get clarity soon. It's possible too that the loss may have been related to something other than the sch. :hugs:

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