Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

^ great news about position!

My two sch's are gone!!!! Happy dance!!! I had sex for the first time in ages last night it was marvelous.
Had my healthy baby boy September 4th by emergency c-section, everything went well. Hope it goes the same for the rest of you!
Oh and I was 39+2, he weighed a healthy 7lb 14oz xx
Congratulations MumToTwinnies :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Glad everything went well, enjoy your bundle of joy :happydance:
Hi ladies, may I join you? (Hi Tiff!)

I'm 6w4d with my first child - an IVF baby. I was just recently diagnosed with SCH. I started bleeding Thursday, 8/13 - I felt a gush of blood, and had quite a bit of bright red bleeding with cramps. I also passed a large clot (size of a small egg). I was freaking out. Went to the RE on Friday 8/14, and was diagnosed with SCH. I don't remember the measurements, but on US the bleed looked big - the RE actually thought it was a second gestational sac at first - it was the same size as my existing gestational sac. I went home and rested, and am taking this whole week off work to lie low. No exercise, no sex, etc.

Went back today for a follow up, and heard the heartbeat for the first time - 120 bpm. Today the SCH looks a lot longer than before, but also flatter, and part of the area is still black but part is grey - I hear the flattening is a good thing, and so is the grey? I'm hoping that means that part of it is healing. ? I'm attaching my scan pic. I have no idea what's normal or whats better or worse in terms of size, location etc. Would love to hear your thoughts. Of course I need to get more info from my actual DOCTOR, but they seem to not want to say too much - obviously they can't predict what the outcome will be.


  • US 9-18-12, 6w4d.jpg
    US 9-18-12, 6w4d.jpg
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Hey Daisy,

Position all depends on where placenta is, obviously you want the clot to be no where near the placenta but it is still early to determine where that is though based off what I see and I am NO radiologist I'd say it looks like your placenta is developing on the other side away from the clot.
Thanks Tiff. :flower: I so wish I had more insight as to how "bad" or "less bad" it is. I texted the scan to my SIL who is an OB, but she didn't comment on the SCH and we are not especially close, so I don't want to bug her about it. I might forward it to my BIL (also a doc) to see if he can have his perinatologist friend look at it. I feel like I'm a little overboard right now, but I'm just scared and nervous of course.
I wouldn't worry if your doc isn't worried, most SCH's resolve and the pregnancies continue on as if they were never there, though going through what we did to get pg I totally understand the worry.
TOTALLY. That's a huge part of my anxiety I'm sure. I feel like it's such a MIRACLE I am pregnant at all and it took so much time and $$$$$ to get here.
Hi Daisy :hi:

You might remember me from the B6 thread... I'm finally into 2nd trimester after nearly 2 years of trying.

I was diagnosed with a small (1cm) SCH at 9 weeks after some spotting. I had a huge bleed at 9.5 weeks (with a clots) and at 10 weeks my SCH was 5x4x2cm - 5 times the length of the week before and bigger than baby, who was only 3.4cm! It was a scary time... I can totally identify with the worry you're feeling. We were also given very little information at our ultrasound.

I've read things saying a SCH which is diagnosed early in the 1st trimester is more likely to resolve itself earlier (not sure what others' experiences are of this??) - so you might find that yours is gone or pretty much gone by 12 weeks! Mine was still there at 12 weeks... very slightly smaller (4.5cm) but a very obvious big round sac of blood. Thankfully it's on the opposite side to the placenta... it was such a relief to know that.

I think at this stage you have to tell yourself that it is a totally random occurrence, and you just have to wait and see what happens. I have continued to bleed since my initial bleed over a month ago, and that seems quite common, so if you have more bleeding it's not necessarily a cause for concern.

It's so scary to bleed so much... having had 3 MCs before I was sure it meant I was losing this one too... but to have a diagnosis of a SCH is a GOOD thing in that it explains the bleeding, and the odds are still strongly in your favour that you'll have a healthy baby at the end of this. :)
Thank you 254 for sharing your experience. I hope you are right that it happening early makes it somewhat "less bad.". I'm sorry you are going through all this too - it's been a long road for you, I know. And of course I remember you! :flower:
Hello Everyone....

I have been reading your posts for a few weeks now and finally decided to join. A lot of your posts have helped me through many rough days.

My Story: I have one 5 year old who was naturally concieved... We were trying on our own for awhile and finally ended up doing IVF...

First round of IVF: implanted 2 embryos. Both took, but we ended up losing one at 6 weeks... At this time we also realized I had a large SCH! Scary!!! I pretty much had bleeding/ spotting since implantation. I have had some really large bleeds. The last one happened at about 12 weeks. My Perinatologist prescribed me a Z-pack antibiotics and thankfully I have not had any bleeding since the day I started them.

This has been a very stressful pregnancy to say the least... We just pray everyday and hope that everything works out!
Welcome August! I don't have any words of wisdom. Hang in there and food luck. Keep us posted.
Hi August! Hope things go smoothly for you from now on.

Daisy... it's horrible to keep bleeding, isn't it. :( The only thing I can say is with my later natural MC (10 weeks) it was VERY different to my SCH bleeding... started with spotting (same) but soon I had quite major cramps and the spotting very gradually, over about a day, turned red... by that point I was cramping heavily and my cervix was open... and the bleeding gradually got heavier. My SCH bleeds have come on suddenly and then faded to spotting fairly quickly. I had cramping for weeks before the first bleed (I think the blood was irritating my uterus) and get an ache in my cervix just before a big bleed (assume it's the blood irritating that) but haven't had many cramps. I know some people do have cramps, but in my experience, MC cramps are much heavier than what you'd usually get with a SCH.

It's so hard to stay positive through bleeding... but the good thing is, you have a 'reason' for it. Do you have a date for your next scan?
Thank you 254. I actually went in today. I called last night and left a message for the nurse to report the bleeding. She called me back this morning and asked me to come in for a scan and bloodwork. Everything looks ok. Baby is measuring 6w5d and heart is beating at 132 bpm (up from 120 bpm two days ago). So growth is on track. Hematoma is still clearly there.

I knew the bleeding was related to the hematoma, but I guess I just worry that the hematoma will get bigger, and will threaten the pregnancy.

I didn't have any cramps last night, which was reassuring, but I did have period like cramps with the first bleed. They subsided after passing a large clot. But I agree, not having cramps, and also having the bleeding subside rather than get heavier is reassuring.

It's just crappy though. Blah. Wish none of us had to deal with this added stress and worry.
Thank you 254. I actually went in today. I called last night and left a message for the nurse to report the bleeding. She called me back this morning and asked me to come in for a scan and bloodwork. Everything looks ok. Baby is measuring 6w5d and heart is beating at 132 bpm (up from 120 bpm two days ago). So growth is on track. Hematoma is still clearly there.

That's great news that the scan showed all's great with baby and the heartrate is increasing exactly as it should. :)_

I knew the bleeding was related to the hematoma, but I guess I just worry that the hematoma will get bigger, and will threaten the pregnancy.

I totally identify! I had that same worry... especially when I found mine had increased from 1x0.4cm to 5.1x4.1x2.1cm in just a week... eeek. It's just an extra scary thing that you could really do without, isn't it?

I didn't have any cramps last night, which was reassuring, but I did have period like cramps with the first bleed. They subsided after passing a large clot. But I agree, not having cramps, and also having the bleeding subside rather than get heavier is reassuring.

That's just the same as with me... period like cramps before the first big bleed (I had them for weeks and weeks... and then really strongly on the morning of my big bleed) and then they went once the clot had passed. I've had twinges since but nothing like I used to have.

It's just crappy though. Blah. Wish none of us had to deal with this added stress and worry.

Yes, it's seriously crappy. Even though things are looking OK for me, I still find myself jealous whenever I read of anyone else having a 12 week scan and all is perfectly hunkydory, rather than having a whopping big sack of blood next to baby!
^ you forgot the decimals in that measurement right?

I was happy to see mine both gone I hope they don't come back and hopefully everyones will disappear too.
I was just told this morning i have a 3 cm sch. I am so worried and now on bedrest.
Welcome Vidal. Mine is about that size too. How far along are you?

I put myself on bedrest, but my RE doesn't seem to think it's necessary.

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