Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

I'd say it's possible because sch's can lift the placenta away from the uterus, so an underdevelopped baby could result I don't know if it could cause deformities or structural differences though besides under development, I wasn't sure which you were referring to, sorry. Also sorry for your loss. I lost my daughter at 18 weeks from a rare condition about 8 months ago.
Vidal... try not to fret over placenta previa. It's pretty common this early, and even fairly common at 20 weeks... but in the vast majority of cases the placenta moves away from the cervix by term. Here they don't record the placenta location as standard until 20 weeks because it's not a useful bit of info.

Native_gurl - I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. I can't imagine how hard it must be to lose a baby at that stage... 2 of our MCs have been 10 weeks and 12/13 weeks and that was hard enough. :hugs: As far as I know a SCH isn't the same as a 'normal' blood clot... it's more like a sack of blood, which may have clots as part of it. It's a random occurrence that usually starts around implantation when the egg slightly 'tears' from the uterus and creates a 'gap' where blood flows in, and and I'm almost certain it couldn't be stopped by blood thinners because it's not caused by a clotting issue. It's definitely not something that can cause recurrent MCs or be linked to other miscarriages... sadly it's just a random occurrence. From what you say I think a chromosonal problem is more likely to have been the reason for your sad loss... I think blood clots cause babies to stop growing but isn't linked to developmental problems (as far as I know.. I don't know everything but have read a lot about miscarriages over the past few years).

It's normal, and understandable to want to look for a reason for miscarriages... I can identify so much as I went through that in April and for weeks was nigh on obsessed with trying to work out what had happened (we lost baby after a good scan and hearing the heartbeat on the doppler, so at a stage when MC is very rare). Are you able to have any tests done? Big hugs x
I go for a follow up ultrasound in the morning. Hope your all doing well!!
Hi all
native gurl i am sosorry for your loss I lost my 1st son at 37 weeks due to gbs sepsis he lived 15 hours :(

I saw my ob on Tuesday and he didn't see the hemtoma, bledding stopped now just brown and my placenta moved up in 1 week! Phew I can breathe now. I think I passed the rest of the clot 2nite It was the same size as the one I passed last weds, so lwts hope its all gone....
That sounds positive! Glad it looks like all the SCH has gone. I hope I get the same news at some point! :D
Well I got back some of the results from the baby and placenta yesterday. My placenta looed normal and tested normal, the umbilical cord was normal but the baby was severly deformed in many areas. You were all right it had nothing to do with the SCH as the placenta showed no signs of visible problems. However, I did screen positive for Trisomy 18 and all the details of the baby point directly at that syndrome. Even with the last scan i had where the baby already had passed the fluid around the baby was less..which is typical for trisomy 18 pregnancies. Anyway I have genetic couselling on November 9 and am looking forward to that appointment. My doctor told me that that syndrome is very rare and carries a 1% change of it happening again. They tried to grow a piece of the babies tissue to check the chromosomes but were unsucessful so they are doing it at a molecular level so hopefully when that appointment comes around the results will already be back. I'm so grateful that Trisomy 18 is a genetic fluke and not something that can be passed from generation to generation. Thank you to everyone who read my post and offered advice and support. :hugs:
I'm sorry this happened, but it must bring you some relief that it was due to a fluke chromosomal abnormality - I'm happy you have some answers, and thank you for sharing your news here. Thinking of you...
Well I got back some of the results from the baby and placenta yesterday. My placenta looed normal and tested normal, the umbilical cord was normal but the baby was severly deformed in many areas. You were all right it had nothing to do with the SCH as the placenta showed no signs of visible problems. However, I did screen positive for Trisomy 18 and all the details of the baby point directly at that syndrome. Even with the last scan i had where the baby already had passed the fluid around the baby was less..which is typical for trisomy 18 pregnancies. Anyway I have genetic couselling on November 9 and am looking forward to that appointment. My doctor told me that that syndrome is very rare and carries a 1% change of it happening again. They tried to grow a piece of the babies tissue to check the chromosomes but were unsucessful so they are doing it at a molecular level so hopefully when that appointment comes around the results will already be back. I'm so grateful that Trisomy 18 is a genetic fluke and not something that can be passed from generation to generation. Thank you to everyone who read my post and offered advice and support. :hugs:


I'm so glad you have some answers and have been reassured the SCH wasn't the cause of your sad loss. I hope it's also reassuring to hear it was a chromosonal issue as that's very unlikely to be a recurrent issue. Massive hugs. xxxx
So sorry about everything, it's good that the SCH wasn't the cause, there is so little that can be done with trisomy 18 and 13. Lots of :hugs:
Hi ladies,
I sort of feel like I am barging in here- I've been reading/lurking this thread for a while.
First all- hello and I'm sorry for some of the recent horrible news that's been going with some of you.

I am 13 weeks preggo after ivf and had a massive bleed at 12 weeks 5 days. ER found a 7.4x6cm SCH. Huge I think in comparison to others. Baby is measueing on track , good heartbeat and fluid, and nt scan is ok.
Today is day 3 after the massive bleed and I'm still actively bleeding (red blood) but its slowed down to only fill 2 pads/day.

I also have low lying placenta - looks previa right now. Doc said still has time to migrate but they don't like where it is right now.

Doc ordered me on bedrest for 4 weeks. I am terrified that I won't make this bleed stop. I am waiting for the blood to turn brown atleast but it hasnt. I never thought I'd just be hoping to get to 24 weeks so there is a chance of viability in case of PPROM.

I am inspired and encouraged by you guys- its so nice to know there are others out there going through the same thing!
So hi- hope to get to know you all
Also question- did any of you have red active bleeding after your big bleed?
Welcome to the group, I am sorry to hear your still bleeding. I hope all turns out well for you!

Hi ladies,
I sort of feel like I am barging in here- I've been reading/lurking this thread for a while.
First all- hello and I'm sorry for some of the recent horrible news that's been going with some of you.

I am 13 weeks preggo after ivf and had a massive bleed at 12 weeks 5 days. ER found a 7.4x6cm SCH. Huge I think in comparison to others. Baby is measueing on track , good heartbeat and fluid, and nt scan is ok.
Today is day 3 after the massive bleed and I'm still actively bleeding (red blood) but its slowed down to only fill 2 pads/day.

I also have low lying placenta - looks previa right now. Doc said still has time to migrate but they don't like where it is right now.

Doc ordered me on bedrest for 4 weeks. I am terrified that I won't make this bleed stop. I am waiting for the blood to turn brown atleast but it hasnt. I never thought I'd just be hoping to get to 24 weeks so there is a chance of viability in case of PPROM.

I am inspired and encouraged by you guys- its so nice to know there are others out there going through the same thing!
So hi- hope to get to know you all
Also question- did any of you have red active bleeding after your big bleed?
Hi Vidal- thanks- it is scary for sure. How are you doing?
I am doing well. Bedrest does its toll on the body, seems when I do get up I get real dizzy and lightheaded. So I lay around most of the week and I am up on the weekends since DH is home. Take it easy and rest hopefully all will end with a positive note! :)

Hi Vidal- thanks- it is scary for sure. How are you doing?
How long have you been on bedrest? I know - it hasn't even long for me but when I do get up I feel dizzy/uncoordinated.
Hi Wishes - I'm sorry to hear about your SCH. The big bleed I had lasted ~ 12 hours or so before tapering off to just spotting, then brown. Then I had another, lighter bleed about a week later. I found that bed rest really did the trick in terms of getting the bleeding to slow down, and then stop. I really only got up to go to the bathroom the first day or two after the bleed. Then after that I was in bed or on the couch a lot, but would shower, fix myself something quick and easy to eat, etc. But I still haven't walked more than a block or two, and I too am feeling dizzy/lightheaded. I think though it's largely pregnancy related (probably a little anemic) than bedrest related.
Only a week. My SCH did not show on last ultrasound but I am still taking it easy and laying in be Mon-Fri.

How long have you been on bedrest? I know - it hasn't even long for me but when I do get up I feel dizzy/uncoordinated.
My hemoglobin was 13-14 on last blood draw. HMMMM seems close to being anemic.
Hi daisy..sorry to hear your sch too. Sounds very promising that you're able to be up and around a bit. Has your sch shrunk? Have they been monitoring it? I won't have another u/a until 16 weeks (unless I have another bad bleed)...seems like forever!!
Only a week. My SCH did not show on last ultrasound but I am still taking it easy and laying in be Mon-Fri.

How long have you been on bedrest? I know - it hasn't even long for me but when I do get up I feel dizzy/uncoordinated.

Awesome that it wasn't there at your last u/s. wow I hope I hear those words at my next one.
I know nothing about hemaglobin - hopefully your doc can answer your questions and give iron pills/diet suggestions?
Wishes I had a low lying placenta and sch at 15 weeks 2 bleeds that week, one Monday and the other weds. The weds one had me inpt for 1 day. I am still spotting dark red or brown blood....babies r still ok well as of last week. I don't feel too much movement still too early. 17 weeks on Monday...:)

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