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Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

I cant answer all your questions but I got my :bfp: 8 days after ovulation using my dates - 5 days if you use u/s dates! (I know my dates are 100% right though).

You may well start to bleed and to be honest it is my understanding that it it might be better you do...? That way the clot bleeds out rather than remain in utero with chances of growth...?

How are they monitoring you, hun? :hugs:
8 dpo would be extremely early..usually the egg doesnt implant that early and to have enough hcg for a+ hpt, that seems odd.

As for iugr, I dont think thats usually a issue that early in pregnancy. Im still praying you get great news:)
Yeh it is quite unusual to get a positive hpt at 8 days but I definitively did - the link to my chart is in my sig... it wasnt a really really strong one but there was a definite line. So, although fairly uncommon it is possible :hugs:
Hiya ladies havent been in here for ages so thought drop by and say hi to you all:hugs:
Miel hope you scan goes well today and the clot has gone :hugs:
Ive got my scan as well soon so im hopeing they tell me the clot has gone and placenta has shifted itself to were it should be even though said was little chance but can always hope! x
Hi, all. I apologize for the delay. I, too, thought that 8 days was too early but dr said it's possible. Also I do have an u/s on Monday. thank goodness. I'll fill you in then
Just logged on and wondering how everyone is feelig today. It's pretty quiet. Me, I'm anxious. Monday can't get here soon enough. I, too, am hoping for good news. May I ask a question: Aside from my age and all, on Monday, if the clot has reduced and the baby has grown, am I still considered High Risk per se and will I still be on light duty? What has been y'all's experience. I have yet to tell my family in TX b/c the hardest part last time I had a m/c was having to call everyone and having to explain over and over again what happened. Any suggestions?
I've been thinking and praying for Miel and Mumof42009. Do we know how they're doing? I hope all went well.
my peri said I will be high risk and on modified bedrest the whole pregnancy because if the sch remains for along time (I still have mine at 23 weeks, and its 10 cm x 7cm) that the sch already weakened the sac and Im at a high risk for prom and preterm labor.
Hiya ladies havent been in here for ages so thought drop by and say hi to you all:hugs:
Miel hope you scan goes well today and the clot has gone :hugs:
Ive got my scan as well soon so im hopeing they tell me the clot has gone and placenta has shifted itself to were it should be even though said was little chance but can always hope! x

looks like the clot is not here for me:)...and my placenta had lift up as well ...so funny as it' is the first thing my husband noticed as soon the picture became clear...every time the staff ask him if he is a doctor as he can tell right way what is what....as for me it was take me a little while to figure the scan out :).
i am still waiting on my doctor to call to confirm everything is fine so...

you are all so wonderful i wish everything turn out fine for every single of you ladies:hugs:
Im hoping since all is quiet around there that means good news for everyone:) It has been over 2 weeks now since I quit bleeding and Im almost at 24 weeks:):) Hope everyone is doing great!!
Im hoping since all is quiet around there that means good news for everyone:) It has been over 2 weeks now since I quit bleeding and Im almost at 24 weeks:):) Hope everyone is doing great!!

24 weeks is a great great milestone for us... i can't wait to get there myself :thumbup:

Nothing much to report on my side ....a little bit tired today so ...but i feel baby moving more and more :)
Hi all you lovely ladies

Im bit of a stranger in here these days, i had a small bleed last week turned out to be a uti which i was happy wasnt nothing serious. I have an appointment next week with clincal lead about the care ive received so far in my pregnancy and the following week i have a scan to check growth and if the bleed is still there so fx crossed its gone.
Glad that the bleeding has settled for you all and Jennifer happy 24 weeks i will get in there early xx
Hello, Ladies. Here I am the night before my surgery and wasn't sure whether to post my news or not. I certainly don't want to ruin any good feelings. However, I thought that academically it's probably helpful for someone in a similar situation as mine.
I know that that's what I looked for on here, someone similar. I went to the dr on Mon and it turns out that there was no heart beat and that the baby still measured 5w6d, same as ten days prior. The bleed had gotten bigger. However, I don't think that the bleed had anything to do with losing the baby. That I suppose was due to my age (41.) One thing is certain though, my dates were correct. B/c the baby with a heartbeat measured 5w6d on July 8, they thought my dates had to be wrong. But I was 99.99999% certain. I suppose the baby stopped growing at 5w6d and I should have measured 7w6d by my dates. Just makes me wonder how there was a heartbeat and yet it stopped growing two weeks prior? Anyway, I am so happy that you all had great news to report. May God Bless all of you and your families. Evelyn
I cant say how happy I am to have found this! I had massive bleeding at 8 weeks...after going to the ER they told me the baby was fine but it was threatened miscarriage. I continued to bleed for a week then it stopped. I started bleeding again at 12 weeks. Again the said threatened miscarriage. Now at 15 weeks I started bleeding this morning and went to my drs office. they found a blood clot next to the after birth that measured 5cm by 3.5 cm. I dont know if that is big or small, but I know it shouldnt be there. He told me I have sch and to come back in 2 weeks for another sono and to take it easy. Not easy to do with a one year old but trying my best.
welcome,Im sorry that you have to be here though, having an sch is scary. Im glad your doctor is scanning you frequently, just take it easy until then, dont lift anything (I know its hard, I have an 18 mth old that I havent picked up in 10 weeks) and probably the most important thing is no sex...its the one factor that has been proven to make an sch worse.
So my doctor called me tonight and put me on strict bed rest...I seriously dont know how to react to this or where to go from here...the only person I have is my husband and he has to work...Anyone else have to be on strict bed rest with a toddler? A one year old? How did you do it and what did you do? Thank!

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