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Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

I have been on bedrest for 10 weeks now but Im very lucky to have older children to help me with my 18 mth old. Do you have other family, a church?? That would be really hard,I hope you find the help you need xxoo
My husband is doing what he can with work...we wont find anything out until later today though...luckily my mother was able to come and help out for a bit today...we can do this! 10 weeks?!? I couldnt imagine 10 weeks! Im glad to hear that things are getting better though!
Wow we have some new ladies:flower: Amazes me how many people sch affects. Im doing ok thanks MrsPlaud got my scan in few weeks so i will make sure i update you all afterwards. Got to see the lead consultant after all my moaning and complaining so hopefully i will get my much needed steriods.
so sorry Evelyn :hugs:
Hi Ladies,

I've been stressing myself out from searching about sch on the internet and this group was the first one that didn't make me want to hyperventilate with panic!

I'm 16 wks and have spotting/bleeding since 7weeks but only found out I have sch last night when I had to go to a&e as I passed blood clots. Dr on call was very surprised that the sch hadn't been picked up in all my other scans and typically sent me home with murmurs of rest and come back straight to a&e if red bleed occurs. He said it was 3cm big but the baby seems unaffected by it for the moment.

Been up for the past two hours as I've had pink spotting and don't really want to go to bed until I know it's stopped completely but it is subsiding. I have an appt with my gp on monday morning because I have so many questions that i only thought to ask after i left the hospital last night - duh!

Reading your posts has calmed me so just wanted to thank you all - funny how you can find comfort in the words of strangers lol. Wishing everyone love and laughter -x-
Hi Ladies,

I've been stressing myself out from searching about sch on the internet and this group was the first one that didn't make me want to hyperventilate with panic!

I'm 16 wks and have spotting/bleeding since 7weeks but only found out I have sch last night when I had to go to a&e as I passed blood clots. Dr on call was very surprised that the sch hadn't been picked up in all my other scans and typically sent me home with murmurs of rest and come back straight to a&e if red bleed occurs. He said it was 3cm big but the baby seems unaffected by it for the moment.

Been up for the past two hours as I've had pink spotting and don't really want to go to bed until I know it's stopped completely but it is subsiding. I have an appt with my gp on monday morning because I have so many questions that i only thought to ask after i left the hospital last night - duh!

Reading your posts has calmed me so just wanted to thank you all - funny how you can find comfort in the words of strangers lol. Wishing everyone love and laughter -x-

Hi there

I am sorry you have been diagnosed with an SCH.

Welcome to this group, you will find all sorts of different stories, doctors advise and things like that here. Generally the big division is doctors who insist on bed rest and doctors who dont. In the UK usually is very rare that bed rest is recommended however from personal experience and hearing other members I a convinced taht is a huge positive factor.

My husband is doing what he can with work...we wont find anything out until later today though...luckily my mother was able to come and help out for a bit today...we can do this! 10 weeks?!? I couldnt imagine 10 weeks! Im glad to hear that things are getting better though!

Its really tough sometimes, I dont have other children but had to leave my husband and job back in the UK to come to Greece where I found that healthcare was better and much more affordable.

I have been on bedrest for months, but lately there is no sign of my SCH so I have started going out of the house more.

I had to modify my life majorly in order to be on bed rest. Its tough, very difficult, but you have to find ways to work around it, I know easier said than done.

I hope your DH has some good news from work and manages to give you the helping hand you so need right now
Hi Ladies,

I've been stressing myself out from searching about sch on the internet and this group was the first one that didn't make me want to hyperventilate with panic!

I'm 16 wks and have spotting/bleeding since 7weeks but only found out I have sch last night when I had to go to a&e as I passed blood clots. Dr on call was very surprised that the sch hadn't been picked up in all my other scans and typically sent me home with murmurs of rest and come back straight to a&e if red bleed occurs. He said it was 3cm big but the baby seems unaffected by it for the moment.

Been up for the past two hours as I've had pink spotting and don't really want to go to bed until I know it's stopped completely but it is subsiding. I have an appt with my gp on monday morning because I have so many questions that i only thought to ask after i left the hospital last night - duh!

Reading your posts has calmed me so just wanted to thank you all - funny how you can find comfort in the words of strangers lol. Wishing everyone love and laughter -x-

Reading the internet scared the crap out of me, it was the stories of other women that really helped...I recommend joining the sch group on yahoo,it is amazing also:) I hemorrahged badly at 14 weeks and bled for the next 7 weeks so dont be surprised if you keep having blood (it should turn dark colored though,if its bright red then call your doctor) Im another one who truly believes that bedrest saved my babys life ( that and no lifting and no sex).
ok ladies I just want to scream it from the rooftops:) 10 weeks ago I thought I had lost this little boy,and the doctors told me to expect the worst...and it has been a long 10 weeks full of tears but I have finally made it to 24 weeks!!!:happydance: I feel so blessed, and everyday after this is a milestone:)
Thanks Fluxuspoem - you're right, the inconsistencies of doctors advice is absolutely maddening, you're supposed to have confidence in your health care provider especially as a pregnant woman with hormones raging around. i usually pride myself being calm and logical but being pregnant has made me into a nrevous wreck. i suppose it's because it's the first time in my life that I have to be truly accountable for.

Jennifer34rn - Congratulations on reaching 24 weeks:happydance: Every week that passes makes your bubba that much stronger so keep doing what you're doing sweets!

I'll take a look at the yahoo group and thanks for the info about your bleeding experiences. I'm the only one out of my girlfriends and at work who has ever been pregnant so don't have any point of references so very relieved to know that my continous spotting isn't tnecessarily the dreaded m-word.

Just a quick question for anyone out there though - I've been told constantly that brown blood is old blood and not to worry and red to come in straight to a&e but what about bright pink??? I feel like I need a colour code swatch for all of this!!

Hope the weekend is starting well for everyone!
ok ladies I just want to scream it from the rooftops:) 10 weeks ago I thought I had lost this little boy,and the doctors told me to expect the worst...and it has been a long 10 weeks full of tears but I have finally made it to 24 weeks!!!:happydance: I feel so blessed, and everyday after this is a milestone:)

Congratulations Jennifer!!! That is such a huge milestone :happydance: I am very happy for you!!!!!!

Big hugs XXXXXX
Thanks Fluxuspoem - you're right, the inconsistencies of doctors advice is absolutely maddening, you're supposed to have confidence in your health care provider especially as a pregnant woman with hormones raging around. i usually pride myself being calm and logical but being pregnant has made me into a nrevous wreck. i suppose it's because it's the first time in my life that I have to be truly accountable for.

Jennifer34rn - Congratulations on reaching 24 weeks:happydance: Every week that passes makes your bubba that much stronger so keep doing what you're doing sweets!

I'll take a look at the yahoo group and thanks for the info about your bleeding experiences. I'm the only one out of my girlfriends and at work who has ever been pregnant so don't have any point of references so very relieved to know that my continous spotting isn't tnecessarily the dreaded m-word.

Just a quick question for anyone out there though - I've been told constantly that brown blood is old blood and not to worry and red to come in straight to a&e but what about bright pink??? I feel like I need a colour code swatch for all of this!!

Hope the weekend is starting well for everyone!

Generally its better if the bleeding stops completely. However you may experience a long period of time with brown bleeding, or just brown clots and things like that. Generally pink and red is not considered good and you should see your doctor straight away.

If your brown bleeding increases in flow, then again you should see your doctor. if you have consistently brown blood that doesnt increase but stays steady, then that is good as it supposed to be old blood. However, it still needs monitoring.

I had active red bleeding with massive clots in the beginning of my pregnancy and then spent the whole 1st trimster with brown bleeding. Sometimes it was slow flow brown, others it was small clotty stuff.

Bright pink could be the beggining of red, so please if you do have doubts do mention to your doctor. Only brown blood is old blood.
I seen my midwife today and she wants me start coming in every 2 weeks and alternating appts between the midwives and the ob's so that everyone says up to date with whats going on. I had my glucose test and I passed:) She also wants me to get ahold of my perinatologist and get the steroid shots as aprecaution so that the babys lungs have a jump start on maturing. I asked what her opinion is on what week I need to get to so that the baby wont suffer any disabilities caused by the prematurity and she said 28 weeks is great,most babies will be fine...and the best news is that I wont have to leave our area to deliver,the hospital I work at takes babies at 28 weeks.I would hate to have to leave him in the nicu but it would be so much better to have him 20 minutes from home instead of 1 1/2 hours:) The countdown is on...26 days!!

I also asked if a c-section would be a safer route since my odds of hemorrhaging are so much higher and she said no. She said they will have extra medication and supplies in the room when I deliver but its always easier to get an intact uterus to contract than a uterus thats been cut open.The one thing that might happen though is they might have to manually remove the placenta after the baby is born because with the velamentous cord insertion they cant tug on the cord at all or the vessels might tear and start to hemorrhage. I just cant believe how different this appt.was since Im over 24 weeks now...they actually talked about a plan and it just seemed so different and like they were taking everything so seriously now.
THats really pleasing to hear that you are being taken seriously! All sounds really promising that you will be looked after - and at the hospital closer to you! :happydance:

Got everything crossed that things go smoothly from here! :hugs:
That is SO great to hear! Congrats on making it to 24 weeks and beyond!! You give me SO much hope! I am so happy for you!

And an update...still on strict bed rest...OH got to take the next 2 weeks off to take care of DS and the house. Thankfully. We go back to the doctor on Friday to get another sono and make sure everything is going in the right direction.
jennifer34rn- Congrats to making it to 24 weeks hun!!!! That is awesome and gives everyone else so much hope!

Welcome to all the new mommies on the board. I haven't been on as much things have been hectic. I have been seeing my Ob mostly every two weeks. I have been sick on and off with stomache pains and nausea for about three weeks so she is keeping an eye on me. Its odd because my blood is showing an elevated white blood count (kind of like I am fighting an infection but we arent sure what yet) also I should be having another scan in the next few weeks. I will keep you all posted. Hope everyone is well.
I seen my midwife today and she wants me start coming in every 2 weeks and alternating appts between the midwives and the ob's so that everyone says up to date with whats going on. I had my glucose test and I passed:) She also wants me to get ahold of my perinatologist and get the steroid shots as aprecaution so that the babys lungs have a jump start on maturing. I asked what her opinion is on what week I need to get to so that the baby wont suffer any disabilities caused by the prematurity and she said 28 weeks is great,most babies will be fine...and the best news is that I wont have to leave our area to deliver,the hospital I work at takes babies at 28 weeks.I would hate to have to leave him in the nicu but it would be so much better to have him 20 minutes from home instead of 1 1/2 hours:) The countdown is on...26 days!!

I also asked if a c-section would be a safer route since my odds of hemorrhaging are so much higher and she said no. She said they will have extra medication and supplies in the room when I deliver but its always easier to get an intact uterus to contract than a uterus thats been cut open.The one thing that might happen though is they might have to manually remove the placenta after the baby is born because with the velamentous cord insertion they cant tug on the cord at all or the vessels might tear and start to hemorrhage. I just cant believe how different this appt.was since Im over 24 weeks now...they actually talked about a plan and it just seemed so different and like they were taking everything so seriously now.

Wow your appointment sounds like a huge success! I am so happy you are finally getting such good care and that you feel more relaxed in your pregnancy.

jennifer34rn- Congrats to making it to 24 weeks hun!!!! That is awesome and gives everyone else so much hope!

Welcome to all the new mommies on the board. I haven't been on as much things have been hectic. I have been seeing my Ob mostly every two weeks. I have been sick on and off with stomache pains and nausea for about three weeks so she is keeping an eye on me. Its odd because my blood is showing an elevated white blood count (kind of like I am fighting an infection but we arent sure what yet) also I should be having another scan in the next few weeks. I will keep you all posted. Hope everyone is well.

My white blood count has been slightly elevated on my last blood tests but my doctor wasnt concerned as it wasnt outside the norm of that makes sense.

Its great that you are seeing your OB every two weeks, sound like you are getting very good health care. I hope your next scan goes brilliant!


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