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Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Jennifer:hugs:hang in there sweetie..concentrate on the fact that so fast your baby is doing great ...:hugs:and if you encounter some more problem like what the peri mentioned to you know that now the hospital have great technology to help us and our babies to have the best chance possible...(that what mine said and i did find it really reassuring :).
hang in there..

Babydinosor ..so deeply sorry for you loss:hug:
Jennifer - I am sorry it wasnt all good news at your appointment but your baby is growing and doing well!!!

I hope that things go smoothly for you, hun. I dont blame you for trying to get an appointment before August! It would drive me mad waiting!

i think Flux is right - your LO is obviously a fighter and Ive got a really good feeling that everything will be ok.

That does seem like a long time to wait :( I would ask for one alittle sooner I'm sure he wanted time to give the sch a chance to change but a whole month seems alittle far fetched. Crossing My fingers for you!! :hugs:
I am posting this on behalf of Emma but I am so upset, this is just so difficult.

Emma was bleeding last night and had to go to hospital where she started having contractions. She delivered her beautiful angel this morning. A perfect little boy. Andrew was on her side all the time and he was a huge support to her, and at the moment they are trying to find the strength to deal with this huge loss.

Emma will organise a funeral for her little angel, her perfect little boy.

Please pray for Emma and her angel.

Emma my prayers are with you and your family. I wish I was there to hug you my lovely friend.

Alex :cry:
I wrote in Emma's journal but just wanted to write a note here too -

Thinking of you at this very sad time. It just isnt fair and it is a total shock. :cry:

All the love in the world :hugs:
why oh why does this keep happening emma im am so so sorry, im hurting for you babe. :cry: xx
Im so sorry for the loss of your son emma, I hope you can find peace in this awful time xxxoo
Hiya Ladies

im going to pm you all with something me and Fluxuspoem are doing, if any of you want to be involded pm one of us back so we can sort all details out.

Thanks sending everyone massive hugs at this hard time xx

Fluxuspoem, Emma has a truely amazing friend in you youve been the rock she needed and hope we can all carry on supporting each other through the hard times we are all going through. xx
I am so very sorry for your loss hun! It breaks my heart to hear you've lost your little one. I am at work trying not to cry all over the keyboard as I write this! You are in my prayers! Take care.

Thanks ladies :hugs:
You have all been such wonderful friends for me,always filling me with hope despite all the problems Ive been through.
I wish each and everyone of you very happy and healthy pregnancy,I will continue to follow :) and hopefully I'll be back on thepregnancy forums with my own soon enough!FX!

Thanks again girls :hugs:
Hi, all. Hoping to get some wisdom or just plain empathy from others with the same issue. Little background: I'm 41. I have a 25 yr old and a 3 yr old. A miscarriage a year and a half ago. LMP: May 14, 2009. I keep carefuly track of my cycles since the m/c, so I'm 99.9 % sure about the date. Went to the dr for u/s on 7-8-09 and was told that I'm measuring at the time 5 wks, 6 days (Off by two weeks by my count.) Also, I have a large SCH and no, absolutely no bleeding; light cramps here and there but no bleeding. My concern is this SCH and the measuring of the fetus. Also, I hate that the drs are so elusive in giving you information.
ctrpmom-welcome! Do you know what the measurments are for the sch? did they say if and when they are planning another scan? When I found my sch at 8.5 wks it was bigger than the baby itself but so far baby is fine. I have also not had any bleeding and only minor cramping. If they dont give you specifics I would recommend you aquire acopy of your ultrasound results and it will list in detail all results found.
hopefully they planned another u/s for you within 2 weeks. I was the same way as you, knew to the exact day when I concieved. How large was the sch? and I wouldnt be surprised if you do start bleeding, especially if they told you its a large sch. Im sorry its just a waiting game for you right now,but another u/s in acouple weeks is about the only way to know if the baby is growing and has a heartbeat. I will pray you get great news!! xxoo
i am going for my next scan on thursday....since i haven't have any bleeding for over 5 weeks now...i really really hope that my blood clot is gone:)!
Fingers crossed, Miel! 5 weeks without bleeding sounds promising to me! :hugs:
Awwww, Thank you so much for responding. That means so much to mean. I wasn't sure what to expect. They didn't give me measurements but I do have two u/s pix but I don't know how to read it. The one pix with the hematoma and the fetus in it says 6 cm on the side of the pix. The other pix which shows and labels the fetus with stars says at the bottom * 0.31 cm. I'm assuming that's the fetus and the 6cm on the side the hematoma or the -- I don't honestly know. Has anyone heard of IUGR, intrauterine growth restriction? I might just be worrying myself for no reason b/c I found this on the internet b/c I was so worried about the size of the fetus. Like I said, I keep careful track of my cycles. OHHHHH, and they said I ovulated or conceived on June 10th. (My records say May 28th.) AND crazy, I got three positive urine tests on June 18th, 8 days after conceiving if you use their dates. Is that possible?

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