Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi Wishes... I'm just a couple of weeks ahead of you and also have a SCH. Sorry to hear about yours... it's really scary, isn't it? :( Mine was 5cm at 10 weeks when baby was just 3.4cm... 7cm at 13 weeks sounds big but your baby will be almost/already bigger than that which is great!

Hope that at your 16 week scan you get positive news. My last scan was 12 weeks (4.5cm sch) but they don't seem concerned at all (sonographer didn't even record it on my notes!) and next is routine anomale scan at 20 weeks! Bed rest was never mentioned by the hospital even after my huge bleed but after discussion with my independent midwife I had 2 weeks of resting as much as possible until my 12 week scan showed the SCH was still there, but old blood now.

I spotted from 8.5 to 9.5 weeks then had a huge bleed... red bleeding stopped by 10 weeks but from then up until 14 weeks I've had a lot of spotting and some medium brown bleeding. It can take a fair bit of time for the bleeding to stop but it doesn't mean it's a bad sign... hopefully if anything it means the SCH is gradually reducing in size!
Wishes I had a low lying placenta and sch at 15 weeks 2 bleeds that week, one Monday and the other weds. The weds one had me inpt for 1 day. I am still spotting dark red or brown blood....babies r still ok well as of last week. I don't feel too much movement still too early. 17 weeks on Monday...:)

I'm so sorry to hear all those bleeds you've been through. It could scream how unfair it is, how scary it is. I'm glad your babies (congrats on the twins!) were doing well last week. When is your next scan? You are so close to being able to feel kicks- I can't wait til I'm that far along. That reassurance will be amazing.
Hi daisy..sorry to hear your sch too. Sounds very promising that you're able to be up and around a bit. Has your sch shrunk? Have they been monitoring it? I won't have another u/a until 16 weeks (unless I have another bad bleed)...seems like forever!!

Mmm - I think it has shrunk a tiny bit. Not 100% sure. But if it's shrunk, it's not significantly smaller. They have been monitoring it weekly at my RE's office, but I will be discharged from my RE's office on Tuesday. :cry: Sad to be discharged because they take such good care of me there.

Not sure how often they will monitor it at my OB's office. I hope every 2 weeks or so...
Hi Wishes... I'm just a couple of weeks ahead of you and also have a SCH. Sorry to hear about yours... it's really scary, isn't it? :( Mine was 5cm at 10 weeks when baby was just 3.4cm... 7cm at 13 weeks sounds big but your baby will be almost/already bigger than that which is great!

Hope that at your 16 week scan you get positive news. My last scan was 12 weeks (4.5cm sch) but they don't seem concerned at all (sonographer didn't even record it on my notes!) and next is routine anomale scan at 20 weeks! Bed rest was never mentioned by the hospital even after my huge bleed but after discussion with my independent midwife I had 2 weeks of resting as much as possible until my 12 week scan showed the SCH was still there, but old blood now.

I spotted from 8.5 to 9.5 weeks then had a huge bleed... red bleeding stopped by 10 weeks but from then up until 14 weeks I've had a lot of spotting and some medium brown bleeding. It can take a fair bit of time for the bleeding to stop but it doesn't mean it's a bad sign... hopefully if anything it means the SCH is gradually reducing in size!

I do hope that its reducing. I'd rather it be reabsorbed than see all this scary blood though! That is awesome that yours reduced at 12 weeks and is old blood. Also the fact your sch was bigger than your baby but baby persevered is inspiring. you have a fighter- well we all do i think.

i keep thinking my poor lil one is being shadowed over- like an ultimate battle is going on in there, ha.

The fact they don't feel the need to request a scan before your 20 week anomoly scan is so reassuring. If they aren't concerned enough to even note it, that's almost more reassuring. Hope your spotting shoves off.

Are you back at work/normal activities now?
Mmm - I think it has shrunk a tiny bit. Not 100% sure. But if it's shrunk, it's not significantly smaller. They have been monitoring it weekly at my RE's office, but I will be discharged from my RE's office on Tuesday. :cry: Sad to be discharged because they take such good care of me there.

Not sure how often they will monitor it at my OB's office. I hope every 2 weeks or so...[/QUOTE]

I'm dreading being discharged from my re. She's kept me on so far as she's also an ob/gyn but she's pregnant and due in November. I'm definitely going to miss being able to call the nurse any day and get a scan whenever I have something going on.

Are you going to a regular ob? I kinda want a high risk one so I have more attention!
I'm not sure if she is high risk or not - but I'm going to ask if she thinks I should be followed by a perinatologist.
i keep thinking my poor lil one is being shadowed over- like an ultimate battle is going on in there, ha.

I know just what you mean! When my baby was only 3.4cm but the SCH over 5cm I would just picture a teeny baby in there next to a massive balloon of blood - quite scary! But baby has grown which makes SCH relatively smaller - that will happen for you too! I hope your bleeding stops soon.

The fact they don't feel the need to request a scan before your 20 week anomoly scan is so reassuring. If they aren't concerned enough to even note it, that's almost more reassuring. Hope your spotting shoves off.

Thanks :) yes... it seems like although SCHs aren't exactly common, it actually seems reasonably rare that they have a bad outcome, so I think they only start to worry if they're still very big and under the placenta at 20 weeks. :)

Are you back at work/normal activities now?

Pretty much... still taking things gently (as much as I can when spending my days with a busy 2.5 year old!) but not resting all the time as I was. Also helps that the 1st trimester fog of exhaustion is lifting! ;)

Daisy - I reckon you may be pleasantly surprised when you have a scan around 12 weeks! It's quite common to have a relatively-large-sounding-compared-to-baby SCH early on and for it to be completely gone by 12 weeks! I don't think it classes you as high risk unless it's right under the placenta and/or big compared to baby at 20 weeks. :)
Hi, everyone. I ended up in the er yesterday morning for extreme cramping and found out I have a subchorionic hematoma and an ovarian cyst. I am really scared and feel helpless. I am hoping for the best and am glad I found this thread for support.
Sorry to hear you're joining the SCH club! How far along are you? I've known about my SCH since 9 weeks... now 15 weeks and baby's still growing fine, happily oblivious to it! I also have an ovarian cyst... mine's a solid one, though, so probably been there a long time. Do you know if yours is solid or not? Non-solid ones are very common in early pregnancy (corpus luteum cyst) so it may go away on its own with a few weeks. :)
Livelove- hi and I'm sorry you had such distressing news. I just found this page and there is sooo much useful information on it- way more than my doctors have told me.

Mom2twins, how are you doing?

Daisy- I'm curious to see if ill get a peri as well. Let us know what your re says.

To all of you guys- how did you decide when to tell everyone you were expecting? Our plans to tell at the 12 weeks u/s were shattered so now I don't know how to proceed. Also- have any of you felt comfortable enough to buy anything? It's a personal decision obviously but wondering what you guys waited for/wanted to hear from your doc before feeling confident enough to announce. Right now the only ppl who know are my and dh's immediate family, and my boss.
13 weeks1day
Hey wishes im ok small gush this evening of just brown blood. Keep praying everyday that my babes are good :) how bout u??
Gah sorry to hear about the gush, but as everyone says...brown is old, so I would take comfort in that. No active bleeding.

I'm good today- got to hear the heartbeat through Doppler and spotting is brown now so I'm happy with that. Bedrest is making me a bit crazy though :/ and worries of money as I'm not able to work. Oooh what fun.

New member here, but have been reading this thread for support when i most needed. I had a positive outcome and am posting my story as i promised myself i would if i ever were successful to carry thru. All the stories and journeys posted on this thread have been such great support for the past 6 months!

I had a miscarriage last year at 11+3 weeks. I kept bleeding throughout the short pregnancy. On the day i miscarried it started with passing large blood clots and by the time i reached the er, the scan confirmed that i had bled out everything.

I got pregnant begining of this year again with the same EDD as last year. Altho this was an IUI pregnancy. I did have spotting in the initial days and was worried of history repeating. To my surprise tho, the spotting stopped around 7 weeks. I had horrible nausea, so took off work for 2 weeks as my project was over and there wasnt much to do at my work place. I decided to take it easy till the end of first tri. At 11 weeks i went back to work and had decided to take a month off as my nausea seemed impossible cope with n i wanted to take no chances. That evening i had to climb up 2 stair flights and climb down about 4 flights. I work on a construction job site. Next morning i woke up late ans felt a little wet. I thght it was the progestrone suppository leaking. Then in a while i saw blood on my night gown. I freaked and checked out, ofcourse i was bleeding red. I called my husband and he rushed home from work and we soon met up with my RE/ob. He did a scan and thankfully the heartbeat was still good. He had no answers. I stopped bleeding the same afternoon and the spotting also vanished in a couple of days. I had a normal NT scan.
The bleeding came back the following week but lighter and vanished sooner. I thght this surely was the end of bleeding episodes. Again the following week i bled and this time i started on the clots! I passed clots that night the size of an orange! This time i was sure it was a miscarriage due to my previous exp. yet, my baby still hung in there. This episode of bleeding didnt stop unlike i hoped for. My doc did say the scan showed blood clot in the uterus, butnever mentioned the word sch. I got this googling. He said it was due to the placenta implanting on the adenomyosis. Whatever!
I continued to bleed out clots in the begining of the week and thru the week the blood would go from red to black to brown. It was like a weekly cycle. My doc put me on progestrone injections weekly twice but said he really cannot say if it helps or not. He couldnt assure us and said it could go either way and to just pray hard! I was put on bed rest and since the bleeding would not let up, i eventually quit my job to rest and see how much i could pull thru.

At 18 weeks i passed a large clot and that was the last of the clots i saw. It continued bleeding wine red blood which soon turned light brown. Eventually at 20 weeks i finally had clear no blood tinged discharge. I was thrilled!

I had a normal anamoly scan. But the summary was typed wrongly indicating i had severe IUGR! Anways it was an error in the report and the hospital did apologise and changed the report... But that another story. Just that i was so scared stiff that i decided to put myself on bedrest throughout my pregnancy. I knew this was my only chance to have a baby.

After a long bedrest i finally started moving a little in the kitchen after 37 weeks. My mom came to stay with us after 32 weeks. I wouldnt let her come before that. My husband managed to cook n clean beside his full time job till my mom could take over. If not for him and my mom, i surely wouldnt make it here today.

I delivered my son at 39+3 weeks vaginally last week after worrying throughout about preterm labour and abruption. My ob used vacuum he still was concerned about abruption and wanted to waste no time. The placenta did not come out as a whole and stuck portions had to be manually removed which my doc said he had expected due to adeno.

Excuse the typos and not a well formed post, my son is sleeping in my one arm while i'm typing :) After battling horribly irregular periods since teens, dysmenhorhea, fibroids, PCOS, infertility, miscarraige followed by sepsis in uterus, adenomyosis, sch, partial abruption, I finally have my own baby, and I cannot be grateful enough! There is definetely light at the end of the tunnel!

Sorry for the long post. I sicerely hope and pray everyone suffering thru sch will finally hold their babies delivered full term.
I would like to mention, i think bedrest helped a lot to carry this baby thru full term altho there is no proof. Till date, i have only gone out of the house for my appointments and hospital after having gone to work that one day at 11 weeks! I rested on my recluner thru the day and bed thru the night. I fid take an emotional n physical toll specially towards the end and postpartum, but i guess its all worth it!
Hi all. I am only about 6 weeks along, and this coming weekend will tell if baby is going to hang in there or if I will have a miscarriage. There is a subchorionic haemorrhage where the embrio implanted and I am bleeding, menstrual type bleeding on and off for two weeks now, and it has become worse with cramping over the last few days. Dr says my baby has a 50/50 chance.
Actually, bedrest is near impossible for me, and I hatenot knowing what is going on. I hope everything clears up or that life can just resume as normal, my toddlerneeds so much attention it is impossible to rest much.
Update: chloe marilyn was born happy and healthy this morning october 5,2012 @ 4:47 am. 6 lbs 14 oz 9 apgar. 39 weeks. I cant thank Everyone on this thread enough for everything. Good luck to all of you going through this horrible situation my prayers are with you :)

Update: chloe marilyn was born happy and healthy this morning october 5,2012 @ 4:47 am. 6 lbs 14 oz 9 apgar. 39 weeks. I cant thank Everyone on this thread enough for everything. Good luck to all of you going through this horrible situation my prayers are with you :)
Hello ladies,
Im so sorry that you have SCH it is one of the scariest things i went through during my pregnancy.
I also agree that the bed rest helped me ALOT! if there was any advice i would give it would be rest as much as possible and do total bedrest if you can because im sure this made a difference for me.

I bled from 13weeks to about 20 weeks and the 1st few weeks were the worst due to worrying all the time and bleeding but as i got closer to 20 weeks i got less worried and more hopefull :)

My baby is now 3 weeks old and very healthy and i hope all you ladies have healthy full term babies too :hugs:

I've put my 1st post in this forum under this so you can read my story and how i got the SCH :flower:

fifi 7 so sorry to hear of your loss x x x

~I've been going through all these posts for the past 2 days and its so handy to be learning more about SCH~

My story, i had an emergency scan at 8 weeks due to bad tummy cramps but baby was fine and measuring 8 weeks ect
But there was a second sac that was empty so i had a vanishing twin, the empty sac was still there at 10 weeks scan and had grown a little then at my 12 week scan it had disappeared THEN 4 days later (tuesday just gone) after shopping at tesco and feeling really dizzy (i thought i was hungry) i felt something warm come out just before getting in the car so let my fiance finish putting things away, when i got in the car i got a babywipe to check if it was blood and it was red watery blood i just burst into tears it was the 1st bleed i'd had whilst pregnant.

We got the shopping home i called my mum to look after our 2 yr old daughter and went straight to A&E where we waited for 4 hours to be seen, during those 4 hours i went to the loo twice and both times watery blood was just pouring out of me then at one point it was just amniotic fluid then went back to blood i was so sure i was losing the baby i had totally forgotten about the other sack, they wouldn;t scan me or let me hear heartbeat the DR was convinced that because i had no pain that i wasn;t losing the baby still i was not convinced after all the blood and fluid i had lost.

It all died down and went to brown blood by the morning and i got a call to go in for a scan that morning instead of having to wait 2 days thank god! and baby was fine and iit didnt look like the fluid was from the healthy baby
But the loss of the other sac has caused a big haemorrhage :( around 9cm, i did ask if they could see if it was near the placenta at all but she said she couldn't see where the placenta was at all :| Is that right @ 13+2?? thought they would be able to see it by then.

I have been bleeding brown blood for 3 days now its not heavy at all and the more i rest i get the more it seems to be slowin down :) I have my next scan on the 28th march seems like ages away.

Wishing you all the best of luck in you pregnancys x x x
It is good to see the updates of those whose babies survived, thanks girls.
My hcg result of this morning is over 20 000, now I have to get another one done monday and then see the dr again.
I am still bleeding both old and fresh blood, and cramping :(
So my sch was not seen on my last scan but this morning i have tinted brown discharge. I was in the er last night for a really bad headache. I was given benadryl and reglan to help.. Seems i have a sinus infection so here comes amoxicillian.

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