Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi all so this am woke up to some red blood not bright red but red, ugh! I just want It to stop 18 weeks Monday. Calleed ob and they said as long as not heavy then its fine. It has stopped now.
Hope all is ok

Hi all so this am woke up to some red blood not bright red but red, ugh! I just want It to stop 18 weeks Monday. Calleed ob and they said as long as not heavy then its fine. It has stopped now.
Hi Everyone-
Let me do a quick introducation. My name is Joy and I am 7 weeks 6 days pg. This is my first pg. I tried in my previous marriage to get PG for 8 years and it never happened. I had a hormonal imbalance and Drs said it would never happen. I just got remarried to an amazing man August 4th and on September 14th I found out I was pregnant! My joy and surprise was through the roof. Everything was going beautifully up until two weeks ago. While at work I went to the bathroom to discover blood EVERYWHERE-deep red. I called my husband, he met me and took me to the ER where I passed a dollar bill sized blood clot. I was sure the pregnancy was over. Imagine my surprise when they took me in for an ultrasound and there was our little beans heart beating away so strong! Everything was perfect with our little guy! The Physicians Assistant called it "implantation bleeding" but at 5 weeks 6 days and THAT much blood and clotting I knew it wasn't implantation bleeding. In looking around on the internet it sounded exactly like an SCH. I went to see my Dr on Weds and he did a blood test along with a pelvic exam. Everything looked good. He said I could continue to bleed for awhile and not to worry about it-I wasn't having any signs of miscarrying, just to rest. I did continue to spot for about a week and a half. Three days ago it stopped. Today it started again. I'm concerned about it starting. With an SCH can the bleeding come and go or once it is done is it done? It was a bit more then spotting this am for about an hour or so but now I am back to only spotting when I use the bathroom. I have NO cramping or other signs of miscarrying. I am going to call my Dr tomorrow and see if I can be seen this week. After waiting so long for this to happen I'm terrified of losing the baby. Thank you all in advance for your advice and insight. I would like to have a better understanding of what I can expect in a pregnancy with an SCH.
Jes... mine stopped and started over a period of nearly 6 weeks. It followed a pattern of heavy bleeding, fading to spotting, a couple of days of nothing... then back to the beginnng of that cycle. So what you're going through sounds normal for a SCH. To give you hope... I'm now 16 weeks pregnant and have had no bleeding or spotting for over 2 weeks. I know how scary it can be... especially as I had had previous miscarriages I immediately thought the worst when I started bleeding heavily. But have hope that the outcome for the vast majority of people with a SCH is good. :)
254-THANK YOU so much for your reply!!! That does help! I have to admit when I started up the bleeding again I freaked out. I've been trying to tell myself that if there is no cramping I'm probably ok, but having not had an ultrasound since the first night in the ER I've been on edge. Thankfully, I called my Dr this morning and they set up an apt for me for Thursday so I should hopefully have some answers. I'm ok with bleeding as long as the baby is ok. It is good to know though that it can come and go. I will try not to worry-for I know that only can make things worse. After 8 years I guess I'm a little gun shy, but thank you for your encouragement!!! I REALLY appreciate it!! name is Kristy and I went to the Dr on Friday with lots of pain in my uterus....3 time in 2 weeks. The first 2 times they tried telling me it was just a UTI due to blood in my urine, but i have not had any spotting or anything. So Friday I finally saw a Dr and he had me go for an u/s which showed the hematoma......then sent me home on bed rest. The hematoma was not present at my 10 week ultrasound. Im scared and nervous because i am being referred to a high risk specialist but my current Dr has not told me anything at all.......i keep trying to be positive but I am really scared. Any advice. Has anyone else had one appear so late in pregnancy???? Thanks you.
Hi ladies, another newbie here :)

I have a bit of a chequered history (several mc's, molar pregnancy and chemo, DH low count, my ovaries getting bit old) now adding SCH to the list lol!

I got diagnosed with a SCH yesterday (covers approx 50% of the sac and is larger than the baby)
Baby looks good, measured 12+3, very active, blood flow and fluid looks fine.
The SCH blood is pooled mainly on the bottom half, so near the 'exit' at least!

Worrying times, but at least I know what I'm dealing with now!
Unfortunately, my sch story does not have a happy ending. I just miscarried. And my husband forgot his cell phone at home today, I need to reach him so he can come help me with our toddler since I have a lot of pain.
Oh luzelle, I am so sorry for your loss sweetie, that's awful news :hugs:
I hope you can reach your husband somehow xxxx
Oh my, I am so sorry to hear this. How far along were you?

Unfortunately, my sch story does not have a happy ending. I just miscarried. And my husband forgot his cell phone at home today, I need to reach him so he can come help me with our toddler since I have a lot of pain.
So sorry to hear your news Luzelle. :( Do you know for sure that your MC was caused by your SCH? Look after yourself. Miscarrying is an absolutely horrible thing to go through - I've had 3 and are still very affected by them. Big hugs.

dan-o - hello :) My situation is similar to yours... at 10 weeks my SCH was bigger than baby and at 12 weeks it was just a little smaller. I bled and spotted from 8.5 to 14 weeks, but amazingly am now 16 weeks and have been bleeding-free for over 2 weeks. Have you had bleeding?
That's encouraging to hear 254, so glad yours seem to be resolving!

Yes I've had two gushes of blood now (one of which was last night) and intermittent spotting. Got my 'proper' 12 week scan tomorrow, so we'll get another look at the SCH, hopefully it's no bigger!
I will be 10 weeks on Friday and I'm not sure which type of cyst I have. I have another ultrasound in 2 weeks, they are just going with the wait and see method. They are hoping both will either shrink or disappear by then. I'm hoping for the best and trying not to stress out too much about it.
I have a 4-5 cm Endometrioma cyst on my left ovary. So not fun! I hope you get a good answer.

I will be 10 weeks on Friday and I'm not sure which type of cyst I have. I have another ultrasound in 2 weeks, they are just going with the wait and see method. They are hoping both will either shrink or disappear by then. I'm hoping for the best and trying not to stress out too much about it.
Arrg I'm so frustrated I could scream. I've been crying all morning and don't know what to do. After my massive bleed at 12w5d, I bled red for two days, then turned brown then turned into spotting. The spotting went away for 3 very wonderful days.

Then yesterday, I woke up to brown medium heavy bleeding and slight crampiness. I'm still on bedrest; have been since the first day of bleeding.
Today it's the same, if not heavier dark brown/maroon bleeding and my OB just says to continue with bedrest?! Note I do not have another uktrasound scheduled til 20weeks (I'm 14w4d now).

I'm pissed my OB doesn't seem to care, I'm scared and sick of being scared, and after leaving two messages yesterday and basically demanding an appointment in two weeks, I feel I cannot call my OB again. They've made it no secret they think I am 'that patient' who asks for too much.

I'm considering goin to the ER just to get a professional opinion. Am I overreacting?? I kinda want to go the Obs office and grab my files and go elsewhere, but without a backup doc I don't know If that's exactly smart.

Sorry for the vent- I feel like I've just had enough!
I am so sorry your OB office is treating you that way, That is just not right! I would change Drs if I were you and go to the ER if you need reasurrance. I hope things get better!:hugs:

Arrg I'm so frustrated I could scream. I've been crying all morning and don't know what to do. After my massive bleed at 12w5d, I bled red for two days, then turned brown then turned into spotting. The spotting went away for 3 very wonderful days.

Then yesterday, I woke up to brown medium heavy bleeding and slight crampiness. I'm still on bedrest; have been since the first day of bleeding.
Today it's the same, if not heavier dark brown/maroon bleeding and my OB just says to continue with bedrest?! Note I do not have another uktrasound scheduled til 20weeks (I'm 14w4d now).

I'm pissed my OB doesn't seem to care, I'm scared and sick of being scared, and after leaving two messages yesterday and basically demanding an appointment in two weeks, I feel I cannot call my OB again. They've made it no secret they think I am 'that patient' who asks for too much.

I'm considering goin to the ER just to get a professional opinion. Am I overreacting?? I kinda want to go the Obs office and grab my files and go elsewhere, but without a backup doc I don't know If that's exactly smart.

Sorry for the vent- I feel like I've just had enough!
I'm sorry they are being so uncaring. My hospital want to see me again if the bleedings fresh or red, but brown is ok for me as its quite a big bleed and will probably come out at some point.

I've not had a bleed since Tuesday night, so I'm kinda expecting something to come out soon!

I had my regular 12w dating/nt scan yesterday and the bleed has changed a little, it's shorter but deeper, more like an egg shape now. It looked to be covering only 30% of the sac this time, which is a great improvement from my last scan! Fingers crossed!
Thanks Vidal and Dan-o, I decided to go to the ER (waiting for ultrasound now).

Dan-o, that's great news that your NT scan went well and SCH isn't taking up as much room! And also great news about the no bleeding for a bit.

So your doctor isn't concerned as long as it isn't red blood? sorry if you mentioned this before, but how big was your sch- you mentioned it was big? I'm asking bc mine was 7x6ish and I wasn't - am still not- aware of what is normal or not when it comes to starting/stopping bleeding.
I hope all is well, Keep us updated!

Thanks Vidal and Dan-o, I decided to go to the ER (waiting for ultrasound now).

Dan-o, that's great news that your NT scan went well and SCH isn't taking up as much room! And also great news about the no bleeding for a bit.

So your doctor isn't concerned as long as it isn't red blood? sorry if you mentioned this before, but how big was your sch- you mentioned it was big? I'm asking bc mine was 7x6ish and I wasn't - am still not- aware of what is normal or not when it comes to starting/stopping bleeding.
Wishes, I think anything goes with these SCH things, I've had people telling me different things everywhere I've asked!

Yeah they said to expect brown, but red needs checking. Mine was a similar size to yours, 6+ cm(bigger than the baby at that scan) but a bit smaller than the baby on wednesdays scan, I think down to 4.5cm ish. The red bleed I had must have taken the size of it down a bit.

Good luck for your u/s sweetie, let us know how you get on xxx

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