Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

WishesK - I hope everything is OK. My bleeding came and went, with several days of nothing before it came back heavier again... then gradually lighter... spotting... nothing... then heavier again. It seems to be a reasonably common pattern. I got so used to it... then a week or two ago I realised the spotting had stopped... and hadn't returned. Now I'm 2.5 weeks without any spotting or bleeding... there were many times I couldn't imagine that, and I still worry every time I go to the toilet. I hope yours stops soon.

dan-o - that's great news that your SCH is no bigger, and perhaps even smaller. Mine was also 4.5cm at 12 weeks!
Thanks for your comments guys. After 4 hours at the ER I had an u/s and good news is baby grew and is measuring just one day small for dates, active and looking good.

Bad news is sch is the same freakin' size and placenta is still previa.
So really- nothing has changed despite my bleeding- urgh.

I'm cramping and same brown medium bleeding today. Just want it to taper off again! But I guess I should get used to the sight of blood.

You guys are inspiring for your positive spirit and outlook. I'm struggling there so thanks!
After my first big bleed I went for a 2nd scan... and my SCH was FIVE TIMES as big as it was the week before! It's a good thing yours hasn't grown. I was told that often they don't shrink much/reabsorb until 20+ weeks, when the bigger baby puts pressure on the SCH and therefore encourages it to reabsorb. :)

There's still lots of time for your placenta to move up. Fingers crossed!

Yeah, it's crap isn't it, having to get used to the sight of blood? I bled for about 6 weeks... and even 2 weeks after it stopped, I still expect to see blood every time I go to the loo. :wacko: I just keep telling myself... at least I'm pregnant! :thumbup:
Hi ladies,

I have been spotting for two weeks now, every day, brown and sometimes pink and i have more coming when I have a bowel movement.
Would you know if it is too early to deduct sch? I had a scan at 7w4d and the consultant said that she couldn't see anything abnormal, but I'm now wondering if it was too small to see anything?

Epu discharge me saying it's just one of those things and to go back for the nt scan. This spotting is killing me, I don't know what to think, any suggestions?

Whishesk I hope the spotting has gone.
Update on my last post**

My spotting went from bad to worst and had a brown clot this morning, panicked and went for a private scan.

They found an sch of 1.1x0.5cm, the sonographer didn't seem worried too much, I'm REALLY WORRIED!

Baby measured few days behind but it has grown double from my last scan last week and HB is 175.

Just massively worried!
Update on my last post**

My spotting went from bad to worst and had a brown clot this morning, panicked and went for a private scan.

They found an sch of 1.1x0.5cm, the sonographer didn't seem worried too much, I'm REALLY WORRIED!

Baby measured few days behind but it has grown double from my last scan last week and HB is 175.

Just massively worried!

I'm so sorry you are going through this- its a unique kind of torture to bleed during pregnancy.

Good things are the strong heart beat, and my bub measured 2-4 days behind until now at 15 weeks, its measuring 1 day behind. I stressed about it but was assured it was normal.

Is your spotting/bleeding still brown?

The advice seems to be the same and ive found bedrest REALLY works at slowing and even stopping an active bleed.

Put your feet up if you can.

At the very beginning of the pregnancy (exactly 4 weeks pregnant) I had 5 days of red bleeding complete with cramps and clots. It was utter shock to see the heartbeat. I'm not going to tell you not to worry- I hate when people say that to me- but know that your little one still has such a strong fighting chance. Do not give up hope.
Keep us updated and rest up.
Thank you wishes,

Yes, my spotting is still brown, but it looks like I have more coming out than the previous weeks, just been in bed all weekend will try and do as little movement as possible at work.

I read lots of different stories here and yeah it's worrying but it's good to hear the good news so I'm hoping for the best.

How many weeks are you? Are you still spotting too?
Sunnysun- sounds like a good plan to take it easy. Hope yours eases up.

I am still bleeding brown and i hate it. It's much more than spotting but less than a heavy bleed.

I'm 15 weeks and off work on bedrest. Hoping it turns to spotting reeeeally soon. Or goes away-that would be even better lol.
They found an sch of 1.1x0.5cm, the sonographer didn't seem worried too much, I'm REALLY WORRIED!

Sorry to hear about your SCH. It's a stressful time. However, be reassured, yours is definitely on the very small side! It's very likely it will have gone completely by 12 weeks... fingers crossed!

I spotted and bled from 8.5 weeks to 14 weeks... but am now 17 weeks and have had nothing for 3 weeks. There was a time I couldn't imagine reaching this stage! So even though it can feel like you're going to spot/bleed forever, it will stop in time. :)
Thanks 254, I really hope so too!
The sonographer told me that I have more spotting coming, as long as it's not bad, I can just about cope. 3 weeks non stop of spotting!

Congratulation for being spotting free!!

Wishes- what's is bleeding brown? How much more it is than spotting? Cause I may be bleeding brown too?
I need a panty liner all the day, I get some brown spots plus when I wipe it is there most of the times, sometimes just a little bit others lots.
Hi ladies. It's been a while since I've posted here. For you newbies, I had a heavy bleed at 5w6d, and was diagnosed with SCH. At it's biggest, I think it measured 3x1.7 cm. I had another bleed about a week later. Even though my doctor said I didn't need bedrest, I stayed home from work for 2 weeks, staying mostly off my feet. Since then, no bleeding from about 6w4d until this past friday (10 weeks), when I had some pink spotting. I just went in for a scan today, and everything looks good. Baby is measuring 1 day ahead, was kicking and waving, nice heartbeat of 163 bpm. Cervix is closed and measured 5.6 cm. Tech said she didn't see any areas of bleeding. MFM (maternal fetal medicine) specialist took a look and said he spotted one small area that *might* be a SCH but he didn't seem sure. There definitely wasn't a big black area of bleeding like there was before. He didn't note a SCH on the US report. He said to expect some more spotting (maybe), either pink or brown, and to call if there is red bleeding as that might be something new. Just wanted to fill you all in that a) my original SCH has resolved, and b) pink or brown spotting isn't too worriesome, per the doctor.

Hang in there everybody.
Great news Daisy, it's so nice to hear positive stories, just what I need, thank you!

I hope the spotting stays away now.
Daisy, that's great news that your SCH has gone! Totally jealous... mine was 5cm at 10 weeks. ;) :D It definitely seems that the trend is ones which show themselves very early tend to go earlier. Are you feeling calmer now? Wishing you a lovely unstressful rest of your pregnancy. :)
Thanks guys. Feeling much calmer. :thumbup: Hoping everyone else gets good news too.
Yep totally jealous, but that's awesome news! Hope the rest of your PG is completely boring and uneventful!
So many crickets around here lol- how are all you ladies doing?

I am addicted to hearing the heart beat on the doppler and watching soooo much crap reality tv while on bedrest.

I'm still going through cycles of heavier red/brown bleed, taper off then reset! This morning I had a couple small gushes of brown blood.
It isn't affecting me quite as much which is good. I'm looking forward to next week to meet with my OB. Ill be 16.5 weeks then.

Everyday I wake up and am quite grateful that I'm still pregnant.

Mum2twins- how are you holding up?
Hi ladies, just checking in as well :flower:

Had a very heavy, but not bright red, bleed on tuesday night and another sudden flood on weds morning. Nothing since though.

Booked a private scan for 16+5, to have a look at the bleed, as the NHS don't want to know until my 20+6 scan and I'll go bonkers before then lol!
Wishes so I saw ob on Monday they did a transvaginal scan and o have marginal previa, no sch! That is why im still bleeding so im modified bedrest still. Still have brown discharge with some clots babies look great! Im 20 weeks on Monday next weds is my level 2 u/s can't wait. They told me to worry less since they now. Know what is going on and to call for any red im doung ok hanging in there praying it pulls up by the end of my pregnancy want to carry these 2 to 38 weeks if I can!
Wishes so I saw ob on Monday they did a transvaginal scan and o have marginal previa, no sch! That is why im still bleeding so im modified bedrest still. Still have brown discharge with some clots babies look great! Im 20 weeks on Monday next weds is my level 2 u/s can't wait. They told me to worry less since they now. Know what is going on and to call for any red im doung ok hanging in there praying it pulls up by the end of my pregnancy want to carry these 2 to 38 weeks if I can!

Wow that's awesome no Sch and babies look good!! And I love that they gave you permission to worry less. Did they say the marginal placenta previa still has time to migrate? I can't wait for my level 2 u/s - you must be excited its so close.20 weeks is so close to 'safe' - I hope you are breathing easier.

Hi ladies, just checking in as well :flower:

Had a very heavy, but not bright red, bleed on tuesday night and another sudden flood on weds morning. Nothing since though.

Booked a private scan for 16+5, to have a look at the bleed, as the NHS don't want to know until my 20+6 scan and I'll go bonkers before then lol!

Hope the private scan goes well. Sorry to hear about the gushes- But thats good you've had nothing since Wednesday. I've considered getting a 'private' 3d u/s , im dying of curiosity for more info.
Hello everyone!

I'm sort of a newbie to this thread but I'm also an oldbie. Had a HUGE sch with my previous pregnancy with massive bleeds, partial abruption yet had my son at full term via emergency C-section.

Now I'm pregnant again and after several bouts of spotting they found a small SCH with this baby. :wacko: It's listed as "very small" and is about 1cm across. I've only had the occasional spotting so far though I am starting to feel some pain and discomfort. I haven't been put on bed rest though today my doctor said to do no heavy lifting and to avoid all forms of trauma. I've been taking it very easy, just relaxing on the couch and letting DS play at my feet.

I still have concerns about the viability of this pregnancy so if I lose the baby I know it will be due to that and not the sch.

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