Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

I hope you have a healthy pregnancy!

Hello everyone!

I'm sort of a newbie to this thread but I'm also an oldbie. Had a HUGE sch with my previous pregnancy with massive bleeds, partial abruption yet had my son at full term via emergency C-section.

Now I'm pregnant again and after several bouts of spotting they found a small SCH with this baby. :wacko: It's listed as "very small" and is about 1cm across. I've only had the occasional spotting so far though I am starting to feel some pain and discomfort. I haven't been put on bed rest though today my doctor said to do no heavy lifting and to avoid all forms of trauma. I've been taking it very easy, just relaxing on the couch and letting DS play at my feet.

I still have concerns about the viability of this pregnancy so if I lose the baby I know it will be due to that and not the sch.
Yay Starry! :) Happy to hear you are pregnant. I'm still waiting another year or so before I'm willing to get pregnant - a wee bit traumatised from the last one still.

*hugs* to all you goign through this at the moment. It totally sucks that for sure :(
:hugs: Nice to hear from you, inperfected! I really don't blame you for wanting to wait after your last experience. I know I was TERRIFIED when DH and I started to TTC again. But we aren't getting any younger and I was worried it would take awhile to conceive so here we are.

Had a bit of light brown spotting today. Trying not to freak out and hope it stops there. I had a dream the other night I was bleeding and so far whenever I dream about spotting it happens -- with all of my pregnancies. I hope this brown stuff counts as the bleeding.
Hi ladies, new to this site.
I have been reading all stories on here for weeks now. A little about me.. I have two children 9 and 7. My now husband and I got together not long after my last child was born and a few years later decided we want one of our own( though he see's the two I have as his own). We did fall pregnant in 07" however ended up losing our daughter to tuners syndrome at 13 weeks though didn't find out until 18 weeks. It was so hard saying good bye before we got a chance to say hello. Now 5 years after TTC we are finally pregnant again!! However our excitement has turned to worry as at 5 weeks had a very light 5 day bleed( thought it was because it was around date period was due) went for a 6 week u/s and found out have SCH size 2.8x 2.6. We were sent back in 2 weeks for another u/s and found out it had grown to 4.8x 3.8, baby's heart beat at six weeks was 115bmp then at 8 weeks 173 bpm.We have another u/s in two days time to check it again but am worried that all of you's are bleeding out the clots and I have had no more bleeding only the 5 days really at the start. We are hoping that this baby enters this world safely and am feeling everything everyone else is and hope we all get through it. This site gives me so much hope with happy endings.
:hugs: First off, congrats on your precious BFP!! Sorry you're so worried. Try not to worry about the lack of bleeding. Often SCH's get reabsorbed into the body without any vaginal bleeding. With my DS I had a large SCH and did pass lots of blood and clots but the bleed was showing up on my ultrasounds long, long after my last vaginal bleed. My last vaginal bleed was at 14 weeks but it didn't disappear until 26 weeks.

AFM - have had more spotting. It is faint but it is definitely red and not pink or brown. It seems to come after any sort of activity so I'm putting myself on bed rest. Even just going to church yesterday and doing low key errands today have aggravated it. I'm a SAHM so I don't have to worry about getting a doctor's approval. I still feel guilty though. :blush:
Thank you starry :) will find out today if its still growing and pray it has shrink or at best stayed the same size. It's hard not to worry isn't. I have put myself in bed rest as well but it is hard when there are things that just need to be done and I also feel guilty that I could be making it worse as well. I guess it's up to god, and hope things work out for the both of us:) my first bleed/spotting was also red not brown or light pink. I am also hopping for team pink thought don't mind as long as healthy :) it's really nice to be able to talk to women that are going through the same thing, will post again later today with an up date.
Good luck with your scan.

Still spotting rather frequently and now my IBS is acting up too. DH is very helpful around the house but he has to work. Today he worked from home and he is going to look into the possibility of working from home everyday. I really hope he can because I can't handle standing up for more than 2 or 3 minutes at a time and lifting of any kind aggravates my spotting.

Just can't believe I'm going through this AGAIN!! At least my DS is living proof it can all come out OK.
Hello Ladies,
Its been awhile since I have been on this thread but I found alot of comfort and support on here when I needed it. It is a hard and scary road for sure as you go minute by minute waiting for the next bleed and to see what the results are.
I just wanted to share some hope. I was diagnosed with a sch at just past 5 weeks and it kept getting bigger even after the bleeding had stopped. By 18 weeks the tear had disappeared completely and I found out I was having a boy.
On Oct 17th I delivered a very healthy, happy baby boy with no complications.
I wish you all nothing but the best and that all your schs resolve quickly and the bleeding stops. xo
That would be a big help for you starry and sorry to her your IBS is giving you grief on top of everything you are already going through :( it's sad your having to deal with this again. I thought it was unlikely to happen twice in a row though my sister had one as well with her 2nd child and again with her 3rd, how ever with her 3rd son the SCH caused her to go into labour at 20 weeks and she lost her boy, so of course after our loss of our daughter was terrified. That's a great storie mommy, so glade you had a wonderful out come and congrats on your heathly new little one :) as I said earlier I was having a u/s today and we are relived to say the SCH has started to resolve , not by a whole lot but its a start, it's all so not black looking now more Gary so hopping that it means no blood is flowing to it :) still going to relax as much as possible until its gone but am starting to believe everything is going to be okay and am praying for all of us for safe arrivals of our little bundles of joy xx
Hi everyone 21 weeks and today a bleed on u/s ugh at the top of the uterus ugh! I thought i was past this grrrrr :(they said they see the blood and its pretty big, when is this gonna stop! Grrr
:hugs: Sorry that they found another bleed. I hope that it reabsorbs quickly into your body.

AFM - it looks like I'm out, ladies. :cry: I haven't passed the baby and the doctor refused to even confirm the loss (no ultrasound) but my betas are way, way down from last time. The baby's viability was always in question so I don't think the SCH had anything to do with it.

Good luck to all of you. :flower:
Momtotwins- I hope you body just reabsorbs- sorry to hear you have another worry. When is your next u/s?

Starry - I have read your whole story on this board even posts from way lomg ago -when I was first diagnosed with my SCH and just researching.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I know there are no words to comfort, but please be gentle with yourself.
I am so sorry for your loss.

:hugs: Sorry that they found another bleed. I hope that it reabsorbs quickly into your body.

AFM - it looks like I'm out, ladies. :cry: I haven't passed the baby and the doctor refused to even confirm the loss (no ultrasound) but my betas are way, way down from last time. The baby's viability was always in question so I don't think the SCH had anything to do with it.

Good luck to all of you. :flower:
Starry Night - how are you doing?

Just thought I'd update on me... (background: SCH was 5cm at 10 weeks, 4.5cm at 12 weeks, bled from 8.5-14w) - we had our 20 week scan yesterday and the sonographer couldn't see any sign of it. That's good to know, especially since the scan picked up that he has talipes in one foot so we have a bumpy ride ahead on that front. But at least no more SCH to worry about!
Thanks, ladies.

I'm doing mostly OK. Obviously, my emotions are all over the place and feeling a bit rough. I've passed the baby now but still am bleeding. We're hoping to start TTC again in the New Year.
So sorry to hear of your loss starry (hugs)

An update on me: had a small brown bleed on Wednesday for most of the day only when going to the toilet. Getting sent for another u/s next week, the SCH had started to reduce in size befor had the small bleed so crossing fingers it's almost gone and not grown again.
SCH was 2.8x2.6 then grew to 4.8x3.8 then reduced by 1cm.

Mum to three
24/8/2003 heathly boy
15/3/2005 heathly girl
15/10/2007 baby girl born sleeping at 15 weeks preg.
Hi all
Thank you for this forum and thank you all for your stories.

I haven't officially be diagnosed with it yet, but I am thinking I have SCH. I had a small bleed last tuesday and had an US the same day, they picked up a small collection of fluid in the placenta, not very big, and Doc said there was nothing to worry about. But he wanted to monitor it so sending me for another US tomorrow (1 week after initial) to see if it is any smaller, so I have everything crossed that it is getting smaller and not bigger.

This is bub number 2 and I had a very smooth run with our little girl.. she was 4 weeks early, so I am hoping that everything runs smooth with this one, I definately would like to go a bit further along this time.

Good luck to you all with your stories, I hope everything turns out positive for you.
Sorry to hear you are having trouble Mazz, hope everything turns out okay :)

I have been bleeding brow old blood still and know its the SCH but still am really worried something is going to go wrong with bubby, have a doctors appointment today to get sent for another u/s, just worried of them saying cant find a heartbeat like our daughter in 07. I know it's a new pregnancy and am prob just stressing my self out for no reason but was TTC this baby for 5 years and got to the point it wasn't going to happen for us then got a big shock peanut was there lol. Anyways I am truly prying for all of us to have a good out come and make it through. Have been on bed rest now for going on 5 weeks and am going a little nutty but its all worth a safe arrival for our little one.

Peanut: EDD 24/05/2013
Mum to :
Heathly boy 24/08/2003
Heathly girl 15/03/2005
Baby girl born sleeping 15/10/2007
Hello ladies!

Would it be okay if I join? :wave:

We're not 100% sure yet but I've had 2 early scans due to bleeding (ever since getting my BFP) which revealed an area in my womb that looked to be a patch/pool of blood. We're not sure if it's a subchorionic hematoma or bleed yet, but I'm thinking it might be! It's measuring small, approximately 0.5cm x 0.96cm.

I have had all kinds of bleeding - spotting, medium, heavy with pink, brown, red, orange.. Everything under the sun. I've also had clotting!

When did you ladies get diagnosed and were you able to see anything on the ultrasound?
With my son's pregnancy I didn't get diagnosed with SCH until about 9 weeks though I had had bleeding since the beginning of my pregnancy and they had found what they suspected to be a clot on his 5 week ultrasound. At my 9 week u/s they found a sac of fluids the same size as my son's gestational sac. At the time I didn't like to talk about it, but I did lose a twin. The twin hadn't shown up on early scans but I did hold a fetus in my hands so I had thought the pregnancy was over. VERY shocked to see my son on the scan the next day. Also explains why there was a second sac.

I was never told how big the bleed was but the doctors were always optimistic with me.

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