Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi ladies do you mind if I join? I was told last week that I have a SCH. The doctor acted like it was very common and she would monitor it, but I do not go back for another u/s until 12/18. I am very worried and hope that my body absorbs it! The doctor did not tell me the size or any other info. Good luck to all of you ladies. Sorry for you loss Starry :hugs:
Hi everyone, I am a father-to-be and my wife is 10w+4d with IVF twins. We have been trying for over 5 yrs and had a previous failed IVF, so right now we are very exited and cautious at the same time. This past weekend all of a sudden my wife started bleeding and in a few hours she passed 5 clots ranging from the size of a quarter to the size of a small egg. The flow was so heavy that it soaked through two heavy duty pads in a few hours. It was Saturday night so we had no one to turn to, but fortunately our fertility doctor had an emergency number and she picked up when we called. She gave us some comforting words but we has to wait till Monday morning to get an u/s. We were very worried at that point but fortunately during this time my wife had no cramp at all. We then found this forum and it gave me a lot if comfort over the next 36 hours of wait. On Monday the u/s should the twins are doing great and one of them was waving, kicking, and rotating! We were so relieved to say the least. There is a 2cm hemotoma so it may bleed again, but based in its location it shouldn't affect the babies. I just want to share our story with everyone who is going through the same emotional and physical roller coaster rides. Good luck to everyone and I will keep posting.
I hope all goes well with a healthy Pregnancy!

Hi everyone, I am a father-to-be and my wife is 10w+4d with IVF twins. We have been trying for over 5 yrs and had a previous failed IVF, so right now we are very exited and cautious at the same time. This past weekend all of a sudden my wife started bleeding and in a few hours she passed 5 clots ranging from the size of a quarter to the size of a small egg. The flow was so heavy that it soaked through two heavy duty pads in a few hours. It was Saturday night so we had no one to turn to, but fortunately our fertility doctor had an emergency number and she picked up when we called. She gave us some comforting words but we has to wait till Monday morning to get an u/s. We were very worried at that point but fortunately during this time my wife had no cramp at all. We then found this forum and it gave me a lot if comfort over the next 36 hours of wait. On Monday the u/s should the twins are doing great and one of them was waving, kicking, and rotating! We were so relieved to say the least. There is a 2cm hemotoma so it may bleed again, but based in its location it shouldn't affect the babies. I just want to share our story with everyone who is going through the same emotional and physical roller coaster rides. Good luck to everyone and I will keep posting.
Hi all, I'm still reading through this thread so not caught up on the most recent posts yet but feeling I really need to join a thread where other people are experiencing the same things.
My story, iv been trying to conceive this baby for 5 1/2 years and finally managed with ivf. At 5+2 I had a huge bleed passing clots and thought it was over, a scan at 5+5 showed a gest sac, I had another massive bleed at 6 weeks, more clots and lots of cramping so again thought it was over, another scan at 6+2 shown baby with a lovely heartbeat and blood surrounding 2 1/3rds of the gest sac. It didn't look good, I was told to expect more bleeding and I would be rescanned at 7+2.
I had complete bed rest and didn't bleed again until the day before my next scan, baby was fine and was told the bleed had shrunk and I probably wouldn't bleed again. I was on cloud 9 only to have another massive bleed the same night :(
It stopped the next day and today at 7+5 it's started again, it's like turning a tap on when I use the toilet.
I'm really scared and confused as there seems to be nothing that can be done, I feel iv bled so much that surely this baby can't still be hanging on in there.
I have another scan tomorrow to check what's going on so for now I'm back in bed not daring to even get up to use the toilet.
I hope everything is ok! Best thing is to rest.

Hi all, I'm still reading through this thread so not caught up on the most recent posts yet but feeling I really need to join a thread where other people are experiencing the same things.
My story, iv been trying to conceive this baby for 5 1/2 years and finally managed with ivf. At 5+2 I had a huge bleed passing clots and thought it was over, a scan at 5+5 showed a gest sac, I had another massive bleed at 6 weeks, more clots and lots of cramping so again thought it was over, another scan at 6+2 shown baby with a lovely heartbeat and blood surrounding 2 1/3rds of the gest sac. It didn't look good, I was told to expect more bleeding and I would be rescanned at 7+2.
I had complete bed rest and didn't bleed again until the day before my next scan, baby was fine and was told the bleed had shrunk and I probably wouldn't bleed again. I was on cloud 9 only to have another massive bleed the same night :(
It stopped the next day and today at 7+5 it's started again, it's like turning a tap on when I use the toilet.
I'm really scared and confused as there seems to be nothing that can be done, I feel iv bled so much that surely this baby can't still be hanging on in there.
I have another scan tomorrow to check what's going on so for now I'm back in bed not daring to even get up to use the toilet.
I just wanted to quickly give any of you a little confidence in a dark hour (like this group did for me only a short while ago) just incase it helps anyone!

I had bleeding at 10, 15 and 16 weeks and was diagnosed with a large SCH. 6.5 x 1.5 cms. The doctors (UK) were worried enough to sign me off work to rest. Since then I have had no more bleeding and the SCH reduced to 8.5 x 0.5 cms by 21 weeks. Since then I have had no more scans as I have had no more bleeding and all medical professionals are really pleased with the baby's growth! I am now 30 weeks and have been trying to take it easy (as much as I can) but live a normal life! Can't wait to see my little one. I know that if she came now she would be 100% ok but there is no reason why I won't make it to full term. If I don't it looks like it wont be due to the SCH :)

I really hope that gives someone a little confidence. Believe me, there were some dark moments but once you start to feel your baby move you are reassured every few hours :) xx
Thankyou jellytots, it's reassuring to hear positive stories :)

I have been for another scan today, the bleed is at the front and the back of the sac but there is nothing above it which is good news, baby is still growing right on track with a lovely heartbeat.
I have been told to stop the bedrest as I could cause myself more problems but I'm not completely comfortable with that just yet. I will do a little more each day but if I feel the pressure I will rest up.
Hi ladies I am new to this and this is my first post. I am 6+4 with my second pregnancy, my first pregnancy ended in mc at 6 weeks back in July. I had a scan on Friday (exactly 6 weeks) and was told I had a clot next to the gestational sac and the heart beat was there but slow. I started bleeding lightly yesterday, just pink and brown discharge but I am now bleeding bright red blood and clots since the early hours of this morning. Spoke to my local EPU but they said no point going back in till Friday for another scan as the bleed could be down to the clot. I am so worried that I am going to miscarry again. Reading these posts has made me feel less alone as I don't have any friends who have been through this. Hoping for a good outcome but fearing the worst. :cry:
I hope your pregnancy continues and everything will be ok!

Hi ladies I am new to this and this is my first post. I am 6+4 with my second pregnancy, my first pregnancy ended in mc at 6 weeks back in July. I had a scan on Friday (exactly 6 weeks) and was told I had a clot next to the gestational sac and the heart beat was there but slow. I started bleeding lightly yesterday, just pink and brown discharge but I am now bleeding bright red blood and clots since the early hours of this morning. Spoke to my local EPU but they said no point going back in till Friday for another scan as the bleed could be down to the clot. I am so worried that I am going to miscarry again. Reading these posts has made me feel less alone as I don't have any friends who have been through this. Hoping for a good outcome but fearing the worst. :cry:
Lucy i hope everything turns out well for you, its so scary to see red blood and especially clots. The epu also told me they will not scan within 1 week of the previous one but i started crying on the phone and she brought it forward a couple of days as i just needed to know where the blood was coming from.
I also have a large clot underneath the sac and was told you can loose clots from that. Thinking of you and keeping everything crossed x
Thank you for your positive thoughts. I have spent all day in bed as reading some posts on here it seems to help resting up. Friday feels like such a long time away to find out if the baby is still alive but I am trying to stay positive. Bumski are they going to keep scanning you to monitor the clot? I seem to bleed most when I go to the toilet with nothing In-between and just back ache but no cramps. Also when I was at the EPU on Friday they didn't do any bloods to check my HCG levels, should I ask them to check this?
Hi Ladies, I am so happy that I have found this site!! My infertility journey started when I went off the pill in July nearly 3 1/2 years ago. My husband and i encountered many different issues. After a year of no success on our own, we did several IUIs and several were cancelled due to cysts on my ovaries. When I went in for another IUI, the clinic discovered that I had high FSH. I went through another bunch of tests and was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure. (my husband has Antisperm Antibodies). We were told that we had a very very low chance of conceiving with my eggs and if we did with IVF there were greater chances of chromosomal issues with fetus. We were recommended to do donor egg. After the most crying and grieving of my fertility we went on for our first cycle of Donor egg IVF. It was success but quickly resulted in a miscarriage at 5 weeks. We were told to take a month break for my uterus to recover before doing our Frozen Embryo Tranfer. Well when I was getting close to when my period should start I was feeling 'pregnant'??? I took a pregnancy test and low and behold I was pregnant!!!!!!!! OMG!! We couldn't believe that we had a natural pregnancy!!! I went for bloodwork the next day and started having spotting that day! After only a few short weeks after a miscarriage I was terrified!!!!!!!!!! I continued spotting, cramping, and passing small bits of tissue. I finally had an ultrasound at 6 weeks 1 day (on Monday) Everything with baby looked good! HB at 128 bpm and was measuring 6 weeks 3 days! The technician told me I had a small hematoma and I have been FREAKING ever since!! I have been reading everything possible on this and have had a lot of inconsistent information! EVERYBODY keeps telling me to relax and not stress!!!!!!! I'm trying everything possible to do so but IT'S NOT WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad that I found you ladies to 'worry' with!!!!!!!!!!
Hi everyone. My name is Jamie and I conceived via IVF. I am 7 weeks 3 days and on Monday night I started bleeding a lot and went to the ER and was told I have a subchrionic hemmorage. The next morning I saw my fertility dr and he said it was 4 cm and was pretty much as large as the gestational sac. I'm on bedrest now and the bleeding has turned to just brown spotting but I'm scared. My regular OBGYN told me to prepare for the worst. I'm so heartbroken. This is my first pregnancy. I have another scan on Friday to check on it.
Thank you, no improvement in the bleeding yet today I am losing hope that our bean will survive and I really don't know how I will cope with another mc.
lucylou, please try and hold on to hope, its all we can give our little ones at the minute, i passed a lot of blood and clots and baby was still hanging on in there, i dont know how but it was. Fx it goes really well for you tomorrow, your doing the right thing getting rest, even if the bleed is still there it can take many months to clear up. gl x

Hope, what a story, this must be one determined little one you have in there, my bleed was larger than the sac originally, then 1 week later it had shrunk to about half the size, then a few days later its big again. My clinic have told me that these are so so common and although they cant tell us whether the pregnancy will continue full term the outcomes are usually pretty good. she also said i may just bleed throughout the pregnancy, i hope it works out well x

Jamie congratulations on your ivf cycle, mine is ivf too. Try not to worry, i know its hard, fri will be here soon.
I hope everything turns out well at your next scan, we do have to take each day as it comes but it will be worth it in the end.
Also try not to google, its not worth reading.

Im on my 3rd day of no bleeding again, but dread everytime i use the toilet just incase. My ms has come back this week and i feel terrible all day long but i dont mind lol.
My next scan is dec 10th so i have a bit of a wait but hopefully worth it. Gl to everyone going through this xx
bumski- Thanks for your support and info!! I totally understand the dreading to use the washroom crisis!! My bleeding has slowed down but I continue to pass little bits of tissue?? My husband tells me not to look in the toilet! I know that most turn out just fine and keep trying to tell myself that! I will be thinking of you and hoping the time until your u/s goes quickly!! Praying your little one stays strong!!!!!!

Jame- Fingers crossed for your ultrasound on Friday!! I think it's a good sign that the bleeding has slowed down and only brown blood now!!! Keep us posted with your ultrasound on Friday!!!!

Lucy- If it would help you to feel better, I would request that they continue to follow your bloods! Tell them that you need some reassurance! Fingers crossed for your u/s tomorrow too!!!!
Hi everyone, thank you for your messages and kind thoughts. Unfortunately it wasn't meant to be this time and my ultrasound this morning showed I have had another miscarriage. I have no words to describe how upset I am as we really thought this time was different. On a positive note for others they don't think that the blood clot I had caused the miscarriage but that the pregnancy probably wasnt right from the start. So I wish everyone the best of luck with their pregnancy and hope you all have good outcomes and in 7- 8 months time you will all be meeting your babies for the first time. Thank you for the support over the last couple of days xxxx
Hi everyone, thank you for your messages and kind thoughts. Unfortunately it wasn't meant to be this time and my ultrasound this morning showed I have had another miscarriage. I have no words to describe how upset I am as we really thought this time was different. On a positive note for others they don't think that the blood clot I had caused the miscarriage but that the pregnancy probably wasnt right from the start. So I wish everyone the best of luck with their pregnancy and hope you all have good outcomes and in 7- 8 months time you will all be meeting your babies for the first time. Thank you for the support over the last couple of days xxxx

So sorry for your loss Lucylou. hugs to you :hugs:
I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs

Hi everyone, thank you for your messages and kind thoughts. Unfortunately it wasn't meant to be this time and my ultrasound this morning showed I have had another miscarriage. I have no words to describe how upset I am as we really thought this time was different. On a positive note for others they don't think that the blood clot I had caused the miscarriage but that the pregnancy probably wasnt right from the start. So I wish everyone the best of luck with their pregnancy and hope you all have good outcomes and in 7- 8 months time you will all be meeting your babies for the first time. Thank you for the support over the last couple of days xxxx

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