Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

lucy- I'm sooo very sorry to hear your very sad news!! I know it's so difficult right now and I hope you find strength to move on try again for your precious baby! Do you know if you had a clot with the first pregnancy? I only ask because I know there are treatments you can to very pregnancy to prevent this!! I wish you strength to get over this loss when the time is right for you.
Lucy I am sorry for your loss. I understand that this is your second m/c. Did your doctor put you on progesterone when u found out about the pregnancy this time around? It could have been the SCH or the embryo wasn't developing properly. But it could also be something as simple as a thin lining where progesterone would help. I hope you feel better soon, and don't give up!
Lucy - I'm am very sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you.

Thanks everyone for the support. I had another scan this morning and my sch got a little smaller. The dr said he is much more optimistic now but I'm not out of the woods yet. I am still under the care of my fertility dr but he referred me to a high risk OBGYN I will start seeing after next week. I'm still on bedrest until further notice and was told to cancel my trip for Christmas to GA to see my husband's family. Who is on bedrest and how long have you been on it? Is anyone else seeing a high risk OBGYN?
Thank you for your kind words. They don't know what caused the first mc, by the time I had a scan the pregnancy had ended and they couldn't see anything so I don't know if I had a clot. When I found out I was pregnant again I asked my gp about going on progesterone and she just said no it wouldn't help me. and I fear that when we try again and if we do conceive I will be offered no extra care again. Does anyone have any tips to get extra care?
Hi ladies,
Just looking for some support. So far this has been a terribly stressful first trimester.

I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks to rule out any complications from my miscarriage earlier this year (partial molar pregnancy). The baby looked great! But I had a giant SCH sitting right above the baby, far from the placenta. It measured 5.7x3x2 cm. I had another ultrasound at 8 weeks and the baby still looked great, and the SCH was unchanged, so I finally started to relax a bit.

Here I am today, with another ultrasound at 11 weeks. The original SCH was still unchanged, but I was shocked to have a second large SCH appear measuring 4x3x1 cm!
I'm so discouraged right now. I feel like I can't get attached to this baby, the odds seem against us. :cry: I've still had zero bleeding or symptoms...I'm told to expect bleeding anytime though since this second SCH is near the cervix.

Anyone with hope for me?
Lucy, you need to get a doctor or OB who is willing to put u on progesterone. It is indeed hard to determine why m/c occurs, but it is very common nowadays to use progesterone supplement, especially if u had a m/c before .... It can only help. Take it easy and I hope that your next pregnancy will be a successful one!

Thank you for your kind words. They don't know what caused the first mc, by the time I had a scan the pregnancy had ended and they couldn't see anything so I don't know if I had a clot. When I found out I was pregnant again I asked my gp about going on progesterone and she just said no it wouldn't help me. and I fear that when we try again and if we do conceive I will be offered no extra care again. Does anyone have any tips to get extra care?
Rafferty - I feel you on the hard first trimester. This is my first pregnancy and it has been so hard so far. Maybe you should go on bed rest for a few weeks. My RE put me on bed rest right away when we found my SCH. There are studies that show it helps. I am about to go into my second week of it. It's putting me really behind at work but this pregnancy means everything to me so I'll do whatever necessary to keep it going.

Lucy - There are doctors out there that will put you on progesterone. I would keep searching for a better dr.
Rafferty- It is just scary knowing when you have a SCH. I am hoping for the very best for you. I've tried to stay as positive as possible (which has been VERY hard). I have read that bed rest helps, not sure exactly why?? Some ladies have talked about being on baby aspirin or heparin to thin the blood so the hematoma doesn't turn in to a clot? I have am seeing my Doctor tomorrow and am going to ask him about it! All the best to you!
I'm going to try to do bedrest as much is possible with a 2 year old. I've been calling friends and they are going to take her a few days this week. My DH is a major help most of the time but he doesn't lift a finger for housework so i still find myself on my feet cleaning the kitchen...etc. My doctor said if i make it to 15 weeks they'd consider my chance of miscarriage very low. Anyone know why this is?
Hi I'm new here, I just found out I was pregnant last week and then ended up at the ER this morning with a lot of pain and bleeding. I was so scared that I was having a miscarriage I found out at the ER that I wasn't having a miscarriage but I have a very large SCH I know nothing about this and started searching the internet and reading everything I can about this condition, I am praying so hard that everything will be okay with my baby. I am 40 years old so I know I'm already high risk and this is going to make it even worse so I'm very concerned for my baby.
Hopeitissoon- For some reason my dr told me to get off the baby aspirin that I was on before I was diagnosed with the SCH. Please let me know what your dr says about that.

JM - Sorry to hear about your SCH. How big is yours? Did they put you on bed rest?

Update: I went to the my peri appointment yesterday and only saw the nurse. I didn't think she was going to do an ultrasound but she did. My SCH has gotten even smaller. The bad news is she think she found another one that is grey on the screen which means it is healing. I had just saw my fertility dr on Friday and he didn't mention anything about the second one. He has a way better ultrasound machine then she does. Also she said that she doesn't know for sure that is it a SCH she is just guessing. I see my fertility dr again on Wed and I'm gonna bring the ultrasound pics she gave me and ask him to check it out. I was told I might have to stay on bed rest for five weeks (the rest of my first trimester). Don't think my boss is gonna be happy bout it. I am concerned about the multiple ultrasounds I've had to have. Hope it doesn't harm my baby.
Jame- My Doctor said he didn't think that the Aspirin would be of benefit. He has referred me to an ob/gyn for further care! I will ask the ob/gyn about it as well?? That sounds like good news that the SCH is shrinking and even if there is a second that it looks like it's healing as well!!!!!!!!!! My Doctor has put me on "reduced Physical Activity" for my first trimester too!! 5 1/2 more weeks! I had a lot of guilt at first too, but then I had so many colleagues and friends say that right now the most important thing in your life is you and your baby!!! Do EVERYTHING to take care of what is most important!

jm-sr - I know it's super scary! Were you advised to stay on bed rest?? Good luck to you!!

Rafferty- How's it going? Are you managing to rest? I can only imagine that it is so difficult with a 2 year old!

AFM- Went for Ultrasound yesterday. The first SCH is still there and the tech found another small one. I'm scared but trying to stay positive. On "relax" rest for first trimester.
Hopeitisoon - So are you taking off work for the next 5 1/2 weeks then? I have 4 1/2 weeks more to go. From how it's looking I will be off work that whole time. What sizes are your SCHs? Where are they located? It's crazy how a new one can form so quickly. I had one and now have too also. This is so frustrating!
Just updating my info so far:

12w sudden heavy bleeding, pink watery then bright red. Scan showed SCH was bigger than baby at 12+4 intermittent spotting.
13/14w sudden brown flooding bleeding. No blood since.

16w5d scan showed SCH same size as 12w but clotting, baby growing normally.

20w4d scan no signs of my hematoma were visible! Baby still growing fine!!

Fingers tightly crossed it stays that way!! I've been resting up, no longer exercising and not lifting anything which seems to have helped!

I'll update again as I move along a bit with my pregnancy :flower:
hey dan o im so glad it seems everything is healing well x

hope you others are coping ok with bedrest, iv been on moderated bed rest and went 9 days with no bleeding, iv had slight spotting today and my scan today has shown two huge SCH, one underneath the sac measuring approx 6x4x2 and one behind the sac approx 5x3x1. my baby only measures 2cm so im really worried, she said all we can do is hope at this point.
im still too worried to get excited at all about this pregnancy
Dan - great news.

Bumski - how big is your baby supposed to be now? Are you seeing a high risk OBGYN. Don't give up hope! I have two SCH now. One is almost resolved and the other is big 4 cm. The one that is almost resolved used to be around 4 cm as well. I'm really frustrated and confused. I see the high risk OBGYN for the first time next Wed.
Dan - where you on bed rest until it resolved? Any tips for the rest of us? What position was yours in? Thanks.
Also is anyone else having cramping? I have had cramping but no bleeding the past two days.
Bumski and Jam- i have two large SCH as well! Crazy i thought it was so uncommon to have 2 but here we are. I'm not certain where mine are. I can see them on my ultrasound pic but I'm not sure where they are relative to the placenta. One is apparently right above the cervix so the doc says expect to bleed any day. Makes me feel like a ticking time bomb!

Bedrest is going so so. My mom has been here helping with my DD but it has been hard to let her take over...just hard when I'm used to doing things a certain way. But i did get a fee good stretches with my feet up.
Jame- Yes, I've been taken off of work for the next 5 1/2 weeks but not just because of the SCHs. I have been having severe cramping where I can hardly stand and it is excruciating to sit??? I also have cysts on my ovaries and small fibroids in my uterus. The SCHs are only small, less than 1cm! So I'm hopeful! I just don't understand all of this pain??!! I haven't had any bleeding either for about a week now!!!

Rafferty- I'm happy to hear your mom is there to help you, even if it is difficult to give her the control!

Dan-0 wow!! Keep going, girl!! Looks like this isn't affecting your baby at all!!! Good luck!!!

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