Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Aww that sounds lovely, me and Dh have decided to make the most of this pregnancy, we have spent the last 5 weeks in absolute bits, terrified of loosing baby, we are now starting to announce too, it just feels so nice to have people congratulate us and talk normally about it without all the worry talk.
We can't change anything that may happen but I am trying my best to enjoy this pregnancy as much as poss!
I think we need this thread to support each other through the hard days we have.
I hope that old blood coming out is the SCH shrinking, don't know how true it is but it stops me stressing a bit when I see it. X
My FS told me I have a small hematoma at my last ultrasound at 6w. I have been steadily spotting most days since about 4 weeks. He told me not to worry and said no sex, but that's about it. I've given myself a lifting restriction because I've read so much about it. I have my next ultrasound on Friday 12/21. i'm terrified of getting bad news at each ultrasound!
My FS told me I have a small hematoma at my last ultrasound at 6w. I have been steadily spotting most days since about 4 weeks. He told me not to worry and said no sex, but that's about it. I've given myself a lifting restriction because I've read so much about it. I have my next ultrasound on Friday 12/21. i'm terrified of getting bad news at each ultrasound!

I'm in the same boat...I'm 7w 2d and diagnosed Thursday with a sch. I bled heavily for a few hours on Thursday and passed a few clots. Then it magically stopped. Now tonight I had another small gush that lasted just a few minutes. I'm constantly on edge and terrified to move a muscle. My doctor ordered bedrest until my follow up scan on Wednesday. So sorry you are going through this's a helpless feeling.
ok so an update on me.. the other day when i posted about the pressure in my vagina and the horrible cramps.. i wound up loosing gobs of thick blood clots huge!! i was terrified.. got to the ER and baby was looking great! from what i could see on the ultrasound it looked like only a small spot of blood now so i do beleive i bled out the hematoma .. ill find out for sure on wednesday with my recheck ultrasound..
My FS told me I have a small hematoma at my last ultrasound at 6w. I have been steadily spotting most days since about 4 weeks. He told me not to worry and said no sex, but that's about it. I've given myself a lifting restriction because I've read so much about it. I have my next ultrasound on Friday 12/21. i'm terrified of getting bad news at each ultrasound!

I'm in the same boat...I'm 7w 2d and diagnosed Thursday with a sch. I bled heavily for a few hours on Thursday and passed a few clots. Then it magically stopped. Now tonight I had another small gush that lasted just a few minutes. I'm constantly on edge and terrified to move a muscle. My doctor ordered bedrest until my follow up scan on Wednesday. So sorry you are going through this's a helpless feeling.

yes, pregnancy is terrifying enough and then you add extra stress on top of it :dohh: hopefully it improves for us all.

ok so an update on me.. the other day when i posted about the pressure in my vagina and the horrible cramps.. i wound up loosing gobs of thick blood clots huge!! i was terrified.. got to the ER and baby was looking great! from what i could see on the ultrasound it looked like only a small spot of blood now so i do beleive i bled out the hematoma .. ill find out for sure on wednesday with my recheck ultrasound..

That's great to hear that the baby is looking good! Can't wait to hear how your scan goes on Wednesday!
I had a red bleed earlier that filled almost half a pad. It has stopped now and i'm barely spotting. I am cramping like crazy in my uterus and my back aches. I'm trying to stay positive but i'm worried because it seems all my breast tenderness is gone! Especially my nipples, its like they were before I got pregnant. Has anyone experienced this?
My FS told me I have a small hematoma at my last ultrasound at 6w. I have been steadily spotting most days since about 4 weeks. He told me not to worry and said no sex, but that's about it. I've given myself a lifting restriction because I've read so much about it. I have my next ultrasound on Friday 12/21. i'm terrified of getting bad news at each ultrasound!

I understand you there, I hope the time goes quickly to your next scan, I'm sure you will be ok, x
I had a red bleed earlier that filled almost half a pad. It has stopped now and i'm barely spotting. I am cramping like crazy in my uterus and my back aches. I'm trying to stay positive but i'm worried because it seems all my breast tenderness is gone! Especially my nipples, its like they were before I got pregnant. Has anyone experienced this?

I also lost all my symptoms at about 7 weeks, if your very worried I would call them to see if you can get in sooner for a scan, I was told if you have a quick bleed and then it stops (some of mine lasted 5 hours with cramps) then that's ok, it's the bleeds that keep going like a period over a few days I was told are more of a concern. GL x
My FS told me I have a small hematoma at my last ultrasound at 6w. I have been steadily spotting most days since about 4 weeks. He told me not to worry and said no sex, but that's about it. I've given myself a lifting restriction because I've read so much about it. I have my next ultrasound on Friday 12/21. i'm terrified of getting bad news at each ultrasound!

I'm in the same boat...I'm 7w 2d and diagnosed Thursday with a sch. I bled heavily for a few hours on Thursday and passed a few clots. Then it magically stopped. Now tonight I had another small gush that lasted just a few minutes. I'm constantly on edge and terrified to move a muscle. My doctor ordered bedrest until my follow up scan on Wednesday. So sorry you are going through this's a helpless feeling.

I hope wed comes round quickly for you, your doing the right thing resting though x
ok so an update on me.. the other day when i posted about the pressure in my vagina and the horrible cramps.. i wound up loosing gobs of thick blood clots huge!! i was terrified.. got to the ER and baby was looking great! from what i could see on the ultrasound it looked like only a small spot of blood now so i do beleive i bled out the hematoma .. ill find out for sure on wednesday with my recheck ultrasound..

That's great news that baby is doing well! I'm glad the SCH has shrunk too, fx it's gone at your next scan.
Mine is tomorrow, I'm really anxious now, just praying it's shrunk a bit as they are huge!
bumski - im praying for you to! i wish this could be over for ll of us!!!
let us know how your us goes tomorrow!!!

teddy bear- my breast tenderness and morning sickness comes and goes alot...

momma d- ;et us know how your scar goes!!

im doing ok today.. no bleeding since i left the hospital .. i am so ready for a recheck ultrasound at my obs so they can re measure my sch and im praying for a miracle and that it will be gone when i go! ill update after my ultrasound on wednesday :)
Hey Ladies! Just wanted to post on this thread for advice/comments.

Im 7w2d. At 4w, I spottted and it continued almost daily and 5w4days I had a huge bleed with clots and then u/s and all was fine. Then 6w4d another bleed with clots, not as heavy and scan was fine with HB at 117 and possibly a small bleed near cervix. RE gave me a 5% MC rate at that point. I work in a hospital so I had the us dept scan me today and the baby is perfect and HB fine but it seems like I may have a small SCH. There was a tiny area anterior to the sac and a small area posterior to the sac. I didnt get measurements. I have been spotting brown today (as usual)... Is this probably the cause of all the spotting and bleeding I have had? I know seeing that I will probably bleed again although I am terrified! I have an official scan on wednesday and I hope there is nothing there. I am just wondering if this has been the cause, why hasnt it been seen before? Thanks!
bumski - im praying for you to! i wish this could be over for ll of us!!!
let us know how your us goes tomorrow!!!

teddy bear- my breast tenderness and morning sickness comes and goes alot...

momma d- ;et us know how your scar goes!!

im doing ok today.. no bleeding since i left the hospital .. i am so ready for a recheck ultrasound at my obs so they can re measure my sch and im praying for a miracle and that it will be gone when i go! ill update after my ultrasound on wednesday :)

that is good to hear that the breast tenderness comes and goes. it is really scary after you have had a big bleed, but you girls already know that!

I'm glad your bleeding has stopped. Hopefully your next ultrasound will show a big improvement. keep us posted on how it goes!! :hugs:

Hey Ladies! Just wanted to post on this thread for advice/comments.

Im 7w2d. At 4w, I spottted and it continued almost daily and 5w4days I had a huge bleed with clots and then u/s and all was fine. Then 6w4d another bleed with clots, not as heavy and scan was fine with HB at 117 and possibly a small bleed near cervix. RE gave me a 5% MC rate at that point. I work in a hospital so I had the us dept scan me today and the baby is perfect and HB fine but it seems like I may have a small SCH. There was a tiny area anterior to the sac and a small area posterior to the sac. I didnt get measurements. I have been spotting brown today (as usual)... Is this probably the cause of all the spotting and bleeding I have had? I know seeing that I will probably bleed again although I am terrified! I have an official scan on wednesday and I hope there is nothing there. I am just wondering if this has been the cause, why hasnt it been seen before? Thanks!

yeah, that is more than likely the reason you are spotting but only your doctor can tell you for sure. that is cool that you can get scans from the ultrasound dept at work! Unfortunately these SCH's can appear out of no where so its possible that it just showed up and it could even be gone by your next ultrasound. Hopefully you will get answers soon. :hugs:

AFM- The FS got me in early this morning. I was expecting the worst but thankfully baby was ok and had heartbeat of 145! we even got to hear the heartbeat! it was beautiful. He said that he could not see the SCH anymore and that more than likely it had all bled out. There wasn't any signs of blood in the uterus. He said not to worry about the loss of breast tenderness because heartbeat was great and there was nothing to worry about at this point. He's letting me keep my regular scheduled appt for Friday as well, so we will get to see LO again. So hopefully I will not be stressing over the holidays.
sorry about your bleed but glad all is well!

Yes, I have an appt wednesday at 7w4d so hopefully its just transient. But I know that bleeding can happen now that I have seen it so I am for sure on the edge now!

About breast tenderness: I have had none. I have nausea on/off. Today has been good so I am taking advantage of it and having a really bad (but super tasty) dinner :) Friday is so close! They grow so much in just a few days :)
Hey ladies , question for you. Do you notice that your cm is tan tinged for quite awhile after an "episode?" My last red bleed was Saturday and I had brown spotting until yesterday morning. Since then it's been almost normal except for a very light tan tinge to it. I'm not sure whether to be hopeful or worried. I go for my follow up scan tomorrow so that makes me happy/nervous. Just curious what to expect from this cm as I'm still new to the jerk that is a SCH. :(
Hey ladies , question for you. Do you notice that your cm is tan tinged for quite awhile after an "episode?" My last red bleed was Saturday and I had brown spotting until yesterday morning. Since then it's been almost normal except for a very light tan tinge to it. I'm not sure whether to be hopeful or worried. I go for my follow up scan tomorrow so that makes me happy/nervous. Just curious what to expect from this cm as I'm still new to the jerk that is a SCH. :(

i'm not really sure. I had the brown spotting first. It think It started out as a tannish cream color though. Good luck on your appt tomorrow!!

AFM- I went about 24 hours without any spotting. I was thinking it had all passed but now i'm back to brown spotting again. :dohh: I don't understand it since the dr said the hematoma was gone and there wasn't any sign of blood. I have my next appt on Friday so i'm hoping for some answers. It was so relaxing to not see anything on the tp after using the rest room.
Brown spotting I wouldn't worry about as it's old blood and not a lot by the sounds of it, hoping this stops for you both though as it's still not nice to see.

Mobaby I'm hoping yours is clearing up hun, let us know how you get on x

Hopefully yours has all gone too hopefully, when will your next scan be? X

Mine was brilliant yesterday, far from over but it's a good start.
Baby is doing great kicking and rolling round, I had two SCHs approx 6cmx3cm now one is tiny, not sure of the size approx 2x2 and the bottom one is mostly clot so I have been signed of from the epu as she is no longer worried, I did end up spending the rest of the day in bed with that horrible ache expecting to bleed but so far nothing!
Think she must have been pushing too hard.
My official scan is jan 7th but I have a private one booked for dec 28th, just want to see baby keep getting bigger now and SCH getting smaller x
Glad to hear bumski. It is always encouraging to hear good news. It seems the internet only attracts the 5%-10% of cases that are negative. I have my Nuchal Translucency test tomorrow at 11 weeks 2 days. Hopefully there is some good news.
gl tomorrow cyna, yeah we could all do with some good news! hope it all goes well for you x
Hi all - Had my follow-up scan today. Baby is doing great. The hematoma is still there (you can see it clearly on the zoomed scan pic attached). I'm off of strict bed rest which is nice considering it's the holidays. I go back 1/3 for my next follow-up but the doctor was pleased with baby's progress and the hematoma's progress (apparently it's grayer this time signifying more clotting). Fingers crossed that it has dissolved by my next scan. Although, I'm prepard for another bleed now...I think it's less scary when you understand what it is. But that doesn't make it easier. Anyway, hoping you all are doing well.


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