Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hello sorry to gate crash but I posted something similar yesterday. I had a little bleeding and so went for an early scan yesterday. Although baby was measuring exactly 6 + 5 and had a heartbeat they saw what they described as a bruise under the yolk sac. Am i right in thinking that is a SCH? She didnt seem too concerned and that was about it. I have taken the rest of the week off work to rest as she didnt really say anything about that eithet? Should i be resting and is there anything else i should know. I think i was just so relieved to see baby ok that i didnt ask all the necessary questions doh.

I ended up calling the EPU for more information as it was bothering me. She said that the hematoma was small and inferior to the gestational sac? and that bed rest wouldnt really make any difference? Even still I think will definitely take it easy for the next few weeks. Anyone else in the same situation?
Yeah I agree, they told me to not bother resting but I did anyway and it def slowed down the bleeding and aching so I think it's worth it if you can, I'm back to normal now but I don't think it will make anything worse to rest as much as poss. Gl to you x
A3my, I had to force myself to stay away from google, it's full of bad stories and outcomes, but def not all true hun.
I wouldn't worry unless your told to, it may just resolve it's self over the next few weeks, sacs grow and even more so when baby does so please try not to over stress yourself. Xx
Yeah I have taken the week off work and plan to just chill. When i found out i was pregnant i booked a private scan for end of jan as i didnt think i could wait until mid feb for my 12 week scan! I will keep that appointment and am jusy going to pray that it disappears by then or has gotten smaller at least. Gl to all the ladies going through this.
I ended up calling the EPU for more information as it was bothering me. She said that the hematoma was small and inferior to the gestational sac? and that bed rest wouldnt really make any difference? Even still I think will definitely take it easy for the next few weeks. Anyone else in the same situation?

I wouldn't worry too much. you have a much better chance at the clot being absorbed back in a few weeks since they said "small". bed rest wouldn't make any difference. just don't do any high impact sports.

I had a large clot at 6 weeks and it didn't go away - kept growing or stayed the same and eventually broke my waters at 15 weeks.
Had a rusty red bleed today. Scared the crap outta me but seems to have stopped. Waiting on a call back from the doc now. Frustrating!!!
Update: went for a scan and baby is good. The hematoma looks about the same (ugh). I really wish this would just go away. These scares are exhausting. Hoping you ladies are having better luck than I am.
Hi ladies, I had my scan today. The SCH is smaller now its 2.77 X .089 which they said it was good but I still have to be on bed rest and they hope it will disappear. The babies are fine both measuring at 12 weeks. I haven't had any bleeding and I'm very thankful.
Mama d I hope it disappears soon. I'm sorry about the bleeding.

A3my I agree with bumski stay away from google. I know is hard but try not to stress on it.
Yeah I agree, they told me to not bother resting but I did anyway and it def slowed down the bleeding and aching so I think it's worth it if you can, I'm back to normal now but I don't think it will make anything worse to rest as much as poss. Gl to you x

How long did it take for yours to resolve if you dont mind me asking. I hope I am not doing any damage by resting but I havent had any red blood or cramping since tuesday just some brown now and again so I am taking that as a good sign?
My doctor put me back on bedrest. I'm actually glad because at least then I feel like I'm doing something proactive to stop this thing. But at the same time, bedrest is SO incredibly boring. YAWN!

Hope you're all feeling well today.
I had my first BIG bleeds at 5+2 and 6 weeks, (full flow with clots and cramping) the sac was only attached by 1/3rd so it was very scary, I started strict bed rest. By 8 weeks the bleed looked the same size on the scan but had started to clot, the dr told me to stop bedrest at this point. I started to move around a little at home and had a lot of small bleeds but no where near the size of the first ones.
Every time I ached or bled I would get back in bed until the next day though.
At 10 weeks my bleed had started to shrink and the sac looked re attached all around so I was up and about more, back to shopping etc but I never carried anything or did anything very physical.
By 12 weeks the bleed was smaller still and all aching and bleeding had stopped ( the last two weeks of bleeding was brown blood almost every day)
And at my last scan at 13+5 the sonographer couldn't see it at all!
I'm not 100% sure it's all def gone or not but I don't really ache at all now and havnt bled at all since 10+ weeks!
It's been the scariest thing ever and I feel for anyone going through this, iv not been able to get excited and was scared to feel attached to baby but I kept hanging onto the thought that more often than not these bleeds do sort themselves out and I knew the further I got the better. Each scan was nerve wracking but I knew baby was still in there, they are strong little things.
Keep us updated and just stay as positive as you can. My dr told me that sometimes pregnant women just have to accept they bleed, it's the scariest thing ever to see blood but it can be the SCH bleeding out and resolving too. Gl to you xx
Oh my goodness, you are so brave. I almost had a stroke when I saw red and even then it was dark and short lived. Its been brown for the last 3 days and I just pray bubs is ok. The wait is horrific and my OH doesnt really understand cause the nurse didnt appear too worried. I wouldnt say i have been on strict bed rest but i have only really moved from couch to bed all week. The cramps mostly stopped when the bleeding started? Odd? But i get the odd twinge now which always makes me think its starting all over again. My next scan is a private one a week on monday as the nurse did not schedule me in for a check up.

I hope the rest of your pregnancy is healthy and happy. I am so terrified and just trying to take one day at a time.
Thankyou jessy!
It is really scary, any amount of blood. It's a great sign that the nurse wasn't too concerned. I hope it clears up really quickly for you and that your private scan comes round quickly too! X
Me too. Do you have another scan booked? I just wish I could stop worrying. My mum is the only other person who knows and she just keeps saying everything will be fine and shes so excited! Makes me more nervous. I am surprised the nurse didnt want to see me in a couple of weeks to check. Just said call us if the bleeding continues or gets worse. Is that normal?
They kept me on at the EPU when my bleeds looked huge but at my 10+ scan when they had shrunk she discharged me and told me to contact them if I have another big bleed or get too concerned.
I have another private scan booked on 26th Jan to find out the sex but apart from that it's just the standard 20 week scan, going to really miss seeing baby as iv had about 8 scans so far lol. If you get too worried though just ring them up, I was always on the phone crying to them and they would re scan me to put my mind at rest. X
Ok so realistically they should have kept me on if it was a big bleed. The sonographer i had was rubbish, she just said hematoma noted inferior to gestation sac but no size. The nurse took this to mean that it was small however technically I dont know for sure. I plan to go to the doctor tomorrow and ask them to sign me off for another week as cant face working with this hanging over me.
I don't blame you Hun, do whatever feels right for you, you can also ask your dr to refer you for another scan I think, worth an ask if your worried. Just tell them your still bleeding and having pains and it's stressing you out so you need to know exactly what's going on, it's your baby Hun and if it's causing you worry I would get back in atleast to put your mind at rest. X
What a horrible afternoon! I went to my doctor for a sick line for this week until my scan next monday. I explained my situation with the hematoma and the doctor went on to say there is a high chance i will lose my baby but that its not the end of the world, i am still young and that if i got pregnant quickly this time i should again. I burst into tears thinking just cause i am young and this is my first pregnancy doesnt mean i dont want this as much as everyone else. I have wanted to be a mother my whole life! I was so upset i called the epu and she was very angry at the doctor cause she doesnt feel my case is serious enough at this time to see me again (unless the bleeding starts again).

I am still in pieces and cant quite get my head around what i have been told.

Thanks for reading ladies

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