Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

That's well out of order! I can't believe how some Drs are!
Do you have a private scan booked so you can focus on that? X
What a horrible afternoon! I went to my doctor for a sick line for this week until my scan next monday. I explained my situation with the hematoma and the doctor went on to say there is a high chance i will lose my baby but that its not the end of the world, i am still young and that if i got pregnant quickly this time i should again. I burst into tears thinking just cause i am young and this is my first pregnancy doesnt mean i dont want this as much as everyone else. I have wanted to be a mother my whole life! I was so upset i called the epu and she was very angry at the doctor cause she doesnt feel my case is serious enough at this time to see me again (unless the bleeding starts again).

I am still in pieces and cant quite get my head around what i have been told.

Thanks for reading ladies

I am disgusted that a doctor would even say such a thing!! For what it's worth, far more SCHs heal than don't. There's a much better chance of a positive outcome in the long run. I am so sorry you had to deal with someone so insensitive. Just remain positive and take care of yourself.
Yeah its a private one next monday. Just been a bad day all around. My mum is furious she is threatening to complain. To top off a horrible day my OH is driving me crazy seems to care more about his computer game than me. Argh you wouldnt believe he is 26. Trying to stay calm though. Nice to vent!
Thanks guys i am crying while reading them but in a good way. Haha
Some blokes just don't get it like we do I think, that's why it's nice to come on here and vent lol. Hope your scan comes round quick jessy x
Mama how are you feeling? X

Iv had another very small bleed this morning, only when I wiped though. Had a scan and they can't see where it's come from, it's been 4 weeks since the last so I was shocked to see it. Baby is still doing really well though, x
That's brilliant that baby is ok. Our bodies do some funny things.
Jessy I cannot believe your dr would say something like that. Just because you are young it doesn't mean you should be treated any different. I'm sorry you are going through this. I would complaint. I really hope your next scan goes well and the bleeding stops.

Bumski I'm glad the baby is doing well.
hi ladys!! hope everyone is well!! welli get to be a success story today :) my sch is officially gone and my baby looks great :) a refresher.. my sch was 4cm i lost a huge clot then it was 2cm.. the last of it has now resolved :) i had this in two previous pregnancys one that was fine and i had a little girl and another where i lost my baby ( buti also had a sac tear in that pregnancy to) and this little one that seems to be doing great :) i pray that everyones sch leave soon!!!!!
hi ladys!! hope everyone is well!! welli get to be a success story today :) my sch is officially gone and my baby looks great :) a refresher.. my sch was 4cm i lost a huge clot then it was 2cm.. the last of it has now resolved :) i had this in two previous pregnancys one that was fine and i had a little girl and another where i lost my baby ( buti also had a sac tear in that pregnancy to) and this little one that seems to be doing great :) i pray that everyones sch leave soon!!!!!

Oh I'm so glad it has cleared! Time to enjoy it now Hun
I think I might be joining you ladies again. My last SCH was all cleared up a few weeks ago and I have been doing well. Early this morning I started bright red bleeding that has come and go twice. Right now i'm barely spotting but having some light cramps. I of course am freaking out and hoping that all stays well so that I can avoid the ER and see my regular oB on Monday. I'm hoping I have a SCH and that's all it is.
Hi ladies thought I would give you an update. Went for my private scan today and baby was wriggling about measuring 8 + 4. Heartbeat was strong but my bleed was still there. The sonographer did not seem concerned and said it will reabsorb. That was my 3rd US and i am less than 9 weeks is that safe. I will have another one at 12 weeks too? Thanks
Hi everyone. I hope it's ok if I join this forum for support? I was diagnosed with SCH 2 weeks ago today. I had bleeding and went to the Er. After 8.5 hours there an ultrasound showed twins and a 1.1 X0.4 X 1.2 SCH. Sadly this is the second pregnancy in which I have had a SCH. My 'RE is much more positive about the outcome of this pregnancy because the SCH is much smaller. I had 6 week ultrasound last week and babies are good but the SCH is still there but it is the same size. My next ultrasound is tomorrow and I'm scared to death that I''ll be told there'll be something wrong with the babies. This is very nervewracking.
JessyG -i've been told by my RE that weekky ultrasounds inthe 1sr trimester are safe. He said there is no data that states frequent ultrasounds are unsafe. At the fertility clinic I go to,all women have weekly ultrasounds starting at 6 weeks until the 12th week.
Thank you cherhope. That puts my mind at ease a little. Its a shame the sonographer didnt do my last scan cause she would have been able to tell me if it had shrunk at all. Sounds like that one is pretty small so it should just reabsorb. How large was it in your previous pregnancy if you dont mind me asking?
The RE didn't tell me how big the SCH was in the last pregnancy. I never thought to ask either in the last pregnancy. I had huge amount of bleeding though for 2 weeks. During one bleed my DH said that he thought I was bleeding to death from the amount I lost so I think it was huge. I asked the RE last week how big it was in the last pregnancy but he couldn't find the info in my file (it's a large file because we've been trying for 5 years to have kids)
That would have been terrifying. I hope everything resolves itself quickly this time. Nobody seems too concerned about mine but somehow that makes me really nervous? I just gotta wait for my 12 week scan now. Good luck for tomorrow. Let us know how you get on?
My RE isn't too concerned about mine this time because it's small. Take it as a positive sign that the medical field isn't too concerned. That must mean the SCH is small. Also I've read that onky 1-3% of sch cause miscarriages so the odds are in our favour. I've also learned over the years that I have to self-advocatd to get the specialists concerned about my situation.
im reading through everyones posts.. i just want to say stay positive.. keep them positive vibes going and know that sch are very common and its really rare to loose a baby due to a sch.. stay strong ladys!!! let the baby(s) feel all of that mommy love!!!

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