Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi monpetit, so sorry you're dealing with this. I didn't make any dietary changes, just really really took it easy for a month. Similarly to you, I had my first bleed 2 days after I stopped my progesterone, what a strange coincidence. I also conceived through IVF. Try to stay positive, I'm sitting at 17 weeks today and no problems for 2 months now! :hugs: hope you get positive news this week.
Hey everyone! I'm new to the site but this is just what I have been looking for! I was diagnosed with a subchronic haematoma 3 weeks ago when I was 8 weeks pregnant ive had bleeding off and on since I was 6 weeks sometimes its been really heavy with massive clots but lately it's been much lighter just more or less on wiping and the blood was a rusty brown colour. The last few days I've noticed a yellowish fluid that when I wipe and I was wondering if anyone else had had this??? I'm seeing my consultant on Monday so unless I have another heavy bleed between now and then I was going to mention it however if anyone can shed any light prior to that I'd really appreciate it. Thanks so much Sarah x
Hi guys,

I have been searching high and low for information and finding this thread feels like a lifesend!

At week 8 of my pregnancy (from fresh IVF transfer) I had bright red bleeding and thought it was all over, like my other 2 losses this year. However, it only appeared when I wiped that one time and didn't come back.

The next morning I went to emergency and they said they found a deflated SCH, that it looked like it had bled and was between uterus and sac. I had brown spotting leading up to it and only a little afterward.

This week (week 10) I had stringy brown discharge, not much at all, and yesterday and today the stringy was pink/red, but again such a tiny bit. Yesterday I had an ultrasound and they couldn't find any SCH, it seems to have gone. But, what is the stringy stuff?
I'm 5w4d and just told I have a SCH tonight. :cry: She didn't say how big or how concerning. I went in for some very light pink cm and found that I have a bladder infection. Then they did an ultrasound and finally called me today to talk about what they found. I had to request they call me, so maybe its not as big of a deal since they didn't call me first? I don't know. ::sigh::

I can't see it. I'm not sure where it is, but she said it was right next to the gestational sac. Anyone familiar with finding them on early scans?

I haven't had ANY red spotting. Only very light pink when I wiped on Saturday night and Sunday morning. Nothing since. I'm so scared. :(
And here's me eating my words. Last night my ob/gyn called me after I requested she call to talk to me about my ultrasound. She told me my SCH was the cause of my bleeding, not my bladder infection and she wanted me to come back in in about an hour to get my hcg. I had my hcg tested on Sunday and it was 13541.

So I went in and had a really bad experience and I panicked. I'm already a really bad patient when it comes to needles, and last night sent me over the edge. It took them a while to calm me down and tell me that had to re-do it since they missed the vein and that's why it hurt so bad. About an hour after the blood draw I started bleeding. :cry: I don't know if its from the SCH or if its a miscarriage. The bleeding slowly stopped last night, and this morning its more of a brown with hint of red color. And much, much less than last night.

My hcg last night (so about 54 hours from Sunday's test) was 24545. Not quite doubled, but it still rose.

Did anyone get gushes of blood from too much activity? I'm wondering if my convulsing and hyperventilating pushed some blood out? ::sigh:: I'm so scared.
I just found out I have a sch at my dating scan on Monday. I haven't had any bleeding yet, but I also haven't had much in the way of pregnancy symptoms. I have been a little crampy. At the scan they dated me at 5w5 days, which is less than I thought I was. There was a hb seen with rate of 117. My sch was measured at 7x8x3mm and is near the sac. I am absolutely terrified. To the point that I have to psych myself up when I go to the bathroom as I'm scared I'll see blood.
Generally I'm a quiet observer when it comes to these forums, and truthfully I do my best to swear myself off the internet all together (tends to heighten my anxiety) but this particular thread has been very relatable and I'm grateful for that.

First IVF cycle was canceled two days before retrieval (that was pretty frustrating), but second cycle resulted in a positive pregnancy test on 11/9, which was confirmed via HGC levels on 11/9 & 11/11. Everything seemed great, we were actually in a little bit of shock... Two cycles, only one complete one, and pregnant! To us, nothing short of a miracle!! That makes us undoubtedly 5 weeks, 5 days today.

This past Tuesday (cruelly the same morning we were to be at my brother-in-law and fiancé's, "gender reveal u/s"... Which we did manage through despite our panic), I woke up and felt blood hit my panty liner (which I had on bc of the prometrium inserts) at about 7:30am. For the first 1.5 hours it was probably more blood - bright red - then I have ever had during a regular period. Or at least it felt that way bc I was only equipped with panty liners and they were soaking through at a very quick rate. After suffering through my brother-in-laws ultrasound (which I swear I went into some kind of survival black out mode bc I barely remember it) I immediately went for blood work at our specialist. Last HCG was on 11/11 and was 440, HCG for 11/19 was 2944, so looking optimistic. The heavy bleeding slowed throughout the day and when our nurse called she put me on bed rest until our first u/s which is scheduled for 11/27. I went back again this morning (11/21) and the HCG had only risen to 3836, which makes me a little nervous, but I'm trying to shake that off for now. I only bled for probably 6-8 hours, and only heavy for the first 1.5 hours, and the following day was just some brownish discharge, though I did have one dark, dark clot come out yesterday, as well, the only clot I've seen. That scared me, and is what prompted the blood work this morning.

It's going to be a long couple of days until our u/s, but thank you for sharing your stories. Without an official diagnosis yet, this has been the closest thing I have found to what happened the other morning and it has been extremely comforting. We are hopeful, and that's all we can be! Thanks again!
I just found out I have a sch at my dating scan on Monday. I haven't had any bleeding yet, but I also haven't had much in the way of pregnancy symptoms. I have been a little crampy. At the scan they dated me at 5w5 days, which is less than I thought I was. There was a hb seen with rate of 117. My sch was measured at 7x8x3mm and is near the sac. I am absolutely terrified. To the point that I have to psych myself up when I go to the bathroom as I'm scared I'll see blood.
The blood is scary. But knowing you have a SCH should help calm your fear a tiny bit. I was scared to go #2 because I thought I'd push the gest. sac out. :blush: I'm still spotting a very tiny bit of brown cm today, but it is slowing down a lot. I'm really trying to take it easy - even though they say it doesn't matter and I can go about my daily life.

If you bleed, they told me to not panic or be concerned until I'm soaking 2-3 pads an hour and/or I see clots the size of golf balls or the size of my hand come out. I never had anything close to that, and honestly haven't even soaked a panty liner. I don't think I had much more than about a drop on a panty liner - but when I wiped, there was a ton. When the "big bleed" happened Tuesday night it was bright red/orange, and since then has gone from red, to pink, to brown, to brown cm.

Its so hard. Hang in there. They told me that seeing the heartbeat is a really good sign, and so are rising hcg levels.
Sweetpea - have they told you whether or not you have a bleed?

I'm so sorry you're going through this. I hope everything turns out ok.
Sweetpea - have they told you whether or not you have a bleed?

I'm so sorry you're going through this. I hope everything turns out ok.

Thank you, and no, not officially. Our nurse mentioned the term subchorionic as a possible explanation for the random bleed, and I (of course) googled it... and here I am! She actually offered to move our u/s up, but cautioned us that sometimes at 5 weeks the heartbeat is hard to detect. She was afraid not hearing a heartbeat could be more distressful to me, so we've opted to wait until our originally scheduled day of the 27th, which will put us at 6w4d, that is unless the bleeding returned.

So far it's just been those few hours of moderate bleeding, the dark clot yesterday that was probably about the length of my thumb, and the HCG level that didn't double in 48 hours. I've had no cramps. Pregnancy symptoms are hard to detect for me bc of being on so many different injections leading up to the retrieval, transfer and post transfer - for example, my breasts have been larger and sore for some time, even before the two embryos were transferred, so that's not really a good gauge.

We've pretty much been on this constant emotional roller coaster ride since June... It's exhausting and hugely distracting!! I suppose I will try to enjoy the time off my feet and try to catch up on some work, as a distraction. Thanks for the reply!!

IVF/ICSI 1: canceled, dangerously high E2 levels
PCOS & Azoospermia
Together since 2004, HS sweethearts ❤️
I wish you the best Sweetpea! Its so hard to believe, and I have to force myself to not panic, but most stories end really well for those who have a sch. Hopefully we'll all be with a baby in our arms next year.
Hi sweet pea, sorry to hear you are also dealing with the scary bleeding. I soooo understand the road you're on and have been on for months. I just wanted to say I really hope everything works out for you next week. Even if its an sch the vast majority turn out to dissipate and the babies are born healthy. Try to stay positive Hun, rest and relax, no activity, keep us posted :hugs:
Thank you both!! This was my third full day in bed... I'm trying to bask in the forced downtime, and using the time to catch up on work from my laptop, but I joked with my husband this evening that my dogs (we have 3 "fur babies" - two little Maltese and a rambunctious Puggle) are not very good for conversation! Luckily my husband will be home for the weekend so I'll have an actual person to talk to! :)

This is our first, we've been with our fertility specialist for 20 months now total, we're so nervous... Luckily today was a good day. I was able to stay positive and preoccupied for the bulk of the day, and have still had no additional bleeding, thank goodness.

Wishing you both the best, as well! Will update after Wednesday's appointment. Thanks again for the replies... Nice to know we're not alone!
Mara - I just noticed you and I are on the same timeline! We had our first positive on 11/9. Our fertilization was Oct. 26, which makes me 6 weeks tomorrow!
Hi girls, another one here with a diagnosed SCH, 2 in fact :-( I just found this group after a search and am very thankful to have found it and read so many positive stories. To save me typing again I've copied n pasted my story below from the recent thread on this subject in the 1st Trimester section.

I have 2 SCH's .......and as you can imagine I'm really not very happy as I thought I'd finally be able to relax about this pregnancy as I'm on the cusp of graduating to the 2nd trimester!

I had my 1st bleed on Nov 10th @ 10 wks. The doc found what he called at the time just a slight separation of the placenta from the uterus wall and not to worry. He put me on progesterone injections every other day plus an oral tablet (Duphaston) x3 times daily & told me to carry on as normal.

8 days later I had another bleed so of course went back to the docs where he diagnosed a SCH measuring 3x1 cms. This time he put on me on bed rest until he saw me 1 wk later for my 12 wk scan + NT test.

I had no further bleeds and the 12 wk scan + NT test took place the day before yesterday. The baby was perfect, wiggling and waving at me, the NT measurement was just perfect, BUT he said quite matter of factly 'so you have x2 SCH's, 1 measures 3x1 cms the other 2x1 cms.

Seems there is no other treatment than to continue the progesterone and continued bed rest, I'm signed off for 2 wks until I return for another scan for a progress update (this will be 14 wks).

I'm finding it SOOOO hard to remain calm about the whole thing but am resisting staying away from Google as I'm terrified of what results I might find out, and trying to stay positive that it's been way over a week since I've actually bled (bar a few episodes of slight brown discharge). And bed rest for me is a total nightmare as I'm usually so active. Oh well needs must and so far my work have been VERY understanding although I think I have to go onto unpaid after 4 weeks of being off which is only another week after this current 2 weeks of bed rest. Sigh.

Sorry that was lengthy, I just wanted to share my story too.

Wishing you girls the very best of luck with your SCH's my doc says, don't worry, they will grow out as the uterus grows, so mega baby dust to us all and hopefully some speedy growing!!

LL x

Having read so many others stories it looks like my bleeds are far less than many others have experienced so for that I should be thankful .......I'm just praying to see some improvement & hope to be able to go back to work after my next scan on the 8th Dec. My work are very understanding but I suspect that will wear thin if I don't go back after the 8th (which will have been 3 wks off).

Good luck to everyone else on this group .......looking forward to seeing all your progress, updates and positive progression!

Hi ladies, I've been searching the Internet for stories of sch's and finally stumbled upon this one!
I had a massive bleed 8 days ago, at 10 weeks +4, soaked through three pads an hour and thought for sure the pregnancy was over! The hospital couldn't see me until the next day so after a horrific night, me and my husband went up there for a scan.
The baby was wriggling around like mad (such relief!) but was told I had a 6x7cm sch. I've been told I'm likely to bleed again and to take a wait and see approach as there's nothing else that can be done.
I should be having another scan next week and obviously I'm praying that the clot is smaller....or completely gone would be nice!
I've stopped bleeding and am up and about as normal (my nearly 2 year old won't let me sit for long!)
I have not yet met my midwife as they are very busy at the moment but they should be in contact soon and I'm being referred for extra care for the bleed.
I feel like I have a bomb in my womb along with my baby! Cannot stop thinking of the possible outcomes to this situation and I hate not being able to do anything to help!
I hope all you ladies the best of luck and pray you make it to term with a healthy baby :) think positive xx
I feel like I have a bomb in my womb along with my baby!

Hi Frizabelle - welcome to the 'worry club' that none of us wish to be in. Describing it like a bomb in the womb is exactly how I feel!! Good news though that you've stopped bleeding, for now at least. I'm surprised your doc's haven't prescribed bed rest as it seems to be the norm for those with an SCH......although I have read elsewhere that some doc's do not believe it will do anything at all other than to reassure the patient that 'everything possible' is being done.

Also, my doc immediately prescribed progesterone injections, although I have no idea what this helps or supports? But maybe worth asking your care providers if this is worth considering though? Just a thought.

Stay positive and do keep us updated.

Thank you loopy, yes I have read lots of ladies being prescribed bed rest but the doctor I saw didn't seem to have that much information for me. I've asked if there's anything I should or shouldn't be doing but they said they would ask and get back to me! I am trying to take it easy. Resting as much as I can. My husband has been such a great help.
I'm writing a little list of questions to ask at my next scan so I don't forget!
I found it helpful and reassuring to google success stories, there's some great stories of ladies with perfectly healthy babies carried to term :)
When I fell pregnant I was hoping this baby wouldn't come as late as my son (he was 13 days overdue) and now I'm praying that he/she does! Definitely being careful what I wish for in future! x
Hey ladies I am in the club too, very worried about my 4cm sch with my miracle twins, I am on progesterone suppositories and injections due to the ivf and was also on mini asprin which they told me to stop. I have not be told to bed rest just dont lift as usual. I keep getting pains does anyone else? x

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