Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Yeah I have first midwife apt tomorrow so im hoping she will tell me what is normal. I dint know what to expect from it to be honest x
Hi Northern, good luck tmrw with the MW, hopefully all will be well and she'll reassure you. Let us know how you get on. How far along are you now?

Hi Frizzabelle too - hope all is ok with you ;-)

I also have what I'd class as a LOT of pains, crampy type pains that resemble AF cramps. I've asked my Oby previously & he's just said, it's normal and is the uterus stretching & is fine unless the pains become intolerable. I still find them really unearving though and will ask again when I'm next in (Sun 8th Dec, btw Sun is a normal work day here in the middle east).
Thanks lou. She was really nice, did lots of paperwork but didn't really say much about the sch. She didn't seem fussed either way. She said they can sort themselves out or be a problem. I asked if I would have another scan to check on it and she said no unless I bleed. I did ask if she could get me in fir a scan before xmas as we want to tell family as they will be with us and hopefully I will be 11 weeks. God this is all so scary! I don't know whether to get one of those doppler things so I can be reassured but I might worry myself too. X
We've decided against a Doppler as I think we'd just worry ourselves sick with any kind of perceived odd noise or irregularity! Nature needs to run it's course and having a Doppler isn't going to change anything.

Glad your MW didn't seem fussed, my doc is the same, just doesn't seem that concerned which I guess we just have to take as a positive :thumbup:
Yeah I briefly mentioned it to hubby and he said no. I think having it all the time would make me mental but would like to have a go if I knew a friend had one. I am 8 weeks today and its so scary not knowing if they are still ok in there x
The pains are very unnerving! I had my booking appointment but other than that I won't see my midwife until 23rd! I'm quite upset as I was told I would have my scan this week but have just found out it has been booked for 12th when I will be almost 14 weeks! I just need the reassurance that the hematoma has not got any bigger but I will not even be referred to a specialist until I bleed again! They just don't seem to care :(
I've borrowed a Doppler so it's nice to hear the heartbeat but I'm still concerned about the clot so it doesn't really put your mind at rest for long!
My midwife said she has delivered a term baby when the mother had a sch....6 years ago. Not much of a comfort!! x
Hey ladies so I am off for a private scan this afternoon, really worrried but also excited, I have been trying not to get excited. I am hoping he will tell me the sch has gone, or at least a lot smaller. Last scan was 6+6 and I am 8+3 today, I really hope both my twins are growing well. x
Oooo good luck Northern, do let us know how it goes. I really hope you see some improvement!

Frizabelle, I really feel for you! that's ages to wait when all you need is reassurance! :-( Could you also look at possibly booking a private scan? Hoping you've at least been bleed free for the moment.

My next appointment is on Sunday which I've been hanging out for (I'm still on bed rest!). I'd been clear of any bleeds for just over 2 weeks then on Weds I had quite a heavy gush but it was very very dark red, almost black so as it wasn't fresh red I decided not to panic. Thurs I experienced some lovely very dark brown gunky stuff coming out, almost verging on clots (sorry TMI!!). As I said, nothing fresh red so no massive panic. Amazing how almost blasse I'm getting about it!! I'm fed up really but trying to stay positive and hopeful for some good news / improvement at the docs on Sunday.

Thanks Loopy, I don't know if it is good or bad that I haven't bled, I haven't had any best rest either. I am so scared but really hoping all is well.

Friz - I know how hard it is wanting a scan and NHS not seeming bothered unless you bleed. Mine are private at the mo and £150 a pop! anyway no xmas pressies for me this year, scans and babies will do nicely. See if you can sweet talk your midwife, mine said she might be able to get me a scan before xmas!

Loopy - you are well reserved! I would be in A&E demading a scan there and then :) x
Loopy, sorry u are still having bleeds! Hopefully it's the clots being bled out so they're be smaller or gone soon! I haven't bled for two weeks now so hoping maybe its a good sign?
My scan is now just 6 (long) days away!
Northern, yes my Christmas present this year from my husband will be a private scan! But not until next year :)
I wish I had an ultrasound machine at home! Lol x
Oh and good luck northern, keeping my fingers crossed for you and your babies today! x
Omg fizz. Lets buy one! We would sleep on the bed next to it. I am sat in the waiting room now. So scared it will be bad news but excited if its good. X
That is awesome news!!!!!

How's baby??

I have my "8 week" ultrasound on Monday and I'll be 8w4d. I'm terrified since I still get the tiniest bit of spotting from time to time (like light pink cm/brown cm). I'm so scared.

I'm really happy everything went ok for you. It gives all of us hope. :)
Yes sorry. Just posted quickly. I still don't quite believe it as it was 4cm both babies are doing well. Saw heartbeats flashing away and they measure 17.1mm and 15.7mm ;) x
That's absolutely amazing news Northern!!! I'm over the moon for you! :happydance:

Mara - try not to worry toooooo much (yeah ok, impossible I know ;-), I spot pretty much every day & my doc says it's fine so long as it doesn't turn bright red. Fingers crossed for you & good luck at your appointment on Monday.

Frizz - looks like it's you & me for sharing the cost of our own US machine then :hugs: Hope all is ok with you.

I had my appointment this morning & am very pleased to report that 1 of my hematomas has pretty much gone (yay!!! :happydance:), and the other one hasn't really changed, but as it hadn't got any bigger the doc was happy. He doesn't want to see me again for (his words) 3 or 4 I'll of course be going back in EXACTLY 3 weeks I'm going to go back to work under the proviso I still take it as easy as possible and stay off my feet (ie remain desk bound) and see how it goes. Any more bleeds or red spotting then he'll immediately sign me off again .....I'm only in for 5 days (I work odd days inc weekends), then I'll be off for 2 days (delayed weekend), then in for just 3 days next week then I'm off for 10 days over Xmas & NY where I can rest again. Fingers crossed I remain bleed free & the 2nd hematoma goes the same way of the first!

Good luck girlies, I hope to see more positive stories soon with you all!


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