Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Wow loopy that's great!
I hope the other one also realises its not welcome!
I'm eagerly awaiting Thursday morning for my scan, will keep u updated! x
I had my ultrasound and everything was great! :happydance:

The sch was pretty much nonexistent, and she really couldn't find much of the bleed. I'm so excited it's resolving or resolved!!
That's excellent news Mara! Hopefully you can relax a little and enjoy your pregnancy now....good luck with the coming months :flower:
Do SCH's cause you to measure small in the beginning?

I'm measuring about a week behind. Everything else looked great, but I didn't measure 8w4d, I measured 7w3d. Based on LMP, 7w3d is spot on perfect. But I have short cycles (24/25 days) and based on ovulation I'd be 8w5d today. I temp and chart, and we only dtd on the day of O and the day after. We weren't um...very busy during that time, but made sure we :sex: at the right time. :blush: lol

I'm wondering if its possible the SCH can cause slow growth?

Any other ideas?
Had my scan this morning at 13+5. The sch has got a tiny bit bigger (now over 7 cm) but luckily it is not near the placenta right now x
Top three pics show the sch across the top and slightly behind the head x


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Hey hun, sorry it has got bigger, did they see ok about it? I had a privaate scan last week and he said mine had gone but looking at your pics and looking back at mine I am not sure it has? I am having an NHS scan tomorrow, hopefully they will agree with him, this is my crappy pic, do you see a sch? [URL=][/URL]
I'm not sure, but I don't think I see one!
They really rushed my scan and all my questions were answered with 'I can't really say'. The sonographer was clueless and only measured the sch because I asked her to!
My midwife was supposed to contact me to see how the scan had gone but I haven't heard from her (I haven't actually met her yet!)
I'm quite shocked with the poor level of care I have received so far, it was much better when I was pregnant with my son!
Spent most of yesterday in tears but now its time to be positive again.
I have a question for you ladies, can sch's move? Like mine is not near the placenta at this time but can it move/spread over that way? x
Oh Frizz that sucks yours has got bigger. If it's any consolation at week 10 mine was tiny, by week 11 it had grown to 3cm x 1cm then by week 12 I had a second one almost the same size!! It was only this last scan at close to 14 wks where one of them had almost resolved.

What's your doc saying? Are you on bed rest (I know almost impossible as you have a toddler, I think??). I'm still on Progesterone injections every other day (Gestone) which I think helps .....have they prescribed you any?

Northern - I can't really make out your scan pic at all, sorry hun x

Mara - I don't think the SCH would cause slow growth. The early scans are notorius for being vague when it comes to dating, I think anything within a week either side of your dates is totally fine. I measured about 6 days behind at one of my early scans (either 6 or 8 wks can't remember), but bub seems to have caught up now.

I've not been advised bed rest or prescribed any medication. No one has really talked me through what is happening, I get my information from reading all your stories! I'm just scared as it started off big anyway at 6x7 cm but now rather than it being 1 cm thick it is 2.6 cm thick with length and height still being 6x7.1cm. I know it must be hard getting an exact measurement though. I'm silly really as I kind of convinced myself that it would be smaller or gone so I was shocked to see it there and bigger then ever! I'm just glad it's not near the placenta but I don't know if it can move?

She said baby looked a good size. It really didn't move much at all which also worried me but he/she did move its legs a little in the end!
I have so many questions but no answers. I have not been referred to a consultant like I was told I would be.

Mara, I agree with loopy. I think the baby just grows at different rates with different parts growing at different times but it all catches up in the end x
And yes loopy I have little boy who has just turned two :) I miss picking him up and bathing him myself :( x
I think it's disgusting they're not advising you or offering you any advice!! It really is quite shocking!

Not that I want to tell you what to do, but if I was in your shoes I'd make a list of EVERYTHING you'd like to know, list all your questions etc and make an appointment with your OB & demand the referal they've mentioned. If you get nowhere then at least demand a second opinion, you are well within your rights to do so!

Really, it's just too important for them to be vague & not tell you anything when there could be things you could do to help it (even if it's just more rest & progesterone supplements or injections), at least you'd feel like you were doing all you could to improve the situation! And this is coming from someone who's normally a bit shy asking questions and making a fuss, but if I were in your shoes I definitely would.

Stay positive and good luck hun, make that 2nd appointment and let us know how you get on! :hugs:

I have a long list of questions written down ready for my next appointment and I will be demanding answers! Like you I am quite shy but not when it comes to my babies, so if I still get no answers then they will have to refer me to someone who knows what they are talking about!
It's disgusting that their attitude is just 'call me if you bleed'. Other than that they don't want to know.
I do realise that there's not a lot they can do about the situation but they could definitely be more supportive and involved x
Frizabelle, I have had pretty much the same, just wait and see, it can go both ways, Ive just had a scan with NHS and they said the sch is still there!!! so after my private scan saying it had gone which I bloody knew it couldn't have its still there but it did measure, 4.2cmx2.4cmx17cm, now it measures 4.3cmx3.0cmx0.6cm so I thought it had grown but hubby worked out the overall size and it seems it is smaller, it is at the bottom of the twins so I am hoping it is ok but guess I have to ask more at the 12 week scan on 30th December. I have felt like a burden to them but my 12 week scan I am getting them to do it all and go through it all, we got pics done today because we want to announce to parents on xmas day with them and we said to the assistant when we went in and at the end of the scan I said oh can you print the pics please and the woman said oh well you didn't say! I have to do it all again now and don't have time, next time make sure you say at the beginning, I didn't want to embarrass the assistant by saying well actually I told her so I just said nothing. x
Sorry I hope that reads how I meant it, thats what the docs said to me, wait and see it can go both ways, so no reassurance :(x
Northern, my god!!!! To be told it's gone then to find out it hasn't, jeeeeezzz!!! And the attitude over the pics, I'm utterly speechless!!! :growlmad:

And Frizz, again I am totally speechless at their attitude. It STINKS!!! :growlmad:

I totally feel for the both of you, I really do & wish I could say or do something to help.

For once I thank my lucky stars that I'm on private coverage (as is the law here for expats). They have no choice but to see me when I demand and answer my questions. I am VERY lucky my OB is a total love and whilst he can be quite vague at times he at requests I go in for very regular appointments! He even called me one time to see how I'd got on with one of the other clinic docs when I had one of my emergency appointments as he was away. I really am very thankful as I'd be in bits if I was dealing with the attitudes you both are.

GOOD LUCK at your next appointments ....I'll have everything crossed for you and I hope to hear something more positive from you both soon.

Hugs LLx
Northern, sorry to hear that it hasn't gone!
Thanx for the advice and support ladies. I'm so glad we can come on here and share our experiences. Makes the situation a little more bearable! x
I know I am really piffed about it! anyway, this is my very crude measurement of the sizes, the smaller one is now so hoping that it keeps going x
So after my appointment this past Monday, I've been feeling pretty good and positive. I hadn't had spotting for two weeks, and my doctor told me that she either couldn't find the SCH or it was so small, she wasn't sure if it was still there. She pointed at something on the ultrasound and said, "maybe this, that looks normal. Maybe there's remnants, but I really can't find it. Its probably healed or healing right now."

So obviously, that made me feel pretty good.

Then this morning. :( Hubby and I had ourselves a "nice" night last night :winkwink: and it was the first time since finding out about the SCH since we've both been too scared to do anything. And BAM I'm spotting brown this morning. :cry: Why???? Omg, I thought this was over.

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