Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Do you think being stressed can bring on the cramps and bleeding?

I've been getting myself so stressed that I'm not sure if the cramps came first or the stress.
I know it's not helping, but I'm really anxious :-(
I personally think stress can bring them on, when I'm stressed or worry my tummy tightens and then I end up in pain. Stress also makes my heart start pumping which seems to bring cramps on too! I always made sure I had a little lay down to calm down and of course our friend water! x
Do you think being stressed can bring on the cramps and bleeding?

I've been getting myself so stressed that I'm not sure if the cramps came first or the stress.
I know it's not helping, but I'm really anxious :-(

I'm sure I read that getting your blood pressure up can contribute because it can cause the pressure in your blood vessels in increase and make them become more prone to bleed again.

BUT don't give yourself a hard time about being stressed. It is totally natural to be stressed under the circumstances and the last thing you need is to get stressed about being stressed.

Just do what you can to distract yourself and calm down.

Only one more day until your scan.
Oh Yo-yo, sorry you're getting cramps. :(

Yes, stress or being really upset (crying, hyperventilating) can definitely bring on cramps (and in my case a massive bleed). :hugs:
Thanks for replies :flower:

It's such a vicious circle-your stressed about it=cramps and bleeding , and bleeding and cramps=stress.
Thanks for replies :flower:

It's such a vicious circle-your stressed about it=cramps and bleeding , and bleeding and cramps=stress.

Won't be long now until you feel your little one move... Which should hopefully calm your immediate nerves if you are still spotting.

I know for me, feeling him wriggle at least stops me worrying that I've lost him already. Doesn't stop the worry about what is yet to come, but at least you know they are ok right now.

Just hang in there.
Hi ladies hope everyone is doing alright.

I hadn't bled at all since Saturday noon-ish, which is what prompted me to go to the ER, where I got my diagnosis. That was really scant bleeding though. This afternoon it picked up again. Actually bled way more than Saturday, though a pantyliner still would have been more than enough today. I've been reassured by the nurse at my Dr's office that it's normal while this thing is healing, but it's still disappointing to see when I thought maybe the bleeding was done. It was kinda orangey, then pink when I wiped. It seems to have stopped again. So unnerving. :(
Hi ladies hope everyone is doing alright.

I hadn't bled at all since Saturday noon-ish, which is what prompted me to go to the ER, where I got my diagnosis. That was really scant bleeding though. This afternoon it picked up again. Actually bled way more than Saturday, though a pantyliner still would have been more than enough today. I've been reassured by the nurse at my Dr's office that it's normal while this thing is healing, but it's still disappointing to see when I thought maybe the bleeding was done. It was kinda orangey, then pink when I wiped. It seems to have stopped again. So unnerving. :(

The colour suggests old blood, which is a good sign from everything I've heard :hugs:
It's stressful, I'm with you on that honey-but hang in there :flower:

Ps-Ferreoroche- I am feeling kicks :) it's 4am here, and I think he is probably telling me to stop stressing and go to sleep!
When I was 24 or so weeks, I remember prodding my belly if she was quiet too long! It's great to be able to have the big kicks-can't wait!
Thank you yo_yo :hugs: Sorry you're having to deal with this too. I appreciate the reassurance. I didn't know orangey meant old blood. I knew brown did of course. But I guess orange could be somewhere between red but not quite brown yet???

Woo hoooo for feeling kicks! :D So exciting!
Hi ladies hope everyone is doing alright.

I hadn't bled at all since Saturday noon-ish, which is what prompted me to go to the ER, where I got my diagnosis. That was really scant bleeding though. This afternoon it picked up again. Actually bled way more than Saturday, though a pantyliner still would have been more than enough today. I've been reassured by the nurse at my Dr's office that it's normal while this thing is healing, but it's still disappointing to see when I thought maybe the bleeding was done. It was kinda orangey, then pink when I wiped. It seems to have stopped again. So unnerving. :(

The colour suggests old blood, which is a good sign from everything I've heard :hugs:
It's stressful, I'm with you on that honey-but hang in there :flower:

Ps-Ferreoroche- I am feeling kicks :) it's 4am here, and I think he is probably telling me to stop stressing and go to sleep!
When I was 24 or so weeks, I remember prodding my belly if she was quiet too long! It's great to be able to have the big kicks-can't wait!

Yeah, my little devil is now waking me in the middle of the night punching and kicking me so hard I feel bruised. Especially the low blows to the bladder ouch!

It's great you are feeling movement already.
Back from my scan-what a waste if time! :-(
The staff in gynecology are useless. The obstetrician said the black bit above the sac wasn't a hematoma, and just the lining if the sac. Then she said I either have a cyst on my placenta, or a hematoma there. She didn't bother measuring it, and got mad at me asking any questions. No follow up, but in sick of them so glad in a way.

My private scan is Friday, so I can ask questions there.
Baby measures 4 days small but she didn't seem bothered (though she wasn't bothered full stop)
I apparently now have a low lying placenta too?!

So I've seen 3 people, and been told 3 conflicting things. :dohh:

Wish I had the money to bypass the nhs and go private health care!

Feel in limbo

Sorry for the rant
Yoyo sorry you had another bad experience! I 100% know how you feel after I had my scan at 13+5 and the sonographer didn't even measure the baby to see if he was growing ok and answered any hematoma questions with "I can't really say"
I came away so frustrated and cried for about a week!
Glad you have a private scan booked, hopefully they will be able to put your mind at rest a bit.
I think women with sch's get treated awfully at the beginning! These 'professionals' do nothing to ease the worries x
Thanks lovely :flower:
I totally agree with you-they treat sch patients like we have no feelings, leave us with no information and worrying. I've seen a new side to maternity care in the nhs that disappoints me.
Thanks lovely :flower:
I totally agree with you-they treat sch patients like we have no feelings, leave us with no information and worrying. I've seen a new side to maternity care in the nhs that disappoints me.

Sorry YoYo, I know how you feel. My 13 week scan was beyond frustrating with the nhs I ended up paying for a private one 3 days later.

The sonographer didn't even look at the hematoma until I pushed her to and it was as big as the baby. All she cared about was trying to put me off having the downs screening.

I have battled all the way through with the nhs and now my baby is viable I am going to transfer to private for the birth and am just deciding how early I can afford to transfer because I am so fed up with the nhs incompetence and lack of sympathy.

Glad bubs is ok though.

Hope Friday is better.
I can't believe you two have both has the same crappy treatment-is it part of their training to be complete insensitive muppets?! So sorry you have both had to endure this on top of the sch stress. :flower:

I don't blame anyone going private after going through this.

I'm left worrying is baby growing ok now. She was studying the head and brain for ages, and then either measured the head circumference wrong for the Edd, or this is causing baby problems in growth now.
I can't believe you two have both has the same crappy treatment-is it part of their training to be complete insensitive muppets?! So sorry you have both had to endure this on top of the sch stress. :flower:

I don't blame anyone going private after going through this.

I'm left worrying is baby growing ok now. She was studying the head and brain for ages, and then either measured the head circumference wrong for the Edd, or this is causing baby problems in growth now.

Well don't worry too much right now if you have a private scan on Friday. There you can make sure they assess it all properly at take lots of measurements etc and answer all your questions.

Hopefully then you will feel much more sure of what is happening.

It is very hard to know when you have different people all saying different things.
From 8 weeks until 14 weeks, my doctor at the time (I switched soon after my 14 week appt) couldn't see a SCH. At 14 weeks the specialist who was going to do my NT scan said he could see it AND marginal placenta previa - which the other doctor never mentioned (or found). :dohh: If it wasn't because I had gone to urgent care (its like our "anytime" medical services but not emergency), and THEY found the SCH, I never would have been told what the issue was since my idiot doctor never saw it.

I prefer my current doctor now. She takes everything seriously, and if there's any question, she'll run it by a senior/specialist for a second opinion.

Sometimes I think doctors are just given a degree without actually being tested on medical criteria. Some of them seriously act like Tech Support reading from a script!

Yo-yo, I'm sorry you had such a bad appointment. :( Hopefully the private doctor can shed some more light on your SCH. Fx
Do you get a copy of your scan report each time YoYo?

No? Are they meant to? Wouldn't surprise me if they were. They write in my notes each time though, that's good of them(!)

They do the bare minimum-she even kept the scan photos :-(
I don't know if they're meant to or not but I always make sure I ask for a copy even if I feel they've explained everything correctly. You should be entitled to ask for a copy whenever you want. :hugs:

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