Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Good news everyone! Had my scan, baby is healthy, measuring 13 weeks! SCH... GONE! So relieved! Active little mite, rolling around, kicking, hiccups, waving... US tech was having to chase the little tike around to get the measurements she needed. Will continue to post and check this board though, to help support the rest of you lovely ladies. :D xoxo
What wonderful news! Thanks for the update! Can you remind me when yours was diagnosed and how big it was (if you know)? So happy for you. :D
Good news everyone! Had my scan, baby is healthy, measuring 13 weeks! SCH... GONE! So relieved! Active little mite, rolling around, kicking, hiccups, waving... US tech was having to chase the little tike around to get the measurements she needed. Will continue to post and check this board though, to help support the rest of you lovely ladies. :D xoxo

Fab news! :) so glad all is going well for you. Must be such a relief :flower:
It's a little boy for me this time :)

Have you got a name in mind yet? I'm finding boy names harder than I did with girls.

Oh gosh I am thick! I didn't see it on your ticker.

Yes we have a name. I also find boys names difficult, I like normal ones like Matthew, Joseph, Sam etc... But I know so many already so wanted something straightforward but not hugely common.

I had two names in the line up for my first son. We ended up using Oscar for him, so this one will have the other one, which fortunately also is aligned to our desire for a name that means "fighter", as he has been.

So he will be Leo Christopher Gordon Roche.

Leo after lion (and his star sign if he arrives on time), and Gordon is my dad's name and I wanted to acknowledge him because he has had a very tragic year of loss.

So long winded explanation but there you go. We are keeping the name a secret with friends and family until he is born.

Lovely names you have there :)
What a nice thing to do for your father. I bet he is (or will be when he finds out!) really pleased :flower:

We gave dd2 my mils middle name, and I think it's a lovely touch
That's such a lovely name, so special.

We have a boy name picked out. For a girl we are at a total loss. So that means it'll probably be girl :p. 6-7 more weeks until we can find out.

Boy name will be Isaiah Gregory. Isaiah because it's important to my husband for a couple of reasons, and Gregory after his dad. Everyone knows the Isaiah part because I fought it for a long time. :p But the Gregory part will be a surprise for most people.

That's really nice. Goes well together too :)

Me and my husband are struggling to find many names we both like for a boy, but had a girl name lined up-I liked Sophie.

We are liking Thomas though.
Thanks Sharbear. That's encouraging to hear. Congrats to you.

The middle name a lot of the women in my family have (me, my mom, my grandma on my dad's side) - Elizabeth. Might have been the default middle name for our child. EXCEPT it's my DH's ex-gf's name LOL. He's only said my full name once, shortly after we were married, and it felt so weird for him to say, he has NEVER said it again. :haha: So then it was out for any child's name, haha. So DD's middle name is Elise, so we kept it similar. But different enough, lol.

Other than that, for a girl, we don't really have many family names to work with. DH isn't really on the best terms with his mom (we all love each other but...long story), so he doesn't want to use hers (and her middle name is almost too common too). And on my side, they're all either awful or already taken. Like I would have considered Laura (my grandma's name), but my cousin named her daughter Laura. She's not my first cousin, but it still feels weird to me to have kids in the same generation with the same name.

Thanks yo yo; those are both lovely names you mentioned. :)
That's such a lovely name, so special.

We have a boy name picked out. For a girl we are at a total loss. So that means it'll probably be girl :p. 6-7 more weeks until we can find out.

Boy name will be Isaiah Gregory. Isaiah because it's important to my husband for a couple of reasons, and Gregory after his dad. Everyone knows the Isaiah part because I fought it for a long time. :p But the Gregory part will be a surprise for most people.

That's really nice. Goes well together too :)

Me and my husband are struggling to find many names we both like for a boy, but had a girl name lined up-I liked Sophie.

We are liking Thomas though.

Yes, nothing wrong with Thomas! Nice and strong.

Had a bit of a freak out today.

I contracted Bells Palsy when I was 30 weeks pregnant with my first son. It started with a mild earache which lasted about a week, then came the numbness in my tongue, cheek, eye twitching, and eventually complete paralysis of the left side of my face and excruciating nerve pain.

It continued throughout the rest of my pregnancy and I have never fully recovered the use of that side of the face.

Last night I developed ear pain on the right side. I thought it may go away if I relaxed and slept it off, but woke up with it still there at 4am. Took paracetamol at 7am and went to docs this morning.

Thankfully, at this point they think it is TMJ which is an inflammation I the jaw joint behind the ear, rather than Bells Palsy, but they have made it clear that if the bells does return they can do nothing to help me while pregnant.

So now I am back home on paracetamol and crossing my fingers this will go away.
Hey ladies. I'm so glad I just found this thread and I would love to join. I am exactly 12 weeks
Tomorrow. I had a huge bleed over a week ago. Was told SCH the bleeding subsided and eventually stopped completely. I was starting to get comfortable when another massive bleed exactly a week later. Which was on Monday. Baby is growing fine so far. I have been put on strict bed rest. Which is so very hard I have 2 very active boys and a 2 yr old. No major support . Husband has been trying to get home early than usual. My SCH is 5cm big. I was told I only have 50 % chance that this pregnancy will go through. On top of all of that this morning sickness really does not make things easier.
Hey ladies. I'm so glad I just found this thread and I would love to join. I am exactly 12 weeks
Tomorrow. I had a huge bleed over a week ago. Was told SCH the bleeding subsided and eventually stopped completely. I was starting to get comfortable when another massive bleed exactly a week later. Which was on Monday. Baby is growing fine so far. I have been put on strict bed rest. Which is so very hard I have 2 very active boys and a 2 yr old. No major support . Husband has been trying to get home early than usual. My SCH is 5cm big. I was told I only have 50 % chance that this pregnancy will go through. On top of all of that this morning sickness really does not make things easier.

Welcome Mel, although sorry you are here.

I experienced a very similar thing to you. 11+6 weeks massive gush.

5.5cm sch above the cervix. Baby fine.

I went straight onto bedrest and thankfully no more big gushes although I did have a couple more red bleeds.

The doctors tend to quote the general statistics of "first trimester bleeding" at you which includes all types of bleeding. The statistics for sch's are generally more favourable.

You are doing the right thing by trying to rest as much as possible, and drink lots of water if you aren't already as it reduces cramping.

I bled for over 5 weeks, but stopped at about 17-18weeks. It was a nerve wracking time.

But I am now 27 weeks and still going with sch on board.

YoYo also has a similar size sch I think and bled at a similar time so perhaps she will be also be able to give you some info.

I hope your gushes stop from now on and your bleeding starts to slow from here on.
That's such a lovely name, so special.

We have a boy name picked out. For a girl we are at a total loss. So that means it'll probably be girl :p. 6-7 more weeks until we can find out.

Boy name will be Isaiah Gregory. Isaiah because it's important to my husband for a couple of reasons, and Gregory after his dad. Everyone knows the Isaiah part because I fought it for a long time. :p But the Gregory part will be a surprise for most people.

That's really nice. Goes well together too :)

Me and my husband are struggling to find many names we both like for a boy, but had a girl name lined up-I liked Sophie.

We are liking Thomas though.

Yes, nothing wrong with Thomas! Nice and strong.

Had a bit of a freak out today.

I contracted Bells Palsy when I was 30 weeks pregnant with my first son. It started with a mild earache which lasted about a week, then came the numbness in my tongue, cheek, eye twitching, and eventually complete paralysis of the left side of my face and excruciating nerve pain.

It continued throughout the rest of my pregnancy and I have never fully recovered the use of that side of the face.

Last night I developed ear pain on the right side. I thought it may go away if I relaxed and slept it off, but woke up with it still there at 4am. Took paracetamol at 7am and went to docs this morning.

Thankfully, at this point they think it is TMJ which is an inflammation I the jaw joint behind the ear, rather than Bells Palsy, but they have made it clear that if the bells does return they can do nothing to help me while pregnant.

So now I am back home on paracetamol and crossing my fingers this will go away.

Oh no lovely.
Hope the symptoms clear up, sounds awful :-(

Get plenty of rest and hopefully you'll feel better soon. It couldn't be an ear infection could it? I've had some bad ones that left my jaw all inflamed.

Would a hot water bottle/heat pad help?
Get well soon :flower:
Hey ladies. I'm so glad I just found this thread and I would love to join. I am exactly 12 weeks
Tomorrow. I had a huge bleed over a week ago. Was told SCH the bleeding subsided and eventually stopped completely. I was starting to get comfortable when another massive bleed exactly a week later. Which was on Monday. Baby is growing fine so far. I have been put on strict bed rest. Which is so very hard I have 2 very active boys and a 2 yr old. No major support . Husband has been trying to get home early than usual. My SCH is 5cm big. I was told I only have 50 % chance that this pregnancy will go through. On top of all of that this morning sickness really does not make things easier.

Hey. Sorry your going through this :hugs:

I could have written the above you wrote. So similar:

I had my first big gushing bleed 12+5 then another big gush at 13+5

My clot was 6cm, and now at 18+4 baby doing well. Clot still there and is 4.5cm. Bleeding stopped 8 days ago now.

The odds are in your favour, but you need to try to rest up as much as you can. I know it's hard, I have two kids as well.

Have you anyone who can help out with the kids over the next week or so?
That's such a lovely name, so special.

We have a boy name picked out. For a girl we are at a total loss. So that means it'll probably be girl :p. 6-7 more weeks until we can find out.

Boy name will be Isaiah Gregory. Isaiah because it's important to my husband for a couple of reasons, and Gregory after his dad. Everyone knows the Isaiah part because I fought it for a long time. :p But the Gregory part will be a surprise for most people.

That's really nice. Goes well together too :)

Me and my husband are struggling to find many names we both like for a boy, but had a girl name lined up-I liked Sophie.

We are liking Thomas though.

Yes, nothing wrong with Thomas! Nice and strong.

Had a bit of a freak out today.

I contracted Bells Palsy when I was 30 weeks pregnant with my first son. It started with a mild earache which lasted about a week, then came the numbness in my tongue, cheek, eye twitching, and eventually complete paralysis of the left side of my face and excruciating nerve pain.

It continued throughout the rest of my pregnancy and I have never fully recovered the use of that side of the face.

Last night I developed ear pain on the right side. I thought it may go away if I relaxed and slept it off, but woke up with it still there at 4am. Took paracetamol at 7am and went to docs this morning.

Thankfully, at this point they think it is TMJ which is an inflammation I the jaw joint behind the ear, rather than Bells Palsy, but they have made it clear that if the bells does return they can do nothing to help me while pregnant.

So now I am back home on paracetamol and crossing my fingers this will go away.

Oh no lovely.
Hope the symptoms clear up, sounds awful :-(

Get plenty of rest and hopefully you'll feel better soon. It couldn't be an ear infection could it? I've had some bad ones that left my jaw all inflamed.

Would a hot water bottle/heat pad help?
Get well soon :flower:

Shouldn't be as I am on antibiotics already for other stuff. I'm going to try ice pack/heat pack if it doesn't improve. My jaw is clicking away so I think it must be the muscle behind the joint inflamed.

Also having bump niggles this afternoon. Evidently the walk from the doctors to the car park earlier wasn't as easy as I thought. Once the paracetamol wore off I had backache, hip pain and aching under bump. Can't feel any contractions other than occasional mild Braxton's so hoping is just growing pains.


Hope your bleeding is still absent and that this is your road to recovery now.
That's such a lovely name, so special.

We have a boy name picked out. For a girl we are at a total loss. So that means it'll probably be girl :p. 6-7 more weeks until we can find out.

Boy name will be Isaiah Gregory. Isaiah because it's important to my husband for a couple of reasons, and Gregory after his dad. Everyone knows the Isaiah part because I fought it for a long time. :p But the Gregory part will be a surprise for most people.

That's really nice. Goes well together too :)

Me and my husband are struggling to find many names we both like for a boy, but had a girl name lined up-I liked Sophie.

We are liking Thomas though.

Yes, nothing wrong with Thomas! Nice and strong.

Had a bit of a freak out today.

I contracted Bells Palsy when I was 30 weeks pregnant with my first son. It started with a mild earache which lasted about a week, then came the numbness in my tongue, cheek, eye twitching, and eventually complete paralysis of the left side of my face and excruciating nerve pain.

It continued throughout the rest of my pregnancy and I have never fully recovered the use of that side of the face.

Last night I developed ear pain on the right side. I thought it may go away if I relaxed and slept it off, but woke up with it still there at 4am. Took paracetamol at 7am and went to docs this morning.

Thankfully, at this point they think it is TMJ which is an inflammation I the jaw joint behind the ear, rather than Bells Palsy, but they have made it clear that if the bells does return they can do nothing to help me while pregnant.

So now I am back home on paracetamol and crossing my fingers this will go away.

Oh no lovely.
Hope the symptoms clear up, sounds awful :-(

Get plenty of rest and hopefully you'll feel better soon. It couldn't be an ear infection could it? I've had some bad ones that left my jaw all inflamed.

Would a hot water bottle/heat pad help?
Get well soon :flower:

Shouldn't be as I am on antibiotics already for other stuff. I'm going to try ice pack/heat pack if it doesn't improve. My jaw is clicking away so I think it must be the muscle behind the joint inflamed.

Also having bump niggles this afternoon. Evidently the walk from the doctors to the car park earlier wasn't as easy as I thought. Once the paracetamol wore off I had backache, hip pain and aching under bump. Can't feel any contractions other than occasional mild Braxton's so hoping is just growing pains.


Hope your bleeding is still absent and that this is your road to recovery now.

Really hopping the next few weeks fly by for you. You've come so far, and your nearly there now :flower:

It'll all be worth all this when you hold your little boy. Just try and focus on all the good to come.
Thanks Ferreroroche. My SCH is located between the placenta and uterus wall so I've been told the blood clot can push the placenta out of place. The doctors facial expressions when they talk to me is why I loose hope. They pretty much tell me to prepare for the worst. I'm really scared. Reading all these ladies stories have given me hope. See how we go. Let's just hope these SCH all dissappear.
My next scan is about 4 days from now.
Sorry that you are here, Mel and hopefully this board and the lovely ladies on it will give you some reassurance.

i had my scan on Wed and everything is great. Sch has disappeared and I was put forward 3 days.

Ferrero and YoYo, sorry to hear you're both still having such rough times. Hopefully things will improve soon xx
Melbyon mine was the same sort of location fro, what I can gather, seeing as I wasn't given very much information and gathered it mostly here. I was lucky in that mine completely reabsorbed, mine was half the size too. However bed rest helped. Perhaps if you can't get bed rest, at least try to avoid picking up your 2 year old too often, and avoid stairs if possible. That's lots of pressure taken off your SCH right there. Fingers crossed for you and everyone else! Xoxox
Ferreoroche how are you doing now?

Hope your feeling better :flower:
Sorry that you are here, Mel and hopefully this board and the lovely ladies on it will give you some reassurance.

i had my scan on Wed and everything is great. Sch has disappeared and I was put forward 3 days.

Ferrero and YoYo, sorry to hear you're both still having such rough times. Hopefully things will improve soon xx

:) fantastic news!!
So pleased the sch has gone. Must be such a relief.
Ferreoroche how are you doing now?

Hope your feeling better :flower:

I'm ok thanks. Jaw pain has gone but still getting intermittent inner ear pain and the odd eye twitch which makes me nervous. Nothing I can do but cross my fingers and hope it goes away.

Bank holiday weekend proving challenging. My parents are moving house, my son is being naughty and my hubby is being lazy.

Still, growth scan and consultant appointment on Thursday to look forward, then 4d scan on Saturday. Can't wait to see how my little man is and hoping sch has got smaller. Wishful thinking I guess but no matter as long as the baby is growing well.

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