Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Sounds full on with you this weekend. Tell your hubby to get off his bum! I have to with mine sometimes and it frustrating.

Glad you have your growth scan to look forward to. There's been a few sch's disappearing on this thread lately, and I hope it's your turn to get that boost right now.

I thought my waters were leaking a few days ago-still think they might be very slowly as it happened in my last pregnancy. Also got a stomach bug....where's this pregnancy glow hey?!
Sounds full on with you this weekend. Tell your hubby to get off his bum! I have to with mine sometimes and it frustrating.

Glad you have your growth scan to look forward to. There's been a few sch's disappearing on this thread lately, and I hope it's your turn to get that boost right now.

I thought my waters were leaking a few days ago-still think they might be very slowly as it happened in my last pregnancy. Also got a stomach bug....where's this pregnancy glow hey?!

Gosh that's no fun. Have you had your waters checked? Don't take any chances at your stage. You want to keep that little fella cooking a bit longer.

Been out today trying to get nursery paint. No luck at all. Also had to get bigger bras (hooray!), and a raincoat for my son. Somehow ended up getting him 2 raincoats, 1 jersey jacket, some socks and a Spider-Man purse and still he threw a strop on the way out because I wouldn't by him a cap that was too small for his head! Spoilt.

Hope you feel better soon Hun.
28 weeks today. Woohoo! Marked by the return of midnight toilet trips and snacking. Am eating like a garbage truck.

How are you feeling YoYo?
Aw your son sounds cute! Tantrums over buying things already-how do they get like that so young? My dd2 is the same. It's nice you went to the shops, sounds your boy will be well dressed after all the shopping.

Happy 28 weeks! Your lo is getting stronger by the day :) and your getting nearer to holding him. I bet you can't wait to be full term.

How are you today? Hope your getting better by the day too.

They ( maternity unit) told me to put a pad on and call back when it filled. I explained it happened before with my last baby. GP (whom I went to see to check it wasn't a uribe infection) told me she would go straight to hospital if she was me-but they are useless up there unless your baby is viable.

Anyway-it's slowed down, and it went bank up to normal towards the end. I'm
Not risking them poking around as if it's leaking bsby can cope, but the minute there's an infection, that's more serious, so I didn't go up to hospital, rightly or wrongly.

Scan in a week!
Aw your son sounds cute! Tantrums over buying things already-how do they get like that so young? My dd2 is the same. It's nice you went to the shops, sounds your boy will be well dressed after all the shopping.

Happy 28 weeks! Your lo is getting stronger by the day :) and your getting nearer to holding him. I bet you can't wait to be full term.

How are you today? Hope your getting better by the day too.

They ( maternity unit) told me to put a pad on and call back when it filled. I explained it happened before with my last baby. GP (whom I went to see to check it wasn't a uribe infection) told me she would go straight to hospital if she was me-but they are useless up there unless your baby is viable.

Anyway-it's slowed down, and it went bank up to normal towards the end. I'm
Not risking them poking around as if it's leaking bsby can cope, but the minute there's an infection, that's more serious, so I didn't go up to hospital, rightly or wrongly.

Scan in a week!

Well you know what's right for you, so leave it up to you, but if it gets worse maybe see a doctor and get checked out. You may need to stress that you don't want any prodding down there with the hematoma only just stable.

Yes I am excited to be getting closer to meeting my new little fella, but my excitement is a little dampened by the current concern I have about my Bell's palsy. The earache is flitting from ear to ear, my eye and cheek feels abit weird and my mouth feels abit odd. No paralysis as yet, but I sort of feel like it's looming, so I want it to go away.
Oh sounds awful. I hope your resting when you can.

Do you see the doctor regularly now your having the symptoms of Bell's palsy to keep an eye on how your doing?

Get well soon :flower:
Oh sounds awful. I hope your resting when you can.

Do you see the doctor regularly now your having the symptoms of Bell's palsy to keep an eye on how your doing?

Get well soon :flower:

No not at all! I saw the doctors last week when symptoms first came on and she just said "there is nothing we can do about it if it comes back". When I got it in my first pregnancy the consultant just said "yeah it's more common in pregnancy" and the doctors and midwives viewed me as if I were a freak show or some sort of medical case study for their amusement.

If it comes back I have to just take pain killers and pray the paralysis goes away.... Last time I got no movement back for. The remaining 11 weeks of my pregnancy and once over the nerve damage was too far gone to fully recover so I have about 60% movement on my left side and a wonky face.

If it had totally resolved the first time I probably would be less scared of it happening this time, but after 4.5 years of slow recovery to get to 60%, I don't want to go back to square one.

The things we do for our kids!
What's wrong with these doctors-so rude and blasé about things. Sorry you've had that to deal with on top of feeling rough.

Fingers crossed for a fast recovery for you :flower:

It's all worth it in the end :hugs:
Ugh, trip up to triage for me this morning. Little bubs has just been so quiet the last few days and last night he barely moved, so I went to get him checked out.

They couldn't find him at first, which freaked my hubby right out, but once they did, his heart rate was fine, and after a glass of icy water he started kicking up a storm, so I am back home until my growth scan tomorrow.

Totally shattered. Have had no sleep. This baby will age me 20 years.
Oh no. So glad he is all ok in there. You did the right thing getting him checked out. What a worry :hugs:

Hope the growth scan goes well. Let me know how you get on
Oh no. So glad he is all ok in there. You did the right thing getting him checked out. What a worry :hugs:

Hope the growth scan goes well. Let me know how you get on

Little man still not moving as much as before, but growth scan today showed him as average size for dates.

Now at an estimated weight of 2lb 13oz!

Was not impressed by my consultant who greeted me with the words "oh I'm surprised you made it to 28 weeks".... So she did think the sch was going to send me into early labour all along but yet never admitted it and never advised me to do anything to prevent it.

I couldn't get any sense out of her regarding movements at all. When I said I had experienced reduced movements she shrugged and said "but your scan is reassuring", then when I asked her whether movements should slow/reduce from 28 weeks she said "no, baby should still be pretty active".

So I said "what should I do?" And she just said "nothing, just keep your eye out and ring triage if you are worried."

I am supposed to have follow up growth scan at 32 weeks but they couldn't find any appts so I have to wait for something in the post.
Hope all you ladies are doing well,haven't been on here in a while!

Growth scan today at 34+5 shows baby's head measuring 38+3!!! Ouch lol.
Tummy also measuring very big but I still don't think he'll be huge. Nice to know he's growing though! Estimated weight today of 5lb 12 oz x
She sounds stupid and rude! There's a charity called count the kicks I follow on Facebook, and they always go on about the importance of knowing your babies movement pattern and reporting changes.

Can you book a private reassurance scan? This is what I have resorted to after crappy appointments like that.

You know what's normal for your baby, and if he is less active they should put you on a fetal heart monitor and give you a thing to press each time you feel a movemebt. This should then be looked at by the midwife. Dd2 did this to me and I recall what they did (she was fine)
Head up to triage and get them to check you over as it's better than worrying lovely :flower:
Was not impressed by my consultant who greeted me with the words "oh I'm surprised you made it to 28 weeks".... So she did think the sch was going to send me into early labour all along but yet never admitted it and never advised me to do anything to prevent it.

That's horrible!!!! :growlmad:

Your whole description of your consultant just sounds horrible! :nope:
Hope all you ladies are doing well,haven't been on here in a while!

Growth scan today at 34+5 shows baby's head measuring 38+3!!! Ouch lol.
Tummy also measuring very big but I still don't think he'll be huge. Nice to know he's growing though! Estimated weight today of 5lb 12 oz x

Aww glad your little boys doing well. He's going to have nice little cheeks :)
Mara-30 weeks today?! The final 10 weeks, yay :)
Yo-yo, how have you been? Any spotting/bleeding?

No bleeding for 16/17 days now :) but I've got a nasty stomach bug and I'm sure I'm losing weight too. ..nothing's staying in my body long.

Scan Monday-so stressed!

How are you doing?
Wow, that's a great amount of time to go without bleeding!!!

Are you feeling him move yet?

I'm doing good. I'm getting T-I-R-E-D though. :sleep:

Things that normally didn't make me too tired, are making me feel like I ran a marathon! The SPD pain is getting better now that I wear the support belt and watch my movements more. And I'm now feeling the baby all the time - I mean, I can actually feel him, like hard lumps that either slowly move away when I feel him, or he kicks me. :lol: I really want to know if I'm feeling his head, butt, back, foot, etc. :shrug:

I've been getting menstrual cramp pains every day. Nothing horrible, just a tad on the uncomfortable/painful side. I don't know what it is? BH? Baby pressing on my cervix? No idea. I have my last monthly appointment today, and then my checkups will turn to every 2 weeks. Lots of appointments coming up. lol
I would lean towards Braxton hicks and pressure of the baby causing cramps.

That's so cute your feeling little lumps :) I always wonder what's what when they pop up-so hard to tell!

Have you bought everything for baby yet?

I get kicks now. I can put my hand on my belly and he starts kicking. Love it so much and feel very lucky after the bumpy road so far.

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