Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

I bought mine from Amazon. It's a Sonoline B-highly recommebed this model as it gives you the heart rate on the digital screen.

Think they are about £45-£50 new. I paid £47 I think.

A cheaper no frills doppler is Angelsounds-had this with dd2. No digital display, but does the job well enough-I sold mine on eBay for £16, so you could even get a secondhand one on there cheap enough.

I don't feel they cause stress, it's really been the most reassuring thing for me throughout the stress. I think they are great!

I'm due 27th September. It's odd as my according to my own calculations I should be due around 1st October, but every single scan has me at 27th. Not that I'm complaining! :haha:

Hope your scan comes around quickly for you as I know sch makes you anxious but all sounds like things are going well for you. :)
Thanks for the recommendation I will definitely have a look.
Thanks and I'm glad things are looking better for you too. Have you had your 20 wk scan yet? Xx
Scan was good. The sch looks like it's gone or nearly gone. I could see a small remainder of it (probably about half the size of baby's head in length and quite thin)


Might buy a baby outfit to celebrate him looking all ok.

Hope everyone else is doing well
Scan was good. The sch looks like it's gone or nearly gone. I could see a small remainder of it (probably about half the size of baby's head in length and quite thin)


Might buy a baby outfit to celebrate him looking all ok.

Hope everyone else is doing well

Yay! Excellent news.
Scan was good. The sch looks like it's gone or nearly gone. I could see a small remainder of it (probably about half the size of baby's head in length and quite thin)


Might buy a baby outfit to celebrate him looking all ok.

Hope everyone else is doing well

Fabulous news- did you buy anything nice for baby?

Scan was good. The sch looks like it's gone or nearly gone. I could see a small remainder of it (probably about half the size of baby's head in length and quite thin)


Might buy a baby outfit to celebrate him looking all ok.

Hope everyone else is doing well

Fabulous news- did you buy anything nice for baby?


No I didn't in the end. Didn't see anything I liked. But I did celebrate by tidying up and getting on top of my ironing :haha:

How are you?

Ferreoroche-how are you? Hope your feeling better and you got a consultant appointment sorted privately?
Scan was good. The sch looks like it's gone or nearly gone. I could see a small remainder of it (probably about half the size of baby's head in length and quite thin)


Might buy a baby outfit to celebrate him looking all ok.

Hope everyone else is doing well

Fabulous news- did you buy anything nice for baby?


No I didn't in the end. Didn't see anything I liked. But I did celebrate by tidying up and getting on top of my ironing :haha:

How are you?

Ferreoroche-how are you? Hope your feeling better and you got a consultant appointment sorted privately?

Hi, not too bad thanks.

Yes, seeing the private consultant on Friday for transfer to private antenatal/delivery from about 30 weeks.

Also have booked another 4d with the company that did my son's 4d 5 years ago in London. I know I am mad, and wasting money, but I still watch his DVD 5 years later and smile and cry because it is amazing. I want that for this son too. Not a bad memory. I contacted them and told them why I was disappointed and they specifically booked me in on Saturday with an experienced person with notes about what I am looking for to avoid disappointment. So hoping it will erase my current mood.

Other news... Little man now moving plenty and rather intensely in my nether regions!

My ankle swelling has reduced and pain subsided, but I am bloody uncomfortable generally as bump is getting really heavy!

Am also very grumpy because nighttime peeing is occurring at 4.30am every night so sleep is poor, and my Bell's palsy has been trying to make a come back.

But 29 weeks, 11 to go..... Might as well enjoy it.

My parents also started nursery at the weekend. Here it is....


  • image.jpg
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What a beautiful nursey you have for him already! :) lucky boy!

Glad things are going ok. Sounds a good move getting a private birth sorted. Are you going to have a private hospital or home birth?

Hopefully the next 11 weeks will go quickly for you :flower:

Ps- a private 4d scan is not a waste of money-enjoy it :)
Scan was good. The sch looks like it's gone or nearly gone. I could see a small remainder of it (probably about half the size of baby's head in length and quite thin)


Might buy a baby outfit to celebrate him looking all ok.

Hope everyone else is doing well

Fabulous news- did you buy anything nice for baby?


No I didn't in the end. Didn't see anything I liked. But I did celebrate by tidying up and getting on top of my ironing :haha:

How are you?

Ferreoroche-how are you? Hope your feeling better and you got a consultant appointment sorted privately?

Hi, not too bad thanks.

Yes, seeing the private consultant on Friday for transfer to private antenatal/delivery from about 30 weeks.

Also have booked another 4d with the company that did my son's 4d 5 years ago in London. I know I am mad, and wasting money, but I still watch his DVD 5 years later and smile and cry because it is amazing. I want that for this son too. Not a bad memory. I contacted them and told them why I was disappointed and they specifically booked me in on Saturday with an experienced person with notes about what I am looking for to avoid disappointment. So hoping it will erase my current mood.

Other news... Little man now moving plenty and rather intensely in my nether regions!

My ankle swelling has reduced and pain subsided, but I am bloody uncomfortable generally as bump is getting really heavy!

Am also very grumpy because nighttime peeing is occurring at 4.30am every night so sleep is poor, and my Bell's palsy has been trying to make a come back.

But 29 weeks, 11 to go..... Might as well enjoy it.

My parents also started nursery at the weekend. Here it is....

Awww the nursery looks beautiful. I love the wallpaper, it is so sweet!

Glad you got a new scan and appts booked, are you planning a natural birth at private hospital then? Or home?

Hoping these next. 11 weeks fly by nice and easy for you.

Yo-yo so glad you feeling better in yourself too, a big relief I bet! Hope you can finally enjoy it now batting the general aches.

And Ferreo I too am already waking up at exactly 4 every morning now also to wee :( I struggle to get bl to sleep after and by the time I do fall asleep- kids wake me up at 5.30 :(

Will be private birth in private ward in hospital. Had a truly s**ty first birth where my son nearly died so am determined both me and my son are going to have a calmer experience this time. Poor fella has had to fight the sch already, I want us both to be safe.

Nursery is coming on thanks.... Chest of drawers is now up, just need the curtains and then we are sorted.

Looking forward to my end of week appts.

Hope you are both doing well.
Will be private birth in private ward in hospital. Had a truly s**ty first birth where my son nearly died so am determined both me and my son are going to have a calmer experience this time. Poor fella has had to fight the sch already, I want us both to be safe.

Nursery is coming on thanks.... Chest of drawers is now up, just need the curtains and then we are sorted.

Looking forward to my end of week appts.

Hope you are both doing well.

Oh that's terrible :-(
Not surprised you want to do all you can for a better birth after what must have been a really traumatic experience. I'm sure this time around things will be much better :flower:
Hey all,

Finally booked in with my private consultant and transferred to private ante natal care.

Had a really good appointment with him, no waiting for hours in chaotic antenatal clinic, straight in. Belly measuring right on track, baby's heartbeat found instantly! Little man being very cooperative today.

Back in two weeks for 2nd check up and to book next growth scan, and given number of private ward to call if concerned about baby at any time before hand.

Only bugger is that iron level has dropped so need to up my iron supplement and get re-tested in 4 weeks. If my levels aren't acceptable he is going to pull me in for an IV iron infusion.

We also discussed my delivery options and it is fair to say he is going to be very cautious with me to ensure bubs arrives at the optimum time and will not allow me to go overdue.

So feeling pretty relieved at the mo.

How are you all?
That's great news! So glad you had a good appointment with someone you can have confidence in.
Must make it feel more real talking about birth-not really that much longer for you now.
Hope your iron levels improve. Just try to eat lots of iron rich foods to boost your levels, and I am sure it'll pick up again.
Your little boy sounds like he is doing well in there too :)

I'm ok thanks. My little girl is going through terrible twos and kicked me really hard in the bump. Sure he is ok, but when you've had a stressful pregnancy you over analyse I think...well I do!
Hi! Thank you for this group. I am pregnant with my 2nd and my 1st pregnancy/labor/delivery was a breeze. On Wed. I started bleeding bight red when I peed, wiped, and a light pad. It seemed to come and go and I had some light cramping/pressure in my uterus. I called the doctor and they explained many women bleed/spot in early pregnancy and as long as no cramping or heavy bleeding not to worry. I just didn't feel okay with this so I called back a few hours later. I went in the next day for an ultrasound and I am 7 weeks today and the baby looked good and has a heartbeat. They told me I do have SCH and it measure 4 cm and is posterior. Anyone know what that means? I've been educating myself and it seems from what I've read, the bigger the clot is and depending on where it's located could be a negative outcome. I go back next Wed. for another ultrasound. Today I am spotting very light brown and they said it was old blood. They said the clot could either dry up or absorb itself on its own, or it could cause a miscarriage. So I don't like that 50/50. I am saddened that my 1st was so easy and now I can't be excited, I am just worried and stressed. I am taking it easier and not working out or lifting anything heavy. Doctor didn't put me on bed rest but said to take it easy, no intercourse, etc. Wondering how others are doing or how others who went through this made out.
Hi! Thank you for this group. I am pregnant with my 2nd and my 1st pregnancy/labor/delivery was a breeze. On Wed. I started bleeding bight red when I peed, wiped, and a light pad. It seemed to come and go and I had some light cramping/pressure in my uterus. I called the doctor and they explained many women bleed/spot in early pregnancy and as long as no cramping or heavy bleeding not to worry. I just didn't feel okay with this so I called back a few hours later. I went in the next day for an ultrasound and I am 7 weeks today and the baby looked good and has a heartbeat. They told me I do have SCH and it measure 4 cm and is posterior. Anyone know what that means? I've been educating myself and it seems from what I've read, the bigger the clot is and depending on where it's located could be a negative outcome. I go back next Wed. for another ultrasound. Today I am spotting very light brown and they said it was old blood. They said the clot could either dry up or absorb itself on its own, or it could cause a miscarriage. So I don't like that 50/50. I am saddened that my 1st was so easy and now I can't be excited, I am just worried and stressed. I am taking it easier and not working out or lifting anything heavy. Doctor didn't put me on bed rest but said to take it easy, no intercourse, etc. Wondering how others are doing or how others who went through this made out.

Welcome mj, although sorry to meet you under these circumstances.

A 4cm sch is moderate in size (they can range from mm's to over 10cm in length) and posterior just means it is at the back of the uterus.

Did they tell you where it was in relation to the placenta?

I think generally the doctors do take into account size and position when deciding how risky the sch is, but on the other hand, having read tens of stories on here, I have seen big ones cause no problems and little ones be troublesome... These bu**ers are unpredictable.

What I can tell you is that statistically, many more sch's resolve than cause miscarriage.

My sch was bigger than yours when diagnosed.... Approx 5.7cm x 5.1cm x 3cm,but I was 11+6 weeks so proportionately, was similar to size of the baby at that time.

It looked huge and I was hemorrhaging so was terrified, but baby is still here at 29+5 and going strong.

Mara or one of the other girls may be along here soon to give you more info about how their own stories compare, but if you read backwards on this thread you will see many of us who developed an sch between very early 5-6 weeks and second trimester 13 weeks ish.

After initial spotting or bleeds we have ladies all still going many weeks later... and you will also see some birth stories at term.

I know how scary it is to be bleeding, and some of us bled for several weeks, but what helped us was to rest as much as possible and drink lots of water. And stay strong.

We are all here to talk to and answer questions, so feel free to ask.
Hi! Thank you for this group. I am pregnant with my 2nd and my 1st pregnancy/labor/delivery was a breeze. On Wed. I started bleeding bight red when I peed, wiped, and a light pad. It seemed to come and go and I had some light cramping/pressure in my uterus. I called the doctor and they explained many women bleed/spot in early pregnancy and as long as no cramping or heavy bleeding not to worry. I just didn't feel okay with this so I called back a few hours later. I went in the next day for an ultrasound and I am 7 weeks today and the baby looked good and has a heartbeat. They told me I do have SCH and it measure 4 cm and is posterior. Anyone know what that means? I've been educating myself and it seems from what I've read, the bigger the clot is and depending on where it's located could be a negative outcome. I go back next Wed. for another ultrasound. Today I am spotting very light brown and they said it was old blood. They said the clot could either dry up or absorb itself on its own, or it could cause a miscarriage. So I don't like that 50/50. I am saddened that my 1st was so easy and now I can't be excited, I am just worried and stressed. I am taking it easier and not working out or lifting anything heavy. Doctor didn't put me on bed rest but said to take it easy, no intercourse, etc. Wondering how others are doing or how others who went through this made out.


Sorry you are going through this :flower:
Most sch's resolve in time (the 20 week mark seems to be a common time for it to be gone by)
The brown blood is actually not too concerning, as it's probably draining out the old blood in the clot.
I will tell you how mine went:
12+5 weeks-just before bed I felt a gush in my knickers, so tan to the bathroom. Had another big gush there and saw bright red blood. Went hospital and following a scan the next day I got diagnosed with a sch.

13+5 weeks-had been bleeding since my diagnoses a week prior, and had another bright red gush. Went hospital again, and clot was measuribg 6.5cm (was possibly bigger as I could see the clot continued where the rubbish obstetrician stopped measuring)

Was told to take it easy, so after that I put myself in bed rest as "taking it easy" had done nothing for me in the week before the second gush.

I cramped and had contraction pains every now and again, and continued to bleed every day (old blood) for 7 weeks. My baby seemed oblivious to all this going on, still growing great.

20 weeks- most recent ultrasound they couldn't see the sch (but I can see it still slightly there...not got total faith in them S they missed it at my 12 week scan and even I could see that!)

So for me, so far so good. But it's the stress that's awful. :hugs:

The best you can do is:

Bed rest-lay on your left side and drunk plenty of eater
Hello, I'm new to this group. I'm curious how everyone's outcome has been. I was diagnosed earlier this week, and I'm 6weeks pregnant. I had small bleeding on Monday and had an ultrasound on Wednesday. We did not see the hematoma on Wednesday. However, on Thursday night I started bleeding a lot more, and my doctor got me in on Friday morning. It was HUGE. It literally is the size of the sac, and it grew in only the last two days. Based on what I'm reading, I'm sorta coming to terms with the fact that this pregnancy will most likely not be viable. I've been bleeding off and on, with some cramping, but nothing gushing...yet. Not sure if anyone else had a large hematoma so early in their pregnancies with a positive outcome, but was curious?
Hello, I'm new to this group. I'm curious how everyone's outcome has been. I was diagnosed earlier this week, and I'm 6weeks pregnant. I had small bleeding on Monday and had an ultrasound on Wednesday. We did not see the hematoma on Wednesday. However, on Thursday night I started bleeding a lot more, and my doctor got me in on Friday morning. It was HUGE. It literally is the size of the sac, and it grew in only the last two days. Based on what I'm reading, I'm sorta coming to terms with the fact that this pregnancy will most likely not be viable. I've been bleeding off and on, with some cramping, but nothing gushing...yet. Not sure if anyone else had a large hematoma so early in their pregnancies with a positive outcome, but was curious?

Hey. Sorry your going through this :hugs:
Don't rule out getting a baby at the end of all this worry. Most peoples pregnancies continue and stats I have come across have put even large ones in the odds of continuing.

My story is as above your post if you want to take a look.

Thank you! You're stories and everyone else's stories put me at ease. I will have to "Rest", though I must admit, I don't rest easily. ;-) I'm hoping/praying that this gets smaller by my next ultrasound in a week and half.
Thank you! You're stories and everyone else's stories put me at ease. I will have to "Rest", though I must admit, I don't rest easily. ;-) I'm hoping/praying that this gets smaller by my next ultrasound in a week and half.

Good luck with your next ultrasound. Let us know how it goes.

And yes, the resting up is hard, but it does help in my experience :)

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